crazy farmer

Chapter 35 Brewing

Chapter 35 Brewing
This time, Wang Leshan did not choose to immediately exchange for the Brain Fruit just like he did with the Dali Beans.

After about five or six hours in the space, all the grains of Lingdao were dried in the sun, and the grains were very plump, so there was no need to sieve them. They took sacks and packed them all. There were seven big bags in total, and the remaining nearly [-] kilograms were soaked in Inside the third-order spirit water.

Put away the bamboo woven mats for drying the grain, and spread out all the rice stalks to dry again.

After the rice stalks were finished drying, they were all bundled up and moved outside. Then they took a hoe and other tools outside to clean up the remaining rhizomes of the spiritual rice, and then turned the ground again. There is not much space, about This work was done in a couple of hours.

Refill the spiritual water to turn the space into a paddy field, and when the [-] kilograms are almost soaked, start raising seedlings again. With the experience from last time, this time the progress is obviously much faster this time. Handy up.

The [-] kilograms of millet seedlings are naturally intended to be planted in the twelve acres of land outside.

After all this is done, the time outside is only past ten o'clock.

Behind the cabin, there is about two acres of dry land, which has been deserted and nothing has been planted there.Wang Leshan took tools to clean up the weeds, stones, and waste on the wasteland, and then spread the dried spiritual rice stalks evenly on the two acres of land, and lit the rice stalks with a fire. up.

Wang Leshan is going to turn these two acres of wasteland into a high-end vegetable garden!

If such a large farm uses all the third-order spiritual water, according to the current situation, even if a way to replenish energy has been found, it is unlikely to be possible. However, it is completely possible to do it with only two acres of land.

As for why he wanted to set up another vegetable garden, Wang Leshan's idea was simple, just to make his own people eat better, he couldn't just eat whatever he sold, he had to be more advanced, right?
In addition to eating by yourself, the extra can also be used as a gift for others.Since it's a gift, of course it's more advanced than what I sell.

People like to classify everything including people, which is why Wang Leshan wanted to take the route of high-quality goods after harvesting white radishes, and this high-end vegetable garden is considered a high-quality goods.

The stalks of spiritual rice were used to burn the cultivation land, also to increase the soil fertility of this fine vegetable garden.The third-grade water is used, and the soil naturally hopes to be better.

"Earth strength..."

Wang Leshan looked at the burning rice stalks, and suddenly remembered that when he returned the "Duanmei" to the old man surnamed Ye, he put a small rubbed first-level spiritual soil into the flower pot, and his eyes lit up.

After all the rice stalks were burned, Wang Leshan went back to the cabin and entered the space, and used a hoe to dig out two baskets of first-order spiritual soil in the space.Wang Leshan was not sure how deep the first-order spiritual soil was in this space, so he stopped after digging two baskets, because he was afraid that digging too much would damage the space.

Two baskets of red soil, Wang Leshan carefully broke apart, crushed and evenly sprinkled on the two acres of land, and then poured third-grade spiritual water into the ground to nourish the ground first.

"So what?"

Wang Leshan stroked his chin and thought about it, and a general idea appeared in his mind, which was daily and short-term, and this was Wang Leshan's first choice.

"It's better to search online to make sure."

Wang Leshan went into the cabin, turned on his laptop, and slowly searched online.In the process of searching, many links to vegetable seeds naturally came to a certain treasure net.

When he was in Shencheng before, Wang Leshan bought things on a certain treasure website, mainly to find a cheap one.Taking a closer look this time, this website is really all-encompassing, it has almost all kinds of seeds, Wang Leshan added all the suitable ones he saw to the shopping cart.

"Hey, even ginseng seeds are sold here."

Wang Leshan chose the one with the highest price and the highest evaluation to buy a set of round ginseng from the Northeast.

Looking around, there are already a lot of things in the shopping cart.

After paying, Wang Leshan thought about buying it once to have a look. If it was not bad, he would buy it here in the future, and it would be convenient to have it delivered to his door.

Before dawn, Wang Leshan entered the space and pulled out the Lingdao seedlings that had been raised and bundled them into small handfuls. They took them out and put them in the truck and locked them. At the same time, they also put in two bags of Lingdao grains.

As for the seedlings, there just happened to be some leftovers, and Wang Leshan planted them all in the space before dawn, so the space couldn't be wasted.Within 6 days in the real world, one round of spiritual rice can be harvested in the space, which is also a good way to increase points.

As the sun gradually rose, the farm became lively again.

Almost at the same time that the roadbed on the side of the road was paved, all the plowing fields on the farm were also completed.

Before noon, Wang Leshan drove the truck outside, first went around, and then went to the rice mill in a neighboring village, where he used a rice husker to hustle two bags of millet into brown rice. If you are confident, you will naturally not continue to process white rice with only endosperm left.As for the fallen rice husks, Wang Leshan also asked the people from the rice mill to collect them for him. He was willing to pay more, and they naturally did not object.

The people in the rice mill were quite shocked when they saw the rice. They asked Wang Leshan about the origin of the rice. Wang Leshan naturally pretended to be mysterious with a smile and did not answer.

After grinding the rice, Wang Leshan returned to Dakang Village, and asked Fatty Li and others to go to the truck to unload the rice seedlings that had been prepared, pretending that they were transported somewhere outside.

Farmers Hong Dehai and Wang Daxiang were naturally full of praise for these spiritual rice seedlings, so they believed Wang Leshan's theory of new rice.

Wang Leshan drove back home, put a bag of rice into the house, and asked his mother Hong Ximei to cook with this kind of rice in the future, and Hong Ximei naturally did not object.

The remaining sack of rice, Wang Leshan put it on the side of the farm, where a gas stove and rice cooker have already been bought, so He Yuting will not have to run around in the future.

What I ate at noon was Lingmi. Needless to say, the taste of this kind of rice is absolutely unprecedented, and the appearance is even better.Fatty Li Wang Daxiang and the others had a big appetite, but now it is even more exaggerated. Almost everyone can eat no less than four bowls at noon, and they can't help but say that this kind of rice can be eaten even without any other dishes, it is too delicious too delicious.

When they heard that this kind of rice was a new type of rice, these people were even more amazed, and at the same time, they became more confident. It would be great if some came to plant.

Among the exaggerated words of these people, Hong Dehai's words made Wang Leshan's eyes shine: "If this kind of glutinous rice is used to make rice wine, my mother, the taste... Just thinking about it will make you drunk!"

Wang Leshan asked: "Uncle Ah Hai, do you think this kind of rice can make wine?"

"Of course, the glutinousness and fragrance of this kind of rice are the most suitable for brewing." Hong Dehai nodded and explained: "I used to work in a winery in the town."

"That's it."

Wang Leshan felt that this was a pretty good idea, and asked Hong Dehai a few more questions about wine making, keeping it in mind, and was going to look for some more information. If he could really make wine, that would be great.God knows how far the wine made from this kind of Lingmi will reach, and it will definitely sell for a good price!

"After eating so much, my stomach doesn't feel bloated. Hey, it seems that the whole person's spirit has improved a lot. It feels like I haven't done anything in the morning."

After eating, Fatty Li said something, and Hong Dehai and Wang Daxiang also nodded, thinking that they were right at all, and couldn't help feeling that the rice was good.

Wang Leshan asked the three of them to rest for a while, and he planned to go to the entrance of the village to recruit a few more casual workers. Generally, if you transplant rice seedlings by hand, even if you are fast, you can't plant two acres in a day. Wang Leshan is rushing to plant all the spiritual rice today. , Naturally, we need to find more people.

Hearing that Wang Leshan was going to recruit again, Hong Qingqing asked He Yuting to translate that her parents could come to help when they were free, and Fatty Li also said that his father could come, Hong Dehai and Wang Daxiang also recommended two people.

In this way, there were eight more people, plus Wang Dali, Fatty Li, Hong Dehai, Wang Daxiang, Hong Qingqing, and He Yuting who must go to the field, there are a total of fourteen people, and the twelve acres of land were fully planted before the sun set in the afternoon. Lingdao seedlings.

After inviting these people to dinner, Wang Leshan paid wages to the casual workers together. Those who came this afternoon were counted as one day. As for Hong Dehai and Wang Daxiang, they both took an extra day's money. Wang Leshan was naturally willing and generous.

When he got up the next day, seeing that Lingdao had successfully survived in the real field, Wang Leshan was also relieved.

Another day passed, and the cement road was almost completed, and it entered the stage of road maintenance. After a few days, all the cement was set and formed before it could be used.

And Wang Leshan also received a courier from a certain In addition to the vegetables and ginseng bought originally, there are also things needed for wine making that were added later.

Vegetable seeds were planted in the high-grade vegetable garden, and ginseng was scattered beside the flat peach tree in the space.

After entering the space at night, Wang Leshan started brewing for the first time.

Wang Leshan found the method of brewing wine from the Internet by himself, and at the same time he asked Hong Dehai for advice, and he has gone through the steps in his heart many times.

First, soak the Lingmi in the third-order Lingshui. After about two or three hours, you can gently crush it with your fingers, drain the water and rinse it again. Steam a lot in a steamer bought during the day, and wait until it cools down to 30 degrees. Left and right, mix the wine koji in proportion and put them into two prepared large wooden barrels, then mix some wine powder with spiritual water and mix it with rice repeatedly by hand...

After working for a long time, Wang Leshan finally finished the process of brewing wine, and finally pressed it on the wooden board. The next thing to do is to wait for time to brew slowly.

As for the success of the first winemaking that is not very mature or even incorrect, Wang Leshan is not sure.

But at least it's spiritual rice plus spiritual water, so it's not too bad...

I went to bed with a slightly apprehensive mood.

(End of this chapter)

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