crazy farmer

Chapter 174 Agricultural Type I Robot (3rd update, monthly ticket 175 plus more)

Chapter 174 Agricultural Type I Robot (175rd update, monthly ticket [-] plus more)

Lingshui and the high-energy plants on the farm are used as "feed". This is Wang Leshan's biggest reliance on starting a breeding base. Even without any experience, he is confident that he can breed the best milk, beef cattle, and meat in the world. pigs etc.

As for whether these animals will have diseases and other issues, it is naturally not a problem.

In terms of management, there is currently Uncle Awang. Although Uncle Awang only had cattle raising experience before, Uncle Awang is quite a shrewd person. Wang Leshan has confidence in him.Moreover, the breeding base is only more than 500 meters away from the cabin, so you can go there at any time if you need anything.

For the rest of the staff, Wang Leshan currently has 10 people. They are all villagers who helped build the breeding base before. Getting started should be simple.

10 villagers, plus Uncle Awang and her wife Aunt Awang, are enough for now, but once there are more animals, even if Wang Leshan will send dozens of dogs to help, it will definitely not be enough. The cleaning of the entire breeding base and the feeding of the animals may not be enough, and Uncle Awang will need to recruit some more people in the future.

At the same time, for professionals in quarantine, even if the breeding base does not need to worry about any animal diseases, it still needs to be assigned one.

The meat, milk, and eggs produced by this breeding base in the future will first be provided to the built Shennong Villa and the internal consumption of the farm, and then will be transported outside for sale.Therefore, the breeding base must be equipped with butchers and milkers. As for picking eggs, anyone can do it.

After all the 5000 cows were resettled, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Uncle Awang and other people who were scheduled to work in the breeding base, Wang Leshan signed a contract with them on the spot, and the wages were calculated according to the beginning of the month and settled directly The salary for the first month is 8000 per person per month, and [-] for Uncle Ngawang and his wife.

In fact, today is the end of the month, and there are only a few days before the beginning of next month, which means that all twelve people have received a month's salary for nothing.Everyone was very grateful for Wang Leshan's way of settling wages, and each of them patted their chests to ensure that the breeding base would be done well.

As for Wang Leshan's settlement of wages, one is to thank them for their help some time ago, the other is to treat the rest as the first month's bonus, and the third is to motivate the enthusiasm of these villagers.And this little money is not a problem for Wang Leshan.

After signing the contract and receiving their wages, Uncle Awang and the three villagers went straight home to get quilts and other daily necessities, and lived in the office building.The breeding base needs people to come and watch the night. Several employees come in turn, and Uncle Awang and his wife need to stay here most of the time.

Fatty Li, who was helping there with him, returned to the cabin from the breeding base, and there were still people there, and there were quite a few of them.There were several people sitting at the tables and chairs beside the fish pond in front of the cabin. Gongshu Yuanwen and several great craftsmen were admiring the moon, and a few old men were drinking wine, looking up at the moon, and there were three of them. When you get closer, you can still hear the sour poems of these little old men, heh, this is really good fun.

There are a few young people in this group of little old men, one of them is Lei Guangzong's foreigner student, who is also holding a drink and pretending to ask the Qingtian carefully, and also recited poems, but what he chanted is all In English, at first glance, there is something "earthy but not earthy". Wang Leshan certainly doesn't know what it is, but the emphasis is nice, and it is probably a London accent.

"Brother Leshan, brother fat."

Seeing Wang Leshan and Fatty Li coming back from the breeding base, everyone greeted them, and Lei Guangzong even went over and pulled them towards them, his face was flushed, obviously drunk Quite a few, and said: "Are you done with your work? Let's have some food together. Brother Fan has cooked a lot of delicious food. Our group of old men are singing poems with wine while taking advantage of our temper. You two also come to join in the fun."

Wang Leshan waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay to have a few drinks and something to eat, but I really can't come to poetry."

Fatty Li looked very disgusted with Wang Leshan, and said, "Shanzi, I told you to read more books? Look, you will be very nèng when you encounter this situation!"

While talking, he poured himself a glass of wine, held it up, and respected this group of master craftsmen whom Fatty had already known well these days, and said solemnly: "Seniors, today, taking advantage of the beautiful scenery of this beautiful day, the bright moon wine , I also present a poem to everyone. For this poem, there must be a poem and a song, everyone agrees?"

He poured the wine in the glass in one gulp, then raised his hand, making an invitation gesture, full of pomp and air, coughed lightly and said, "Don't you see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, running... towards that A sea of ​​purple and red, fiery singing..."

Uh... yes, in the back, Fatty's strength was sung, and he also swayed his fat and flexible body.

Wang Leshan was overwhelmed by the fat man's strength, and couldn't help but stay away from him a lot. I'm really embarrassed to say that I knew this fat man, and it was really "showing my ugly face". This fat man is not humble at all.

Gongshu Yuanwen, Lei Guangzong and the others were stunned. Originally, the fat man's first sentence was quite imposing, with a loud and infectious voice, but he didn't expect to sing it later. It was really as he said. Poetry, poetry, poetry must have poetry There are songs.

It was a rare pleasure to watch the moon with the beautiful scenery, delicious food, fine wine and more wonderful people.After ten o'clock, the little old men were a little drunk and tired, and went back to the residence with the help of a few juniors. Fatty Li tidied up with Wang Leshan and Fan Mingwei and went back shaking his head.

Wang Leshan returned to his room, brought the two dogs brought by Nan Sheng, and He Yuting's stewed food into the space.

At the first time, Wang Leshan took out some vigorous beans and brain-nourishing fruits, and distributed them to the animals that had been bought in the daytime and put them into the space. Wang Leshan needed to cultivate them as soon as possible, especially the dogs. Enter the breeding base as soon as possible to start "work".

Each of the fifty dogs was given two Dali beans and half a brain fruit. Wang Leshan has raised the most dogs so far. He already has experience and can control the amount very well. He can eat two Dali beans at a time. And half a Yinaoguo, there is no problem for these dogs who have been in the space for half a day, that is, about ten days of space time.

For the rest of the animals, ten cats, a pair of Sakers, a pair of owls, and a pair of black eagles, Wang Leshan didn't dare to eat too much, about half a pea and one-eighth of the nutmeg for each head.

After feeding these animals, Wang Leshan is going to continue feeding them for a while, especially those fifty dogs that are stronger. Wang Leshan is going to feed each of them ten Dali beans and three Yinaoguo before tomorrow. Put it into breeding bases and farms.

After checking the silkworm rooms, the 2500 baby silkworms produced by the five pairs of golden silkworms have already entered the stage of spinning and cocooning. It can reach saturation, and then with the automatic management of the silkworm room, a large amount of silk can be produced.The silk produced is naturally used to make silk fabrics, and Wang Leshan already has an idea in mind as to what kind of items it will eventually become.

After checking around the space, Wang Leshan returned to the flat peach tree, scratched his head, and finally returned to the dilemma between Dadizi and the robot.

After much deliberation, Wang Leshan gritted his teeth and chose to exchange for a Type I agricultural robot.

Curiosity accounted for more than half of it, and the other half was after the space became larger. Wang Leshan really felt that someone should stay in it to manage it, which would save him a lot of time.Inside the space, it is definitely not easy for others to come in, and outside the space, it is also not easy for robots to go out casually.

"Ding! The host successfully consumed 200 points to exchange for a Type I agricultural robot."

Following a notification sound, the points became 28. Wang Leshan saw the redemption list light up, and the light flew to the existing list, and there was an additional robot icon.From the icon, the appearance of this robot is quite delicate, at least not like the robots on the market today.

With a thought in Wang Leshan's mind, the icon lit up and flew into Wang Leshan's hands. It was a miniature robot with very fine details, and its appearance was a complete human figure with clear outline and five senses.This made Wang Leshan slightly surprised, not sure if this robot was originally like this, or [Crazy Farm] directly changed the appearance of the robot based on the knowledge of the host, that is, himself.

If, if this is the original appearance, then Wang Leshan can't help but wonder why the intelligent life in the Shennong Starfield designed the robot into a human form, and this human form is almost exactly the same as the earth's people, with hands, feet, facial features body!

Could it be that the intelligent life in the Shennong star field is also the same as human beings?
Wang Leshan shook his head, temporarily putting aside this idea, because he couldn't be sure whether [Crazy Farm] changed the appearance of the robot according to his idea, so the remaining conjectures could not be determined.

Wang Leshan concentrated, and some data appeared on the robot. Wang Leshan pressed the function button and input 10 points of energy, which is enough for the robot to work for 70 days. - Existing energy becomes 20/47.

After replenishing the energy, Wang Leshan had a thought, and the robot automatically left Wang Leshan's palm and fell to the ground, turning into a two-meter-tall giant.The appearance is almost the same as that of a human except for some metal textures, and the head is also the same as a human except for the bald head, except that the skin color and race cannot be seen. If you put on clothes and stand there like this, you can't imagine People can recognize it as a robot.

Drop drop drop drop.

The robot's eyes flickered a few times, as if it was reading something or starting a program. After the flickering stopped, the robot opened its mouth, and then spoke in standard Chinese: "Agricultural I-type robot, number SNNY10001, the program is started." Finished, ask the host to issue instructions."

 The third update is over, ask for a monthly ticket and subscription.

(End of this chapter)

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