crazy farmer

Chapter 143 Opening Day 1

Chapter 143 First Day of Opening

After finalizing the price of agricultural products, Wang Leshan and others discussed it for a while, and then started preparations for the opening tomorrow.

First, the distribution of products on the shelves in the supermarket was assigned. This point, Ah Qi has experience, and with Wang Leshan's checks, it was quickly settled.Li Qiaohui fixed the price and product labels, and pasted them on the shelves one by one, so that the goods can be put on the shelves directly after they arrive tomorrow without messing up.

As for the bags containing agricultural products, Li Qiaohui also found someone to make them specially, with the store name, logo and contact information printed on them.

She is also prepared for the membership card. Now Wang Leshan has set the threshold for recharging the card. It only needs to be set in the cashier system. When the time comes, you can apply for the card and swipe it. This is not a technical job, but Li Qiaohui is in the system When setting permissions in the background and entering those two numbers, my hands were a little trembling.

During this period, Cheng Liying came. Wang Leshan called this morning and asked her to help find a house. The house is for the supermarket clerk to live in.Since I work here, I can't commute and go back to Sanhe Town.

It was a trivial matter for Cheng Liying to rent a staff dormitory, and it was settled quickly, and she also asked someone to help clean it and buy some necessary things.The staff dormitory is not far from the supermarket, about a 10-minute walk away.There are three sets of one bedroom, one living room and two bathrooms in the same building. There are a total of twelve rooms. Even if two people live in one room, it is enough to accommodate 24 people.Although it is a simple decoration, but because of the location, the price is really not low, a suite is 4 a year.It is definitely not bad for employees to live in such a house. Generally, large companies do not have such good benefits.

Seeing that the house has been rented, Wang Leshan asked a few people to follow Cheng Liying to find out the way first, and let them arrange how to live.

The living thing has been settled, but as for the food, it's easy, just ask an aunt to cook the food and send it over from the staff dormitory when it's done.The ingredients of the dishes are naturally from the supermarket, so the taste must be the same.

After a while, those who went to see the house came back and were naturally very satisfied with the room. The room was large and clean. In the eyes of Wang Daxing and others, it was more than a hundred times better than the rental house in other places.

After handing over the keys and backup keys to these people, Cheng Liying looked at Wang Leshan and asked, "Is it going to open tomorrow?"

Seeing Wang Leshan nodded, Cheng Liying smiled and said: "Then I will bring my mother to buy vegetables tomorrow. Since we went to your farm to eat food, I have been thinking about it. My mother complained that we didn't bring her there. Tomorrow I can finally eat it."

Wang Leshan said with a smile: "Auntie is troublesome. From now on, we will have a delivery person in our store, who will deliver fresh vegetables to your home every day."

"It's okay, let the old lady come out for activities. Besides, tomorrow is the first day of opening, so it's time to join in the fun."

After all, Cheng Liying asked Wang Leshan for the price of the goods, and used it to file with the Price Bureau.Although in stores like Crazy Vegetable and Fruit Garden, the general goods are priced by the store itself and do not need to be approved by the price bureau, but because of the special price here, Cheng Liying suggested to Wang Leshan to take it for the record.With the filing, there is no need to worry about any troubles.And Cheng Liying has something to do with it. Although these prices are quite scary, it is still easy to file for the record.

Seeing that Cheng Liying was thoughtful, Wang Leshan naturally listened to her, so he copied the price and handed it to her.Cheng Liying had already seen the approximate price on the shelf, but she was still a little surprised when she got it.

It was past nine o'clock when everything was ready, including Ah Guang, Ah Shou and Li Qiaohui, who left the supermarket together. Apart from the two cars driven by Wang Leshan and Fatty Li, they also drove the three newly purchased trucks. went back.

Early the next morning, before dawn, the husband and wife of Ah Shou and A Guang had already driven a truck to the farm and brought two people with them, one was Ah Shou's brother-in-law, and the other was Ah Guang's cousin, who introduced him to the farm. Go to work in the store.Wang Leshan saw that these two people looked quite smart, so naturally there was no problem.

And Wang Daxing and others had already arrived, together with He Yuting, Hong Qingqing, Hong Deguang and others who came earlier, they moved the things in the warehouse to the car together, and picked those still in the greenhouse.

At about 6 o'clock, the three trucks in the supermarket and the light truck in the farm were fully loaded with more than [-] kinds of agricultural products, and they had already arrived at the crazy vegetable and fruit garden next to Dashangpin in the urban area.

Four trucks stopped at the gate and began to unload and load the shelves.

The employees in the supermarket now include the two brought by Ah Guang and Ah Shou, there are already ten people, plus Wang Leshan, Fatty Li who came with them, and four villagers who came to help temporarily, there are sixteen people in total. It took about an hour to install the shelves in the supermarket, and the rest were moved to the 100-square-meter warehouse behind the store.

Some storage equipment has been purchased in this warehouse, and each shelf in the supermarket is equipped with a certain temperature adjustment and storage function, which is quite advanced, and of course, the price is quite high.

Counting it now, the rent of the storefront is 50, and the equipment for the shelves and warehouses is close to 50. On the contrary, the renovation cost is less than 10, plus 12, and the annual rent of the staff dormitory is 130. , Crazy Fruit and Vegetable Garden invested about [-] million.

Such an investment is absolutely impossible for other fruit and vegetable supermarkets.Moreover, the purchase price is not counted.

After 7 o'clock, everything is ready.

All the clerks in the vegetable orchard put on the store uniforms that Li Qiaohui ordered urgently on the Internet a few days ago. A humanoid monster with gold eyes was holding a fruit in his left hand and a vegetable in his right hand, and the words "Crazy Vegetable Orchard" The LOGO is very interesting and also the image.

Isn't it just to grab money like crazy!

The words "good luck for the opening" were posted.

Wang Leshan recruited all the clerks in Crazy Vegetable and Fruit Garden. I don't know if it was influenced by Wang Dabao's speech on the stage yesterday. Having said that, everyone works hard, and I will never treat you badly. As long as you do well, I will give you a part of the turnover as a bonus when you pay your salary every month! Open!"

In Wang Leshan's few simple words, Crazy Vegetable and Fruit Garden officially opened without firecrackers or even flower baskets.

The only thing is that the shop assistants applauded vigorously, no matter what, they all believed in Wang Leshan.

"That's how the store opened, Leshan, are you being too low-key?"

At this moment, a car stopped at the door of the store, and a person stepped out of the car, it was Cheng Liying, and a tricycle followed behind her car, and two teams of flower baskets were placed on the tricycle.

Cheng Liying asked the tricycle master to take down the flower basket and put it in front of the store, and asked Wang Leshan in surprise, "You didn't tell anyone about the opening of this store, did you?"

Wang Leshan said with a smile: "The opening of a small shop, there is no need to make a big fuss."

"This is the flower basket for me and my brother."

Cheng Liying said: "It's because I came yesterday, otherwise I really didn't know that you opened today. You didn't tell anyone, so you are too low-key?"

Wang Leshan laughed and said, "You can make a lot of money in silence."

Cheng Liying was a little speechless: "Then I wish you a happy business first. I still have something to do. I will bring my mother over to buy groceries later."

Just as Cheng Liying left, another tricycle with flower baskets stopped at the door of the store.

"This is the flower basket that Director Peng of the Garden Hotel asked me to send."

The tricycle master asked Wang Leshan to sign for it and left.

Wang Leshan looked at the two pairs of flower baskets, one was given by Peng Youke, and the other was given in the name of Garden Hotel.Wang Leshan couldn't help but be surprised, Peng Youke's news is too well-informed, how did he know that his store opened today?

Wang Leshan sent a thank you message to Peng Youke. As for how Peng Youke knew, of course he didn't ask too much.

It was past eight o'clock in a flash, and the number of pedestrians on this road gradually increased. When Dashangpin opened at 08:30, there were even more people.

The passers-by saw that there was an additional vegetable and fruit garden here, and they all took a curious look, but they didn't go in. This more or less disappointed the waiters in the vegetable and fruit garden.

Only Wang Leshan and Fatty Li sat there drinking the spiritual water calmly. Fatty Li stood beside him and brushed off his scarf from time to time to tell Wang Leshan how popular he was now and to say some interesting things, which made others see I can't help but smile bitterly in my heart, these two people's hearts are too big.

Today is the first day of opening, there was no lively opening ceremony, and no one came in, so don't open the skylight and make zero sales on the first day!

Until 09:30, a woman in her 40s finally came in. She was very impressed when she saw the fresh vegetables and fruits here, but when she saw the price below, her face changed drastically. After confirming , almost without yelling: "Are you crazy? Potatoes sell for 15 yuan? Grab money!"

After all, he turned around and left the store without even giving the shop assistants a chance to show off their sales skills.

After ten o'clock, the road really became lively, and naturally more and more people entered the store out of curiosity, but when they saw these prices, they all froze, and looked at the shop assistants as if they were looking at fools or liars Or lunatics, in twos and threes, discussions abounded.

Perhaps, it may be that the prices in Crazy Vegetables and Fruits Garden are too weird and out of the ordinary. Slowly, these people stay in the store for a longer time. I couldn't help but go in and watch, and slowly, there were more and more people.

Because most of the people who enter the store are women around 40 years old and above, their mouths are not ordinary, and the discussion is definitely not covered. Suddenly, the fruit and vegetable supermarket is a bit more lively than the vegetable market. .

(End of this chapter)

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