Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 78 Love must be brave

Chapter 78 Love must be brave

Seeing Leng Bingbing's icy face, Lin Lin felt guilty for some reason.He was very afraid of this serious and strict monitor.

Because this class monitor is the most ruthless person, he can always give a small report in front of the teacher fairly.If he told the teacher about his falling in love, would the teacher tell the parents?

He began to get tangled in his heart.

"Haha, squad leader...Squad leader, what's the matter?" Lin Lin said in embarrassment, and he quickly pulled his hand out of Ye Qianqian's arm.

Seeing Lin Lin's embarrassment, Leng Bingbing glanced at Ye Qianqian, and found that Ye Qianqian was looking at her with provocative eyes, and she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.But she didn't show it, but looked at Lin Lin and said, "Lin Lin, come here, I have something to tell you."

Lin Lin didn't know where he had offended the squad leader, so he said to Ye Qianqian, "You go first?"

"No, I'll wait for you here, let's go back together."

After arriving behind a big tree, he glanced at Lin Lin coldly, and then asked, "Do you know what time it is?"

"After afternoon class, May Day is the holiday." Lin Lin said.

After hearing Lin Lin's words, Leng Bingbing immediately said, "I'm preparing for the college entrance examination, aren't you in a hurry?"

Lin Lin shook his head.He can do everything in the books and the questions on the test paper lightly, and he doesn't think there is anything to worry about.

"You are falling in love now, it will affect your college entrance examination." Leng Bingbing said.

Lin Lin said, "It shouldn't affect my college entrance examination."

Said coldly: "How long have you known her."

Lin Lin thought for a while and said, "It's not been a month." To be precise, it's not been half a month.

"That is to say, you and her are just getting started?" Leng Bingbing said in surprise.

Leng Bingbing originally thought that Lin Lin and that Ye Qianqian had known each other for several years, otherwise, with a girl as beautiful as Ye Qianqian, it would be impossible to transfer to the class on the first day, and tell so many people in the class that she is Lin Lin's Girlfriend's.

Lin Lin nodded and said, "Yes."

It's just the beginning, at least today.He really never thought before that this Ye Qianqian would come to find him.And when I rescued her, I did it because I couldn't bear it for a while, and I didn't expect that the other party would agree with her body.

Hearing the words, Leng Bingbing immediately said: "Lin Lin, your academic performance is good, but you can't do this. You are dating while studying, this will affect your studies..."

"I disagree with you."

At this time, Ye Qianqian did not know why, but unexpectedly appeared. She disagreed with Leng Bingbing's statement, and she said: "You are the monitor of the squad, I am Leng Bingbing!"

He glanced at Ye Qianqian coldly, then said with an ugly face, "Yes."

Ye Qianqian pulled Lin Lin by the shoulder and said, "Lin Lin and I fell in love at first sight."

"Love at first sight is also love?" Leng Bingbing looked at Ye Qianqian and asked coldly.

"Why not?" Ye Qianqian asked, "There are so many stories about ghost foxes and scholars falling in love at first sight in Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio. Besides, Lin Lin is my savior, and it is normal for me to like him. Ancient scholars were not Is there any allusion about red sleeves adding fragrance?"

"I don't think that if I'm with Lin Lin, I will affect his study." Ye Qianqian said generously, "I'm with him in an open and above board manner!"

Lin Lin was grabbed by Ye Qianqian's arm, and Ye Qianqian's head was on his shoulder. The unique girly scent on her body rushed into Lin Lin's breath, making Lin Lin's face flushed.

After a long time, he said: "Squad leader, don't worry, I will pay attention, and it won't affect your studies."

"Lin Lin, let's go!" Ye Qianqian was about to pull Lin Lin away after speaking.Lin Lin quickly said to Leng Bingbing: "Squad leader, I'm leaving!"

When Ye Qianqian pulled Lin Lin away, she purposely smiled and looked back at Leng Bingbing.

Ye Qianqian is no better than Lin Lin, she is a woman, and she can feel that this cold lady's feelings for Lin Lin are definitely not as common as the monitor's feelings for her classmates. The reaction indicated that she was jealous.

Ye Qianqian suddenly felt that she came too right. If she came late, Lin Lin would be snatched away.

Watching Ye Qianqian leave with Lin Lin's hand coldly, with that villainous look, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, and suddenly felt a kind of sadness, very sad.

Leng Bingbing likes Lin Lin, but no one knows about it except herself.Even Lin Lin didn't know.

She originally planned to find a chance to confess her love to Lin Lin after graduating from high school and taking the college entrance examination. Because this appearance would not affect Lin Lin's study, who knew that she would kill Ye Qianqian on the way? A woman who knows where to come from.

The most hateful thing is that this woman is still beautiful, she needs to have a figure and a face, and her face is thicker than the city wall, and she is more courageous than other girls. On the first day of class, she can't wait to tell All of them, she is Lin Lin's girlfriend.

Leng Bingbing felt very uncomfortable, she wanted to cry very much, but she was afraid that if she cried, people would see her secret love for Lin Lin, it would be embarrassing.

But sometimes, tears are always uncontrollable, and her tears fell in a rush. Fortunately, there was no one else around, so she couldn't help but squatted behind the tree trunk and buried her head in tears.

Leng Bingbing didn't know that the way she was crying with her head buried in her head fell into the eyes of another boy.

This boy is none other than Lin Lin's deskmate, Zhao Xiaohai.In fact, Leng Bingbing's love for Lin Lin had long been noticed by Zhao Xiaohai, and the person Zhao Xiaohai liked was Leng Bingbing.

But Zhao Xiaohai's family background is average, his academic performance is above average, he is outside the top ten in the class, and he looks ordinary, so he has a very low self-esteem in his heart.He felt that he was not worthy of a beauty like Leng Bingbing, so his love for Leng Bingbing had always been buried in his heart, and he dared not tell anyone.

Today when he saw Ye Qianqian admitting that she was Lin Lin's girlfriend in front of so many people, he felt unspeakable joy in his heart, but when he saw Leng Bingbing's jealous and uncomfortable eyes, he was also troubled So after class, he secretly followed Leng Bingbing, watching this scene from afar.

Seeing Leng Bingbing burying his head and crying, he felt very sad. He really wanted to go to comfort Leng Bingbing, but he was worried that his comfort would embarrass the other party. More importantly, he didn't know what to say, so he could only watch from a distance. , the heart is extremely entangled.

In fact, it is not only Zhao Xiaohai who is watching all this here, but another "person", that is Xiao Xie who is beside Lin Lin.

After Lin Lin was dragged away by Ye Qianqian, for some reason he felt something strange, so he asked Xiao Xie to come here to see what happened.

As a result, Xiao Xie saw this scene.

Xiao Xie couldn't help but said with emotion: "Sometimes, love really needs to be brave. If you bury love in your heart, maybe this love will be buried for the rest of your life because of your lack of bravery."

After she said these words, she couldn't help laughing bitterly in her heart. She said that others were not brave enough, so how could she be brave?

In fact, during the more than ten days she spent with Lin Lin, she also developed an inexplicable affection for Lin Lin. This kind of affection is definitely not the kind of affection that a servant has for his master, but a kind of affection that she has never had before. Feelings.

This kind of feeling may be the so-called "love", but she has been suppressing this feeling and never dared to show it.

Because she is not brave enough, and more importantly, she knows that she and Lin Lin are different from each other...

No matter what, seeing that the master can have a happy love, Xiao Xie still blesses the master in his heart.At the same time, she felt inexplicably jealous of Xiaoqian in her heart.Jealous of her rebirth, jealous of her being brave enough to love and hate.

At the same time, she also developed an inexplicable affection for this icy lady who had no relationship with her, and felt that the love of this icy lady was also sincere.She loves her master quietly, and hopes to wait for her master to take the college entrance examination before confessing her feelings to her master. This deep love is also admirable.

Xiao Xie hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth to the master.

on the other side.

Ye Qianqian sat on the back of Lin Lin's car, put her arms around Lin Lin's waist, and put her head on Lin Lin's shoulder, looking happy, she asked: "Lin Lin, do you know that since I came back After that, the eyes see many things that others cannot see."

Lin Lin's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and after a while, he asked, "What is it?"

"For example, just now you asked little sister Xie to see what happened to Leng Bingbing's squad leader, and I saw it. Although I couldn't hear what you said in your heart, I heard what little sister Xie said." Ye Qianqian said.

Lin Lin was stunned. He thought that Ye Qianqian didn't know about the fact that he sent Xiao Xie out, but he didn't expect her to know.He said: "I was worried that she would tell the teacher about us, and I was afraid that my parents would know."

Ye Qianqian said: "I'm not afraid of being known by the teacher! It's almost the college entrance examination now, and the teacher doesn't dare to do anything after knowing about it. After all, she is worried that if she criticizes you or tells your parents about your relationship, she will give you It causes psychological pressure. She is worried that you will not do well in the exam, so she is at most asking you to pay attention and dare not say anything more. "

Hearing Ye Qianqian's words, Lin Lin smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, I know."

This Ye Qianqian is not an idiot, she actually knows what the teachers are worried about.

Suddenly, Ye Qianqian asked: "Tomorrow is May Day, Lin Lin, have you thought about it, where are you going to play?"

"I'm going back to grandma's house." Lin Lin said.

Ye Qianqian immediately said, "I want to go too."

(End of this chapter)

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