Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 785 Unprecedented Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 785 Unprecedented Heavenly Tribulation

Under the pine tree, at the Go table, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are playing chess.

After Xiaobai fell down, she suddenly felt a terrifying aura, and she couldn't help being startled. She raised her head and said, "Xiaohei, I feel that the master is about to wake up."

Xiao Hei also felt this terrifying aura. He looked up at the sky and said to himself, "It's been 300 years, and it's time for the master to wake up."

The two of them also felt this oppressive atmosphere, and under this oppressive atmosphere, they could no longer think about the chess game quietly.

So Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai both stopped, and they both stood up, looking around.It seemed to be waiting for something to come.

There is no thunder and lightning in the sky, nor is there a loud noise that shakes the ground quietly, but there is an indescribable depression in the whole world, even the trees and mountains seem to be distorted by this depressive atmosphere , The birds and beasts in the mountains seemed to be restless and scattered around, and some birds and beasts began to hit the trees, and the trees even cracked.

What's more frightening is that even the low-level insects and ants began to be affected by this depressive atmosphere and became restless. The insects and ants in the same nest attacked and killed each other.This happened only when the depression reached the extreme, and the depressive atmosphere was really terrifying.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai felt this terrifying depression, but their spiritual power was very strong, otherwise, they would probably be driven crazy by this suppressing power and would kill each other.

As the degree of depression became more and more serious, the surrounding space seemed to be distorted at this moment.

This kind of distortion gradually formed, and the surrounding space seemed to be broken and annihilated a little bit at this moment, and the entire fault cliff seemed to be trapped in a different time and space.All things have been transformed into the primordial substance that constitutes the nothingness of this world.

"The breath of chaos!" Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai looked at each other with their expressions suddenly changed.This depressive force can turn everything into nothingness.

This shows one thing, this repressive power contains the breath of chaos.

"Go, get out of here." Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai said at the same time.After they said this, they immediately turned into two rays of light, one black and one white, and left.

God, how far has the master practiced, how could he arouse the breath of chaos?If you want to know how terrifying the catastrophe will be if you activate the chaotic breath?In this way, the master's level of surviving the tribulation should be at the level of a saint.

Could it be that the level of the master Da Luo Jinxian hits the sub-sage?If this is the case, the master's practice is too fast.Does the master really enhance the spiritual power?If his spiritual strength cannot be improved, how can he withstand this catastrophe with the breath of chaos?

The pitch-black robbery cloud covered the entire fault cliff layer by layer, and the mountain where Lin Lin was meditating was silently turned into dust under this terrifying oppression. At this moment, the trees and creatures quietly turned into nothingness, all of which disappeared like ice and snow melting.The entire fault cliff began to collapse, and nothing remained, except for Lin Lin who was meditating, everything around Lin Lin was annihilated under the clouds of these kalpas.

This terrifying catastrophe seems to want the entire fault cliff to be wiped off the map of Yaozuqiu.

The pitch-black clouds descended slowly, wrapping Lin Lin floating in the darkness layer by layer, as if Lin Lin was in a black silkworm chrysalis.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, who escaped from the Jieyun's encirclement, looked back, their faces were as black as the black cloud.

Outside the fault cliff is a clear sky, but inside the fault cliff, it is indeed dark.

Even if they are standing under the clear sky for thousands of miles, they can still feel the breath of the terrifying robbery cloud in the fault cliff.Such a terrifying breath gives people a sense of oppression that will destroy the world.This feeling is like everything will be destroyed in this catastrophe.

Can the master bear such a catastrophe?Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai couldn't help but jump up in fear.

The master's breath did not appear, it seemed that these black robbery clouds had completely shielded the master's breath, and people outside could not detect the breath in the robbery cloud.The cliffs collapsed, the creatures were annihilated, and the catastrophe was appearing in front of everyone with an unstoppable attitude.

"Do you think the master will invite the catastrophe of destruction?" Xiao Hei looked at Xiao Bai and asked.

"Destroy the Heavenly Tribulation?" Xiaobai froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's possible. Too bad, what should I do if the master's mental strength is insufficient?"

"If the master only cares about the improvement of cultivation and ignores the improvement of spiritual strength during these 300 years, then this catastrophe will directly wipe out the master." Xiao Bai said with a frightened heart.

Although the two of them reminded the master to pay attention to the improvement of spiritual power when the master was about to enter the Nine Suns Pagoda to practice, but this improvement of spiritual power is not so easy to do.

"If the master directly changes from Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base to Ya Sheng's cultivation base, then this catastrophe..." Xiao Hei's face also became ugly.

The two of them wanted to help Lin Lin very much, but they knew that Lin Lin, who was wrapped in the black cloud at this moment, was undergoing the punishment of annihilation. At this moment, they approached rashly, not to mention that they couldn't help Lin Lin, it would only be in vain die.

As time went by, the black robbery cloud became thicker and thicker, and its diameter became larger. Xiao Hei and Xiaobai were forced to retreat again and again, leaving the area covered by the robbery cloud.

At first it was a fault cliff, but later it covered the periphery of the fault cliff.

Those mountains, rivers, trees, etc., where covered by black clouds, immediately turned into nothingness, the cliffs collapsed, the water dried up, the grass and trees withered, and the monsters who could run fast could escape, and those who couldn't run fast were already struck to death by lightning .

However, the expansion range of the black calamity cloud does not seem to be unlimited, but it expands to a certain extent and begins to compress again.

It's just that this process is very slow, so slow that people can hardly notice it.

Three months later, the black robbery cloud finally condensed to a size of only a hundred meters, and the mountains and rivers covered by the robbery cloud had turned into a desert, a piece of snow-white sand.Under the scorching sun, it is extraordinarily dazzling.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were waiting outside the black robbery cloud.They waited like this for three months, suffering in their hearts for three months.

"Xiao Hei, what kind of catastrophe did the master go through, and why did it take so long?" Xiao Bai really didn't understand.You know, the longest time for the so-called Heavenly Tribulation is only three days, but the time for the master to cross the Heavenly Tribulation is obviously not three days, but three months, and what is even more frightening is that these three months are still in Liujie Mountain. The three months in China are almost half a year on earth.

"I don't know." Xiao Hei said, "However, it is certain that the master is still alive, otherwise, the black robbery cloud should have dispersed long ago, but the black robbery cloud has not dispersed, which proves that the master is still alive."

Suzaku, who was thousands of miles away, also got the news at this time and rushed back.

After she came back, she saw Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, one on the left and one on the right, guarding her brother's side, and his brother was still covered by a cloud of black calamity.She flew over.

"Sister Xiaobai, brother Xiaohei, is my brother okay?" Suzaku asked very worriedly.

Since she got the news that the fault cliff has the power to overcome the catastrophe, she has been rushing back. She has encountered a lot of troubles along the way. After getting rid of those troubles, it has been two or three months. She thought that after she came back, she would be able to see The elder brother successfully crossed the tribulation, but he didn't expect that after returning, the elder brother was still crossing the tribulation.The time to cross the tribulation is a bit too long, right?

Or is it that my elder brother survived a catastrophe three months ago, and came to survive the second catastrophe three months later?

If this is the case, brother's speed of crossing the tribulation is too frequent?What's more, a terrifying desert has formed around his elder brother's Dujie. The fault cliff that was originally green grass has now become a desert.

Now that Suzaku is a demon cultivator at the level of a demon king, she can feel that there are still many malicious people around her who are really paying close attention to the movements of her brother in the crossing robbery.Obviously, brother's unique mode of crossing the catastrophe made those people feel uneasy.

Xiaobai and Xiaohei are Lin Lin's protectors, so although the two of them were worried about Lin Lin's comfort, they did not dare to relax the vigilance around them at all. Before Suzaku approached Lin Lin, they had already felt Suzaku's breath .

After Suzaku came back, the two of them heard Suzaku's question, looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

"Miss Suzaku, the master has not appeared since he started crossing the robbery three months ago. We really don't know what happened to him. We can't get close to Jieyun at all." Xiaobai said to Suzaku.

At this moment, no matter who dared to approach Jieyun, the end would be the same as those trees and mountains and rivers around Lin Lin, they would all be turned into ashes.

"elder brother……"

Suzaku looked at Lin Lin, who was enveloped by Jieyun and was impenetrable, feeling extremely entangled in his heart.

At this time, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai found that the gathered Jieyun started to expand again.The two of them didn't say anything, and immediately pulled Suzaku and quickly flew towards the periphery.

The speed at which the robbery cloud expanded this time was unusually fast.Soon, Jieyun's expanded volume returned to its peak.

The three of them stood in shock on a hill hundreds of meters away. Looking back, they saw that the place where they were standing was completely dark. Although the hill they were standing on was sunny, there was still faint darkness. I can feel the terrifying aura emitted by the Heavenly Tribulation over there.Let alone such a catastrophe, they have never even heard of it.

(End of this chapter)

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