crazy farmer

Chapter 257 Survivability in the sea

Chapter 257 Survivability in the sea
The bastard saw that he suddenly flashed when his master touched him. He was obviously taken aback. He didn't know whether it was because his nerve lines were too thick, or it was because he often saw the master disappearing in the space. Soon he calmed down.

Afterwards, it found itself in another place. The four turtle feet, which were like giant pillars, thumped agitatedly, and a large amount of sea water was immediately pushed away, causing Wang Leshan, who was standing beside him, to sway. Seeing this, the bastard stopped immediately, but he didn't dare to pour water on his master again.

Then, the bastards naturally discovered that the surrounding water is different from the water in the pool, not as good as the spiritual water in the pool. However, the salty smell of the water makes it uneasy Less exclusive.

Wang Leshan saw a series of reactions after the little monster appeared in the sea water, and saw that the little monster was swallowing up the surrounding seawater at this moment. Here comes the sea turtle.Of course, it is not impossible for a strange monster among turtles like the bastard to survive in both fresh water and sea water.

"Little monster, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Wang Leshan said a word, almost Wang Leshan was still holding his breath in the sea water at the moment, almost the sea water poured in, the sound must not be able to come out, only bubbles came out.

Naturally, the mob couldn't hear what Wang Leshan said. Seeing Wang Leshan spit out bubbles, he thought Wang Leshan was teasing him, so he spit out many bubbles from his mouth. Most of the water that Wang Leshan sprayed out was even bigger than Wang Leshan's people. When the water bubbles hit Wang Leshan's body, some small ones burst and some were firm, but they didn't break.

The little monster saw his master stepping on the bubbles he spit out, thinking that the master liked it, and spit out the bubbles more joyfully. After a while, there were bubbles all around Wang Leshan, which made Wang Leshan I can't laugh or cry.

However, it is not difficult to see from this that the mobs don't seem to be so repulsive to this new environment.

Wang Leshan broke all these bubbles, and then rushed to the side of the bastard, motioned the bastard not to move, and Wang Leshan carefully climbed up to the back of the bastard, which was full of barbs.

This is quite a coincidence, although there are barbs everywhere on the tortoise shell on the bastard's back, but there is a place not far from the protruding body, not only there are no barbs, but also It happened to be recessed, and the place was not small enough to accommodate Wang Leshan to sit in.

Moreover, in front of the recessed place, there are two flesh spines that are not so sharp and not so thick.After Wang Leshan sat in this position, he stretched out his hands, just grasping these two thorns, like handles.

This place is like a seat set on the turtle shell of the bastard!
When Wang Leshan was in the space, he had sat in this place. This time, he was familiar with the road. After sitting down, he grabbed the thorny hand and pulled it lightly. Immediately, the bastard let out a joyful The color, and then swam out with four legs.

This is what Wang Leshan has already trained in the space. This pair of handles was "trained" by Wang Leshan to look like a steering wheel. With this pair of handles, you can communicate with bastards without talking, and let them go wherever they want. .

Of course, there is still a prerequisite for this, that is, Wang Leshan has enough energy!
Wang Leshan is on the back of the bastard, and he has seen the speed of the bastard. This speed is probably much faster than ordinary cars running on land. At such a fast speed, it is also thanks to Wang Leshan. His physical fitness is about to break through the limit of human beings, otherwise, if it were someone else, he would have long been unable to bear the power of the water waves brought about by this speed.

And Wang Leshan originally wanted to sit with the mobs to appreciate the underwater world, but, although the wish is beautiful, the reality is quite cruel.

The force brought by the pressure of the water wave, Wang Leshan's physique is against the sky, and his eyes can't stand the pressure of the water wave. Once the speed increases, he has to close his eyes, otherwise, the pressure You have to pop your eyeballs out.

It seems that if you want to appreciate the beauty of the sea, you still have to buy a pair of good swimming goggles.

Of course, no matter how good the swimming goggles are, even if Wang Leshan's eyesight is good enough for night vision and to see clearly in the water, it is definitely impossible to see the world under the sea without him. , The pressure on the bottom of the sea is not something Wang Leshan can bear.

No matter how strong Wang Leshan's physique was, he had almost reached his limit when Baguai dived 300 meters from the sea surface, and he didn't dare to take the risk of diving again.

Don't underestimate the mere 300 meters. For humans, diving without any equipment like Wang Leshan, more than 160 meters is the current human record. Even with equipment, the current world record is only more than 300 meters.

Of course, there is another very important issue that cannot be ignored, and that is breathing.

Wang Leshan stayed in the sea for more than ten minutes before and after, especially after being led by the bastard for seven or eight minutes, he had already reached the limit.

Wang Leshan has not received special diving training. Generally speaking, holding his breath for 20 minutes is not a problem.It's just that the intensity of swimming on the bastard's back greatly reduced the time he could hold his breath.

Wang Leshan let the bastard float to a distance of more than one meter below the water surface and then stopped. He didn't let it fully surface, but stood up by himself, with his head sticking out of the sea, and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"If you want to spend more time in the sea, you probably have to buy some water breathing equipment."

Wang Leshan muttered to himself, but suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he laughed: "I almost forgot this, what equipment to buy!"

Sitting down again, Wang Leshan pulled the handle, and the bastard dived into the water again, and then swam happily again.Although it doesn't like the water here very much, the space here is large enough for it to swim freely. It naturally likes this piece of ocean very much.

After swimming for another five or six minutes, Wang Leshan pulled the handle to stop the bastard's body, and then his body flashed directly on the turtle shell and disappeared. Le Shan's body appeared on the turtle shell again.

"This is the best way! In this way, as long as I don't go deep into the bottom of the sea, I won't have a problem staying in the sea for a few days."

This method naturally refers to entering the space when you need to breathe, and then coming out and returning to the turtle shell after breathing in the space enough.

Such a back and forth replacement, naturally it is not a problem for Wang Leshan to stay in the water for as long as he wants, but it is a little troublesome to go in and out a little bit.

Wang Leshan saw that the bastard liked the ocean, and he solved the problem of breathing, so he let it let go and play. He sat on the turtle shell and began to practice his body against the water waves. The water waves hit his body, as if the water hammer was forging his body, not to mention, the effect was quite good.


When Wang Leshan was slowly adjusting the "Water Hammer Cultivation Method" with his eyes closed, he suddenly sensed a bloody smell, and quickly pulled the handle to stop the bastard, and opened it without the pressure of the water waves. eyes, couldn't help but smiled wryly.

I thought that the bloody smell was coming from an undersea creature, but I didn't expect it to be this bastard. I don't know when that stick out like a long dragon, with a mouth full of fangs, was biting a head about one meter in size. How long the sea fish is, and the way it looks like it is devouring so ferociously makes the surrounding sea water bloody, which makes Wang Leshan feel a little sick to his stomach.

Wang Leshan pulled the handle, and the bastard threw away the half of the sea fish in his mouth with some reluctance, and then left the bloody sea area, he would not stick out his head and turn around to grin at Wang Leshan to please him. .

"Okay, you want to eat, and you can eat it when I'm not here."

Wang Leshan threw a few beans to Wang Baguai and said something.The bastard seems to be a ferocious carnivore. If it is prevented from eating fish and other creatures on the seabed, it is obviously impossible and it is against its nature.

Wang Baguai seemed to understand what Wang Leshan meant, and after swallowing the few Dali beans, he nodded to Wang Leshan obediently.

And after nodding, suddenly, the bastard's honest appearance changed into a vicious one. He turned around and bared his teeth at the place that was originally full of blood.

Seeing this, Wang Leshan found it strange, and looked over, not long after, he saw a huge monster swimming over from that bloody place. Even though Wang Leshan had never seen the sea again, he knew that this guy was a shark!
The shark, black on top and white on the bottom, is about three meters long.Wang Leshan took a closer look, and found that the shark's tail was crescent-shaped, and its teeth were large and saw-toothed, in a triangular shape.Wang Leshan was not very familiar with this shark, so naturally he couldn't recognize what kind of shark it was, only that it was a shark.

This shark came at a high speed. It seemed that it came because of the smell of blood here. It came at such a high speed that it bit the half of the sea fish in one bite, swallowed it a few times, and then turned its head. Wang Leshan and Wang Baguai are here.

This shark was obviously also a little shocked by the size of the bastard, hesitated a little, but still rushed towards the bastard, obviously unwilling to let such a large food go.

Seeing this, Baguai let out a low growl.


Wang Leshan said something to the little monster, and his body left that position.

Today, I put the mobs in the sea for a test, and seeing that the mobs like the sea, Wang Leshan naturally planned to let the mobs live in the sea.Although Wang Leshan is very confident in the strength and speed of the mob, he is still worried about its survivability.

It's really time for this shark to come. As the creature at the top of the food chain in the ocean, sharks can just be used as test subjects. If even sharks can't deal with mobs, then Wang Leshan will naturally feel relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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