crazy farmer

Chapter 165 Start of Construction on the Villa

Chapter 165 Start of Construction on the Villa
After arriving at the appointed place with ease, Bai Lu was already waiting there again.

"You want to find Grandma Lin?"

After meeting Wang Leshan, and hearing that Wang Leshan was going to find Grandma Lin, Bai Lu said: "It's really a coincidence, Grandma Lin and Grandpa Lin just went out this morning. I heard that the two old people are recovering during this time." Quite a few, plus there was a summit in Qionghai Province just now, so it was considered a trip. Do you have anything to do with Grandma Lin?"

When Wang Leshan heard that the two old men had gone to Qionghai Province, he smiled wryly, told Bai Lu the truth, smiled, and said, "However, this matter is not in a hurry. Let's talk about it when Grandma Lin comes back. You don't want to I called them, lest I hear you come back early, and let them play for a few more days."

Seeing that Wang Leshan was not in a hurry, Bai Lu also nodded her head. She knew a few professors of biology, but she didn't really want to let outsiders know what Wang Leshan meant, so she didn't introduce it to Wang Leshan.

"By the way, I met your aunt yesterday when I went to an auction and talked about some cooperation. I'm here from your aunt now."

Wang Leshan and Bai Lu held hands, strolled casually in the university town, talked about some things about today, and then talked about other things.

Walking and stopping for about an hour, Bai Lu knew that Wang Leshan had a lot of things recently, so she didn't bother him to stay with her all the time, and "drived" Wang Leshan away under the pretext that she still needed to read.Watching Wang Leshan leave, Bai Lu smiled wryly again, yesterday she promised her aunt that she would show more love to Wang Leshan, but today she forgot again.

However, Bai Lu is not a person who cares about her heart for the sake of her heart. She knows what speed is, and it is best to let nature take its course.And Bai Lu also thinks that it is best for couples to find the most suitable way to make each other most comfortable.

Holding the two boxes Wang Leshan gave her, Bai Lu walked back to the library in a very good mood, put the boxes in her bag, and was ready to eat when she went home.The few fruits that Wang Leshan sent last time, Bai Lu has already eaten according to his instructions, it is very strange and miraculous, after eating, I feel that the whole person's mind has cleared up a lot, this is also one of the reasons why Bai Lu passed the doctoral examination so quickly reason.

This time, Wang Leshan said that it can beautify the skin, so she naturally believed it.Wang Leshan did not tell her that eating would make her feel in love, because every word, every movement and even silence between the two of them together is love.

Wang Leshan left the university town and went to the vegetable and fruit supermarket first. Seeing that everything was normal, he returned to Dakang Village after a while, and it was time for dinner.

Because the Shennong Villa will break ground tomorrow, the preparation work has already been done. Lei Guangzong’s friend sent two batches of building materials. The combined price of these two batches of building materials is already over 1000 million, which is the largest part of Shennong Villa. expenditure.Most of them are mainly stone and wood, most of which Wang Leshan has never seen before, but he has seen some names on the list, such as refined quartz stone, Tahitian aerobic stone, Shoushan stone, etc., teak wood, ebony , rosewood, and red sandalwood are very expensive at first glance, some are in large quantities, and some are in small quantities.

There are also some mud, special bricks, etc., which are now piled up on the edge of that wasteland.

According to Lei Guangzong's request, Fatty Li also found a construction team with about 30 people. The original construction team also stayed to help. In addition, after the breeding base is completed, the construction team will also come here to continue working. In total, there are about 80 people in the construction team, plus at least 20 casual workers, about 100 people.

These people are mainly assistants, and the main work is done by the skilled craftsmen invited by Lei Guangzong.

The excavators and bulldozers from the breeding base have also come here. After the groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow, the first step is naturally to dig the foundation.

At night, several groups of people came to the farm.

The first batch and the second batch were people from the Gongshu family and the Li family. They each drove a few cars, carefully lifted out some things wrapped in good cloth from the car, and reluctantly moved to the temporary residence. Over there, these things should be the core materials of the three things that Gongshu Yuanwen and Li Shaosi want to "compete".

These two groups of people didn't show any good looks when they saw Lei Guangzong. They obviously knew that the old man in his family would be willing to take out these precious materials because he fell into Lei Guangzong's trap, so they didn't go up and beat him up It's already polite.After the two groups of people delivered the materials, they each left a shrewd clan member behind, saying that they were helping, but in fact, they probably wanted to watch their old man and not fall into the trap of Lei Guangzong again.The rest left quickly.

The third group consisted of two people in their early thirties. One called Lei Guangzong his uncle, and the other called Lei Guangzong his teacher. They were still English, with light blonde curly hair, well-dressed, and very personable.These two people came to help Lei Guangzong, and some partial designs required their help.

Wang Leshan met with these people one by one, cleaned up the dust, settled them properly, and soon at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, they dispersed. They all returned to the temporary residence, and Wang Leshan also returned to the cabin and entered the space.

The next day, Wang Leshan didn't go anywhere.In the morning, I received several calls from Bai Lu Bai Lanyu Nan Sheng and others.Among them, Bai Lanyu called and said that the two melons had been sold and were very popular with those two customers. He wanted Wang Leshan to send some more, so Wang Leshan made an appointment.And Nan Sheng called to say that he would come over tomorrow, one is to send her and Song Zuer's puppy over, and the other is to discuss the matter of seeds, Wang Leshan told her that he would go out to buy goods tomorrow When she came back at night, Nan Sheng only told Wang Leshan to just go, and she could wait for him while playing on the farm.

At 2:15 p.m., the ground-breaking ceremony was hosted by Lei Guangzong, and it was successfully completed after paying homage to Lu Ban, the common ancestor of the craftsmen. Wages were paid according to the rules.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, several excavators and bulldozers entered the edge of the wasteland and began to dig the foundation.

After preparing for a period of time, the construction of Shennong Villa finally started.

So far, the initial investment of Shennong Villa has reached about 1500 million, most of which are the two batches of precious building materials, followed by the wages of these skilled craftsmen, Lei Guangzong and others have not paid the design fee.

When the excavators and bulldozers were working on the wasteland, Lei Guangzong called the original construction team and construction team to the side for a meeting. They were assigned tasks and got simple construction drawings of the parts they needed.Um, even the simple construction drawings made them dizzy, and they didn't have the confidence to cover the things on the construction drawings, and even regarded them as fantasy.

Lei Guangzong knew that the level of these construction teams might be passable, but his vision was not good enough, so he explained the steps and methods of construction to them in a simple way, simple and easy to understand, and those construction teams were stunned and stunned. , Mao Sai suddenly realized, surprised again and again, can still do this!
The earliest construction team has always been on the farm side. Naturally, they also saw some preparatory work done by Gongshu Yuanwen and Li Shaosi. Formed into incredible shapes and parts, I finally understand what is so amazing that it turns decay into magic.Hearing Lei Guangzong's ingenious and incomparable ideas and methods this time, he couldn't help but become more enthralled, and knew that this group of people was not simple, and each of them naturally worshiped them like gods.

All in all, with Lei Guangzong and the others in charge, the construction of Shennong Villa has been on the right track step by step.

After the meeting, the two engineering teams started to build the simple houses. They would need to stay here for a long time, and it was inconvenient to go back and forth, so they bought some simple houses and built them on the ground where the construction started. On the side of the construction site, as a sleeping place.

After late at night, Wang Leshan returned to the cabin and entered the space again.After a period of time in the space, the previously planted melons matured, and the all-in-one farming and harvesting machine was harvested. A total of 9600 melons were harvested, and the existing inventory exceeded 10800, with [-] melons.

Obtained points 110, existing points 192.

Earnings ratios fell again.

Wang Leshan did not exchange these 192 points for anything, but prepared to accumulate more than 200 points.

To break through 200 points, one is to meet the conditions for space upgrade, and the other is to be able to unlock various new items.

For the space upgrade, Wang Leshan has no idea at the moment, and 900 square meters is enough for now.And new items are naturally curiosity and anticipation. The 600 square meters in the current space are in urgent need of new plants.

Before unlocking new things, Wang Leshan still chose to grow melons, took out 240 melons, took out 2400 seeds, and squeezed the juice from the pulp.

Woke up early the next day, helped Ah Chou and others to load the agricultural products into the car, and gave him a box containing ten boxes, each filled with a melon, and told him to go to Baiyun’s hometown to pick it up by himself. To Bai Lanyu's hands.

At around 8 o'clock, Wang Leshan and Uncle Ngawang boarded the car and set off for Pingyang City.

Pingyang City is a prefecture-level city in Jiangnan Province, located in the central part of Jiangnan Province and connected to Yunhai City in the east.Pingyang City has many hills, few plains, no sea and no coast, and its area ranks second in Jiangnan Province. However, its economic development is far from that of several coastal cities in Jiangnan Province. The proportion of agricultural income is the largest city in Jiangnan Province, and it is also the largest city in Jiangnan Province. A city with the most developed animal husbandry in Jiangnan Province.

From the provincial road to the west, passing several small towns such as Gaoshan Town, and soon entering the boundary of Pingyang City, the most obvious feature is that the number of cave tunnels has increased rapidly, and it is necessary to pass through a tunnel almost every 10 minutes.

About one and a half hours' drive, Wang Leshan and Uncle Ngawang arrived at Longgang Town under Pingyang City. Longgang Town is a town with the most concentrated breeding farms in Pingyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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