crazy farmer

Chapter 300 What is a Tiger Butt?

Chapter 300 What is a Tiger Butt?

No matter how unwild and docile this Atayal is, no matter how weak and fatigued he is due to seasickness, he is still a tiger after all, and he is still the king of beasts after all. This is in the genes, innate, and was startled by a dog barking!
Seeing this, Wang Xiao and the crew members who pushed the cage almost stared out. Isn't this...a bit nonsense?

Tiger scared by dogs?

The tiger is scared by the dog!

Wang Xiao is half an animal expert. He could see that the dogs around Wang Leshan were very unusual earlier, but he didn't expect that these dogs could scare the tiger!
Looking again, besides Atayal, the other tiger, Baduo, and the two African leopards were also lying on the ground, lowering their heads. Obviously, they were also frightened!
Not to mention that Wang laughed at them, even Wang Leshan was a little surprised.These dogs are the second batch of dogs raised by Wang Leshan. They started to be cultivated a long time ago. This time they stayed in the space for a while before bringing them to the Royal No. Compared with the ordinary dogs on the farm, they are much tougher, and only the first few guys can compare.However, even though Wang Leshan knew that these guys were very powerful, he never thought that a low growl could scare the tiger into such a state.Being able to fight and being scared is not a concept.

"Sesame, don't bark. Mung Dou and you are also stared at."

Wang Leshan scolded those guys, smiled at Wang Xiao, and said, "Sorry, these guys are a bit fierce."

When Wang Xiao heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry, is this a bit fierce?Also, big brother, you named a dog that is so ferocious enough to scare a tiger Sesame Mung Bean, isn't it too hearty!

Wang Leshan waved his hand and let the guys back a little, then he walked forward, and when he reached the cage where Atayal was locked, he said to Wang Xiao: "This Atayal must have been frightened, I will help you You coax it out."


Wang Xiao listened, and thought to himself, this is not an estimate... But when Wang Leshan said that he wanted to coax Tai Ya out, naturally he wanted to stop him at the first moment, for fear that Tai Ya would hurt Wang Leshan. No matter how docile a tiger is, it cannot be touched by people other than breeders and animal trainers. But when I think about it, Atayal is scared like a sick cat, how can she hurt people... But, Atayal doesn't even listen to her own words now, can she listen to Wang Leshan?

While Wang Xiao was hesitating, Wang Leshan had already arrived at the side of the cage, and even opened the door of the cage. He pointed his head at Tai Ya, who was so scared that he shrank to the innermost part of the cage, and waved, saying, "Tay Ya Don't be afraid, come, they won't hurt you."

After saying a word, he turned to Wang Xiao and asked, "By the way, can this Atayal understand Huaxia?"

Wang Xiao really wanted to roll his eyes, and then nodded.

Seeing this, Wang Leshan felt a melon out of his body for some reason, shook it at Tai Ya inside, and said, "Tai Ya is good, come out, uncle will give you some fruit."

Wang Xiao saw it, as well as those crew members, their eyes were straight.

Coax the tiger with fruit?

Seeing you for the first time!

make fun of me!
And just when they were speechless and helpless and wanted to laugh but couldn't, there was movement in the iron cage. Looking over, Atayal, who was shrunk in the innermost part of the iron cage and couldn't stop screaming, actually came to the iron cage. At the door, that mouth bit the melon in Wang Leshan's hand, bit it a few times, and swallowed it in one gulp. Then, his body stood up, and his eyes were really staring at Wang Leshan, not fierce, but flattering. .

"Want more?"

Wang Leshan reached out and touched Atayal's head. Not to mention, this was the first time he touched a tiger. .”

After that, he stepped back and waved to Tai Ya, and then, Tai Ya seemed to understand Wang Leshan's words, and walked out of the cage.Wang Leshan took a step back, and it took a step forward. A pair of tiger eyes kept staring at Wang Leshan's hand, hoping that he could take out the melon soon.

"Dang dang dang."

Wang Leshan shook his hand as if he was trying to coax a child, and there was an extra melon in his empty hand, and after teasing Taiya for a while, he handed the melon into its mouth.

This! ! !
Wang Xiao felt that his mind was a little messed up, and he was a little confused. These few actions of Wang Leshan were simple, but they smashed all the three views he had built up through study and practice over the past ten years.

He can guarantee that Wang Leshan and Tai Ya must meet for the first time, and it is absolutely incredible for Wang Xiao, who is a breeder, to make Tai Ya so obedient.

As for feeding melons... Wang Xiao didn't know what to say.

And the psychological activities of the crew members on the side are also quite exciting. They have seen these animals in iron cages on the way, not to mention very vicious, at least they are unfriendly, like they usually pass by when they send something Sometimes, he would poke his eyes and stare at them.This Atayal may be a little more docile, but Nabado is much more difficult to serve. He usually roars when he is within three meters, but just now he didn't bark. I don't know if he was frightened by the dog just now, or this man is too Niubi?
Wang Leshan didn't care what they were thinking, seeing Wang Xiao and they finally reacted and cleaned the iron cage, so he teased Atayal from the sidelines.

After eating two melons, Atayal's mental state improved a lot. After getting rid of the fatigue from seasickness, she was given some spiritual water, and she became much more active all of a sudden.

At first, Atayal was quite reluctant to let go. After all, the dogs of Sesame Mung Dou were squatting nearby, and the eyes of these dogs were the ones that stared at Atayal, and they were quite frightened.Seeing this, Wang Leshan laughed and explained that the tiger who knows that there are dogs in the mountains is a good tiger, so he dragged Tai Ya to Sesame Mung Bean and the others.Thanks to Atayal who ate the melon and drank the spiritual water, although she was still scared, she didn't lie on the ground trembling. Besides, Sesame Mung Bean and the others also shook their tails to show their kindness to it. For this kind of kindness, The animals have their own way of communicating, and after a while, they calmed down.

When you are not familiar with each other, you are polite and keep your distance. After you are familiar with each other, you will get closer to chatting and spanking Hu Tianhaidi. If you are of the opposite sex who are attracted to each other, you naturally hope that the distance can become a negative number. People are like this, and animals are like this. Sesame after how long.

It was this guy who frightened Tai Ya with his low growls before, but after getting to know him for a while, he didn’t know where his brain was cramped—maybe there was no muscle at all—he actually probed under Tai Ya’s buttocks and sniffed Get up, that appearance, wretched mess.

"It's said that the tiger's butt can't be touched, but you are better off, just..."

Wang Leshan glared at Sesame, who wanted to climb up after sniffing Tai Ya's butt, completely speechless.

The earth dog on the tiger... I really answered that sentence, what a daring dog!
The fried dough sticks on the farm are entangled with the purebred Tibetan mastiff sea blue beast Dolei, which is already quite against the sky, but after all, they are still of the same race, but the species are different, but this sesame, this is to cross races!
What do you want to breed a new breed of tiger dog!
Wang Leshan hurriedly stopped the other male tiger who wanted to go directly to Taiya's sesame seeds, kicked him, and made him go to No. [-] ground quickly, don't act obscenely here, if you have the ability, don't use force to force it Human tigress... Well, it seems that in the animal world, apart from strength and appearance, there seems to be no other conditions for a female to reproduce.

Seeing Zhima reluctantly leave, turning around and seeing Atayal following Zhima's eyes, Wang Leshan rubbed his forehead, what the hell is this!

Could it be that he really broke up a pair?
It's just, a dog and a tiger...this picture is too....don't dare to look at it...
Thinking of this, Wang Leshan shuddered, shook his head and quickly threw these images out of his mind.Let the mung beans and Tai Ya play beside them, and Wang Leshan walked towards Wang Xiao who was cleaning the cage.

"Are you almost busy?"

Wang Leshan got another melon out of nowhere, threw it to Wang Xiao, and chatted with Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao caught the melon, and rolled his eyes in his heart. This Mr. Wang will not treat me as a tiger... And soon, he saw Wang Leshan took out a melon from nowhere, He gnawed on himself.

"It turns out that this is something that people can eat."

Seeing this, Wang Xiao finally dared to eat the melon in his hand, and he couldn't stop eating it.

From the chat, Wang Leshan also knew that Wang Xiao is a Malaysian Chinese, and his family ancestors belonged to a group of people who went to Nanyang. It is a coincidence that Wang Xiao's ancestral home is also in Yunhai City.


Wang Leshan pointed to those tigers and leopards, and asked: "Wang Xiao, if you want to buy these large animals privately, where do you go to buy them, and what procedures do you need?"

When Wang Leshan conceived the Dakang Mountain tourist area a long time ago, he thought about buying some animals and putting them on the mountain, and the animals trained by himself can naturally become a tourist attraction.It's just that the construction of the tourist area in Dakang Village has not yet started, so the matter has been temporarily delayed.

This time, I encountered such a circus on the Royal No. [-] island. Wang Leshan thought that he could find a way to buy some animals and put them on the island, especially some large beasts, which can be cultivated by Wang Xingren. Wang Leshan Curious about how much a tiger, a leopard, or a lion can grow.

And these beasts are still placed in other places, Wang Leshan is still worried about what accidents will happen, now that he has the Royal No. It's not like the tiger grows wings and flies away.

Therefore, Wang Leshan decided to ask Wang Xiao about it.

(End of this chapter)

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