crazy farmer

Chapter 25

Chapter 25
White radish is very popular now, and it has become the most important signature dish of Dandi Restaurant. These days, I don’t know how many batches are specially for white radish. They rushed here, but Zhu Dandi was so happy, it's all money!
The amount of white radish is also very large these days, and there are already hundreds of catties left. Seeing this, Zhu Dandi naturally called Wang Leshan early. When he heard that the white radish was gone, Zhu Dandi was heartbroken for a while. Heartache money of course!
——There are still some white radishes at the cabin, but not too many. My family needs to eat them, and I have to plant them. Wang Leshan is not going to sell them in large quantities for the time being.

Early this morning, Zhu Dandi received a call from Wang Leshan, and when he heard that there was a new item to be sold to him, his expression immediately lifted.

With the pearls of white radish in front of him, Zhu Dandi naturally believed that this new product must be good, and had been waiting at the hotel entrance for a long time.

As for the big commotion in the town yesterday, Zhu Dandi had heard about it too, but for him, he was used to the people coming and going in those places in the town, so he didn't care too much.For him, making money is the most important thing, whoever is in that position can do nothing for him.If you want to come to the hotel to eat, I will treat you like a master, or if you don't come, whoever wants to eat you.

Seeing the little car coming, Zhu Dandi immediately looked at the back of the car.Coincidentally, at this time, the sun was rising, and a piece of sunshine just came here. Suddenly, the golden corn in the cart seemed to have light against it. The light was so bright that Zhu Dandi couldn't open his eyes. Almost sat down on the ground.

What is this shit, it's still shining!

Zhu Dandi became even more curious. He squinted his eyes and went to the side of the car, and looked, oh, a cart of golden corn, and the grains on each corn cob are so plump that it is unimaginable. up!

The sun shines with golden light, the corn glows with golden light, and Zhu Dandi's eyes are also full of golden light at this moment.

Money, these are all money!
Seeing this, Wang Leshan couldn't help laughing: "Boss Zhu, why don't you cook some and taste the taste first?"

"Look at what you said, can I still not believe you?" Brother Zhu Dan laughed, but his hands were much more honest than his mouth, and he quickly picked up two corns, and said without changing his face: "I haven't eaten this breakfast yet. , Seeing this corn, I am even more hungry. I will cook two to satisfy my hunger, and you two will sit here for a while, and you will come soon."

After finishing speaking, he went to the store, and at the same time shouted to the waiter in the hotel: "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and make a pot of tea."

"How can anyone drink tea this early in the morning?"

Both Wang Leshan and Fatty Li laughed. Although it was expected that corn would be liked by others, they couldn't hide their joy.

Not long after, Brother Zhu Dan came back, with an unconcealable excitement on his face, he gestured his thumbs at Wang Leshan from a distance, and said, "Absolutely, the taste of this corn is absolutely amazing. The taste of boiled water is too good to say!"

Wang Leshan said: "Boss Zhu thinks that is the best, how much do you want?"

Without any hesitation, Zhu Dandi said immediately: "Of course I want this cart, but it can't be like last time when the white radish is sold out and I can't even buy it. As for the price, just ask Shanzi."

What Brother Zhu Dan said is true, but this corn is no more durable than white radish, and it can be served as a staple food of coarse grains, so naturally I don't worry that the quantity will not be sold.

The clerk over there was stunned for a few times, but he had never seen such a shrewd Zhu Dandi like this. His face was completely full of joy and anger, and he didn't seem to want to bargain at all, and he gave the other party all the initiative.

Wang Leshan had already made plans for the price, and said: "The price is 15 yuan per kilogram, and there are 1 tons of 4 kilograms on the car. If the odds are erased, it will be counted as 300 tons. Boss Zhu, what do you think?"

"15 yuan..."

Brother Zhu Dan pondered for a while, then nodded directly, and said, "No problem, just use this price! As long as it is something you sell at Shanzi, the price is definitely not a problem. Let's not talk about anything else, as long as you buy it next time It's a new product, as long as I can hold on to you as my brother-in-law!"

Wang Leshan said with a smile: "That's no problem, once my brother and uncle have said so, I can't know what is good or bad. You can use this cart of corn first, and I will reserve at least 2 tons for you. If it is not enough, just call." "

"With your words, I can feel reassured."

Brother Zhu Dan laughed out loud, fearing that Wang Leshan would go back on his word, he immediately asked the people in the store to unload all the corn, and then directly paid 6 yuan in cash to Wang Leshan.

After delivering it to Dandi Restaurant, I went back and pulled a cart to other restaurants in the town. These restaurants obviously got the benefits of white radish, so they wanted all of them, and they didn't hesitate when they heard that the price was 15 yuan.As for the restaurants in the nearby towns that had bought white radishes before, Wang Leshan did not send them any more. First, the quantity requested was not large, and second, the addresses were too scattered, so the efficiency of delivery was too low.

After the deliveries in Sanhe Town were finished, Wang Leshan and Fatty Li pulled a car together and headed straight to the city.

Shen Yadong, the general manager of the Sunshine Hotel, was waiting for him a long time ago, just like Zhu Dandi. He also brought a middle-aged man with a big head and a thick neck. The cook, named Fan Mingwei.

Fan Mingwei is a straightforward person, when he sees Wang Leshan, he calls him brother and brother, and even praises Wang Leshan's white radish.Then when he saw the corn, he broke a few of them and ate them raw. He ordered Wang Leshan to pull another cart in addition to ordering the whole cart.As for the price, he doesn't care.

Hearing the words, Wang Leshan agreed after thinking for a while.Nearly 30 tons of corn were harvested from seven acres of land, and two trucks of almost 8 tons were pulled to the Sunshine Hotel, and there was no problem.

It was almost noon when the second car arrived. To Wang Leshan's surprise, Fan Mingwei ran over and dragged Wang Leshan and Fatty Li to have a meal while unloading.They sat in a luxury box, and all the dishes served were Sunshine Hotel's signature dishes, and of course dishes made of white radish and corn were indispensable.

Fan Mingwei was very enthusiastic, thanks to the fact that Wang Leshan and Fatty Li said that they would have several truckloads of goods to deliver in the afternoon, otherwise, they might be told what to do.

During the chat, Wang Leshan also got a little understanding of Fan Mingwei. Among other things, in the catering industry of Yunhai City, this middle-aged man who looks like a short melon has a high status. He has created several original dishes. Won gold medals in international competitions.It turned out that he was working as a chef in a big restaurant in the provincial capital, but he returned to Yunhai City in a fit of rage because his temper was too direct and he turned against others.As soon as he returned to Yunhai City, he was looted by all the big hotels in Yunhai City, and finally came to Sunshine because of his relationship with Shen Yadong.

After a meal, Wang Leshan and Fan Mingwei were quite acquainted, and they soon started calling Shanzi Laofan.

As for Fatty Li, he sometimes speaks out and eats most of the time. He eats 70.00% of a table of dishes by himself. Without him, it is really delicious.Needless to say, Fan Mingwei's culinary skills, together with the ingredients sent by Wang Leshan, are absolutely even more powerful.Fatty Li was originally a foodie, and he couldn't get in the way when the two of them were talking, so there was nothing left but food.

After eating, he left the hotel, Fatty was still full of energy.Although he had never eaten at the Sunshine Hotel before, he also knew how expensive these places were, not to mention that the chefs were all in charge of the spoons.It is beautiful and practical, Fatty Li is more and more satisfied with the job on the farm, even embarrassed.

The pickup truck just came out from the back door of the Sunshine Hotel. Suddenly, a person stepped in and stood in front of the pickup truck, and stopped the pickup truck with his arms outstretched.With an extremely bright smile on his face, the man waved at Wang Leshan and the two in the car, and then ran to the car door with his face licked. Seeing Wang Leshan shake down the car door, the man immediately handed over a business card: "Yes. Boss Wang, right? Hello, my name is Peng Youke, the procurement director of the Garden Hotel."

Wang Leshan took a look at the business card and shook hands with him, and had no choice but to get out of the car. He knew the Garden Hotel, and knew that the scale of this hotel was even bigger than the Sunshine Hotel. He said, "Hello, Peng. Supervisor, what's the matter?"

Then Peng Youke looked at the Sunshine Hotel like a thief, pointed to the other side, and smiled cautiously: "Boss Wang, can you take a step to talk?"

Wang Leshan nodded and asked Fatty to drive the car there, while he and Peng Youke walked away.

Seeing that the distance was almost the same, Peng Youke said with a smile: "The thing is like this. I heard that Boss Wang has some crops for sale. I am here to seek cooperation opportunities from Boss Wang on behalf of the Garden Hotel."


Wang Leshan froze for a moment, and asked, "Director Peng, where did you know that?"

Peng Youke laughed: "To be honest, some dishes launched by Sunshine Hotel and others have been very popular recently. Of course, those of us who work in the hotel know that a new batch of ingredients has been added. No, I found you after many inquiries. Well."

Shopping malls are like battlefields. If you want to find out what's going on with those dishes, you can of course get information from the back kitchen and waiters if you spend some money.

Before Wang Leshan could open his mouth, Peng Youke immediately said, "As for the price, don't worry, Boss Wang, it's [-]% higher than your current price, and you'll get it right away."

"The price is not a problem. The main reason is that most of the goods I have are already reserved." Wang Leshan pondered for a moment, then smiled at Peng Youke and said, "If not, I'll go back and have a look. If there is more, I will call you again."

"Okay, okay."

Peng Youke saw that he didn't refuse outright, and nodded with a smile all over his face, and at least left Wang Leshan's mobile phone number.

Wang Leshan got in the car and headed towards Dakang Village. Just as he finished talking to Fatty Li about what happened just now, his cell phone rang. It was He Yuting who called, saying that several groups of people suddenly came from the farm. It's the restaurant owners in several nearby towns, and they all come here for corn.


(End of this chapter)

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