crazy farmer

Chapter 246 Zou Mofeng Comes to the Door (Happy New Year's Day!)

Chapter 246 Zou Mofeng Comes to the Door (Happy New Year's Day!)

Universities, the country's most important weapon.

And a famous school like Jiangnan University is even more important for the country.

It is not an easy task to station troops in Jiangnan University, and it has nothing to do with the university itself. If the old principal Lin hadn't nodded in agreement, even if the Bai family is in full swing, it is absolutely rash to do this Waiting for things, if you force your actions and give up the excuse, it is really not a simple matter.

Wang Leshan and Bai Lu had been to this temporary laboratory before, and all the soldiers here recognized it, so it was impossible for them to stop them.It was a coincidence to enter inside, that Bai Ge was there.

Bai Lu asked, "Brother, why are you here? Aren't you supervising the construction of the military barracks near Dakang Village?"

After Bai Geke greeted Wang Leshan politely, he said with a smile, "There's nothing to do over there. I came here to see Grandma Lin. I haven't seen her for a while."

Bai Lu nodded, guessing that Bai Ge might have come to see the specific research of this laboratory. Knowing that Bai Ge was curious, she didn't point it out. Anyway, Le Shan said about this kind of thing, and Bai Ge would know something about it sooner or later.

Wang Leshan greeted Bai Ge, and also Mrs. Lin and others.Now, among the dozen or so people, most of them are in the closed laboratory inside, while the remaining half are outside, busy with the matter at hand, as if they are recording some data.

There are quite a lot of instruments in this laboratory, and three of them were bought by Wang Leshan with a lot of money before. These three machines don't look too big, but each one requires nearly ten million soft girls, which is really overwhelming. People click their tongues, no wonder these people were afraid that they could not afford the continuous research expenses.

It is naturally different now. In addition to Wang Leshan's generous cooking, there is also the delicious food here, which makes Zhou Ruhai and the three of them have a significant change in their attitude towards Wang Leshan, even if it is a relatively strict personality. Even the harsh Muke would always smile a little more when he saw Wang Leshan.

Wang Leshan asked: "Grandma Lin, has there been any progress these days?"

Mrs. Lin shook her head and said: "The extraction is not bad. There was some progress when you came last time, and all the difficulties that have arisen have been overcome now. It's just that there is no progress at all in other aspects. So far, we have not been able to conduct further analysis of the new substances in the melon, and even the molecular structure is only at the most elementary level.”

Then he was shocked again, and said: "However, it is this initial understanding that has allowed Muke and I to expand more than ten research projects. We will continue to do further analysis. At the same time, we will also I will start to study this extended project. I hope to make further progress through the side."

When Wang Leshan heard the words, he was not distressed because the project did not make any progress, but secretly pleased.The more difficult it is to study and analyze the composition of the melon, the new substance, the happier Wang Leshan is, and it is best to never find out why.The more this is the case, the more it can explain the uniqueness of the new substance in the melon, and Wang Leshan can control it better without worrying that the melon will be used by someone who has a heart.

Afterwards, Wang Leshan asked another question about "extraction". He was naturally happy to hear that further progress had been made.The extraction of new substances from melons, which will be used by Wang Leshan in the manufacture and production of nutrition and beauty products, is the second purpose of the establishment of the laboratory.

Simply extracting new substances into production and manufacturing will not be out of Wang Leshan's control. After all, this melon can only be grown by himself. As long as the source is controlled, as long as the new substances cannot be further researched, there is no big problem The problem, at most, is only because the product itself has a huge impact on the outside world.

Mrs. Lin introduced to Wang Leshan more than ten research projects that they have extended, among which there are naturally problems related to the utilization and manufacture of this new substance, as well as research on the control of extraction costs. Wang Leshan's arms.

Of course, this is also because Mrs. Lin and the others know that Wang Leshan's establishment of the research laboratory is related to the production of nutrition and beauty products, and there must be research projects related to it.

Wang Leshan didn't know much about the things in the laboratory, so he asked about the progress, and then asked about the equipment and how much money he needed. He couldn't help with the rest, so he left after staying for a while.

Seeing Wang Leshan and Bai Lu leave, Bai Ge followed.

"Mr. Wang, it's just time for dinner. May I treat you to a meal?"

Bai Ge asked with a smile, a little uneasy.

This made Wang Leshan quite helpless, scratched his head, and said: "Of course you can eat, but you better not call me Mr. Wang, Leshan, or Shanzi, otherwise Lulu should make me kneel on the washboard again. "

Hearing the words, Bai Lu rolled her eyes and thought to herself, she doesn't know why a guy who has always been fearless is so afraid of Wang Leshan. It doesn't look like it's just because of being beaten up by Wang Leshan. , I am afraid there are some reasons that even I don't know.

Glaring at Bai Ge, there is no brother-in-law in this world who calls his brother-in-law a Mr. Wang and you, and then glaring at Wang Leshan, when did he let him kneel over the washboard? Open his eyes and talk nonsense, but this nonsense is true Listening to the full.

When Bai Ge heard Wang Leshan's words, and saw Wang Leshan scratching his head like a shy big boy next door, he couldn't help being a little dazed.Just like Bai Lanyu, it was really difficult to accept Wang Leshan's appearance at first.

However, in any case, this is a good thing after all.

The three of them discussed for a while, and decided to eat in Baiyun's hometown. The food there now has fresh ingredients from Wang Leshan, so it is naturally quite good, and the environment is also good, and Bai Lanyu can also be called. .

Wang Leshan and Bai Lu got into the Land Rover, while Bai Ge still drove a domineering Hummer military vehicle, and drove out of the university city back and forth, heading towards Bai Yun's hometown.

These days, the business in Baiyun's hometown is much better than before. Although part of this is related to the growing power of the Bai family after it overthrew the Yang family and became the biggest winner, it is more because of Wang Leshan. All kinds of beauty products, as well as wine and ingredients, all of which have made Baiyun's hometown more and more famous. In addition to the local rich people in Yunhai City, many people from some surrounding cities have also come here, including Jiangcheng, the capital of Jiangnan Province, also includes Shencheng, the largest city in China, which is known as the magic capital, and there are even people who come from the imperial capital not far away.

For example, Zou Mofeng and others.

Because after the business got busy, Bai Lanyu, who rarely came to the clubhouse in the morning, received a call from Bai Ge saying that he and Wang Leshan Bailu were going to the clubhouse for dinner at noon. Naturally, he was very happy, and immediately ordered the back kitchen to let them prepare carefully.

However, the good mood didn't last long.

After Bai Lanyu gave the order, he calculated the time it took for Wang Leshan and others to arrive here from the University City, then walked out, waiting for them at the door as usual.

Before going out a few steps, Bai Lanyu saw Zou Mofeng walking towards him, and he brought several people behind him.

Bai Lanyu knew all of these people, and even had a good relationship with them before.For example, He Chong, the youngest son of the He family, used to follow behind him a lot in the past. Odd and odd sister Lanyu took me out to play; for example, Qin Meng, the second daughter of the Qin family, has been best friends with her since childhood; for example It is said that Wei Ran, the little fat boy of the Wei family, settles every trouble he gets into by himself; and Zou Bikai, the youngest son of the Zou family, calls his sister-in-law long and short when he meets him.

However, after the turmoil in the Bai family, these people had almost no contact with each other. It can be said that the relationship was severed. Although they would not turn against each other, they were already chilled and made up their minds to never communicate with each other.

"Lan language!"

Zou Mofeng and the others walked straight in front of Bai Lanyu. They were all dressed in fresh clothes and furious horses. The people in this clubhouse had sharp eyesight, so they dared not stop them.

Zou Mofeng looked affectionate as always, and seemed to have forgotten what happened at the airport that day. He walked towards Bai Lanyu, holding flowers in his hand, and handed them over.

Zou Mofeng held the flowers in his hands in front of Bai Lanyu, as if he was determined that she would accept them, kept holding them there, and said with a smile: "Lanyu, we just happened to be in Shanghai, by the way Came here to see you. We haven't seen you for a long time and miss you very much."

"Lan language."

"Sister Lan Yu."

"Sister Lan Yu."

"sister in law."

The four people standing behind Zou Mofeng greeted Bai Lanyu with smiles on their faces.

The only woman among them, Qin Meng, even walked forward, and took Bai Lanyu's hand affectionately, her beautiful eyes were slightly red, and then gave Bai Lanyu a big hug, choked up and said: "Lanyu language, I miss Menger to death."

Bai Lanyu, whose body was standing like a pen holder, gently pushed Qin Meng's body away, without even looking at the group of people, and said directly to the waiters who were watching from behind, "Call the security guard, take this Get the crowd out."

"sister in law!"

Zou Bikai, who was much taller than Zou Mofeng, heard Bai Lan's words and chased him away, his expression sank immediately, he frowned, and said: "My brother and we came here specially to see you this time. Isn't it too unnatural for you to do this? Besides, after all, your hometown of Baiyun also opens its doors for business, so driving away customers like this is too unruly?"

Bai Lanyu looked at Zou Bikai coldly, and said coldly: "First, I'm not your sister-in-law. Second, don't talk about favors with me. You don't deserve it, and they don't deserve it. Third, I opened this club. Yes, I am the rules. Fourth, if you don’t want to look ugly, get out of here immediately!”

When Zou Bikai heard the words, his eyes widened with anger, and veins appeared on his forehead. His expression was extremely ugly. When he wanted to say something, Zou Mofeng pulled him back.

"Lan Yu, I know you have always had feelings for us."

Zou Mofeng turned a blind eye to Bai Lanyu's icy face, and still greeted him with a smile, and said softly: "It's just, you know, that matter is not something that we can decide at all. How can such a person violate the wishes of the family. At that time, the few of us were strictly forbidden by the family to communicate with you, let alone say anything for you and your Bai family. Do you know how painful and uncomfortable our hearts are! Now that the situation in your Bai family is improving, how can we not be happy for your Bai family, happy for you, and even more happy for ourselves, because our family will no longer prevent us from interacting with you! We I came all the way here for you this time, and I'm ready to be beaten and scolded by you, you can beat or scold me if you want, I just hope you can care about our previous relationship and feelings, and return to the way it was before!"

When Bai Lanyu heard Zou Mofeng's words, he felt extremely disgusted in his heart.Now I finally know how far Zou Mofeng can tell lies with his eyes open and turn right and wrong, and he doesn't even have the slightest interest in refuting it.

And at this moment, applause came from outside.

"Well said, well said!"

Walking into Baiyun's hometown, I heard Zou Mofeng's impassioned words from a distance, Baige couldn't help applauding, laughed coldly, and said in a deep voice: "In the past, I only knew that you, Young Master Zou, were brave I am afraid that things are cowardly and incompetent. Seeing you today, you have really changed a lot! At least, you can rank among the top few in the imperial capital, Mr. Zou, with your words. As for this nonsense Well, I guess no one can compare to your acting skills, it's a pity that you don't go to acting!"

"White Song!"

Seeing Bai Ge appear, Zou Mofeng felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart. When he was at the airport, why didn't he dare to come to Bai Lanyu after seeing Bai Ge leave with his own eyes.However, I didn't expect Bai Ge to leave, and there was a guy who was more fierce than Bai Ge beside Bai Lanyu.

And this fiercer guy... isn't he right next to Baige!
Seeing these two people appear, Zou Mofeng shuddered in his heart, but when he looked at his younger brother and He Chong next to him, his heart suddenly settled down.And the eyes looking at Bai Ge and Wang Leshan are even more sinister, especially when looking at Wang Leshan!
Although Bai Ge had always been at odds with him, even embarrassing him on many occasions, no matter how embarrassing it was, how could it compare to the last time at the airport!

After heaving a deep breath in his heart, Zou Mofeng still had a smile on his face, and said, "Gezi, what are you talking about? Everything I said to your aunt came from the bottom of my heart. Could it be Is half of it a lie?"

"Really! It's too real!"

Bai Ge laughed again and again: "You are strictly ordered by the family, it's true. You haven't said anything for our Bai family and my sister-in-law, at least you haven't said anything good, half-truth and half-false. You are grateful for the good situation of our Bai family. I am happy, only you know if it is true or not. You have come all the way for my sister-in-law, and you have made up your mind to let my sister-in-law beat and scold you. This should be true, right? If that is the case, then stand still, I Beat and scold you for my sister-in-law!"

 PS1: I wish all book lovers a happy New Year's Day and all the best in 2016.

  PS2: Let’s talk about the update. There are a lot of trifles recently, and the update is really not very effective. I can only update it today, and I will make it up.Make up for 1 chapter owed, plus the owed monthly ticket, tip and change, a total of 10 chapters.Make up for it next month.Sorry, thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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