crazy farmer

Chapter 129 Mermaid Melon

Chapter 129 Mermaid Melon

The main function of jade bamboo is to appreciate and improve understanding. Before Wang Leshan, it was really difficult to understand. However, after seeing the appearance of these jade bamboos when they grow to 3 meters, he understands a little. I have to say, it is indeed Good-looking, not to mention ordinary bamboo, it is even more beautiful and durable than those "Duanmei", and more ornamental.

As for how to improve comprehension after watching for a long time, Wang Leshan really doesn't know. The only thing he knows is that since it is written in the "Instruction Manual", then this thing will definitely improve comprehension.

Wang Leshan walked to the edge of the green jade bamboo, touched it and looked at it, jumped up and carefully picked a bamboo leaf and played with it for a while, scratching his head, he couldn't understand for a while, and didn't force it.Squatting down, he gently dug up the soil under the bamboo with both hands, and found that the bamboo whip was not small and strong, and it traveled quite a distance.

"Then let's look at these bamboo whips."

Wang Leshan did not continue to use energy to accelerate the ripening. First, the growth period of these bamboos is 60 years. It takes a lot of energy to ripen them to the point of flowering and fruiting. Second, bamboo is a fast-growing plant. As long as the bamboo whips are strong Yes, bamboo shoots will grow soon, so there is no need to be too impatient.

After looking at it, after using 3 points of energy, the existing energy becomes 16/36, and the existing points are 78.

Wang Leshan saw that there were still 78 points in the points, and the 600 square meters were empty, so he directly exchanged for a set of melon seeds, which cost 50 points, and the current points are 28.



Requirements for unlocking: existing points reach 50
Redemption needs: 50 points for a set of seeds

Efficacy: Supplement the energy required by the statement, and improve the appearance of the creature in a small way

Cycle: 60 days


A group of melon seeds, only 10 seeds, half a centimeter long, black, a bit like a heart shape.

Wang Leshan soaked the ten seeds in spiritual water first, then turned around and spread the stems and leaves of the vigorous beans and spiritual rice collected by the agricultural machine on the 600 square meters of spiritual soil, and then lit a fire , burn them all.

After burning for about 10 minutes, Wang Leshan controlled the space stele to rain, extinguished the fire, and then adjusted the temperature and humidity to accelerate the decay of these plant remains.It took about an hour to control the all-in-one agricultural machine to plow and directly crush the rotting plant remains into the second-order spiritual soil.

After the plowing is over, the seeds are almost soaked, and then they start to germinate. The method of germination is also very simple. After increasing the humidity and temperature, the germination will be successful in about 3 hours. Ripening.

A total of 6 times of ripening is used before and after, that is, 6 energy points are consumed, and the melon is ripe. - Remaining energy value 10/36.

Mermaid melon is a dicotyledonous flowering plant. The shape of the plant is like a vine, and the leaves are feathery. It is quite beautiful. The fruit it produces is a gourd, which is a kind of fleshy fruit.

The vines grown from each seed ended up with four melons, each about the size of an adult's palm, and the Wang Leshan's surprise, it was in the shape of a "heart" and the color of the skin was pink !

Melon in the shape of a pink heart!
Wang Leshan was a little speechless, this is really a beauty melon, the appearance alone can instantly kill all the melons and fruits on the earth.

The skin is thin, which means that it can be eaten directly after washing.

Wang Leshan picked these forty melons, and the income was three times less than that of Yinaoguo.

The entry is firm, slightly firm and heavy.I took one and washed it, and then broke it with my hands to break the "pink heart". Hehe, the pulp is also pink, that is, the seeds in the atrium inside the pulp are black, but they are also in the shape of a heart.

Wang Leshan counted the seeds in this fruit, the same as Yinao Guo, there are also ten seeds.Wang Leshan picked out all the seeds and took a bite.

Sweet, very sweet, very sweet!

But although this kind of sweetness is extremely sweet, it is not sluggish at all. It is so sweet that it makes people feel like their bones are going to be crispy. It makes people's hearts soften all of a sudden. happiness.

Wang Leshan couldn't describe this kind of happiness. If a woman tasted it, she would definitely exclaim, it was like eating the best dessert in the world, like talking about a vigorous and sweet love.

In other words, this kind of happiness is very similar to the happiness of being in love, especially for women.

For this taste, Wang Leshan can't say that he doesn't like it, at least he doesn't reject it, but he is not used to it, but he always has an intuition that he should not eat more.Perhaps, this kind of melon is more suitable for women, or it is not suitable for straight men.

However, since he had already taken a bite, it was not a good idea to waste it. Wang Leshan still ate half of it, and the other half was broken into many pieces and given to those dogs over there.

As for whether the appearance has been changed, Wang Leshan himself doesn't have much feeling, but the dogs are really pleasing to the eye.

Wang Leshan took out the seeds from the beauty melon and soaked them in spiritual water, waiting for it to germinate. As for the remaining melons, Wang Leshan cut them all up and let them go straight Will develop inside the fruit, absorbing nutrients from the pulp for growth and germination.

In this way, it can be regarded as an experiment. Compare the difference between the two methods. If it is not big, you can dig out all the seeds next time, and squeeze the remaining pulp into juice for storage.

In this process, I received a point reward, 25 points, and the existing points became 53.

After about three hours, all sprouted, and the germination rate of the two methods is the same, both are 100%.In comparison, the growth of direct sowing is slower, and the others are not much different. In the future, direct sowing can be used directly without too much waste.

40 melons, each with ten seeds, totaling 400 seeds.Let the agricultural all-in-one machine scan and plant according to its life parameters, covering an area of ​​100 square meters.In this way, there is an additional 500 square meters, which cannot be left empty. Wang Leshan took out 200 Yinao fruits, and this time he also chose the method of direct sowing.

First opened the Yinao fruit with a knife, and after taking out a total of 2000 seeds, all the remaining pulp was squeezed into juice with a juicer, and poured into the large wooden barrel originally used for wine making, a whole barrel.

About three hours later, all 2000 seeds germinated and planted with an all-in-one machine. Compared with before, it was a little denser.

After finishing everything, Wang Leshan has been in the space for about half a day, but less than an hour has passed outside.

After finishing, Wang Leshan turned around and went to the space pool. The pool is now 100 square meters, which is much larger than before. After these days, the number of pearl mussels in the pool has also reached a terrifying number, and There are many pearl oysters that have grown up.

Of course, the bottom of this pool is also spiritual soil. This soil contains spiritual energy, which is of great benefit to plants and also has a lot of attraction to animals.Pearl oysters will "can't help" to swallow the soil at the bottom or on the edge of the pool. The spiritual soil enters the body of the pearl oyster and is difficult to digest. It is slowly ground by the oyster's mussel meat and naturally becomes a pearl. It is also the reason why the rate of pearl oysters in the space is so high.

This is what Wang Leshan doesn't know, and what he doesn't even know is that it is precisely because the pearl oyster swallows the spiritual soil and grinds it with flesh and blood to become a pearl, it is possible for the energy body to appear!

Now the existing energy is only 10/36 left, Wang Leshan sees that there are a lot of big pearl mussels in the pool, so he naturally wants to fish some open mussels.After searching in the water pool for more than an hour, Wang Leshan found more than 1200 large pearl oysters in total this time. In the past, he could only catch a maximum of [-] at a time.

It took some time to open all of them, and a total of 11 large pearls with energy bodies were obtained, while there were more than 200 medium-sized pearls and about 4000 small pearls.The pearl production rate is still very high. Each pearl oyster can produce more than 30 pearls, and the size is random.

11 large pearls, the strength of the energy body is three 1, six 2, and two 3.

The energy value that can be restored is twice the strength, which means that these 2 pearls can restore 11 energy points.

Each one can increase the upper limit of energy value by 1 point, that is to say, it can increase the upper limit of energy value by 11 points.

Wang Leshan did some calculations. Now the upper limit of energy is 36, after increasing it is 47, and the one that can be recovered is 42. It needs to use another 5 points of energy, so as not to absorb all of it without wasting it.

After thinking for a while, Wang Leshan took out the spirit water pump and exchanged all of it for first-order spirit water.During this period of time, the spiritual water pump was used a lot, and there was not much spiritual water. After exchanging 5 points, the existing first-order spiritual water became 6 cubic meters.

Then absorb all the energy in these 11 pearls, and the current energy value is 47/47.

(End of this chapter)

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