crazy farmer

Chapter 337

Chapter 337
This behemoth is undoubtedly a Decepticon, and it is a Decepticon whose flying mode has not been completely transformed into a car mode. At this time, the Decepticon looks like a car rather than a car, strange and fierce.

Such a big guy suddenly drilled down from the roof and fell to the ground like an earthquake. Everyone in the abandoned factory was shocked, including Hong Xidi's family.

Without waiting for these people to react, multiple white lights flew out from the rolled down window of the Decepticon. The white lights seemed to have eyes, and each of them looked for the vicious people that Hong Tianbao said. With a turn of the white light, all the hands and feet of these people were bound, trying to struggle, blood gushed out from the bound parts immediately, and there were screams all of a sudden.

This "white light" is naturally processed gold wire.

"Are you ok?"

Wang Leshan got out of the car and walked towards Hong Tianbao, who was the only one who was still able to move in the abandoned factory. Although Hong Tianbao had no injuries, his face was red and swollen, which made his heart ache.

"No, it's fine."

Hong Tianbao saw that the person getting out of the car was Wang Leshan, he was a little dazed, just now Wang Leshan hung up his phone, he thought it was impossible for Wang Leshan to come, but he didn't expect that Wang Leshan would come in less than a few minutes Yes, and it came in such an unimaginable and shocking way, and I don't know what I did to make those vicious people scream.

At this moment, Hong Tianbao's nose was sore and he wanted to cry. Tears even burst out of his eyes unconsciously, but his mouth was still stubborn.

Wang Leshan patted Hong Tianbao on the shoulder, walked towards Hong Xidi and his wife, stretched out his hand, and cut off the thick ropes that bound them with gold wire.

"Le, Leshan..."

Hong Xidi and Xue Lili were as surprised, surprised and shocked as Hong Tianbao, but they were more timid at this time.

Wang Leshan ignored them, but waved to Hong Tianbao over there, and said, "Xiaobao, help your parents get into the car."


Hong Tianbao was in a daze at the moment, but when he heard Wang Leshan's words, he nodded and walked over. With great effort, he pulled his parents up one after another, and then supported one of them with each hand, and walked towards the car that looked like it was showing a lot of trouble. The fierce car passed by.Take a step and take a look at Wang Leshan.

At this moment, Wang Leshan has already walked towards the "kidnappers" who could not move, and grabbed them with his hand, the gold thread tied to them immediately tightened, and the wounds that had been cut open due to struggle It suddenly expanded, and blood gushed out like a spring.

Wang Leshan didn't look at these people, but glanced at the abandoned factory, and said lightly: "My people are here, use whatever you can."

Wang Leshan didn't say these words to these people, it seemed to be speaking to the air.

And soon, "Air" also responded, it was still a voice from the radio: "Mr. Wang, you came so fast, beyond imagination. It takes at least half an hour's drive from Mingzhu Yipin to here. You actually arrived in less than 5 minutes, and these 5 minutes also include the time you spend to deal with the poisonous gas, which is really unbelievable. To be honest, I am already a little afraid of becoming an enemy with you. But, this is the end of the matter. There's nothing left to regret."

The moment the voice on the radio fell, Wang Leshan's expression suddenly sank.

With a loud noise, the abandoned factory vibrated, and a huge and incomparable impact burst out from the bottom of the abandoned factory.


Wang Leshan didn't even have time to think, the surrounding air was oppressed by a huge force.


Wang Leshan let out a low snort, and the Decepticon over there, which was between the flight mode and the car mode, immediately changed its body and entered the Autobot mode. With one hand, it copied Hong Xidi's family, who were still about ten meters away from it. The stick was held in his hand and stuffed directly into his body, and then it turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Wang Leshan.

Boom boom boom boom!
With one explosion after another, the entire abandoned factory collapsed, and everything within a distance of hundreds of meters was plunged into black smoke and strong light!

The explosion was huge, and it happened very quickly. Almost as soon as the sound of the broadcast fell, someone pressed down all the bombs that had been ambushing here.Wang Leshan doesn't know how many explosives there are, but these explosives are enough to blow up the abandoned factory and everything within a distance of hundreds of meters around it.

This time the explosion was much more ferocious than the poisonous gas in the basement of the club, and Wang Leshan was not given any chance to react or escape.

Completely under the dead hands.

If poisonous gas in the basement is a fatal situation, then there is no doubt that this place is beyond redemption.

The instigator behind this scene no longer treated Wang Leshan as a person, and did everything he could. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he treated Wang Leshan as a superhero in an American TV series.

However, it is impossible for the instigator behind this scene to know how abnormal Wang Leshan is. Wang Leshan’s abnormality plus the tools exchanged in [Crazy Farm] are enough to make Wang Leshan as abnormal as those superheroes in American dramas , not just "as", if you want to count the space that allows Wang Leshan to freely enter and exit without any external influence, then Wang Leshan is undoubtedly more terrifying than any superhero in American dramas, at least there is no superhero in American dramas. Heroes are always invincible on the theoretical basis of all their abilities, and Wang Leshan can!

And this kind of explosion, with the Decepticons, Wang Leshan doesn't even need to use the ability of space. Under the protection of the Decepticons, he can rampage in such an explosion. Just a layer of ashes.

Of course, before the Decepticons grabbed Wang Leshan into the operating cabin, Wang Leshan was finally oppressed by the force of the explosion, and his clothes must have been torn. what hurt.

At this time, Wang Leshan had already controlled the Decepticon to fly over the abandoned factory, changed his clothes, and saw most of his hair burned off in the mirror, Wang Leshan smiled wryly, he would have gone straight into the space if he had known, Unexpectedly, while waiting for the Decepticons, the explosion still had some impact on him.

"It's really endless!"

Wang Leshan looked down again when he saw the abandoned factory in ruins below.Wang Leshan was already so strong that he was abnormal, so he was somewhat surprised when he saw such a scene.
In such a ruined place, it might be impossible to find any more clues.

"White Song."

Wang Leshan called Bai Ge again, told him about the explosion here, and asked him to quickly send someone here to control the scene.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Leshan turned his head to look at the family of three who had passed out in the operation cabin.The Decepticons landed about 1000 meters away from the abandoned factory, and found a place with a strong symbol to release the family of three.After patting Wang Tianbao, Wang Tianbao woke up faintly.

"Brother, my parents?"

Hong Tianbao woke up and soon found his parents who were still in a coma, his expression was full of worry.

"Your parents just passed out."

Wang Leshan said to Hong Tianbao: "Xiaobao, you want to stay here to protect your parents now. I have already asked a friend of mine named Bai Ge to come to you. It may take some time, are you afraid?"

Hong Tianbao looked around in the darkness and hesitated for a moment: "I'm afraid, but I can do it."

Hearing this, Wang Leshan smiled at him, patted him on the shoulder, turned around and went straight up to the Decepticon. After the Decepticon drove into the darkness, it soared up.

When the Decepticon drove into the darkness, a figure jumped out of the car, it was a Wang Xingren brought out from the space by Wang Leshan and trained inside.

All the clues on the abandoned factory were taken away by the explosion. Now, if you want to find the person behind the scenes, you can only start from the line tracked by robot No. 1. He must rush to the side of robot No. 1 quickly. It's not good to bring this family of three.Although Wang Leshan didn't have a good impression of Hong Xidi and his wife, he didn't really hate them and let them go. After all, he left a Wang Xingren to guard them in secret, in case something happened again.


"It took him only 5 minutes to reach such a long distance! Moreover, even the poisonous gas was eliminated!"

The woman who pressed the explosion button of the abandoned factory was still shocked by Wang Leshan's speed. This speed made her feel too incredible. She couldn't imagine why there is such a fast transportation in the world, unless he flew there by plane. Abandoned factory.

As for the poisonous gas, although all the surveillance cameras in the basement have been removed and she cannot see what is happening in the basement, but she can see the people in the clubhouse all the time well, which means that the poisonous gas is not She had acknowledged any impact on this clubhouse, she knew very well about poisonous gas, and she couldn't imagine how a person could get rid of these poisonous gases in such a short period of time.

She thought she knew enough about this man, but the facts told her that this man was too mysterious, so mysterious that it was terrifying, and what she knew was probably not even the tip of the iceberg of this man.

For several months, she, who claims to be one of the best intelligence officers in the world, has only dug to the tip of the iceberg, and this understanding of the tip of the iceberg is enough to shock and scare her.

As she said just now, she was really a little afraid of becoming an enemy with this man.

However, everything is finally over!
In such an explosion, she didn't believe that this person could survive!
"Huh~~~ It's time to leave."

She rubbed her temples and exhaled deeply.The great revenge was finally avenged, no, it should be said that it was finally repaying Yang Xinye's kindness of nurturing.

To be honest, if she hadn't been thinking about Yang Xinye's upbringing, she might have continued to play her current role. From the bottom of her heart, she felt that her life during this time was very good, happy and free, and there were three close friends.


The woman murmured, and said lightly to a subordinate beside her, "Let those two women go."

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, and said: "But, that woman named Fan Yao has already met you."

"It's okay, we are leaving Huaxia anyway."

The woman said lightly, now that she has repaid Yang Xinye's kindness of nurturing and killed Wang Leshan, she knows that with the current ability of the Bai family, they will soon be able to find out who they are from Mingzhu Yipin. If you stay there, you can't hide even if you hide it too well. The only way to go is to leave Huaxia.

The woman stood up from her seat and said, "Clean up and let's go."


The group of subordinates nodded and got busy.

The woman sorted out the things she needed to take away, then looked in the direction of a locked door not far away, sighed faintly, and finally didn't have the heart to say goodbye to Fan Yao, so she smiled wryly, He muttered to himself: "She should hear the bad news about Wang Leshan soon, and she will remember me for the rest of her life. That's fine."

At this moment, a huge sound sounded from not far away.

"what happened?"

The woman frowned, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

One of his subordinates stared at the monitor and said anxiously: "A car broke into our side! This car is... the car that caught Bai Bai!"

"Catch Bai Bai's car? Didn't I let them catch Bai Bai without coming back here, and let them take it to another stronghold as a spare bargaining chip? How did this car come to our side?"

The woman's expression sank: "No! The people in this car are not ours, they must have been attacked!"

"How is this possible!" The subordinate was stunned: "Bai Bai was directly arrested when Wang Leshan entered the basement. Wang Leshan had only entered the basement at that time. At that time, it was impossible for Wang Leshan's people to appear inside and outside the club. It is absolutely safe for the person in the car to catch Bai Bai, and it is impossible to be followed!"

The woman didn't answer, and looked at the monitor. Before she could see who was in the car, the monitor screen froze, obviously the monitoring equipment was destroyed!

It can be seen that the person in this car is definitely not theirs!
But, who would it be!
"Could it be!"

The woman recalled the scene when Amu was arrested. It is said that when Amu was captured, there was a powerful person beside Wang Leshan. ? This person attacked the vehicle, but how could he find this way? The people in the vehicle will definitely not let go!"

The more the woman thought about it, the more wrong it became. She naturally couldn't imagine how terrifying the No. 1 robot's ability is. Even if these people didn't say anything, the No. 1 robot could directly hack into the driving records of this car and analyze it to find here.

At this time, the No. 1 robot drove the vehicle into this secret base, his eyes lit up, he scanned the surrounding area, and quickly determined the location where Fan Yao was being held, and he got out of the car and rushed over like a bolt of lightning. , directly broke through the walls and fell into the room where Fan Yao was imprisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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