crazy farmer

Chapter 191 Entering the Warehouse

Chapter 191 Entering the Warehouse

Wang Qingsong and Zhao Long were originally at the level of special forces, and Wang Qingsong was even at the level of a soldier king. After taking Dali Bean and Lingshui, it was even more unmatched by ordinary people.

With this shot, even without using a gun, the strength of this hand and foot is enough to tear apart tigers and leopards.

Needless to say, the strength of those two military dogs, they were trained by Wang Leshan in the space, and they ate so many vigorous beans and brain-enhancing fruits along the way, their mouths were ruthless and accurate, making them There is no possibility of the target reacting or screaming at all.

However, there were quite a few people in the Raptors Gang ambushing outside the hall. No matter how fast these two people and dogs were, it would be difficult to knock them all down immediately, and they would be discovered soon.

This forced the two and the two dogs to face each other head-on.

Wang Leshan on the top of the building soon heard gunshots and loud shouts from below, and the people in the hall below obviously noticed something was wrong.

Wang Leshan's expression turned back, without any hesitation, his body flashed on the roof and disappeared - entered the space.Soon, he appeared on the roof again, and there was another person beside him, uh, it should be said to be a robot.

Wang Leshan brought robot No. 1 out of space!

Wang Leshan put on the clothes that he had obtained from the infiltration before, and put them on the No. 1 robot. The height of the No. 1 robot is 2 meters. Of course, these clothes are small, and they look nondescript and weird.But no matter what, it was much better than his original metal body. At the same time, Wang Leshan put a mask on his head.

After doing this, the gunshots below became more and more intense, and many people in the hall ran out to check the situation, and the fierce boss directly sounded the alarm on the mountain, causing everyone in the Raptors to turn to the police. Concentrate here.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
There was a burst of shooting, and the people in the hall were all squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands at this moment, so as not to be injured, and they didn't know what happened outside.

"Fuck them!"

They heard a loud roar coming from outside, and then they heard something thrown in from outside, and the landing sound was crisp or dull.The squatting people all looked over, and many people's eyes lit up!

Everything thrown in is a gun!

They didn't know who the people who were fighting against the Raptors Gang outside were, they didn't know if they were here for the Raptors Gang, or they also came to gamble on stones and happened to bump into the Raptors Gang's good deeds and then sabotaged them. !

The only thing I know is that in such a melee, having a gun is better than not having a gun. Having a gun may not necessarily save your life, but at least you can control your own destiny to the greatest extent!
Anyone who dares to gamble on stones in the territory of the Raptors, or to buy other things, who is a good person!Many of them came with guns, but they were all confiscated by the Raptors just now!
Now... take it!

The people whose eyes lit up all gritted their teeth, rolled over, grabbed their guns, and then shot directly at the members of the Raptors Gang next to them!

I have been holding my breath for a long time!
For a moment, even the hall fell into chaos.

Some people who didn't dare to hold guns or didn't get guns no longer dared to hide in the corner and lie on the ground at this time, but chose to flee one after another-in such a melee, no place is safe!
On Wang Leshan on the roof, seeing the scuffle inside and outside the hall, his spirit naturally tensed up accordingly.But the tense spirit made him look more calm. While paying attention to the internal and external trends, he also kept staring at the poisonous dragon.

The bosses of the poisonous dragon and the tiger gang obviously didn't expect someone to make trouble, and judging from the current situation, the situation outside is not particularly optimistic.The chaos in the hall also made the two look very dignified.

"Let's go out first!"

Boss Meng waved to his subordinates, and asked his subordinates to protect him and walk out of the hall with Dulong.And this group of people also included the four people who collected things in big bags before. The money was in these bags, at least 5000 to [-] million!
Under the protection of a group of people, he quickly rushed out of the hall and joined the other members of the Raptors Gang who came over there.Boss Meng gave some orders to these subordinates, and about 30 people rushed towards the hall.The remaining twenty or so people, along with Du Long and others, were all led by Boss Meng to go deeper into the mountain.

All of this is naturally within Wang Leshan's vision.

Wang Leshan took a look at the situation on Wang Qingsong and Zhang Long's side, saw that they were already standing with the group of stone gamblers at the moment, and knew that the backpacks behind these two people had enough firepower, so after thinking for a while, he directly took 1 The robot No. [-] quietly made a big circle, followed Dulong and others towards the depths of the mountain.

Not long after, Wang Leshan, who was hiding in the darkness, saw the twenty or so people who followed the poisonous dragon come out again, with all kinds of weapons in their hands. In addition to some machine guns, Wang Leshan also saw Grenade stuff.

Obviously, this group of people is going to support the hall, so it can be deduced that the depth of the hill should be some kind of weapon depot or warehouse of the Raptors Gang.

Scratching his head, Wang Leshan looked at robot No. 1, and asked softly: "No. 1, if you want to knock down all these twenty or so people, how long will it take?"

When robot No. 1 heard the words, a light lit up in his eyes, and he swept towards the group of people.Seeing this, Wang Leshan rolled his eyes and almost cursed, because when the light swept past, he was directly spotted by the group of people.

This number 1, can you be more straightforward!
However, Robot No. 1 acted as if he hadn’t seen it, and said to Wang Leshan: "This is a group of creatures with extremely weak attack power. If No. 1 wants to knock them all down, it will take up to 1.5 seconds; if they kill them all, it will take up to 0.4 seconds." second."

But at this time, the group of people had already adjusted their guns and all pointed their guns at this side. While asking and reprimanding loudly, some people directly chose to shoot!
Wang Leshan had no choice but to say: "Just kill it directly!"


Robot No. 1 nodded sternly, and then... his body turned into a gust of wind and flew over. During the speeding process, Robot No. 1's hands turned into large scissors for pruning branches and leaves. The large scissors were stretched out, but none of them shrunk, about one meter long.

The body of No. 1 robot made a circle among the group of people like a whirlwind—the flying bullets hit No. 1 robot without leaving any traces—after making a circle, No. 1 robot It stopped, and those people all seemed to be paused on the screen, without any movement, as if they were sculptures.

A gust of night wind hit, and the bodies of these people were torn apart, like a pile of sand being blown away by the wind.

Wang Leshan's stomach rolled like a stormy sea, and he retched on the side.

The No. 1 robot will not be allowed to "kill" the next time it is killed, it is too... The picture is too cruel, it is completely unacceptable to human beings!
Wang Leshan hated it because he was in night vision just now, and he could see everything so clearly.

After retching a few times, Wang Leshan let go of his legs and ran towards the inside. Along the way, he didn't dare to look at that piece...

The people inside naturally heard the gunshots outside. The Meng Boss and the poisonous dragon all came towards the outside, and just bumped into Wang Leshan who was rushing towards him. The speed is too fast, almost beyond the scope of human beings.

In this panic, they all chose to shoot.

At this time, the No. 1 robot, who was still wondering why the host was so strong and retching, rushed over, blocked all the bullets, and then rushed towards the poisonous dragon and the others again.

"Knock down, stun!"

Seeing this, Wang Leshan immediately yelled.


Robot No. 1 stopped suddenly while speeding, and nodded towards Wang Leshan with a serious look.

Poison Dragon and Boss Meng originally thought that the person who had been hit by the bullet was injured and stopped, but they didn't expect that this person actually answered the original person's words, and... the appearance of robot No. People saw it clearly, a strong man of more than two meters, with tattered clothes, holding two large scissors in both hands, and behind his back, this look!What the hell?

However, robot No. 1 couldn't understand what their expressions meant. After nodding its head, it moved its body again and came to these people's sides like the wind. When he reached his normal hand, he stretched out a finger, and tapped each of these people as carefully as possible, like a finger lightly pressing the left button of a mouse.

Tap it, pour one.

No matter where it doesn't fall, no matter where it is tapped, the host no longer has to worry about retching.

Wang Leshan watched the No. 1 robot point all the individuals to the ground, rolled his big eyes, and let out a sigh of relief. He felt that it was necessary to modify some programs of No. 1 — he didn’t know how to do it. It cannot be modified.

This time, he was like a god of death and suddenly became cute again. Wang Leshan thought that his nerves could not stand it.

Wang Leshan went over and tore off the clothes on Boss Meng's body, and asked No. 1 to change out the tattered clothes on his back because of the scissors growing out of his back.

After checking the surrounding area, here is a big cave, which was transformed into a huge bunker-like place by the Raptors Gang. It is not easy for outsiders to break into it.Moreover, there are many weapons in this cave, as well as enough dry food and water, and...

Wang Leshan's eyes suddenly lit up. This place is not only a bunker, but also the warehouse of the Raptors Gang, where a lot of good things are stored!

Needless to say, those big bags that received a lot of money just now, Wang Leshan and No. 1 who seemed to be from the demolition office also dug out a lot of treasures from the Raptors Gang.At least there are hundreds of kilograms of gold bars, several boxes of cash, all in US dollars, the exact amount is too late for Wang Leshan, hundreds of kilograms of white flour, and a lot of Maca, Cordyceps, saffron, etc. were found in two small caves Precious medicinal materials, and a box of jade and jade was found behind a tungsten steel door. There is actually one with an energy body in it!

(End of this chapter)

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