Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 783 Five Lines High Level

Chapter 783 Five Elements Advanced Level
Seeing that they kicked the ball back to me gorgeously, I let myself make a decision.Lin Lin laughed secretly: When did this pair of siblings who were arguing so much on the chessboard become so in harmony with each other?However, since they are twins, they will naturally have a tacit understanding.Although they didn't say anything, but after being with them for a long time, Lin Lin could still feel their inner thoughts.

Lin Lin thought about it for a while and said, "Then you just watch over and accept these invitations for me, and tell them all to visit them when I am free! I don't have time to visit these people yet."

In fact, Lin Lin didn't want to visit those people either, so he just invited them directly and didn't see any guests.In this way, it not only gave the other party an explanation, but also gave the other party a sense of mystery, so that the other party did not know what he was thinking in his heart.

"Brother, some of them are actually pretty good, and they even sent all kinds of gifts. When brother sees them, he treats them as friends. That's not bad." Suzaku couldn't help but said.After all, it is not surprising that there are many gifts. For the gifts sent by those people, Suzaku, as Lin Lin's younger sister, naturally accepted them politely.

"In the place of Six Realms Mountain, there are no so-called friends and no so-called enemies. When you have big fists, others are afraid that your existence will threaten their safety, so they will naturally curry favor with you and want to be friends with you." Lin Lin Looking at Suzaku, he said, "If your cultivation base is too far behind theirs, then you will be their elixir to improve your cultivation base."

"Suzaku, you have to hurry up and practice, don't become someone else's medicine." Lin Lin glanced at Suzaku and said slowly.

Suzaku stuck out his tongue when he heard this, and said: "Brother, don't worry, look at me, I am a demon general now. Although it is not as good as above, it is still more than below. Now I can already protect me own."

Thinking of this, Suzaku is still very proud, after all, she is already a monster general, and now she can beat many little monsters.And during this period of time, she also entangled a group of little monsters to form a force, and became the boss of this group of little monsters.

Although these little monsters recognize her as the boss, it is largely because she has a powerful brother. With such a backer, monsters with similar cultivation levels to her would not dare to bully her.

Lin Lin said: "To survive in Six Realms Mountain, you must not only rely on others, but also rely on yourself. You are only a monster general. If you encounter a more vicious monster, you will still be unable to defeat him. Therefore, Suzaku , you still have to hurry up and practice. Don’t just think about forming cliques and forming your own forces.”

"There are also those who came to visit. Many of them actually came to visit. They will definitely not come empty-handed. It must be a gift, and there will probably be many good things. I know you like these gifts very much in your heart. But If they give gifts, they will naturally ask us. If you can help them do it, then accept it. If you can’t help them, then you can handle this gift! If you accept other people’s gifts, you have to accept them. Doing things for others, you'd better remember that."

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Suzaku was silent for a while, and then said: "Brother taught you the right thing. Suzaku was too complacent. Suzaku will remember it in the future. I will definitely not accept gifts that should not be accepted."

"That's good." Lin Lin said.He looked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai and said, "I'm going to retreat for a while, the girl Suzaku and the safety of this fault cliff will be entrusted to you two."

"Master, please don't worry, Xiao Hei and I will definitely protect you well, Master. We will never let Master be disturbed by anyone." Xiao Bai said immediately.

Although Xiao Hei didn't speak, his stern expression also indicated that he would protect Lin Lin's safety just like Xiao Bai, and of course also protect the safety of Suzaku and the fault cliff.

"Brother, do you still want to retreat?" Suzaku said a little unhappy when he heard that Lin Lin was going to retreat.

"Yes, I have to retreat for a while. After I improve my cultivation and understand the cause and effect of the human world, I will definitely play with you." Lin Lin said to Suzaku with an apologetic expression.For this sister, he is still very helpless.After all, after I recognized my sister, I had no time to spend with her.

"But you are in seclusion. Who will play with me? I'm so bored. If you practice all day, you will be suffocated." Suzaku said with a pout. "Brother, can you let me leave the fault cliff? Don't restrain me here anymore. I swear, I will never cause big trouble, and I will not leave the fault cliff too far. If something really happens Dangerous, I will run back immediately. Brother, let Brother Xiao Hei and Sister Xiao Bai let me leave the fault cliff! I am tired of playing fault cliff."

Hearing what Suzaku said, Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "Okay, but if you encounter any danger, don't hold on. When it's time to ask for help, you must ask for help."

"Hehe, don't worry about this. If I encounter any danger and I can't solve it by myself, I will definitely ask your brother for help." Suzaku said, "Even if you retreat, I will definitely ask you for help. Then Brother, I'm going out to play now."

After the little girl finished speaking, she turned around and ran away.

Watching the little girl leave, Xiaobai couldn't help frowning and said: "Master, if Miss Suzaku is serious about cultivating, her aptitude is not bad. She has hardly practiced much these years, and she has already reached the level of demon generals." Why. If she is serious about cultivating, she is probably only a demon general. Her character is relatively simple, and she is easy to trust others, so I am really worried about her."

"Master, do you want me to protect her secretly?" Xiao Hei asked.

Lin Lin shook his hand and said to Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai: "Experience is the best teacher, let her experience teach her, it will be good for her. If she is protected too well, she will have to It is not a good thing for her to exercise. There is a saying in our human world that is very good, in a greenhouse, a towering tree cannot grow."

"We understand." Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai nodded with some understanding.

"She won't run too far. When she encountered any danger, she hid herself. Well, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, I'm going to retreat. Please protect me for me."

After hearing this, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai said in unison: "Master, don't worry, Xiao Bai (Hei) and I will definitely protect your master. Master, you can retreat with peace of mind!"

After listening to Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's promise, Lin Lin nodded, then sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and entered a closed state.And Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai sat next to Lin Lin, one on the left and the other on the right, protecting Lin Lin together.

Lin Lin's primordial spirit entered the Tai Chi ball, and found that there were indeed two new lines of inscriptions on the stone tablet of the Tai Chi ball: "Five Elements Intermediate Level, Jump Three Realms. Five Elements High Level, Super Five Elements."

I didn't expect that this time I merged with the Yan Dragon Ball, which actually raised my realm by two steps.He directly raised his realm from the elementary level of the five elements to the advanced level of the five elements.It has been a long time since my realm has not improved so fast.However, it took 33 years.The 33 years are worth it.

It's just that "what does it mean to jump the three realms? What does it mean to surpass the five elements?"

Lin Lin couldn't help but wondered in his heart, the moment he was puzzled, he had the answer in his mind.The so-called "jumping the three realms" actually means that his cultivation base has jumped out of the three realms. As for surpassing the five elements, it means that he is no longer in the five elements.

"Jumping out of the three realms, these three realms are the human realm, the underworld realm, and the demon realm. At this moment, I am no longer under the jurisdiction of these three realms. Beyond the five elements, that is to say, my heavenly secret is now connected with heaven and earth, unless it is a saint Make a move, otherwise, no one will be able to trace their identity."

This shows that my life has become infinitely extended. As long as this universe is not destroyed, my life will never end.This is the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian.And his identity is no longer something that ordinary immortal Buddha can calculate.Unless it is a saint-level immortal Buddha, otherwise, no one can calculate it.

Lin Lin's eyes fell on the Phoenix Stone.At this time, the appearance of the Phoenix Stone has completely changed. The appearance of the Phoenix Stone is no longer just a stone.This stone shone with gorgeous colors, and the brilliance was dripping. The Phoenix Stone is not just a transformed phoenix, but a dragon and a phoenix coiled and intertwined with each other.

Raising his hand, Lin Lin took the Phoenix Stone in his hand.

Looking at the lifelike dragon and phoenix on the Phoenix Rock, Lin Lin showed a slight smile.He knew that now this Phoenix Stone could no longer be as simple as turning it into a Phoenix Stone.

"Dragon and Phoenix Stone" may be more appropriate.Because the aura of the phoenix in this phoenix stone is as strong as the aura of the dragon.

As long as he wants, he can completely change into Yanlong's appearance, and he can also switch between Yanlong and Huofeng at will without any influence.Of course, because of the existence of the Tai Chi Ball, I can use the unique skills of the Phoenix Clan in the form of Yanlong, and of course I can use the unique skills of the Yanlong Clan in the form of Fire Phoenix.

Thinking of this, a thought came to Lin Lin's mind. In an instant, he transformed into a flame dragon emitting terrifying flames all over his body, and even filled the space of the entire Tai Chi ball for a while.The whole space is filled with a strong smell of flames.

Lin Lin, who had transformed into a Yanlong Moyan, found that his mind suddenly had many skills that only the Yanlong tribe had.

One of the skills is very similar to the Phoenix Clan's Huofeng Liaoyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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