crazy farmer

Chapter 152 Wang Leshan's Meditation

Chapter 152 Wang Leshan's Meditation

Gongshu Yuanwen and Li Shaosi didn't know how much they had quarreled, and they didn't know if they were tired of arguing. They finally disliked each other and lived together in this "Bamboo View Room". next bed.

"Why bother!"

The two apprentices Gongshu Qingyuan and Li Pian shook their heads wryly. If it was like this from the beginning, how could they have fallen into the trap of Lei Guangzong.

These two people can be regarded as bystanders, but they also know that they have no part to speak, so from the beginning to the end, the two of them did not say a word, and let the two old people quarrel.

It is also rare.

On weekdays at home, everyone lives with a sullen face. When old friends meet, even if they swear and quarrel, it should be a happy thing for them.

Gongshu Qingyuan and Li Pian both chose a room to live here. The room is medium-sized, and the green jade bamboo can barely be seen.There are also some rooms that are better, but they dare not choose. Who knows if the people who come in the future will drive them out, but they know that some seniors will come in the future, and there are not a few of them with big tempers.

Wang Leshan didn't know when the two old men would end their quarrel, but seeing that there would be nothing wrong with their energy, he knew that it was useless to stay there, so he walked straight towards Liyu Mountain.

It was past eight o'clock at this moment, and the construction workers of the breeding base naturally left long ago, and there was silence.

The breeding base has been built to this day, and more than half of it has been completed.

The breeding base is at the foot of Liyu Mountain, covering an area of ​​more than 80 mu, with a total area of ​​more than 5 square meters. Such a scale is not small, at least it is the largest in Sanhe Town and several nearby towns.

The entire breeding base is divided into nine areas, large and small, and some livestock houses or poultry houses have been built in each.Pig pens, dairy barn, beef barn, sheep barn, broiler barn, layer barn, duck barn and goose barn, and an office building.There are separations between the nine areas, and the distance between the houses is sufficient. They are all built according to the most standard breeding buildings.

The duck house and the goose house are connected together, and a rather large pond is dug in the middle as a swimming place for these two kinds of animals.

The "sports ground" for the rest of the animals is the entire carp hill at the back to ensure their vitality and exercise.

The breeding base has now been connected to electricity and water. On one side of the breeding base, a reservoir is being built, which will introduce water from the mountain stream on Liyu Mountain.Of course, this is just a cover, when the time comes, Wang Leshan will replace all the water in the reservoir with spiritual water!
After all the breeding bases are built, you can buy all kinds of livestock and poultry. This will be the meat warehouse, egg warehouse and milk warehouse in the future.

Wang Leshan arrived at the foot of Liyu Mountain, and walked up the mountain delicately. Youtiao and Simao opened the way in front of him. With his concentration, he could almost see at night, so naturally he didn't have to worry about the dark night road.

Not long after, one person, one dog and one squirrel arrived at the top of the mountain.

With a thought in Wang Leshan's mind, a multifunctional spiritual water pump appeared in his hand. After pressing the function button a few times, the spiritual water pump came out of his hand and flew into the air, spraying spiritual water from the spiritual water pump, like a fountain, a large one A fountain, covering an area of ​​at least [-] square meters.After staying for a few seconds, he flew to the next area.

Nearly 10 minutes later, the spirit water pump used spirit water to irrigate the entire Liyu Mountain. The whole Liyu Mountain looked like it had just rained, and the amount of rainfall was not small!
Wang Leshan originally wanted to irrigate the planted fruit seedlings with spiritual water. After thinking about it, fortunately, he watered the entire Liyu Mountain once, and the fruit seedlings focused on taking care of them.

This carp mountain is full of weeds, so let them soak in the rain and dew. Anyway, it is not a bad thing to grow after being irrigated with spiritual water. After the livestock and poultry in the breeding base are raised, they will not all be their rations.

This irrigation has reduced the first-order spirit water in the Lingshui pump by 2 cubic meters, which is equivalent to pouring the water of three fish ponds on the Liyu Mountain. Definitely need more if it is moist enough.It is also equivalent to 2 points of energy, not too much.

"We're calling the wind and calling the rain."

Wang Leshan took back the spirit water pump and put it in the list of [Crazy Farm], and said with emotion.

When walking down, Wang Leshan smiled wryly again, the mountain road is wet, why bother to come up before, can standing at the foot of the mountain not be able to irrigate?
Just to stand tall and look cool, get wet.

When I got down to the foot of the mountain, I received a system reminder, and I got 2 points, and now I have 74 points. Needless to say, it was also a reward for "raining" just now.In the past, the point rewards for irrigating a fish pond were more than this. After upgrading the space, the point rewards outside also dropped sharply.It would definitely not be worthwhile to just exchange 1 point of energy for 2 points, otherwise, Wang Leshan would have already irrigated and purified the Dakang Mountain, Jiuping Mountain and the nearby creeks and rivers in exchange for points.

Back at the cabin, Wang Leshan felt relieved that he didn't hear the two old men arguing.

He Yuting and the others had just finished packing up, just in time to meet Wang Leshan who came back.He Yuting instructed Wang Leshan: "Boil some hot water and put it in the pot. If you are hungry at night, remember to drink it."

Wang Leshan entered the cabin and brought the whole pot into the space, adjusted the temperature and stored it there, and drank it when he was hungry.

After the fruit seedlings were pulled out today, the 600 square meters of the space were empty. Wang Leshan thought about it and took out 240 melons. After picking out the seeds, they soaked them in spiritual water, and the pulp was squeezed into juice and stored. stand up.

The space cannot be empty, every day represents some points.

At present, the point income of planting melons is the largest, so it is natural to plant melons.

240 melons, 2400 seeds, just full.

At the same time, Wang Leshan also thought about the usefulness of the vigorous beans, brain-nourishing fruits, and melons stored in the space, and they couldn't be left alone all the time.

At present, there are 32.5 Dali beans in stock, 1.18 Yinaoguo, and more than 1300 melons. After planting 2400 seeds this time, the stock will definitely exceed [-]!

To be honest, these things are really difficult for Wang Leshan to deal with.

Gein, these things are too heaven-defying!

Wang Leshan has always been very cautious in handling these things. He knows that if too much is released, it will definitely cause great influence and even trouble.

Except for a few trusted and close people, Wang Leshan only let the animals eat these few things.

For example, vigorous beans, this kind of "magic" that can multiply the strength of creatures on the earth, Wang Leshan not only ate a few for Fatty Li and Hong Qingqing, but also for Wang Qingsong, Zhang Long, and Zhao Hu. Those are the animals.

The only way he could now imagine dealing with these large quantities of beans was to feed these animals.In addition to fried dough sticks, there are buzzing bees and golden silkworms that will multiply in large numbers. ——The buzzing bee will obey the bee repelling technique, and the golden silkworm is always in the silkworm room, which is within the controllable range.

Then there are the animals that are about to be raised at the breeding base. Dali beans can not only increase strength, but also improve muscles. Putting them on them means meat quality.Of course, Wang Leshan was a bit reluctant to let these beef, beef, and pigs eat the vigorous beans grown in the space. At the same time, he was afraid that the meat quality would be too perfect, so that people who ate pork and beef would also indirectly gain a lot of power.Therefore, Wang Leshan planted 10 mu of Dali beans outside, which is to be used to feed pigs and cows.The effect would certainly be quite different, the most ideal of course would be to be able to change the quality of the meat without allowing the user to gain power, if it was only a small amount of power it wouldn't matter.

Wang Leshan also knows that this is quite contradictory, almost unsolvable contradiction.

I want the farm to develop better, but I don't want to cause uncontrollable impact.

The only thing that can be done is to weigh it properly!
In comparison, animals are relatively controllable even though they are beastly.As for human beings, Wang Leshan still didn't dare to use a large amount of vigorous beans rashly before he had absolute control.

As for the brain-nourishing fruit, although the effect is not so obvious compared to the vigorous beans, Wang Leshan knows that the brain-nourishing fruit's effect must be more terrifying.I have been controlling the amount I use all the time, and I don't even dare to let the animals eat more, and I even dare not let myself eat more.

So far, Wang Leshan has used no more than 20 Nootropics.

Wang Leshan is not afraid that he is too smart, but that something uncontrollable will happen. God knows whether the body structure of the earthlings is the same as that of the intelligent creatures in the Shennong Starfield, which can accept a lot of these things.

Since I got [Crazy Farm], everything has been going smoothly, and I have lived a life that I could not have imagined before.Wang Leshan's vision is broad and his ambition is big, but he has always held a cautious and awe-inspiring attitude towards the use of [Crazy Farm].Even so, Wang Leshan still felt that it was crazy enough!
But being uncontrollable is very important to Wang Leshan.He doesn't want changes in his current life that he can't control, because of himself and because of the people around him.

On the contrary, melons are much easier to deal with. Eating a melon is equivalent to doing a small adjustment, and the impact is not as great as the previous two.

The melon has now been used by Wang Leshan in the mask mud. In addition, Wang Leshan thinks that it can be sold by making fruit drinks, or even sold directly.Of course, this sales target must be known by oneself, and it must be within a small range.

If melon is made into a fruit drink, if it is greatly diluted to reduce its effect, it can also be considered as an oral liquid for beauty and beauty.


When Wang Leshan thought of this, his eyes lit up, this is a good way.

Mermaid melon can be squeezed into juice for dilution, so can brain-boosting fruit, which can be made into a health product similar to nourishing the brain, and pea beans can also be made into a health product for strengthening the body.

To carry out such a large-scale dilution, Wang Leshan alone would definitely not be able to keep up with his busy schedule. He still had to build a factory with several specialized assembly lines, intelligent ingredients, automatic filling, etc.

Moreover, and the most important point, it is necessary to ensure that the unique components are not extracted, or even analyzed by interested people.

These need to be done by professionals, and these professionals must be able to ensure complete control!

Wang Leshan fell into deep thought, going through these thoughts over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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