crazy farmer

Chapter 248 The Hand of God

Chapter 248 The Hand of God
Several people here, seeing Zou Bikai suddenly being shot down by He Chong's throwing knife, were all stunned there, with a look of horror in their eyes, and they all looked at the fat He Chong, thinking it was too inconceivable.

"He Chong!"

Zou Mofeng yelled even more: "What are you doing, what are you doing?"

He Chong was also at a loss for a while, and was stunned there. He had no time to prepare for his own miss this time.

Seeing that He Chong didn't speak, Zou Mofeng looked at He Chong with sinister eyes, and his eyes were full of tears from being frightened by his brother's falling to the ground, as if there was a cold light refracted from it, and said coldly: "He Chong, you have always been , I thought you were an honest person, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious! I think our Zou family has always treated you, He Chong, and your He family well! You actually did such a thing because you wanted to please the Bai family who is in such a good situation! Come on! Good, good!"

"No, no, that's not the case!"

He Chong shook his head again and again, wanting to try his best to defend himself, but he didn't know what to defend, with panic and anxiety on his face.

"It's not like that, what's that like?"

Zou Mofeng knew very well how powerful He Chong's flying knives were. These flying knives were stronger than bullets in his hands. Then, how could he believe what He Chong said.

Then, he looked at Bai Lanyu and the others, and said hoarsely: "Lan Yu, we sincerely came to make friends with you, and you not only want to drive us out, but you have even dealt with such ruthless hands! Very good, very good !Your Bai family is in full swing now, you should be so defiant, it seems that no one in the Mandi can be seen by your Bai family!"

"Wei Ran."

Zou Mofeng called Wei Ran who was fatter than He Chong beside him, and together he carefully lifted Zou Bikai, who was hit by four flying knives in the back, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go", coldly After taking a cold look at Bai Lanyu and the others, they headed towards the door.Qin Mengmeng, who had already paled in color, also followed.

"and many more!"

Bai Ge stopped in front of them with a sneer on his face.

Zou Mofeng said in a deep voice: "Bai Ge, what else do you want to do? Why, do you still want to kill us all?"


Bai Ge snorted coldly, and said: "Zou Mofeng, don't play tricks on me! Don't think that I will believe that your purpose of coming here is so simple, but now you are really showing off your feet, right? You actually teamed up with He Chong to stage a show Such a bitter trick! Do you want to use this bitter trick to win someone's sympathy, or do you want to use this bitter trick to trap my Bai family in a cruel and unrighteous way, and want my Bai family to become a target of public criticism in the imperial capital? You Insidious villain, if you don't make things clear today, don't even think about getting out of this door!"

Hearing this, Zou Mofeng laughed back in anger, he didn't know where the courage came from, he stiffened his neck and shouted: "That's good, come on, you come and kill me, it's best if you kill me directly !"

He Chong who was on the side shook his head again and again, and said, "No, it's not like this, it's not like this!"

But at this moment, the cell phone beside He Chong rang, he took out the cell phone in a panic, took a look, picked it up immediately, and called Grandpa.

A very majestic voice came from the phone: "Where are you?"

He Chong had always been in awe of his grandfather, so he immediately said truthfully, "I'm in Yunhai City."

"Did you follow the Zou family to find Bai Lanyu?"

As soon as the person on the other end of the phone heard He Chong's answer of "yes", he immediately said, "Apologize to Bai Lanyu, and come back immediately!"

When He Chong heard this, he panicked and said, "But..."

The majestic voice on the phone directly interrupted He Chong's words, so he couldn't hear He Chong's original plan to say that he accidentally injured Zou Bikai, and said in a deep voice: "It's nothing but, I don't want your grandpa to be hurt by your stupid If the kid dies of anger, do it right away!"


When He Chong heard that the phone had been hung up, he was quite helpless, scratched his head, walked towards Bai Lanyu, bowed deeply and said sorry, and then went straight to the door.

Seeing this, Zou Mofeng yelled: "He Chong, do you want to just leave like this?"

With a complicated look on his face, He Chong said, "You know, I've always listened to my grandpa the most."

Then he spread his legs and ran away.

Bai Ge originally wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Bai Lanyu.

When Zou Mofeng saw this, the coldness in his eyes became more intense, and he believed more and more that He Chong was ordered by the Bai family to shoot his brother down.

Bai Lanyu signaled to stop Zou Mofeng's Baige, and said indifferently, "Let them go."

Seeing this, Bai Ge opened his mouth, but he still endured it, and moved out of the way with a face full of displeasure.

Zou Mofeng and Wei Ran carried Zou Bikai out, while Qin Meng followed suit, naturally he didn't dare to stay, this Bai family is really scary!

"Sister-in-law, how could you let them go away like this?"

After these people walked away, Bai Ge said to Bai Lanyu with a gloomy expression, "This Zou Mofeng is definitely not kind when he comes here, and there is definitely some kind of conspiracy behind that bitter scheme!"

Hearing the words, Bai Lanyu smiled lightly, and said: "It's true that Zou Mofeng has a conspiracy. It's nothing more than trying to get our Bai family to offend the Qin family, He family, and Wei family if we can't get along well. It’s nothing more than becoming the target of public criticism once again. As for the bitter trick, I’m afraid we are thinking too much. No matter how vicious Zou Mofeng and the Zou family are, they will never bet on Zou Bikai’s life. The four throwing knives just now, If it deviates further, I'm afraid it will be directly pierced into Zou Bikai's heart and lungs, or into the spine, and the result will be either death or disability, do you think there is such a bitter trick?"

Bai Ge heard the words, thought about it carefully, and felt that what Bai Lan said was correct, but he always felt that there was something wrong, and said: "It's just that He Chong has no reason to deliberately deal with Zou Bikai? Moreover, with his Personality, if there is no one behind the guidance, it may not be possible to do such a thing. Could it be..."

Bai Lanyu shook his head and said, "I didn't get along well with this He Chongchan."

"Maybe it was instigated by their He family's own people? And just now, it happened that the old man of the He family called."

"Except for this He Chong, everyone in the He family is a genius. Do you think it is possible for He Chong to attack Zou Bi so blatantly? As for the call from the old man of the He family, it is probably a coincidence. I must not know that He Chong was injured." Zou Bikai, that's why he apologized to me, probably because he wanted to protect himself wisely. But, I didn't expect He Chong to do such a thing."

Bai Ge frowned and said, "Then He Chong really missed it? But the possibility is too low!"

"No matter how low the possibility is, it's still possible. Judging from these inferences, it's just an explanation for why Chong missed his hand. It's impossible for someone to control the throwing knife, turn around and stab Zou Bikai, right? "

When Bai Lanyu said this, she took a quick look at Wang Leshan. She naturally thought of Wang Leshan after sorting out all the possibilities. For Wang Leshan's skills like ancient giant beasts and all kinds of magical methods, Bai Lanyu has blind worship, even bees can be controlled, Bai Lanyu does not think it is too strange for Wang Leshan to change the trajectory of the throwing knife.

After blaming this on Wang Leshan, all the doubts about these things today were suddenly cleared up.

He smiled lightly, and said: "Don't think too much about it, it's definitely something that no one would have imagined for He Chong to hurt Zou Bikai. In this way, no matter how many schemes Zou Mofeng has in mind, he will go bankrupt. Moreover, Mr. He's phone call just happened at the right time. I am afraid that the Zou family will not give up easily even if they feel that the He family has no reason to attack them behind their backs. The Zou family is not easy to get along with, and neither is the He family. To save fuel, let them fight hard. Speaking of it, He Chong missed today, it was really too late, if there was a hand of God behind him, I would believe it too!"

While speaking, she glanced at Wang Leshan calmly, apparently she believed that the "hand of God" was because of Wang Leshan.

As for this He Chong, since he came here with Zou Mofeng, since he threw the throwing knife out, then no one can be blamed, and he will not feel that there is anything to be pitied just because He Chong's temperament is not bad!

"Let's go, the kitchen should have prepared food, let's not lose our appetite because of this group of people."

Bai Lanyu smiled, and led the three of them into a VIP room. He used the excuse that he was going to urge food, found a place, called the old man at home, and told him in detail what happened here just now. Mr. Bai listened.

Because of the arrival of Zou Mofeng and others, the appetite was somewhat lost, and the four of them ended the meal in a hurry.Wang Leshan knew that Bai Lanyu and Bai Ge would probably be busy, so he didn't stay any longer.Although he made a move just now, after all, he is not very interested in these family disputes, and he doesn't want to know too much.

Bai Lu also followed, she knew that she couldn't be of much help, moreover, she saw things more thoroughly than Bai Lanyu and Bai Ge.This is not because of how smart she is, but because Bai Lu knows a little about the Bai family and several families, but has never participated in it. She has always looked at some things and problems as a bystander.Therefore, she knew that the Bai family didn't need to worry about anything at all this time. It was the He family and the Zou family that should be worried.

As for Qin Meng and Wei Ran, I am afraid that they will call back to their family immediately after returning to the imperial capital. This Zou He dispute, or the Bai Zou He dispute, before the situation is clearly understood, the Qin and Wei families will never may be involved.

"I also went to Dakang. I haven't seen my aunt and uncle for a few days."

Bai Lu and Wang Leshan got into the car, and after driving for a certain distance, Bai Lu suddenly asked, "Leshan, is He Chong's loss related to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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