crazy farmer

Chapter 22 Mayor Lin

Chapter 22 Mayor Lin

With a backup, Wang Leshan didn't stop Wang Dakui from deleting the recording. The more he tossed about Wang Dakui, the more sarcasm in his eyes became stronger.

Wang Dakui deleted the recording and put the phone on the table in the interrogation room, obviously not planning to just return the phone to Wang Leshan.

"Shanzi, the play is over and the recording has been deleted, please tell my uncle whether you will go to jail or lose money." Wang Dakui laughed, and the scars at the corners of his eyes became more and more ferocious: "Why, is it possible that you still pay the money?" Are you really going to wait for your mayor Lin to come rescue you?"

Wang Leshan ignored Wang Dakui, but looked at the two policemen, knowingly asked: "Two policemen, I don't remember when Wang Dakui became a member of your police station! , the police don’t ask questions, but an insignificant person is showing off his power here, making a big splash?”

"Hey, this damn thing taught us a lesson!"

That Di Baotian looked furious, and said: "Just after such a performance, how dare you come to frighten me?"


Wang Dakui sneered, and said to the two of them: "I'm talking about you guys, this kid seems to be very stubborn, he still needs to buy something real, and he will know where he is after he has suffered a lot!"


The two policemen let out a series of strange smiles, and soon each had an extra baton in their hands, and handed it back to Wang Dakui. The three of them walked towards Wang Leshan together, with cold eyes and sneers at the corners of their mouths.

Being able to act and speak well is a fart, can it stand up to a baton?
"Da Kui, be careful when you strike, and try not to cause trauma." The tall policeman said something. At this time, it didn't sound like a reminder, but a verbal scare. He wanted to deal with Wang Leshan before he attacked. Take a psychological blow.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you have some injuries." Wang Dakui smiled and said, "My brother has suffered a lot of injuries in the medical report. It's more reasonable for this kid to have some injuries!"


The two nodded with a sneer.

The pace of the three people's movement is not fast, slowly approaching Wang Leshan, this has always been their favorite trick, like to see the panic on each other's face because of their approaching, this is an absolute enjoyment.

However, maybe Wang Leshan was going to let them down. From the beginning to the end, there was no change on his face, let alone panic, and he didn't even show nervousness.

The awe-inspiring prestige was ignored, the eyes of the three people were filled with anger, and Wang Dakui even picked up his baton and knocked directly on Wang Leshan's head!


The police station is right next to the town government, only 3 minutes away. Lin Xiaohu hurried into the police station with his driver and secretary. On the way, he also called the director of the police station, Huang Xulang.

As soon as I entered the police station, I heard noises, but I saw a fat man and a young man with yellow hair arguing with a policeman.Lin Xiaohu, who already had a bad impression of the Sanhe Town Police Station, frowned a little more, as he was already thinking about rectifying it.Originally, I wanted to go directly inside to find Wang Leshan, but when the two men mentioned the word "Wang Leshan" when they were arguing, they walked over.

The fat man and Huang Mao are none other than Fatty Li and Zhu Wenqiang.Zhu Wenqiang, who was sleeping elsewhere because of a big fight last night, got up immediately when he heard Fatty Li's "Help", and rushed towards the police station. He happened to meet Fatty Li on the way.

Fatty gave a rough overview of the situation, and Zhu Wenqiang also knew the details of Wang Dakui, and knew that this matter was a bit tricky.However, he was familiar with the police station and knew a lot about some unwritten rules, so he made a judgment immediately, regardless of other things, he had to find a way to keep Wang Leshan in there and not be blackhanded.

As a result, they argued in the police station that they wanted to see Wang Leshan, Wang Dakui, and even Huang Xulang, the director of the police station.

Zhu Wenqiang is well-known in the town, his family is rich, and he often deals with people in the police station, so when he is in trouble here, he wants to see who he wants to see, and the policemen in the hall don't directly show off the national weapon Shenwei suppressed him, all to save face, and said to help him arrange.

"Are you two friends of Wang Leshan?"

The two were arguing about why they didn't let people see each other. Suddenly, a slightly majestic voice came from their ears. They turned their heads to look at Lin Xiaohu, who knew that he was not an ordinary person, and nodded his head as an admission.

"Since you are Wang Leshan's friend, come with me."

Lin Xiaohu said something to the two of them, and then went inside.

Fatty Li and Zhu Wenqiang were stunned for a moment, and the policemen naturally couldn't just let someone into the police station casually, they immediately stopped Lin Xiaohu and asked, "Who are you? You can't just enter the police station casually."

When Lin Xiaohu revealed his identity, a short, fat man in his forties and wearing a police uniform walked out of the police station. Please forgive me."

It's not that something happened temporarily, when Lin Xiaohu called just now, Huang Xulang was still in the temporary apartment behind the police station, holding a pretty woman in his arms and promiscuously, and hurried over after answering the phone.

"Hello, Director Huang."

Lin Xiaohu and Huang Xulang shook hands, and without talking nonsense, he said directly: "The thing is like this, I have a friend named Wang Leshan, who may have been caught in the police station by some misunderstanding, and I want to know about the situation."


Naturally, Huang Xulang didn't know about Wang Dakui's capture of Wang Leshan, and Lin Xiaohu didn't show any anger on his face at the moment, nor did he think elsewhere, thinking it was an ordinary thing, but he felt that if he could use this to sell It's a good thing for Lin Xiaohu, who has just been transferred, to save face.

He turned around and asked a policeman, "Where is that little Liu and that Wang Leshan now?"

The policeman froze for a moment. He knew about Wang Dakui leading people to arrest Wang Leshan. Seeing that the mayor was after Wang Leshan, he naturally had a bad premonition in his heart, but he couldn't treat Huang Xulang right now. Instructions, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "In...inquiry room No. 2."

As for what really happened in the end, it's no wonder I didn't remind you. When Zhu Wenqiang was arguing to see you just now, I didn't care about breaking into your "harem" and ruining your "good things".

Seeing Huang Xulang and Lin Xiaohu walk in, Fatty Li and Zhu Wenqiang glanced at each other, obviously seeing the shock and doubt in each other's eyes, wondering when Wang Leshan met the mayor.If you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out, but it doesn't delay the two of them following in the past immediately.

Pushing open the door of the interrogation room, several people outside were stunned for a moment.

But there was a person sitting in the innermost seat of the interrogation room, apparently the "suspect" Wang Leshan, and a baton fell on the ground in front of him.

There were still three people standing, one on the left and one on the right were policemen, and the one in the middle was of course Wang Dakui.

When the door was pushed open, Wang Dakui was grabbing the baton that fell on the ground, and swung it at Wang Leshan's head again unwillingly.Obviously, this time was the same as the previous few times, and Wang Leshan lifted a foot and kicked him away. No one can remember this is the first time.

The two policemen next to him had tried several times before, and they were the same as Wang Dakui. Now they looked at Wang Leshan as if they were looking at a monster.

Wang Leshan didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, and only defended himself when the baton came.He knew that Lin Xiaohu would definitely come and help him, but he didn't feel that he could "make a big fight" to turn the world upside down.He felt that Lin Xiaohu came to help him, of course let him help him smoothly, standing on an absolute advantage, whether it is morality or legal system, but to add some troubles like assaulting the police.

"My grass!"

Wang Dakui roared angrily, and went to grab the baton again, but he heard a roar like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"Stop, what are you doing!"

Lin Xiaohu should have yelled this shout, but Huang Xulang preempted it.

No one is stupid, and it is not difficult to imagine such a scene as extorting a confession or even playing a black hand.Huang Xulang was not sure what the relationship between Lin Xiaohu and Wang Leshan was, let alone why Wang Leshan was arrested, but one thing, Wang Dakui was not a police officer but did something in the interrogation room, this must be troublesome.

You must take the initiative!
Wang Dakui turned around and saw a group of people walking in, his heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Huang Xulang call one of them "Mayor Lin", and immediately shut his mouth abruptly.He has his own cleverness, and knows that at this time, Huang Xulang must not be called his cousin.

At the same time, the words "Mayor Lin" rang in his ears like thunder.

It's not acting, it's real!
Lin Xiaohu was relieved to see that Wang Leshan had nothing to do. So far, the scene in the interrogation room has been identified by Lin Xiaohu as one of the reasons why Wang Leshan is valued by Mr. Ye.Lin Xiaohu didn't directly recognize Wang Leshan as his younger brother, but looked at Wang Dakui, the only one inside who was not wearing a police uniform and said "I'm grass" and his voice was recognized, and said in a deep voice: "It was you just now. Claiming to be my father on the phone? I really want to know how a police officer can say what a kidnapper would say on the phone?"

Wang Dakui lowered his head, knowing that at this time he was beaten to death and could not make a sound.

Huang Xulang is now one head and two big, wishing to strangle Wang Dakui to death, his mind turned rapidly, thinking about how to deal with the next thing.

In this regard, Wang Leshan didn't say much, just wanted to see if the people in the police station would acquiesce in Wang Dakui's identity in order to get away with it. After all, this non-police officer beat someone with a baton in the interrogation room. It's not as simple as taking the law too far!

If it is, it will be interesting if Lin Xiaohu finds out!
(End of this chapter)

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