Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 97 The Dream of Torment (1)

Chapter 97 The Heartbreaking Dream ([-])

"Every cent of my money is hard-earned money...Isn't it hard for me?" Dad couldn't help scolding.

"Look, you're angry again. My son was finally found. What are you doing angry? Lin Lin, don't say goodbye to your father. You are gone. Your father is the one who worries about you the most. He has been running around for several times in order to find you. God, I didn't get a good night's sleep." Mom couldn't help but said.

Lin Lin felt sad when he heard his mother's words and saw the red corners of his father's eyes.He said: "Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I won't be willful in the future..."

"Huh..." Dad still couldn't help humming.

"But I still like playing Go..." Lin Lin couldn't help but said.

At this time, Lin Lin's father jumped up angrily and scolded: "Okay, you play Go, I let you play Go, and you don't have to go to class or study anymore, I let you play Go 24 hours a day!" Go, this way, I'm relaxed, I don't have to worry about your studies, and I don't have to work so hard to make money... I... I will be pissed off by you as a bastard sooner or later."

Lin Lin's father was so angry that he stomped his feet and almost hit someone.

Lin Lin's mother couldn't help but glared at her son, and then said, "Can't you not mention Go?"

"Dad, Mom, can you listen to me? I like Go... There's nothing wrong with that. Let's make a three-chapter agreement. If I miss my studies at school because of playing Go, I will give up Go according to what you said. , if not, please don't interfere with my Go play, okay?" Lin Lin looked at his parents and said.He was still lying on the bed and couldn't get up, but his momentum didn't back down in the slightest.

I don't know if it's because he has been suppressed by his parents too much since he was a child, which made him feel rebellious, or what reason, in short, he just doesn't want to give in, at least completely give in.

Hearing his son's words, Lin Lin's father couldn't help shouting loudly: "Well, if your academic performance regresses in the future, even if you regress in one subject, even if Go affects your study, you can't Touch this thing again."

"Okay! It's a deal. My academic performance has always been in the top ten of the whole grade. My academic performance has dropped out of the top ten of the whole grade. I will not play Go. That's okay!" Lin Lin At the moment, he looked at his father unconvinced and said.He believed that he would be able to do this.

After resting in bed for three days, Lin Lin finally went to class.

For some reason, Lin Lin always felt as if he had lost something, or the most important thing, especially when he looked at himself in the mirror, he had such a strong feeling.

But his mind was at a loss, and he couldn't think of anything.

Seven days a week, there are six and a half days of classes, and there is still half a day left. Lin Lin will find old man Xu who collects tatters on the street to play Go.Old man Xu's go level is much higher than Lin Lin's. Every time he plays chess with him, Lin Lin always gains something different.

One month has passed, two months have passed, three months have expired...

Lin Lin's Go level seems to be getting higher and higher, and the number of victories between Old Man Xu and Lin Lin is gradually decreasing, until one day, Old Man Xu saw Lin Lin coming, and after playing the last game, he lost Afterwards, he told Lin Lin: "Lin Lin, your Go game is really getting better and better. The National Go Tournament will be held in July. Are you going to participate?"

"July? Do you mean next month?" Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help looking at Old Man Xu and asked.

Old man Xu nodded and said, "Yes, next month, are you going to participate?"

"Where to play?" Lin Lin's heart moved. He likes Go very much. He doesn't know why every time he touches the chess pieces, he is always so familiar and likes it. Touching Go with his fingers feels very solid and very true.

"BJ. Are you going?" Old man Xu asked.

Lin Lin was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's so far..."

Yes, it's too far, BJ is too far from here, and more importantly, July is the day of final exams.He asked, "When will you enter the stage competition?"

"There should be preliminaries at the beginning of July!" Old man Xu said, "I don't really understand either, you can check it out online."

Lin Lin nodded, and then said: "Okay, thank you, Mr. Xu, I will go and have a look."

"Also, Lin Lin, don't play chess with me again." Old man Xu said suddenly.

"Why?" Lin Lin looked at Old Man Xu in surprise and asked.

"Your chess skill surpasses mine. If you play chess with me again, there will be no improvement." Old man Xu looked at Lin Lin and said, "Let me recommend another master for you!"

Lin Lin immediately said, "Okay, who is it?"

After being silent for a while, the old man Xu said: "This master has a bad temper. He regards Go as his life, and his chess skills are very high, but because of his temper, he quit the national team very early. His surname is Gu, and his name is Gu Panyi. .”

"Where is he?" Lin Lin looked at Old Man Xu and asked.

"He lives a little far from here. He lives on the edge of the town below. Ordinary people can't find his place. However, I can take you to find him. It's too late today, and you have an appointment with your father Well, you only have half a day to play Go in a week." The old man Xu said, "It's not easy to find him, I think, let's wait until after your summer vacation! At that time, I will take you to find him. Yes, there is only one month, and you are about to take the final exam, and you should take advantage of this time to study hard... Come on!"

Lin Lin nodded and said, "Yes. I see. I'll come to you after I finish the exam."

It's a pity that old man Xu died before Lin Lin finished the exam.

He died suddenly, without warning.

He has no children and lives in a 30-square-meter house at the back of an arcade building built in the [-]s. It was stuffy and hot.Several days after his death, it was summer and there was a smell of corpses, so he was discovered.

When the police went in to deal with it, they found nothing. They only saw him hanging on the beam like a salted fish, so they decided that he committed suicide.

Hearing the news, Lin Lin ignored her mother's obstruction and went to investigate.

Unfortunately, the door has been sealed.

Lin Lin was no longer able to enter.I can only stand at the door, under the longan tree, staring blankly at the arcade built of blue bricks, the mottled wooden door, and the windows sealed with wooden boards. The whole person is so lost and helpless.

He said that when the summer vacation took him to find that Gu Panyi, he said...

He always kept his word, how could he commit suicide like this?

But the police said he committed suicide.

No, he won't kill himself.It's not like he's suicidal.

Lin Lin returned home in a daze, his mother comforted him a few words, but he basically couldn't listen to them.Until Dad roared: "Lin Lin, you saw that old man Xu broke up his wife and children because of Go, and now he committed suicide. Are you still so obsessed with Go?"

"Wake up, study hard, get admitted to a good university, find a good job..." While talking, he walked to Lin Lin's side, and finally sat with Lin Lin, patting Lin Lin's shoulder Said: "Son, the future is important."

Lin Lin glanced at his father, and then said: "I know, Dad, I will definitely study hard."

At the table that night, Dad and Mom took turns bombarding Lin Lin until Lin Lin had dinner and went to school.

But that night, Lin Lin started to have nightmares. In the dream, he and old man Xu were playing chess under the longan tree.

This kind of happiness is indescribable, but at this moment, he suddenly saw someone holding a rope around Old Man Xu's neck and dragging Old Man Xu away. He chased after him, trying to rescue Old Man Xu, But no matter what, he couldn't pull the rope that strangled Old Man Xu's neck.

He couldn't see who was strangling old man Xu's neck, so he could only follow, watching old man Xu struggling and shouting, unable to do anything...

Old man Xu was dragged by that person all the way to the house, where he was hung on the beam. At the beginning, he struggled and resisted constantly. In the end, he lost his breath and hung there motionless...

Lin Lin had a nightmare on the first night, and Lin Lin could explain that it was because he missed old man Xu too much.

However, I had the same nightmare for half a month, and as the number of nightmares increased, Lin Lin gradually discovered that the murderer who killed the old man in the nightmare became more and more clear. The appearance of the murderer became clearer and clearer, and Lin Lin couldn't be happy.

He was thinking about that dream all day long, thinking about that murderer... He could no longer listen to the class seriously, nor could he have a good sleep.

Lin Lin's mother is a careful person, and she found that her son has lost weight and his face is haggard recently, so she couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter with you, son?" Mom asked.

Once or twice, Lin Lin would shake his head and refuse to answer, or say that he was having nightmares and couldn't sleep well...

Until the results of the final exam came out, Lin Lin dropped from No.7 in the class to over 30.

Seeing Lin Lin's grades, Lin Lin's father became angry, beat Lin Lin violently, and scolded: "Let me tell you, Go has affected your study. Take a look, how many exams did you get this time?"

Lin Lin endured it all the time, keeping silent, despite his father's beating and scolding, he remained silent, until his father slapped him in the face and scolded old man Xu, then he made a sound.

"Do you think my grades are because I'm not good at Go?" Lin Lin suddenly raised his head to look at his father's face, and asked with a tired smile.

Seeing Lin Lin's weird smile, Dad said in surprise, "Isn't it?"

"No, it's because I have the same nightmare every night."

(End of this chapter)

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