Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 84 Lin Lin's Ambition

Chapter 84 Lin Lin's Ambition

Becoming a god was Lin Lin's childhood dream, and this dream seemed not far away from him.When Lin Lin heard Xiao Hei's words, he immediately said, "That's right!"

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were silent for a while.

Xiao Hei said: "Master, do you know that it is not so easy to get the approval of the mountain god's seal. Because you have to stand the test of the prohibition left by the previous mountain god before you can see the mountain god's seal. It is not an easy task, if it is an easy task, there will not be a new mountain god in Longyin Ridge for more than 1000 years."

Lin Lin said: "I know, but I am not afraid. I am confident that I can accept such a challenge."

Facing such an ambitious master, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Master, before that, you should go to Longtan to practice. The aura there is much stronger than here." Xiaobai said, "When you enter the sea of ​​consciousness tonight, we will have a good chat with you. Let’s talk about the Longyin Ridge Mountain God.”

When Lin Lin heard this, he remembered why he was still under the Zilong River!
He immediately escaped by water, and quickly went upstream to the depths of Longyin Ridge, the Longtan below Longxi Waterfall.

The water flow of Longxi Waterfall is fast, and there is a deep pool under the waterfall.Above the deep pool is the mouth of the waterfall. This waterfall is about [-] meters high. The impact of the water falling from such a high place is very large. Such a rapid flow of water will make ordinary people frightened when they see it. No one dares to approach, let alone Went to the bottom of the deep pool.

Even if Lin Lin used the water escape technique, he only dared to escape to a place about six meters away from the waterfall, and did not dare to get any closer.Before his people arrived at Longtan, they had already heard the sound of "booming" water flow. The sound of this huge water flow sounded like thunder, deafening.

When Lin Lin emerged from the water of Longtan, the sound of such a huge water flow could only be heard as the sound of thunderous water flow, and the chirping of birds in the mountains could not be heard at all.This huge voice made Lin Lin's tough heart tremble.Fortunately, Lin Lin practiced the Buddhist "Great Arhat Diamond Sutra", so he quickly turned this trembling of the power of heaven and earth into nothingness.

He jumped up from the water and landed on a large pebble next to the pool.

Looking up at the top of this high waterfall, on the high cliff with a drop of about [-] meters, a waterfall flows straight down, and the jade dragon is like a straight discharge in the deep pool. A huge vortex, this vortex rotates endlessly, and the wooden stakes and other things that fell from it were broken in an instant in this huge vortex.

And around the central vortex, there are many small vortexes.

After all, Lin Lin was a cultivator, and now standing under the waterfall, he felt a chill.People stand directly under the uncanny workmanship of nature, which is extraordinarily descriptive.

He couldn't help but admire in his heart: "What a terrifying waterfall!"

In the past, he only learned about the horror of the Dragon's Saliva Waterfall from the herb collectors in the village or his grandfather, but today he saw it with his own eyes.

It's still around seven o'clock in the morning, and the sun hasn't had time to hit the broken canyon, so the light looks a little dim.However, such dim light shows another kind of beauty of this waterfall.

It is a majestic and bleak, majestic beauty.

"Xiaobai, is it suitable for me to cultivate in such a place?" Lin Lin couldn't help asking, feeling a little nervous.

"Master, cultivation is against the sky. If you are afraid of the vortex formed by a small waterfall, then master, what will you not be afraid of in the future!" Xiaobai from the sea of ​​consciousness asked.

If you are afraid of even this small whirlpool, what else do you practice?Xiaobai was right, he didn't dare to be afraid, he shouldn't bow his head.This is just a small waterfall, what are you afraid of!

Lin Lin took off his clothes, because there were no outsiders here, and the Dragon's Saliva Waterfall was in the depths of Longyin Ridge, and there were few people in the year, so he naturally didn't shy away from it.

Putting the clothes into the Xumi ring, he jumped into the deep pool alone, and did not use the water avoidance formula, allowing the cold water to swim on his body.

It is very cold, although it is almost May, the water temperature is estimated to be only about ten degrees.If Lin Lin wasn't a cultivator and didn't avoid the cold and heat, he might not be able to stand the cold and walk ashore quickly.

Before entering the water, Lin Lin was still very scared.But after entering the cold water, his inner perseverance and strength emerged.He instantly suppressed all fear and tension.He dived into the bottom of the deep pool and began to meditate and practice.

But how could the whirlpool of the surrounding water allow him to sit upright at the bottom of the pool as calmly as a mountain?
The torrent of the vortex hit Lin Lin's body, and Lin Lin was spun by the torrent, like a helpless boat on the sea in a storm. He could not help himself, and would be swept into the vortex by the huge waves at any time. At any time, it will hit the nearby reef and be smashed to pieces.

And the torrent hit his body from top to bottom, and he also felt bursts of pain from the skin of his body.Before he could respond, another swirling vortex rushed towards him.

The torrent of the vortex pushed him towards the huge boulder next to him. That's how the wooden stake from the top of the waterfall was instantly reduced to dust.Although Lin Lin had already opened the Great Arhat Diamond Sutra and had the Vajra Bodyguard, which could resist ordinary gunshots, he couldn't resist such a strong impact, which would break his bones.

No, I absolutely cannot drift with the current in this vortex, I must make my body settle down in the depths of this pool.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin immediately thought of using the 'Xuanhan Frozen' to seal the water into blocks as his own weight. With a strong weight, the water would not be able to push himself.

"Xuanhan Frozen" A spiritual energy was written in the air, and the water around Lin Lin immediately condensed into ice, and Lin Lin sat in the ice.

His ice cubes not only froze him in it, but also froze other big rocks at the bottom of the pool together.

Now, Lin Lin's body was considered stable.

Lin Lin sat down in the ice and began to meditate.However, he soon found himself feeling suffocated.Because his Xuanhan ice seal not only freezes the water, but also prevents the air from entering, and the air in the water cannot enter.Then he naturally has a feeling of suffocation.

Without oxygen, Lin Lin was tightly strangled by a feeling of suffocation.In such a situation, it would be very difficult for him to undo the ice seal again, and he knew that once he untied the ice seal, the powerful current would rush him into the center of the vortex, and by that time, his body would definitely be extremely solid. When the reef hits, one's own muscles and bones may be broken.

Therefore, this ice seal cannot be untied for the time being.

But if he didn't undo the ice seal, his body wouldn't be able to breathe, and he might fall into a coma.

But after a while, Lin Lin's sanity became blurred, and even the thunderous strikes from the water surface became far away.

Are you going to die?
No, to live.If you want to succeed in cultivating immortals, how can you give up this little setback?

Suddenly, Lin Lin felt a chill in his chest, and his mind became clear. The spiritual energy in his Tai Chi scattered and overflowed, wrapping him in a cloud of spiritual energy.

It turned out that at this juncture of life and death, the aura in his body automatically circulated and rushed straight into his mouth and nose, and the feeling of suffocation disappeared immediately.

While the spiritual energy wrapped his body, it also acted as a medium. The spiritual energy could make the oxygen outside the ice penetrate directly into the spiritual energy and reach Lin Lin's mouth and nose.

I didn't expect that aura has such a magical effect.

While Lin Lin was shocked, he was secretly glad that he didn't give up just now.He continued to sit and meditate among the ice crystals, using the aura around him to inhale the oxygen outside the ice crystals, and at the same time use the aura to slowly inhale the essence of water into Tai Chi.

Time passed little by little.

The longer Lin Lin practiced, the clearer his consciousness became. He felt that his body gradually merged with the deep pool. At this moment, he felt like a stubborn stone in the deep pool. .No matter how strong the current is, he is not afraid.

The water aura and water essence in the deep pool also gradually gathered in the Tai Chi in his dantian.

The original sky blue Taiji fish gradually approached the dark blue Taiji fish.

Lin Lin found that he really liked the feeling of being as still as a rock in the water.This feeling is really wonderful, it is an indescribable feeling.

He felt that he was integrated with this deep pool, he felt that he was a pebble in the pool, a floating leaf, a fish going upstream, a humble drop of water...

Lin Lin likes this feeling very much, he seems to have forgotten the time, the space, and himself... He fully integrated himself into it.

As if he is the mountain here, the water here, the stone here, and the fish here, he seems to be able to feel the feeling of the water, the feeling of the fish, and the feeling of the stone... At this moment, he seems to have merged into this pool of water, becoming this A member of the pool.

Xiaobai and Xiaohei who were in the sea of ​​consciousness also felt the change in Lin Lin's state of mind.

"It seems that the master's state of mind is now able to break through the realm of the three talents." Xiaobai looked at Xiaohei and said, "The master's understanding is just right, and he can realize the realm where the three of heaven, earth and man are one."

Xiao Hei said: "However, although the state of mind has been achieved, the cultivation base is not enough."

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Since the master wants to be the mountain god of Longyin Ridge, why don't we help the master!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei was silent for a while, then looked at Xiao Bai and said, "Since you have decided, I will support your decision. But I don't know if Master will have such an opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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