crazy farmer

Chapter 304 Strengthening and Repairing Function of Energy

Chapter 304 Strengthening and Repairing Function of Energy
The female turtles in the turtle cave saw that the bastard was no longer in pain, and there was less worry and panic in their eyes, and they began to dare to approach the bastard slowly.A mighty and majestic male tortoise like Wang Baguai naturally has an unparalleled attraction to these female tortoises.

These female turtles have been drinking spiritual water and soaking in spiritual water during this time. They are more spiritual than ordinary turtles. In addition, after eating Yinaoguo last night and being guided by Wang Leshan, they are more spiritual.

However, no matter how spiritual they are, the female tortoises at this time can't figure out why their king looks very uncomfortable even though he is no longer in pain.

At this time, the pain in the heart of the bastard is naturally not something that the harem beauties can understand, let alone Wang Leshan who is excited after he succeeds. This kind of discomfort is like throwing out gallstones, can you imagine!
As for Wang Leshan, after he succeeded, he comforted the bastard and then put all his attention on the gallstone in his hand... no, the energy stone is on it.

This stone with an energy body has an energy strength of 13, can restore 26 energy points and increase the upper limit of the existing energy value by 1.

The upper limit of Wang Leshan's current energy value is 99. It has been some time since he stopped at 99. The reason is naturally that the strength of the energy body is not enough.Judging from this energy stone, Wang Leshan guessed that he wanted to increase the upper limit of the current energy value, and estimated that the energy intensity should be at least 10 or more.


The current energy value is 99/99, and Wang Leshan doesn't care if he will waste the recovered 26 energy points.



After the energy in the energy stone was absorbed by Wang Leshan, a series of prompts popped up in Wang Leshan's mind.

"Drip! The host has successfully absorbed the energy body, and the existing energy value is saturated and cannot restore the energy value."

"Drip! The host has successfully absorbed the energy body, increasing the upper limit of the current energy value by 1 point, the upper limit of the current energy value reaches 100, and the current energy value is 99/100."

After the two normal beeps are over, there will be another beep.

"Drip! The upper limit of the host's current energy value has reached 100, and the multi-functional spiritual water pump can be strengthened and upgraded."

"Drip! The multifunctional spiritual water pump has a sign that can be strengthened, and activate the energy enhancement function attached to [Crazy Farm] in advance."

"Drip! The upper limit of the host's current energy value has reached 100, activate the energy repair function."


"Energy enhancement function? Energy repair function?"

After Wang Leshan heard the prompt, he became excited immediately. Although he was puzzled, no matter what it was, Wang Leshan believed it must be a good thing!

After the notification sound disappeared, Wang Leshan immediately "looked" into his mind.

【Crazy Farm】

Host: Wang Leshan (Milky Way, Earth, Human)

Energy*: 99/100
Points: 103

There is a small button above the data of energy, Wang Leshan "pressed" it, and the three function buttons displayed, in addition to [Strengthen] and [Repair], there is also a [Ripen].

"Even the function button is released directly for ripening."

Wang Leshan is naturally familiar with this ripening, but there are no function keys before, and I don’t know if it is directly displayed because I have used it before or what, after looking at it, it is nothing like what I used before. The difference, Wang Leshan didn't look at it, and didn't think too much. Anyway, there are too many things in [Crazy Farm], and he can't figure it out. Then he looked at the other two function keys.


[Enhancement]: Energy can be used to strengthen matter.

【Repair】: Energy can be used to repair matter.


The descriptions of these two function keys are very strong. In addition, they just explained that the amount of energy required for strengthening and recovery depends on the level of the target object, and it doesn't even explain the range of the target object.

"Could it be that the substances mentioned above include all substances?"

Wang Leshan was a little puzzled and puzzled.

"It's useless to think about it, try it first!"

Wang Leshan naturally took out the multi-functional spiritual water pump first. From the prompt sound of [Crazy Farm], Wang Leshan can easily guess that it is precisely because of this spiritual water pump that the function of [Enhancement] was activated in advance. We need to test the water with this spirit water pump first, not to mention that this spirit water pump shows that as long as the energy limit reaches 100 and then upgrades, you can exchange for fourth-order spirit water. For this and fourth-order spirit water, Wang Leshan has been looking forward to it for a long time .

He took out the Lingshui pump, and at the same time turned on the [Enhancement] function button in his mind. At this time, in Wang Leshan's field of vision, there was an extra button on the Lingshui pump. "Click" to look at it, and a reminder of strengthening appeared in his mind. illustrate.

"Drip! Multi-functional spiritual water pump, extraordinary grade, it needs 4 reinforcements to upgrade the grade to the next magical grade. Because of the special origin of this item, the energy value required for the first reinforcement is reduced to 100 points, and the existing energy value Insufficient, unable to strengthen."

Wang Leshan was stunned for a moment when he heard the prompt. From the prompt, Wang Leshan heard a lot of information.One is that strengthening can upgrade the item’s grade, the other is that you want to upgrade more than one time, and the third is that the energy value required for the enhancement of the spiritual water pump is far more than 100 points, and the fourth is that the energy value consumed when strengthening It cannot be done by "recharging" multiple times.

With a flash, he entered the space, took out a pearl to replenish the energy value, and made the energy value reach 100/100. Try again, this time the last "cannot be strengthened" in the prompt sound changed to "can be enhanced Strengthening, may I ask the host if you are sure to strengthen it."


Wang Leshan naturally has nothing to hesitate, 100 energy value is not a precious thing to him now, what is precious is the energy body that can increase the upper limit of energy value.


"Drip! The consumption energy value is 100, and the current energy value is 0/100."

"Drip! Succeeded in strengthening the Transcendent Grade multi-functional spiritual water pump."


Wang Leshan immediately looked at the multi-functional spirit water pump. After concentrating, some explanatory data and function keys were displayed on the spirit water pump. A star was added to the grade of the spirit water pump. At the same time, the rest of the data has also undergone some changes.


【Multi-functional water pump】

Grade: Extraordinary*
Type: Tool

Function: energy conversion/storage/absorption/delivery of spiritual water, water purification

Space: 500 million cubic meters (results converted from host cognitive units)

The size of the space has changed, expanding five-fold from the original 100 million square meters to 500 million square meters.

The consumption column has also changed, increasing the demand for the exchange of fourth-order spirit water. When he saw the demand for 10000 points of energy to exchange for 1 square meters of fourth-order spirit water, Wang Leshan's psychology collapsed.

Originally, the exchange demand for the first three levels of spiritual water increased by 10 times, but when it reached the fourth level, it was directly a hundred times that of the third level!
Fortunately, when exchanging, it is not necessary to exchange 1 square meters at once, and at the same time, the third-order spiritual water can be improved to fourth-order through purification.

Wang Leshan calculated in his mind. With such an exchange demand, 1 point of energy can be exchanged for 1 cubic meter of fourth-order spiritual water. Such a calculation is acceptable, and he can bear it psychologically.

1 cubic meter is not too little.

The third-order spirit water can be used as a panacea, and the fourth-order spirit water is obviously better.

Thinking about it this way, it's worth it.

Of course, this is because there are so many pearls with energy value in advance.

Thinking about it now, Wang Leshan is very proud and fortunate that he bought the pearl oyster to breed. If it weren't for the pearl oyster, it is estimated that Wang Leshan's current energy value is upper limit given that it is so difficult to find objects with energy bodies on the earth. Thirty or forty at most.

Wang Leshan went back to the space again, and took the pearl with the energy body to replenish the energy value. After replenishing it like this, he looked at the remaining pearls. Although there are still, it is not too much, and it can be replenished once at most. However, there are quite a few pearls in the pool, and it's time to harvest them, so the energy value is really not lacking.

After replenishing the energy value, Wang Leshan went out of the space, took out the spiritual water pump and exchanged 1 point of energy, that is, 1 cubic meter of fourth-order spiritual water. Already smoked a bit.


Wang Leshan saw that the working hours plummeted by a full hundred minutes!
This is just an exchange, and it actually reduced the working time by a full hundred minutes!
Of course, this does not refer to the real so-called time, but a ratio, just like the working time consumed by the No. 1 robot during the battle will far exceed the points required for normal work.

In other words, exchanging the fourth-order spirit water is a high-intensity work for the spirit water pump!
It takes 100 energy point to replenish 1 minutes of work time!
This means that exchanging 1 cubic meter of fourth-order spiritual water actually requires 2 points of energy!

If exchanging 1 cubic meter of fourth-order spiritual water originally required 2 points of energy, Wang Leshan would not feel that it was a pit, but this added an extra point of energy. How could Wang Leshan feel that this is a pit, a big pit!
Take a breath.

Forget it, let's take a look at the effect of this fourth-order spirit water.

The biggest difference between the first to third-order spirit water is that it becomes more and more viscous, and the fourth-order spirit water does not continue the original "style". In terms of the viscosity alone, it is no different from the first-order spirit water. However, the color of this spiritual water has changed a bit, milky white.

Yes, milky white.

Very transparent milky white.

It is obviously milky white, but it is surprisingly transparent, very strange, or magical.

When Wang Leshan was about to take a sip to try, his phone rang, and it was robot No. 3 calling, and it was a video invitation from FcaeTime.

The No. 3 robot had been following Wang Leshan before, and Wang Leshan left the No. 3 robot on the island before he came to Guidong.

Wang Leshan clicked on it, and an ocean appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. Wang Leshan knew that this was the field of vision of No. 3 robot, because the mobile phone of No. 3 robot was directly installed on the body, and the camera was its eyes.

"Host, it was discovered that a large number of life forms entered the sea area."

At the same time, the voice of No. 3 robot came from the mobile phone. Immediately afterwards, the field of view of No. 3 robot advanced a long distance into the ocean outside the former island. Naturally, the field of view of No. 3 robot is not comparable to that of ordinary mobile phone cameras. It is said that it is a high-end telescope——Wang Leshan saw a ship heading towards Turtle Island at high speed. At the same time, Wang Leshan also saw a quite astonishing scene.

There was a person in front of the boat, not standing on the boat, but standing directly on the sea, heading towards the island at the same speed as the boat.

Ride the waves?

Robot No. 3's field of vision advanced a little further, and Wang Leshan saw that an unknown machine was installed under the man's feet, and it was this machine that pushed him forward on the sea.

"So high-tech?"

(End of this chapter)

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