crazy farmer

Chapter 125 Complete Procedures

Chapter 125 Complete Procedures
"Of course I'm fine."

Hearing Wang Leshan's words, Ah Guang hardly hesitated, and directly nodded in agreement.He didn't even have any communication with Li Qiaohui, who had already obtained the certificate. It wasn't disrespect for Li Qiaohui, but he knew that Li Qiaohui would definitely agree with him to do so.

Ah Guang, like Ah Shou, has both been to farms. In addition, I have heard many people say that Wang Leshan's farm is very profitable, but I don't know how much money it can make.

They knew that Wang Leshan came here to discuss this matter with them, not so much to ask for their help, but rather to bring them to become rich together, to give them a hand.

"Okay, since you all agree to come down, then our brothers will settle accounts clearly. We have to clarify some things first."

Seeing that they all nodded, Wang Leshan was also very happy, and then he looked straight, and said to the two of them, "Of course I will pay for the storefront and other expenses of the fruit and vegetable supermarket. Of course, before opening the store, you I also want to come to help. As for the salary, it is tentatively set at 20 per month, and there is a bonus every month, and a big red envelope at the end of the year. All of these add up to no less than [-] per person per year."

Hearing Wang Leshan's words, both Ah Guang and Ah Shou were taken aback for a moment. Not to mention that Ah Guang is at work, even if Ah Shou is in business, it is very difficult to make a net profit of 20 yuan a year, and he has to bear the loss risks of.

"Here, Shanzi, is your son a little too tall?" Ah Chou opened his mouth and asked, and Ah Guang nodded again and again.

Wang Leshan waved his hand and said, "In the future, this supermarket will be handed over to both of you. Such salary is not high."

Fatty Li also smiled and said, "You two probably don't know Shanzi's ability to make money now, and you certainly can't imagine how much money this fruit and vegetable supermarket will make once it opens."

Speaking of which, Fatty Li's current salary is only 5000 a month plus a 3000 subsidy, but the monthly bonus is better than the salary.Also, the benefits of staying on the farm all the time are really not something that can be exchanged for money.

Hearing this, the two of them rubbed their hands in embarrassment.

Wang Leshan looked at Ah Xun and Ah Guang's wives, and said: "Sister Qiaohui, and sister-in-law, if you two have nothing else to do, you can go to work in the supermarket together, and the treatment is the same as the two of them. Interested?"


Li Qiaohui and Qin Xia, the wife of Ah Xun, were even more stunned when they heard Wang Leshan: "We can do it too?"

Wang Leshan nodded and said, "Of course."

Qin Xia thought for a while, smiled regretfully, and said, "I want to go, but Niuniu is still young, so I have to take it with me. I won't go. Qiaohui, go, you're there , you have to help me keep an eye on this guy, Ah Chou, so as not to go to the city to make a mess."

"Then you can come and help after Niuniu is older." Wang Leshan didn't insist on this, but turned to look at Li Qiaohui and said, "Sister Qiaohui, what about you? You and Aguang are planning to have a child ?"

When Li Qiaohui heard this, she nodded, then shook her head. She didn't know whether she agreed to go or denied wanting a child, her face flushed a little.

"Then I will accept it as you."

Wang Leshan said something to Li Qiaohui, and then looked at Ah Shi and Ah Guang, and said: "The treatment is settled, and then let's talk about the shareholding."

"Huh? Shareholding?"

Ah Chung and Ah Guang were taken aback again, and looked at Wang Leshan suspiciously.

Wang Leshan nodded, and said: "After the fruit and vegetable supermarket opens, it will be managed by both of you. Of course, you two have to buy shares. Each person will pay 5 yuan or deduct 5 months' salary, and each will take 5% of the shares. .It won’t work if it’s too much, and it won’t work if it’s too little.”

Ah Xun, Ah Guang, and even Qin Xia and Li Qiaohui were even more stunned.

The starting salary is 20 a year, and they are actually asked to pay [-] for shares?
All of a sudden they turned their minds around.

What's the difference between this and free shares?
Thinking about it again, this is not a free gift of shares.

They know that Wang Leshan must not be short of the 10 yuan to open a store, and they know that Wang Leshan must be afraid that they will not want the free shares, so they want to let them buy shares in another way, and 5 yuan per person is definitely considering them. If you have no money, you can still directly take your salary as collateral.

However, who can see this "hypocritical" way!
However, it is precisely this "hypocritical" way, who can not be moved?
"Shanzi, let's forget about this investment!"

A Guang waved his hand and said, "You give us a salary of 20 yuan a year, which is already high enough. How can we ask for more shares!"

Ah Xun also nodded, agreeing with what Ah Guang said.

Wang Leshan laughed and said: "If you don't buy shares, then I will find someone else to go to this supermarket. To put it bluntly, this share can be regarded as a commission, and it is also to encourage you to improve the supermarket. The more money the supermarket makes, the more you will I can get more money. If you don’t even want to mention Chengdu, I don’t worry about it. If you just want to get a dead salary and don’t put your heart and soul into making a supermarket, then I won’t be at a loss!”

Ah Chung and Ah Guang looked at each other, unable to refute, and then both punched Wang Leshan in a "hypocritical" manner.

The fat man said "sourly" from the side: "You two have earned much more than me this year, 5.00% a year. When the supermarket opens, the annual profit can be at least 1000 million. That's 50 million per year. Personally, [-] a year!"

Hearing Fatty's words, Ah Guang, Ah Shou and their wives all stared blankly there.They knew that since Wang Leshan dared to pay 20 yuan a year, the supermarket would definitely make money, but they didn't expect Fatty Li to directly say that the annual profit was less than 1000 million yuan!


Back to the farm from A Guang's house, everyone in the farm has already gone home, only Fan Mingwei and Lei Guangzong are left holding wine bottles, chatting and drinking by the fish pond, sometimes teasing the bad things and good things that fly over , said to tease the birds, in fact most of the time is being teased by the birds.

Wang Leshan and Fatty Li moved the bed out of the car and put it in the room. They also took a bottle of wine with Fatty Li to join in the fun, and let the fried dough sticks go into the fish pond and caught two big fish. They set up a fire and started roasting. The taste is definitely not as good as Fan Mingwei's, but it has a unique flavor. It is particularly vigorous in such a night.

Wang Leshan told Fan Mingwei about his plan to open a vegetable and fruit supermarket in Yunhai City, and asked him where it would be more suitable to open a store.Fan Mingwei is from Yunhai City, but he was away most of the time before, and he just came back in the past few years. He doesn't know much about it, but at least he is better than Wang Leshan, and he gave Wang Leshan some recommendations.

One is the prime location in the downtown area of ​​Yunhai City, with the largest flow of people.Second, next to several large supermarkets, the flow of people is also very large, and the goals are clear. Most of the supermarkets go to buy daily necessities.The third is near a few wealthy residential areas, mainly because it is convenient and the customers are accurate. After all, the things in this fruit and vegetable supermarket are definitely not cheap, far exceeding the market price.

Regarding these three recommendations, Fan Mingwei mentioned a few place names and areas, and asked Wang Leshan to serve as a reference.

The four of them grilled fish and drank wine. When it was around ten o'clock, Wang Leshan saw that Fan Mingwei and Lei Guangzong were both sleepy, so he drove Fatty Li back home, who was drinking more and more vigorously. Before leaving, he joked Tell him to take care of his fingers so that he doesn't send random messages while he's drunk, lest he be beaten up the next day.Fatty Li's face was flushed from drinking, but when he heard this, his face became even redder, and he laughed and cursed a few words.

Fan Mingwei and Lei Guangzong slept in the big room, while Wang Leshan slept in the small room on the other side, and locked the door. Not long after, they heard the steady breathing of the two from a distance, and Wang Leshan entered the space in.On the second day, Wang Leshan left the space a little earlier than usual, so that the two of them would not be able to find him.

The two construction teams and the villagers also arrived ahead of schedule, and another bustling day began.

After lunch, Wang Dabao came to him and said that almost all the formalities had been completed, and the rest required Wang Leshan's presence.

"Okay, let's go and do all this in the afternoon."

Anyway, there was nothing else to do in the afternoon, so Wang Leshan and Wang Dabao left the village together.

He went to the town first, and then went to the city. Although most of the formalities had been completed by Wang Dabao, the rest had to go to several places, and it had to be smooth, otherwise, he didn't know what to expect. How long does it take to get everything done, and it's already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Holding a stack of various documents, Wang Leshan couldn't help but sigh, if he didn't come today, he really wouldn't know that he would have to go through so many procedures.

But no matter what, the formalities that should be done were finally completed.

(End of this chapter)

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