crazy farmer

Chapter 171 Farm Guard 2.0

Chapter 171 Farm Guard 2.0
Shang Dingguo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Haisun Group, 48 years old, started from scratch and now owns a group with a market value of over 800 billion and is growing at a terrifying rate every year. He is a famous and successful person in the entire Jiangnan Province and even China.

Elegant appearance, calm personality, calm decision-making, and precise vision are all topics that the outside world loves to talk about.

The most talked about by the outside world is probably the matter of Shang Dingguo taking his wife. At that time, the Yang family was not as prosperous as it is now, and the outside world was very moved and awed by Shang Dingguo's eyes.With the help of the Yang family today, everyone believes that as long as Shang Dingguo does not make stupid mistakes in decision-making, the future development of Haishang Group will be immeasurable, not to mention that Shang Dingguo has great abilities It is possible to create a business empire dozens of times larger than the current Haishang Group.

As the outside world has guessed, Haisun Group has developed like a well in recent years. The two companies have not only successfully listed on Nasdaq, they have also begun to enter real estate, technology and other fields, and have made great achievements. Great achievement, in a few years, no one is sure what kind of comprehensive commercial aircraft carrier Haishang Group will develop into.

However, outsiders cannot comprehend how many hardships and distresses there are behind a successful person.In the same way, how many intrigues, open guns and dark arrows and dirty deeds are behind this, it is even more difficult for outsiders to tell.

Over the years, there have been rumors in a small group of circles that Shang Dingguo and Yang Meiqi's husband and wife are at odds. Shang Dingguo has a lover outside who makes a mistress, and Yang Meiqi also raises a lot of little faces outside.Of course, in public, this couple still demonstrates the love between husband and wife in front of everyone.

And recently, there is even more explosive news circulating in some circles, that is, Shang Qiwen, the son of Shang Dingguo, was sent to prison for many crimes, the most being hiring/murdering/killing /person, he hired a nationally wanted criminal.As a result, the unconfirmed marriage contract between Shang Qiwen and Bai Jiabailu was naturally dissolved.

As for now, there is a big news that catches everyone by surprise. Shang Dingguo's wife Yang Meiqi actually played SM scenes with her lover in the villa. The key is that she was exposed!
Although Haishang Group and the Yang family used their relationship to delete pictures and news at the first time, but it was too late, everyone who should know knew it, and people who shouldn't know it also knew it.

Many people are staring at the Haishang Group and the Yang family, wanting to see what the two will do next.

Yunhai City, Shang Family.

Shang Dingguo looked at the results of today's scandal sent by his secretary. As the outside world talked about, with a refined appearance, a calm personality, and no joy or anger on his face, no one knew that Shang Dingguo was at this moment. What's in my heart.The entire Shang family was in a state of silence, wondering if there was a storm under Shang Dingguo's stagnant expression.

In the silence of the Shang family, there was only one sound, and that was the sound of smashing things, one after another, coming from Yang Meiqi's room.At this moment, Yang Meiqi had already woken up. After a physical examination, there was no problem, and she was sent back to Shang's house. She already knew what happened.

Shang Dingguo's cell phone rang, looked at the display on the cell phone, Shang Dingguo picked it up, and an old and majestic voice came from the cell phone.

"Dingguo, I've already had someone deal with this matter, and the impact has been minimized. Don't think about it anymore. I'll ask someone to greet you for the land in Shencheng. There should be no problem. Also, The matter of the Special Economic Office should be raised in the next two days, so you can make preparations in the next two days and try to win this cooperation."

This majestic voice was undoubtedly Yang Meiqi's father, Yang Xinye.

When Shang Dingguo heard Yang Xinye's words, his expression hardly changed. Although he was separated by the phone, he still nodded and said in a deep voice, "I see."

Yang Xinye on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said: "Your child outside, take it back, you can let him work in the group. Give the phone to Majesty."

Shang Dingguo's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he walked to Yang Meiqi's room with his mobile phone. Seeing that the whole room was in a mess, Yang Meiqi only frowned slightly, and passed the phone over with a normal voice, saying : "Dad's phone number."

After the mobile phone was handed over to Yang Meiqi, Shang Dingguo turned around and left, walking straight out of the house.

"I don't want to, I don't want to go abroad!"

Hearing the hoarse voice faintly behind his ears, Shang Dingguo, who walked into the night, finally showed a trace of sharpness in his eyes.

"Dad, today's matter is caused by someone behind the scenes. I will never leave until I figure out this matter!"

In the room, Yang Meiqi yelled loudly with her mobile phone, as if she was going crazy: "Yes, someone must be playing tricks! It must be him, it must be him! Today, I just sent someone to find the trouble in his fruit and vegetable store. Revenge came tonight! It must be him, Wang Leshan!"

"Wang Leshan?"

Yang Xinye on the other end of the phone pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, I understand, I will let someone investigate this matter. And now, you will go to the United States to stay for a while."

Yang Meiqi was not reconciled: "But..."

He was directly interrupted by Yang Xinye: "Why, do you still think that my Yang family has not embarrassed enough? Also, let me inform you that I have promised Dingguo to let the child who was outside come back. This matter has been settled. You and your son are to blame for this! Before you come back from the United States this time, you must adjust your mentality for me. If you make me mess up again, don’t blame me for not thinking about the love between father and daughter!"

After all, hang up the phone directly.


Yang Xinye rubbed his eyebrows, and said to a 30-year-old man with an expressionless face standing beside him: "Go to Yunhai City and investigate that Wang Leshan. Also send two people to look after Shang Dingguo. To control his every move, there can't be anything wrong with this matter right now. By the way, there is also that man named Hu..."

The man named Amu nodded, walked back out of the room, and walked almost without any sound.


It's already past 10 o'clock in the evening after saying goodbye to Wang Qingsong and returning to the cabin. Wang Leshan is not very interested in how many turmoil will follow tonight's events. What is certain is that Haishang Group and that Yang Meiqi may There is no more work and leisure to make a trip.


For Wang Leshan, Haishang Group is still a giant, and it will take a lot of time for him to really ignore it.

Of course, if it's a one-and-done kill directly, that's another story.

To be honest, there was a murderous intention tonight.Although it is not true that the disturbance in the store today is heinous, but Wang Leshan did have murderous intentions.Everyone has a subconscious mind in their hearts, a subconscious mind that is the simplest and most convenient for judging things.Undoubtedly, directly killing the killer is the easiest and most convenient way to solve the problem.Regarding this kind of thought, Wang Leshan knew that it would come naturally after his strength increased.I can't say whether it is right or wrong, but Wang Leshan knows that this is not the best solution.

Unless, really reached that point.

With the increase of this kind of power, the psychological hostility will naturally increase. How to balance the two powers, Wang Leshan regards it as a kind of practice.Wang Leshan didn't know how he came up with such a weird idea.Perhaps this is also born naturally, and a rising tide lifts all boats.

In the space, accompanied by the self-abuse of thunder and fire...

The next day.

The construction of Shennong Villa is on the right track.

In the morning, a harvester entered the field and began to harvest twelve acres of spiritual rice. Fatty Li and several others were responsible for bagging and transporting the spiritual rice.

The maturity of the first-order spiritual rice is a big event for Wang Leshan. This is the first time that the plants in [Crazy Farm] have matured in the real world. Edible effects grown in the real world.

Wang Leshan has always paid close attention to the twelve acres of spiritual rice, but judging from the growth of the spiritual rice, it is not much different from that in the space, and the grains are also very full.Although the yield per mu in the space cannot reach 3 kilograms, Wang Leshan is quite confident in halving the amount.

The few people who helped in the field were already very surprised by this new type of rice at the moment. It was only less than half an acre, and so many sacks had already been filled!
Around noon, Fan Mingwei approached Wang Leshan, took two people with him, and introduced them to Wang Leshan, who were the two chefs Fan Mingwei had recruited.Now that there are many more people on the Shennong Villa construction site, the burden of cooking is naturally heavier. Fan Mingwei and He Yuting are too busy, so two new people have been recruited, which can be regarded as the future chef team of Shennong Villa.

After lunch, Wang Leshan went to the city. First, he asked Wang Qingsong to inquire about the follow-up of the incident. Second, he went to the flower and bird market to sell fifty dogs at once.Some of these dogs are going to stay on the farm, and the other part are going to be put on the breeding base.Trained to become shepherd dogs, cattle dogs, pig dogs, chicken dogs, duck dogs, and goose dogs in the true sense. First, it can reduce the manpower on the breeding base, and second, it can act as a guard for the breeding base. The best of both worlds .

This is also related to yesterday's disturbance. Wang Leshan felt that it was necessary to further upgrade the strength of the "farm guards".

For humans, he dare not use vigorous beans. In this regard, he trusts animals more.People have ambition, animals have bestiality, ambition or bestiality, which is easier to control is self-evident.

In addition to fifty dogs, Wang Leshan also bought ten cats, a pair of falcons, a pair of black eagles and a pair of owls.Because the latter three birds belong to the category of protected animals, Wang Leshan also specially paid the boss of the flower and bird market to apply for a certificate.

Dozens of dogs, ten cats, eight birds, four squirrels, and two beehives add up to more than [-] buzzing bees. There is land and space. This is the first large-scale upgrade of "Farm Guard" strength.

Wang Leshan called it Farm Guard 2.0!

(End of this chapter)

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