crazy farmer

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
Shennong Villa covers an area of ​​[-] mu. Apart from the huge courtyard, there are naturally other building facilities, and the most important of these is undoubtedly the innermost three-entry house.

The three-entry house, everyone, the three-story, five-story, five-story house is not high, but the building area is not small. Lei Guangzong's careful design separates the three-entry house into two major uses, one is living, The second is eating. Of course, there are also some fun functions during this period. All in all, these three houses have all the functions that a holiday villa should have.

Shen Yadong has been staying here these days. According to his calculations, the current scale of Shennong Villa can provide up to 100 accommodation rooms at the same time. As for the places that can provide dining places, it can reach 2000. To put it simply, Shennong Villa can open 200 seats at the same time. table.

When Wang Leshan walked inside, he saw a lot of people sitting in a hall, most of them Wang Leshan knew, they were all young people from Dakang Village, and many of them were with Wang Leshan The grown ones, the young ones were eighteen or nineteen years old, and the oldest ones were nearly 30 years old. At this time, they all listened seriously to what Shen Yadong was talking on the podium.

Wang Leshan knew that these young people in Dakang Village were all migrant villagers who had been called back from other places during this period, and the main purpose of being called back was to become employees of Shennong Villa.Once Shennong Villa starts to operate, it will definitely need a lot of manpower. According to Shen Yadong, in order to make Shennong Villa operate normally, in addition to middle and high-level management, it also needs 500 to [-] people in other positions.

From the front desk and lobby to marketing, human resources, logistics support, engineering equipment, and then to the guest room department, food and beverage department, security department, and cleaning department, each department requires a lot of personnel, and a certain shift system is required. It is enough to support the operation of a resort.

When Shen Yadong was appointed as the general manager of the hotel, Wang Leshan handed over all the formation of the middle and senior management to him. Shen Yadong also quickly established the middle and senior management by relying on his own contacts and attractive salary and benefits. , and the remaining waiters, security guards, cleaners, welcomes, receptionists, operators and a series of employees are mainly villagers from Dakang Village.

Naturally, very few villagers in Dakang Village have jobs in this field, so during this period of time, what Shen Yadong and his team did most was training.Naturally, training related to service industry skills is not too difficult. The most difficult thing is the training of service awareness. Fortunately, Shen Yadong and others are very professional and experienced, and the villagers of Dakang Village who know that they can get high wages and benefits are also very With cooperation, the training is also progressing quite well, and what is lacking now is actual combat experience.

Of course, Shen Yadong and others still recruited some hotel practitioners with relevant experience in the employee team mainly composed of villagers in Dakang Village, in order to allow the villagers of Dakang Village who have no work experience to transition and adapt safely. stage.

Shen Yadong saw Wang Leshan outside, and saw Wang Leshan waving towards him to signal that he should not be bothered, so he nodded at Wang Leshan and continued the training.

Wang Leshan stood outside the hall and listened for a while, and then left. Naturally, Wang Leshan trusted Shen Yadong's professionalism very much, otherwise he would not have left all the hotel's affairs to him.

As for the back kitchen, with Fan Mingwei around, there was no need to worry.

Anyway, now we are waiting for Shennong Villa to be completed. As soon as it is completed, we can open for business at any time, and everything is ready.

After strolling around Shennong Villa, Wang Leshan walked to the breeding base again. When he arrived, there were many cars and people at the breeding base, all of whom came to buy goods. Most of the bosses Wang Leshan knew. When they came to Wang Leshan, they greeted Wang Leshan warmly with smiling faces, and made offerings to Wang Leshan as the God of Wealth.

That's not!
A lot of bosses here bought goods from Wang Leshan a long time ago. Since they started buying goods here, every business has become better than before. I don’t know if it’s twice, three times, five times or ten times. .As long as Wang Leshan is here, whether it is the farm or the breeding base that produces new things, no matter how expensive the price is, they will try their best to buy them, and they will almost always buy as much as they can. , that will definitely sell well!

But the point is not that you can buy as much as you want, it depends on whether you can grab it!

The things here, as soon as they come out, will be snatched up in minutes.

Now, it's all about the distribution system, and the distribution is made according to the consumption records of these restaurants and owners in the farms and breeding bases.

This system makes these bosses very happy, saying that the farm and breeding base take care of old customers.

Wang Leshan took a look. Today, a batch of 2000 large geese was released for slaughter. When he came, the batch of large geese had already been robbed.The big geese are bought on a case-by-case basis, and now the price of one is 1800. These bosses pay the money without blinking an eye, not even checking whether the big goose is big or small, dead or alive.How can there be time to watch it? If you don’t register your name and place an order to watch it, when you come back, the big goose will be gone long ago!
Of course, the fact that these bosses dare to be so capricious is inseparable from their trust in the breeding base.Judging from the previous experience, anyway, no matter how you look at and choose, the final ones are all about the same size. As for the quality of the meat, let alone, it is absolutely superb!

Wang Leshan helped here for a while, and it was time for dinner when he made it right. The cabin delivered meals for the employees of the breeding base, and Wang Leshan ate another meal. While eating, he chatted with the employees at the breeding base. Naturally, the most talked about by the big guys was the things in the breeding base, and there were some interesting things that some restaurant owners were doing at the breeding base.

From the chatting process, it is not difficult to hear that these villagers are working very smoothly in the breeding base. The working hours are not short, and they are very tired. However, they have not heard a word of complaint from them, but they are more proud and proud.Wang Leshan knows that some of these pride and pride are due to the high salary and good benefits, but more of it is the dignity brought to them by this job.

To put it bluntly, on many occasions and places, I have heard the greatest theory of the peasant uncle, but in the final analysis, it is all bullshit.Wang Leshan, who was born as a farmer, knows very well that although this status will not be despised and looked down on for no reason, it is too difficult to get any respect!

It is said that there is no distinction between high and low professions. Is this really the case?
In Huaxia, a country where farmers account for the majority of the population, this does not seem to be the case.

Whether one's occupation is respected by others, or the sense of social identity and occupational belonging has always been one of the factors of a person's happiness index.

Wang Leshan's heart is not that big, but he feels that at least the people in his own village, whether they work on the farm, the base or Shennong Villa, can be respected by others.

Every time these restaurant owners come, they greet the villagers politely, offer cigarettes, and greet them with smiles. Wang Leshan is not sure if this is considered respect, but at least he can see something different from the faces of these villagers No matter what kind of work they were doing or what kind of clothes they were wearing, Wang Leshan was sure that they were not worried at that moment.

After dinner, Uncle Awang, the managers of several bases and Wang Leshan found an office while drinking tea while talking about the recent business situation in the base.

"Leshan, that's what's going on recently. Next, we discussed with the others. The first batch of livestock bought in the base has been stabilized. We're planning to buy another batch."

Uncle Awang told Wang Leshan about his plan to buy more livestock. After all, the demand for these restaurants is increasing. There is really no way to meet the needs of the market.

"no problem."

Wang Leshan nodded: "As long as the quality can pass the test, everything else, Uncle Awang, you can decide by yourself."

After the matter was agreed upon, Wang Leshan left the breeding base. It was already dark at this time, and when he arrived at the cabin, the dinner here had already been eaten, and He Yuting packed some things. , and stewed some food for Wang Leshan before going back with Hong Qingqing.

Just before going out, Fatty Li asked Hong Qingqing to go away, and He Yuting laughed and scolded that she valued sex and despised friends, so she had to go back alone.

"Sister-in-law, wait for me."

It just so happened that Wang Leshan came back, followed him, and said with a smile, "I'm about to go home, let's go together."


He Yuting nodded, and when Wang Leshan followed, she smiled and walked slowly towards the house together.

The moonlight is beautiful, and He Yuting is also beautiful. Wang Leshan originally wanted to say a lot when he walked over, but he didn't say a word as he walked. He didn't know he was home until he walked to the door. Always flies by.After entering the door, Wang Leshan smiled wryly in his heart. Hearing his parents' voices, it seemed too late to say anything at this time.

After chatting with his parents at home for a while, Wang Leshan went out at nine o'clock and walked some distance. He didn't know why he suddenly looked back and found that there was someone behind the open window of He Yuting's room on the second floor. A figure that was dodging quickly, suddenly felt as if thousands of fierce horses galloped past wantonly in his heart.

It's just that after these fierce horses galloped, they left behind a heart full of badness and flying dust.

He smiled wryly again, shook his head, and dared not look back.

According to the previous program records, robot No. 1 knows that whenever the host enters the space and finds itself to practice crazily, the host must have a kind of emotion that only a highly intelligent living body can have, called mind.

After the crazy sparring, Wang Leshan soaked in the fourth-order spiritual water to rest, but he didn't dare to sleep. He knew that once he fell asleep, there would always be some irritating and annoying dreams.


While Wang Leshan was resting, a series of voices came from under the flat peach tree.

Wang Leshan sat up, looked over, and saw that it wasn't exactly the chicken for fighting spirit, and murmured: "The chicken for fighting for anger is actually the same as the hen on the earth. This is... it's laying eggs!"

Wang Leshan saw an oval-shaped thing that was exposed after the Zhengqi chicken jumped up, and immediately jumped up from the small pool. He didn't care about putting on clothes, and ran over wearing only a pair of shorts.


When Zhengqi Chicken saw Wang Leshan rushing over, he immediately made a series of noises, apparently warning Wang Leshan not to come over.This is not the same as the hens on the earth. When the hens on the earth cry after laying eggs, they are telling the host that they have laid eggs and come and get them, and this fighting chicken is protecting the eggs!
The Zhengqi chicken has grown to the size of a normal hen at this moment, and it jumps very high. Seeing that Wang Leshan did not back away after it croaked, it was also vicious. It jumped directly towards Wang Leshan at a very fast speed. The beak went directly towards Wang Leshan's crotch.

"Damn it! I'm a dragon, not a worm you can eat!"

Wang Leshan cursed, and quickly dodged to dodge. The speed of this aggressive chicken is definitely not something that ordinary people can dodge. Thanks to Wang Leshan's super reaction, otherwise, this time, he would "lose his body"!

"I can't heal you yet!"

Wang Leshan stretched out his hand for a move, and three big earthworms flew up in that field. Wang Leshan used the technique of driving to control the three big earthworms and threw them to the other side. Googoo, the fighting chicken immediately screamed happily. Dadizi rushed over.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Leshan arrived at the egg in a blink of an eye. He picked it up, looked at it, and showed doubts on his face. The egg laid by this competitive chicken is quite weird. The outer layer is not an egg shell at all, but Like a rock.

"The description says that besides the Zhengqi egg, there is a chance that the Zhengqi chicken will produce precious metals, and there is also a chance that it will lay energy gems. This egg... There is no hint of energy body detected, it seems to be some kind of precious metal. "

Wang Leshan thought about it for a while, but it was quite simple, so he called robot No. 1 and asked him to scan and tell him what it was.

Robot No. 1 scanned it and said: "Host, this contains a precious metal. According to the translation of Shennong Star Domain, this metal is called deformed metal. This metal can deform other objects. The scale and the number of shapes are related to the amount of the metal to be fused. Our agricultural I-type robot can transform a variety of tool shapes because of the fusion of this metal.”

When Wang Leshan heard it, his eyes lit up.

Although "Trident" can also perform shape transformation, its shape transformation is completely different from that of No. 1 robot. The former only transforms according to different structures, while the latter is a complete transformation.Wang Leshan didn't know it before, he only knew that it was caused by the technology of Shennong Starfield, but he didn't expect it to be related to such a metal.

Thinking of this, Wang Leshan looked at the metal egg in his hand, at most it was the size of a palm, and it was covered with a layer of rock skin, how many could there be?
"No. 1, if you want to achieve a transformation like yours, how much deformed metal do you need?"

(End of this chapter)

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