Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 803 This may not be the real ending (1)

Chapter 803 This May Not Be the True Ending ([-])
"Boss, why stop?"

"Yeah, boss, why did you stop?"

"Didn't you say that Abi's situation is very dangerous now? Why should you stop?"

Yu Tie, Gao Tu and others appeared from the car behind, and they stepped forward and asked.

"Look?" Hong Lei standing beside the boss pointed to the green hillside in the distance.

"What's going on?" Yu Tie and the others have all been to the villa area here. At this moment, they saw that the villa area they had been to had turned into a barren hill, and the villa area had disappeared for no reason.

"What's going on here? Where is the villa area? How did it disappear and become a barren mountain?" Gao Tu asked westwardly, "Did we go the wrong way? Isn't this the way to Abi's house? "

"Going the wrong way? How many times have we walked this way? And we can go wrong, and the satellite positioning and navigation on our car can lead the wrong way?" Yu Tiema said, "It seems that there is something weird."

The boss said: "Listen to my orders."

"Yes!" All the members of the dragon team present stood up straight and said in response.

"Block all the passages up the mountain." The boss said, "Don't let anyone go up the mountain. It's very dangerous here. You can't enter here without my order."

"Yes!" said the members of the dragon team present.

Everyone immediately followed the boss's orders.

At this moment, a blue light descended from the sky in front of the BOSS and the others.Frightened, all the members of the dragon group present made gestures of attacking.

After the blue light fell and turned into a human form, and everyone saw clearly that this person was not someone else but Lin Lin, they felt a little relieved.

"Huofeng, why are you here?" The boss said in surprise.Didn't this fire phoenix break up with Bai Shu?How is he here?Could it be that this guy did what happened here?

"Suying and the others are fine for the time being. Don't go in, this is not a problem that can be solved by supernatural powers." Lin Lin said to the boss, "I don't want your dragon group to follow in the footsteps of the ninth group. You stay here, Just don't let mortals get close."

"Huofeng, what's going on here?" the boss asked.He is still confused.What is it that escaped from that ancient tomb, and why is it so powerful?
"I don't really know what's going on right now? But the Ksitigarbha should know, but he just won't say it." Lin Lin said, "I don't have time to explain too much to you now, if you don't want innocent people If you sacrifice, just do what I just said."

After Lin Lin said this, he instantly turned into a blue light and sank into the barren mountain.

"Boss, what should we do now?" asked the person next to him.

"Do as I said just now, block all the intersections going up the mountain, and don't let those TV reporters make trouble. All of us are not allowed to go up the mountain."


Bai Shu and Nine-Tailed Fox in Xianyuan Bar also seemed to feel that something was wrong here.

After Bai Shu went downstairs, she came to Jiuweihu's side, and said, "Jiumei, Xianyuan Bar, I'll leave it to you."

"Fifth Brother, I'm going too." Nine-Tailed Fox finally couldn't help but said.She had a strange feeling that if Bai Shu was left alone this time, she might lose Bai Zhu forever.She didn't want to lose this man, even though she never got him.

"Jiumei, now is not the time for children to love each other. Your cultivation is not as good as mine. If you go, you will only become my burden. Don't mess around, stay in the bar." After Bai Shu finished speaking, she turned into a yellow light towards He flew in the direction of the villa area.

After seeing Bai Shu leave, Nine-Tailed Fox's expression changed, and finally she decided to stay.It's not that she is greedy for life and afraid of death, but that she knows what Bai Shu said is right, and she went because she was afraid that she would become a burden to Bai Shu, and she didn't want to be a burden to Bai Shu.

In the villa area, there is a luxurious palace like a human emperor, located on the roof of the villa in the center of the entire villa area, a black vine is climbing.In the center of the vine, a girl who looked twelve or thirteen years old was stumbling and trapped by the vine, and the little girl's belly was now bulging, not much different from a pregnant woman who was about to give birth.

The girl's bulging belly was covered with a layer of terrible black air, which wrapped the belly, making the belly seem extraordinarily transparent. People outside could see a girl sitting cross-legged in the belly. baby.The baby didn't take a breath, but the belly beat once. The black vines, connected with the black gas, continuously injected the vitality absorbed by the world into the fetus.As the fetus grows, the round face of the girl who is the mother of the fetus will continue to dry up, and eventually the fetus will absorb the vitality of the body and turn into a mummy.

The girl locked by the vines has fallen into a coma at this moment, but her original appearance can still be seen clearly from her face.She is none other than Qingqing.

A blue light landed in front of the vines. After the blue light passed, it turned into a person. This person was none other than Lin Lin.

"You're finally here." A man's voice sounded from behind the vines, and after a while a person walked out from behind the vines.Lin Lin still knew this person.This person is none other than Kui Niu.

The Kui Niu at this moment is completely different from the Kui Niu that Lin Lin saw that day.At least the atmosphere is different.Kui Niu was wearing a black-gold armor, and his wrinkled and old face became rounded at this moment, making him look like a young man in his early twenties.There is also a black horn imprint between his eyebrows.

Seeing Kui Niu, Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "I knew you would never die in the ancient tomb. But I didn't expect that you would become an accomplice."

"Accomplice?" Kui Niu laughed loudly when he heard this, and then said, "Huofeng, you said I became an accomplice? Huh, I am not an accomplice. What I am doing now is to welcome the return of my ancestors. "

"Your ancestor? Who?" Lin Lin asked.Could it be that ancient cow demon?Lin Lin's eyes fell on Qingqing's round belly on the vine. The fetus wrapped in this round belly had an ancient aura.

"Say it, I'll scare you to death." Kui Niu snorted and said, "My ancestor is Xing Tian!"

"Xing Tian?!" Hearing this familiar name, something seemed to explode in Lin Lin's mind. In an instant, those related and irrelevant memories were connected together at this moment.All the memories were straightened out at this moment, Lin Lin suddenly opened his eyes wide, and then said: "Xing Tian? Just right."

In an instant, a sword appeared in his hand.This sword is Xuanyuan Sword.

The appearance of Xuanyuan Sword caused the fetus in Qingqing's stomach to move. Obviously, it also felt the breath of Xuanyuan Sword. Back then, it died on this sword, and it didn't just hope once, it died twice.This kind of hatred, this kind of hatred, has penetrated into his bones.He couldn't wait to get out.

"Huofeng! Give me this Kui Niu. Hurry up and destroy this evil vine, don't let this demon fetus be born, otherwise, there will be catastrophe in the world." Suddenly Bai Shu, who transformed into a flying demon, appeared, and he While speaking, he swung his sharp claws and grabbed Kui Niu.

Kui Niu is no longer the Kui Niu of that day, his reaction speed and cultivation have improved by an unknown number of levels.Bai Shu's sharp claws didn't catch him at all, but left a terrifying scratch on the ground. Under that scratch, half of the entire villa building collapsed.

At this moment, Lin Lin clenched the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and slashed down on the black-smelling vine.

There was a loud "dang", and sparks erupted the moment the vines and blades came into contact with each other.

The vines were not cut off because of this, but Xuanyuanjian's blade was missing a hole.Seeing that this magic weapon has become almost like a kitchen knife at this moment, Lin Lin couldn't help feeling angry.

"Hmph, it's useless. This girl is a descendant of the sacred tree in the Heavenly Divine Wood Palace. With her as the mother, the vines that grow out can be destroyed by no monk in this world." Kui Niu jumped up and flew up. , said condescendingly, "Even if you have the Xuanyuan Sword, it's useless. This sword can't cut this vine."

"Huofeng, use your flame to burn this vine. Huo Kemu, I don't believe that your flame is so powerful, you can't burn these logs." Bai Shu, who transformed into a flying demon, said again.

"Haha, if the god tree in the sky is afraid of fire, it wouldn't be called a god tree." Kui Niu said. After he said this, he transformed into a huge cow. With its huge horn on its head, it rushed towards Bai Shu.

"Roar——" Bai Shu immediately roared when he saw this, and stretched out his hand to withstand the impact of the huge bull horn.

No matter how powerful your bull horn is, can it be compared to my indestructible body of vajra?
Lin Lin didn't care about the battle between Baishu and Kui Niu, what he had to do was to eradicate this evil vine as soon as possible, otherwise, if the demon fetus on this vine was born, then the world would indeed fall into catastrophe.

Lin Lin activated the dragon and phoenix stone in his body, and instantly transformed into a human body.Behind him was a pair of feathers hanging from the sky, the flames were soaring, and the surrounding space was suddenly distorted by the sudden appearance of this flame's aura.

Lin Lin's terrifying incarnation made the demon fetus on the vine tremble violently again.It was like a mouse trembling unconsciously when it saw a cat.

It was afraid, afraid of the terrifying fire aura on Lin Lin's body.It could feel the extraordinary fire aura on Lin Lin's body.

(End of this chapter)

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