crazy farmer

Chapter 108 The Contracting Method of Dakang Mountain

Chapter 108 The Contracting Method of Dakang Mountain
Now, Wang Dabao is looking forward to Wang Leshan finding himself every day. Finding himself is equivalent to a good thing coming to his door. From the initial road construction to the later spending 100 million to buy wasteland, all these things are for Dakang Village. It's a great thing to say.

Obviously this time is no exception!

After listening to Wang Leshan's talk about contracting Liyushan to build a breeding farm, Wang Dabao's eyes lit up like light bulbs.

Just as Wang Leshan thought, Liyu Mountain is an unfavored child in Dakang Village. Not to mention the remote location, the key is that there is nothing on the mountain, a barren mountain is full of weeds, at most there are some ferns.There was a market for bracken in the past. I heard that some processing factories sold it abroad after processing it. At that time, many people went to the mountains to pick it.But some time ago, for some reason, there were rumors that bracken causes cancer, and gradually fewer people bought it. As a result, there were even fewer people going to Liyu Mountain.

To be honest, this carp mountain is just a barren mountain, which didn't bring any benefits to Dakang Village.

Hearing that Wang Leshan wants to contract this barren mountain, Wang Dabao is of course very happy. This is turning waste into treasure to increase the income of the village. It is a concept similar to the last time the wasteland was rented out. The money falling from the sky is beyond imagination. money!

"Shanzi, this is a good thing for the village. Uncle absolutely supports it, and no one in the village will object." Wang Dabao thought for a while, took a sigh of relief, and said worriedly, "It's just that what you want in Liyu Mountain is nothing. , the location is off, do you really want to build a breeding farm over there? If you really want to build a breeding farm, I think Jiuping Mountain is more suitable."

"The location is a bit out of the way, but there are advantages to being a little bit out of the way. Breeding these animals smells a little bit or something, and it's better to be far away, at least it won't affect the village. Moreover, Liyu Mountain is full of wasteland, and I also It’s good to let these livestock graze on the mountain. Besides, no matter how far away, I’ll build a road to go there, and it’s all solved.”

Wang Leshan said with a smile: "As for Jiuping Mountain, the terraced fields over there are the source of livelihood for many people in our village. I can't spoil everyone because of my personal interests."

Wang Dabao nodded again and again, and said: "Since you have made up your mind, I will discuss it with the people in the village immediately, and I will give you an answer before dinner at the latest. Oh, by the way, the piece you rented earlier requires The land for the farmhouse has completed all the procedures, as well as some other procedures for the farmhouse. I have already helped you with the running of the farmhouse. However, you must also be there for some procedures. In a few days, wait for some approvals. The note is down, and I will go with you."

"Well, sorry to trouble you, Uncle."

There are quite a lot of procedures for running a farmhouse, and you have to go to the land bureau, industry and commerce bureau, health bureau, etc. If you let Wang Leshan go, let alone know which one comes first, this trip alone is enough. , Wang Dabao saved him a lot of things.It is one thing for Wang Leshan to be willing to increase the income of the village, but the subsequent convenience is definitely real.

"Oh, Uncle, how about the village people discussing about the holiday villa in Dakang Mountain?" There are too many crops, fruit trees and so on, and I haven't settled down for a while.

Wang Dabao shook his head, sighed, and said, "It hasn't been discussed yet. Things on Dakang Mountain are too complicated. Let's not talk about fruit trees, crops, etc. Almost everyone in a village is on that mountain. The key is that there are still a lot of cemeteries on it, and many people are unwilling to move easily. Moreover, the matter of setting up the scenic spot earlier cast a shadow on the villagers, and they did not get any benefit, and left a piece of land. It’s a mess, and now the village has nothing to ask for.”

He paused for a while, glanced at Wang Leshan, and said, "The main point is that the contracting price cannot be determined in our village. Shanzi, if you make an agreement with me, I can take the price and fight with the big guy." Say it."

Wang Leshan was also born and raised in Dakang Village. He knows the situation in the village and knows that it is not so easy to contract Dakang Mountain. He has also been thinking about this issue these days, thinking a lot.

If a resort or a scenic spot is really built, it will inevitably connect the entire Dakang Mountain and even Dakang Village, which is unavoidable.At that time, the tourists coming and going will definitely affect the entire Dakang Village.The degree of cooperation of the villagers will also have a great relationship with the future development of the scenic spot.

It can be predicted that after the resort is built, it will be delicious, drinkable, fun and beautiful, and the business will definitely be booming.People are jealous creatures, Wang Leshan can't guarantee whether there will be people in the village deliberately making troubles at that time, if something happens every few days, the impact will definitely not be small.

The people in the village are simple and honest, but they also have their limitations, even savagery, it is difficult to reason, and sometimes the law may not be useful.

No matter how high the price is given for contracting Dakang Mountain now, at that time, no one in the village will think it is too high. ——Moreover, Wang Leshan's funds also need a buffer time at present. It is estimated that it will be difficult to spend a lot of money at one time to contract Dakangshan.

There are too many scenic spots that have been dismantled due to improper management due to the relationship between multiple interests in the scenic spot. There are too many such examples.

If I really want to make a scenic spot well, it is very important for all the people in a village to unite.To put it bluntly, the only way to do it is to bundle their interests with the interests of the scenic spot!
"Uncle, I've thought a lot about this matter recently, and I know it's not easy to handle."

Wang Leshan thought for a while and said, "I have this idea now. I will get all the facilities and how to operate this scenic spot, and I will pay for it. And our village takes Dakangshan as a shareholder. , after the business starts, you will receive dividends once a year. What do you think?"


Hearing this, Wang Dabao froze for a moment, and couldn't help but frown. Obviously, Wang Leshan's idea was hard for him to accept, and it was even harder for the villagers to accept it.

Seeing this, Wang Leshan decided to reassure himself first, and asked, "Uncle, do you know how much I plan to invest in the farmhouse?"

When Wang Dabao heard Wang Leshan suddenly asked another matter, he was even more confused and shook his head.

Wang Leshan stretched out a hand, spread five fingers, and said, "Before, it was tentatively set at 3000 million, and now the initial investment has been decided at 5000 million."


Wang Dabao exclaimed this time. He knew that Wang Leshan rented the wasteland for 100 million, and the investment in the farmhouse would definitely not be low, but he didn't expect it to be so high, and it was still in advance!

"If you want to do a good job in the resort and scenic spots, the investment must be far more than this amount. Since there is such a large investment, it must be for greater benefits, right? So, if the village has If the right to use Dakang Mountain becomes a shareholding, the annual distribution will definitely be much more than the current one-time contract."

Wang Leshan also said: "The village takes Dakang Mountain as a shareholder, which accounts for 12.00% of the net income of the scenic spot every year. Ten percent of it is distributed equally to the villagers according to the population of the village, and the remaining two percent is counted as the income of the village committee. Of course, Uncle, don’t worry that I’m an empty-handed white wolf, and you don’t have to worry about too little money in the end. I promise one thing. If it is less than 1 yuan, and the 200% of the village committee is no less than [-] million yuan, even if the business situation is not good, I will make up the money. Moreover, after signing the contract, no matter how long the construction of the scenic spot is completed, three years Even if the work is not completed within the period, a dividend will be completed. I will write all of these into the contract."


This time Wang Dabao stood up as if his hair had exploded, trembling all over, and asked in a trembling voice: "Shanzi, do you know how many people there are in our village? More than 1200 people, that's at least 1200 million. Adding the 200 million from the village committee, that’s 1400 million! Let alone a year, even if you use the 1400 million to contract Dakang Mountain for 30 years, no one in the village will object!"

"I know."

Wang Leshan nodded with a smile, with a calm expression, and said: "Dakang Mountain belongs to the village, and I am also a native of this village. My original intention of contracting the scenic spot of Dakang Mountain is also to lead the villagers to become rich. What's more, even if I contract Dakang Mountain at a high price now, I will make money after the scenic spot is completed, but the villagers still haven't become rich, which violates my original intention. To put it bluntly, I also want to make our villagers Let's all unite and work together to make the scenic spot a good place, so as not to lose the chain when necessary."

(End of this chapter)

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