Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 94 Zombie Kingdom (2)

Chapter 94 Zombie Kingdom ([-])

How could this succubus set the background of the dream as the capital of the island country?No wonder I think the characters here are weird, many of them are RB characters, but I didn't expect this to be the capital of an island country.Strange, the other party should speak Japanese, why, I feel that the other party is speaking Chinese?
After thinking about it carefully, Lin Lin understood that this is a dreamland, and in the dreamland all communicate through brainwaves, so naturally there would be no language barrier.Otherwise, the language of ancient people is so different from the language of modern people, why can I communicate without barriers!
"What happened in Tokyo?" Lin Lin looked at An Peixiu and asked.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation. However, there are not many living people in this area."

"There aren't many living people left?" Lin Lin couldn't help but asked after hearing this, "Is the zombie outbreak very sudden this time?"

"Yes, very suddenly, it broke out overnight." Ampere Xiu also said.

"Come with me. Your clothes are all wet and you will catch a cold." Ampere Xiu also said, his voice was very gentle. Lin Lin knew that the other party was not a ghost or a monster, so he felt relieved and followed Ampere Xiu .

He pointed to a tightly closed door in the distance and said, "There is a supermarket over there, and there are a dozen survivors in the supermarket."

He led the way, and Lin Lin followed behind him.

Lin Lin didn't know why he trusted him and followed him.It seems that the world is boundless, and life is endless confusion. In the confused life path, he seems to have no way to go, and needs a human to guide his way forward.

A kind of loneliness lived in Lin Lin's heart.

Lin Lin seemed to be longing for a friend in his heart, a friend who could be with him forever.Otherwise it would be too lonely...

When they came to the door of the supermarket, Lin Lin seemed to have thought of something when An Peixiu also bent down to open the door of the supermarket.

He took out the Longyuan Sword from the Sumeru Ring, and stabbed Apeixiu with a sword. The speed was very fast, from the back to the chest. In an instant, Apeixiu also fell to the ground, bleeding all over the place. land.

He turned his head, looked at Lin Lin and said, "Why?"

"You are Doctor Ghost." Lin Lin said.

Almost, I was confused by the other party.

In such a place, there is also an onmyoji, and the aura of the onmyoji is not a ghost, nor is it a monster, there is nothing unreasonable in itself.What is unreasonable is that I would have a feeling of trance and loss in the rain. This feeling is so real that it will make me sad and even get wet in the rain.

And the tenderness of the other party is too beautiful, and the more beautiful things are, the more unreal they are.

"Haha..." The other party laughed, and he said after laughing, "You are really amazing, you actually realized that I am a ghost doctor. You are worthy of being a monk among human beings. However, Tokyo is over, RB is over, the whole world, Even if you kill me, those infected with the zombie virus will die too...you can't save them."

"Hey..." He smiled strangely, his eyes gradually disappeared, and finally lost their luster.With the disappearance of the luster in his eyes, his face changed, no longer the gentle and handsome boy in his teens, but a wrinkled, gray-haired old man with a ferocious face.

Seeing the change in his appearance, Lin Lin knew that he was dead. In order to prevent him from turning into a zombie after death, Lin Lin pulled out his mahogany sword and struck him on the chest.

After killing Dr. Ghost.

Lin Lin opened the map search and found that there are countless monsters in the supermarket.

He couldn't help laughing, it seemed that the ghost doctor wanted to trick himself into it, and then let himself be besieged by these monsters.However, it is a pity that my spiritual power is too strong, and at the critical moment, I got rid of his control and saw through his tricks.

Opening the door of the supermarket, not only zombies but also more than a dozen intelligent zombies poured out of it in an instant.

Lin Lin killed the first zombies, pierced their hearts, released their remnant souls sealed in their bodies, and turned them into a pile of carrion.

And the dozen or so intelligent zombies glanced at each other, everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Lin, but they didn't do anything, but stared at Lin Lin.

One of the zombies saw the corpse of Dr. Ghost lying on the ground, and couldn't help saying: "Our master was killed by him."

Another zombie said: "Death is death! This guy has made us like this, I can't wait to kill him."

"So what now?" asked a zombie who looked like a child.

No one answered the child.Everyone looked at Lin Lin. The Taomu sword in Lin Lin's hand had also been replaced by the Longyuan Sword. Lin Lin's gaze was so cold, without any mercy.

Seeing that the zombies surrounding Lin Lin were silent, the little zombie couldn't help but asked again, "Did you kill this person?"

Everyone stopped talking, but the nails on each zombie's hands were very long. It was obvious that they were all ready to fight, and they only waited for the right time to kill Lin Lin with one shot.

The little zombie couldn't help but said, "Can we not kill him?"

An adult zombie next to the baby zombie, who looks like the baby zombie's mother, said, "No. We have to kill him. Because he will definitely kill us. Because we are zombies."

"Why is he going to kill us when we are zombies?" asked the little zombie.

The female zombie said: "Because he is a human being."

"We used to be human too." The little zombie said, "Why can't we let him go? Let him go?"

Hearing what the little zombie said, everyone fell silent, and everyone looked at the little zombie.

Lin Lin also looked at this little zombie, he couldn't help laughing for some reason.This little zombie is very naive and stupid, but he said a truth, that is, zombies were once human, and it is a helpless thing for them to become zombies now.

It's a pity that there are a hundred intelligent zombies in my mission.One hundred smart zombies, etc... It's okay if you don't kill these few, you can hand in the task yourself.

Lin Lin looked around at the smart zombies coldly and asked, "Do you want to avenge him?"

To deal with them, as long as Lin Lin uses Yanghuo, he can completely burn them to ashes. You must know that they are only a little stronger than zombies.

"Even if we don't avenge him, will you let us go?" asked a zombie.

"Maybe, maybe not." Lin Lin said.Just kill a hundred smart zombies.If they are redundant, you can let them go.

"Kill!" Hearing Lin Lin's words, the zombie who asked Lin Lin roared loudly, then waved his long fingernails and grabbed Lin Lin.

Along with him, there are other zombies.Their speed is very fast, if in the eyes of ordinary people, their speed is as fast as lightning.

However, Lin Lin is able to rotate "Yin Yang", time is controllable for him.Therefore, in Lin Lin's eyes, their speed was not too fast, and it was quite enough for Lin Lin to deal with it.

Lin Lin instantly released the Longyuan sword, which turned into a flying sword, and galloped towards the zombies that were rushing over. At the same time, Lin Lin gathered Yanghuo in the palm of his hand and exchanged it among ten fingers. , with a light flick, the Yanghuo on the ten fingers shot into the chests of the ten smart zombies that rushed over like a bullet, and the bodies of the ten zombies burned instantly and turned into a pile dust.

The few remaining zombies were also pierced through the chest by Lin Lin's Longyuan sword from the back. Their hearts were pierced by the Longyuan sword, and they also fell to the ground, trembling constantly, and finally turned into made dust.

In an instant, Lin Lin killed eighteen zombies with fierce means.

The only remaining innocent and cute little zombie, and his mother, his mother also wanted to make a move, but the son hugged her leg tightly with his hands, and she couldn't make a move, otherwise, she probably would have done it too. Will be beheaded by Lin Lin's flying sword, or burned to ashes by Lin Lin's sun fire.

Lin Lin took Yang Huo back into his hands, turned it into a Tai Chi ball, and finally merged into his body.

"Mom..." the little zombie hugged his mother's thigh in fear and shouted. He looked at Lin Lin in fear. He didn't understand how this young brother could have such terrifying power.

The zombie mother pulled her son behind her and used her body to protect her son. She stared at Lin Lin and said, "I want to kill a hundred smart zombies. I still need 82 Only. If you are lucky, I will let you go."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he turned and left.Only two mothers and sons were left in a daze.After the two of them saw Lin Lin leaving far away, the zombie mother immediately hugged her child, ran back to the supermarket quickly, and closed the door.

Lin Lin ignored the mother and son, but opened the map search, and Lin Lin found another gathering place of intelligent zombies.

Following the instructions of the map, Lin Lin killed him all the way. Those who hindered Lin Lin along the way were zombies without IQ, or some little ghosts who didn't know what to do. It has been successfully completed.

That leaves 82 intelligent zombies.

Looking up, I found that the gathering place of intelligent zombies turned out to be a school.

The torrential rain has gradually stopped, and it seems that there is a ray of sunshine in the sky, which is so dazzling that the entire gray sky has a little life.

Every time the task is ready to be completed, the sky will have sunshine.Lin Lin knew this.

Lin Lin came to the school gate and found that there was no one inside. The campus police office at the school gate was in a mess and empty.

Lin Lin turned over the school gate and entered.

Soon, Lin Lin came to the playground, where more than a dozen boys were playing on the football field.One by one, sweating profusely, feeling comfortable, shouting and passing the ball...

Seeing how carefree they were playing football, Lin Lin stopped in his tracks.

(End of this chapter)

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