Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 82 Entering Longyin Ridge

Chapter 82 Entering Longyin Ridge

"En." Lin Lin didn't understand what the cold man in front of him was thinking, he just nodded and said.He continued to tidy up the desk, ignoring the coldness.

When Xiaoqian saw Leng Bingbing's arrival, she couldn't help but said to Lin Lin: "I'll go down and wait for you first."

After she said this, she gave Leng Bingbing a provocative look, as if she said that if you want to grab my boyfriend, you are far behind!
Her face turned red with icy anger, but she was the squad leader after all, so she calmed down quickly.

"I plan to take the Zhongshan University of Medicine and Science." said coldly.

"Oh." Lin Lin said.

He said coldly: "Don't you have a few books on Chinese medicine at home?"

"En." Lin Lin continued.

"Lend it to me." Leng Bingbing said with a slightly reddish face.

"No." Lin Lin said, "These books are very old. They were handed down from my grandfather's grandfather. Many of the characters on them are ancient and traditional characters, and they are written vertically. You probably see I don’t understand. If you want to learn Chinese medicine, you can go to the bookstore and buy a few books on Chinese medicine. For example, "Soup Song", "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Thousand Gold Prescriptions" are all fine."

"Stingy guy." Said coldly.

"It's not a matter of stinginess, but these books are left by my grandfather. I can't lose them." Lin Lin had already finished tidying up the desk while speaking.

"I'm going home." Lin Lin Jiang couldn't help but say something else coldly.After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Three days, how do you plan to spend it?" Seeing Lin Lin leaving, she immediately followed up and asked.

"I'm going to the countryside to visit my grandma." Lin Lin said.

"Where does your grandma live?" Leng Bingbing asked immediately.

"Longyin Ridge." Lin Lin said.

"That's where my grandfather lives too." said coldly, "It just so happens that I also want to go back and visit my grandfather."


"Are we together?" Leng Bingbing said immediately.

"Don't you read and review?" Lin Lin asked back, knowing that the cold schoolbag was full of books.

"Reading all day, I'm going to get moldy. Going out for a walk and being in the nature can also relax you." Leng Bingbing said with certainty.

"En." Lin Lin is not the kind of person who is obsessed with reading, he will get irritable after reading for a long time.

"When will you go back?" asked coldly, "I have a car at home. Hehe, let me tell you, I can drive now. Although I haven't got a driver's license yet, I'm not old enough. However, I also asked my brother to drive us. "

"No need. I'll just take the car." Lin Lin said.He planned to use the 'Water Escape Technique' to return to the river near Longyin Ridge, and then walked to grandma's house.This saves time and is safe.

"Lin Lin..." Just when Leng Bingbing was about to say something, Xiaoqian, who had been waiting beside Lin Lin's bicycle, waved and shouted deliberately.

"Goodbye." After Lin Lin finished speaking, she ran towards Xiaoqian.

Seeing Lin Lin leaving with Xiaoqian on her arms, and seeing Xiaoqian cuddling on Lin Lin's shoulder deliberately and happily, she couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly again.

"Hmph. Ye Qianqian...you are just enjoying yourself for a while. After the college entrance examination, you and him are not in the same university. You will come to an end."

"Lin Lin, you are mine! I can't get anything I want coldly!"

Ye Qianqian, who was sitting at the back of Lin Lin's car, could see Leng Bingbing's angry face from a distance. She smiled triumphantly, like a cunning fox.She leaned her head on Lin Lin's back, feeling happy in her heart.

First round, win!
Back in the compound, after Lin Lin put the bicycle away, he found that Xiaoqian hadn't left yet, so he couldn't help frowning and asked, "What's the matter?"

Didn't I say that?Start with ordinary friends.What is this woman trying to do?
"Lin Lin, you really don't want to take me with you when you go to the countryside?" Xiaoqian asked.

"No." Lin Lin said.

"I can have someone take us to the countryside together." Xiaoqian said.

"I don't need to take a car." Lin Lin said angrily.

Xiaoqian was taken aback for a moment, and seemed to understand.Thinking about it, this person can travel from Beipu County to Binhai City in an instant. This speed is not so fast even by plane.It seems that this person must have the ability to ride the clouds, or other powerful spells.

"Okay." Xiaoqian said helplessly, "I was planning to tell you about me."

After she finished speaking, there was a hint of sadness in her brows.

"We'll talk when we come back." After Lin Lin finished speaking, she turned around and left Xiaoqian alone, and went upstairs to her own home.For some reason, Lin Lin always felt that he couldn't get too close to this woman.

Xiaoqian reluctantly went back to her home.

After returning home, Lin Lin found that her mother had already returned and made dinner.

"Son, where are you going to play for three days on May [-]st?" Mom asked.

"I plan to go to the countryside to visit grandma." Lin Lin said.

"Going to the country? It's only been three days, and it takes a day to go back and forth." Mom couldn't help but said, "Is it a bit too rushed, so you will be very tired."

Lin Lin said: "But I haven't seen grandma for a long time, and I miss grandma."

"Well, okay. Then tomorrow morning, our family of three will go back to the countryside to visit your grandma." Mom hesitated for a moment, then said.In fact, she couldn't bear to see an old man staying in the country, but her mother-in-law refused to move to the city to live with them, she just wanted to guard the old house in the country, which made her helpless.

Hearing that his mother and father were going with him, Lin Lin immediately said: "Mom, your son is 17 years old this year. Soon! It's not like I've traveled far alone. Besides, I'm just going back Go to the countryside to see grandma, you have to be so nervous, do you want to follow me with dad?"

"I won't get lost again." Lin Lin said to his mother angrily.

If I let them go back with me, I'm afraid that everything I do will be restricted everywhere, which is really inconvenient.

Mom hesitated for a moment, then said: "Then I will talk to your father tonight. Actually, son, the college entrance examination is one month away. Isn't it good to go back to the countryside after the college entrance examination? You don't have to rush these three months. God will go back."

Lin Lin said, "Mom, I just want to visit grandma."

"Okay, okay, I know my son is the most filial. Go see grandma, go see grandma..."

During dinner at night, mother and father made up their minds, and finally decided to agree to Lin Lin's request and let Lin Lin go home alone to visit grandma.

Waking up early the next morning, Lin Lin saw a packaged present on the sofa in the living room.

He looked at the soy milk and steamed buns that were still on the table, and there was a note under the soy milk.

"Son, the things on the sofa are for your grandma. Also, there are fruits and bread in your schoolbag for you to eat on the road. The 200 yuan is for you to use on the road. In addition to buying round-trip tickets, There is 120 yuan. Remember, at grandma’s house, don’t ask grandma for money, if grandma gives you money, you don’t have to ask for it.”

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing when he saw such a note, and then saw the 200 yuan on the note.

He put the money in his pocket and sat down to breakfast.After breakfast, he put the gifts and schoolbags packed on the sofa into the Xumi ring, and then left home.

When we came to the riverside, because it was morning and there were not many people, Lin Lin found a secluded place where there were no people, so he used the water avoidance formula and jumped into the river.

Within the range with him as the center, there is a perfectly round sphere, and the water is kept out of the sphere.

Lin Lin released his divine sense and felt the river at the foot of Longyin Ridge thousands of miles away, and he felt it very quickly.He immediately used the water escape technique, and in a flash, he disappeared in the Beipu River.

Lin Lin didn't know that his trip to Longyin Ridge brought about a new opportunity.Moreover, this opportunity seems to have existed thousands of years ago, just to wait for the arrival of the destined person.

(End of first volume)

(End of this chapter)

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