crazy farmer

Chapter 106 15 Cows

Chapter 106 15 Cows

"Bai Lu, Bai Lu!"

Seeing that there was no movement in the bathroom, Bai Lanyu took the gift bag and ran out of the bathroom in a hurry, knocked on the door, and asked again: "These small round bottles are not mask mud, are they?"


Bai Lu responded.

"Where did you get these facial masks?"

"Sent from Leshan."

"I mean where did he come from?"

"He said he made it secretly."


When Bai Lanyu heard this, she screamed suddenly.

Bai Lu in the bathroom felt baffled: "Bai Lanyu, are you crazy? What's the name of the big night!"

Bai Lanyu directly tore off the mask on his face and threw it into the trash can.

"I'm crazy! Can I not be crazy?"

"This clay mask was actually made by my niece and son-in-law!"

"These days, people in my circle are all talking about this clay mask!"

"Yesterday, I was using it with a friend. I tried it out. The effect was incredible! I asked my friend where this clay mask came from, and she said she got it from Fan Yao, a bottle of [-] yuan. I also found Fan Yao, Fan Yao said that it was temporarily out of stock, and she also got it from a friend, saying she was asking for me."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, the owner of this mask clay is your little lover!"

"That's it! My real aunt, I want as much as I want!"


"Bai Lanyu, what are you chattering about outside?"

Bai Lu in the bathroom couldn't hear clearly, and was quite speechless. After that, Bai Lanyu didn't speak any more, and ignored her.After taking a shower, he found that Bai Lanyu was not there, nor was the gift bag.

When he walked to Bai Lanyu's room, he could smell a very special sweet fragrance from a distance. He saw Bai Lanyu's face was covered with a black mask mud, and this fragrance came from the mask mud.

"Bai Lanyu, can you be a little polite, why are you using other people's things indiscriminately!" Bai Lu was a little angry, this thing was given by Wang Leshan.

"Xiao Yueying, don't be angry, don't be angry. My aunt really likes this clay mask, anyway, your little lover can make it, so you can give him some."

Bai Lanyu carefully sullenly pulled Bai Lu's hand, and said in a "flattering" and pitiful way: "You should love your dear aunt, look at your aunt, she is getting old, after so long Without the moisture of a man, the skin is wrinkled, and the flowers are withered, so you just give me this bottle of facial mask mud and save me! Anyway, you still have it, right?"

Bai Lu shuddered, and looked at Bai Lanyu's plump figure and skin that could be squeezed water, it was as tender as a junior high school student, it didn't look like it was about to wither!
This woman must not think that her skin is too good!

With a helpless expression on her face, Bai Lu left the small round bottle behind and went back to her room.


Bai Lanyu seemed to have won the battle.

Bai Lu, who returned to her room, really didn't expect that the mud mask Wang Leshan sent was so popular, so she opened a bottle and wiped it off herself.

Afterwards, he called his grandfather again.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Lin fainted today..."

Bai Lu told her grandfather everything that happened today, in order to give Wang Leshan a good impression.She naturally didn't know that her grandfather was in Yunhai City now, and had an "unpleasant" incident with Wang Leshan this afternoon.

The old man Bai Zhongqi was quite shocked when he heard Bai Lu's words. He naturally knew the physical condition of his old friend Lin, but he didn't expect to be healed by Wang Leshan in this way. Naturally, he looked forward to Wang Leshan's conditioning tomorrow.

Bai Zhongqi chatted with Bai Lu for a few words, only asked about old man Lin's situation, but didn't ask any more about Wang Leshan.After hanging up the phone, he went directly to the hospital from the municipal party committee compound, first to visit an old friend, and second, to confirm.


When Wang Leshan returned to Dakang Village from Yunhai City, it was past nine o'clock in the evening and almost ten o'clock in the evening. When he found that the light in the cabin was still on, he was a little curious about who was still there.

The people in the cabin should have heard the movement of the car and came out, it was He Yuting and Hong Qingqing.

"Sister-in-law, sister Qingqing, why haven't you returned yet?" Wang Leshan got out of the car and took out the oven and other things he bought from the trunk.

"I have something to discuss with you."

He Yuting said something, and came over with Hong Qingqing to help get some small things.

"Why didn't you call me? Waited so long." Wang Leshan said.

"I didn't wait too long. I finished some things with Sister Qingqing and it's about this point." After He Yuting helped move the things down, she said, "The thing is like this. I bought fresh milk from Uncle Ngawang’s house in Xicun. Next, I think that I may need more and more milk. Today, I thought about going to talk to Uncle Ngawang about the long-term supply, so as to save running back and forth.

Coincidentally, Uncle Awang said that he wanted to sell all the cows in his family. I heard that Uncle Awang's son was getting married, and the woman asked for a small car in Uncle Awang's house.The conditions of Uncle Ngawang's house are not bad, but this year he spent a lot of money to decorate his son's new house, and now he can't afford it all at once.His son urged him again, but he had no choice but to think about selling the cow. "

Upon hearing this, Wang Leshan asked with a smile, "Sister-in-law means you want to buy the cow back?"

He Yuting nodded and said: "I think there will be many places that need milk in the future, and the ones bought from outside may not be good, so you can rest assured that you can raise them yourself. Moreover, you can also help Uncle Awang's family. It’s easy to find a buyer. So, I want to discuss it with you.”

Wang Leshan smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you, you can decide these things yourself."

He Yuting smiled and said, "Uncle Ngawang's family has 15 cows. He originally thought to sell them at a low price, but I think that if he bought them at a low price, the villagers would gossip about us and say that we took advantage of the fire to rob them. I just wanted to buy them at the market price. The 15 cows are all good, more than half of them are in the milking period, and two are in the pregnancy period. I asked, and the price of each such black-and-white cow is 8000- 10000. I also discussed it with Uncle Awang, and we bought it at 9000 yuan per head. What do you think?"

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "You can just buy it for [-] yuan per head, and we won't take advantage of these petty advantages."

He Yuting nodded happily: "That's fine."

"Do you have enough money?"

"Also, you put a lot last time, and I have the money from selling some potatoes and taro today."


At around nine o'clock the next morning, Uncle Ngawang, who received a full 15 yuan, thanked He Yuting repeatedly, and then helped drive 15 cows from the west of the village to the cabin.And early in the morning, Fatty Li and the others also built a simple cowshed beside the warehouse.

Uncle Awang drove the 15 cows into the cowshed, exhorted He Yuting thousands of times, talking about the temperament of these cows, which ones will be more irritable, which ones are pregnant, which ones are good, What to eat, and so on.Anyone can see that it is extremely sad.But there is no way, who gave birth to a cheating son.

"Uncle Awang."

Wang Leshan handed him a cigarette and asked, "You have been raising cattle for some years, and now you have sold all the cattle, what should you do next?"

Uncle Awang sighed, smiled wryly, lit a cigarette, and said, "There's nothing you can do about it. My son wants to marry a wife, so how can it be possible without some blood! Thanks to you and Yuting, I only gave so much money, which is higher than the market price. I have to thank you."

Wang Leshan said: "Uncle Awang, why don't you come and help me raise cattle? I plan to contract some land at the foot of the mountain over there, build a cattle farm, and then bring in some cattle. A management person. You and Auntie can come together, and the salary must be more than you earn from raising cattle. Are you interested?"


When Uncle Awang heard this, his eyes widened.As a villager, how could he not know about the things on the farm.Whether it's salary or benefits, they are all envied by the people in the village.

I thought that the day after selling the cow would collapse, but I didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise!
"of course it's true."

Wang Leshan said with a smile: "Uncle Awang, your cattle breeding skills are well-known in several villages. If I want to start a cattle farm, of course I have to ask you for help!"

"Great, great! Shanzi, thank you so much!" Uncle Ngawang said excitedly, "Tell me, we can come to work anytime."

"Then there's no rush. You can arrange your son's wedding with peace of mind. It will take me a while to prepare. Oh, by the way, when the time comes, I have to send out an invitation card, and we will go to have fun. "

(End of this chapter)

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