Chapter 758
"Human flesh really doesn't taste good? Is it poisonous?" Zhu Hong couldn't help but look at Lin Lin in surprise when she heard this. , Human flesh is the most delicious food in the world, and it is the most delicious and the most aura.Now it is not like this in the mouth of this man named Huofeng.

"What did I lie to you? I came from the human world, don't I know?" Lin Lin said immediately, "Human flesh is the most unpalatable and poisonous. If you eat it, you will be poisoned. Even the dragon group No one dares to eat human flesh.”

"Gluttony? Do you mean the gluttonous gluttony?" Zhu Hong asked.She also knew from the elders in the clan that Tao Thao is a very greedy guy, and he not only eats people, monsters, and beasts, but also eats gods in the sky and ghosts in the underworld.Even if it is eaten into the stomach, it will not spit out bones.It's very scary stuff.Now in the clan, there are still adults who use this thing to scare children who are distressed and refuse to sleep at night. When the children hear the name of this glutton, they are so frightened that they dare not cry.

Zhu Hong grew up listening to the name of this terrifying beast. Now that Lin Lin said that, she couldn't help but ask, "Even he doesn't dare to eat people?"

Lin Lin nodded, and then said, "Of course, what did I lie to you for?"

Hearing this, Zhu Hong couldn't help covering her mouth, and said with a frightened expression: "Oh my god, how poisonous is that human flesh!"

"It's very poisonous." Lin Lin said, "If you eat it, you will definitely have diarrhea, and you will have diarrhea for several days, making your hands and feet weak, and you can't even walk. So, you must not Cannibalism."

When Zhu Hong heard this, she couldn't help but nodded, and then said: "I know, I will never eat human flesh in the future."

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing when she saw the girl nodding her promise.It seems that if you want to make the Yaozu change their habit of eating people, you really have to start by scaring them.However, thinking about it carefully, my words didn’t completely scare them. It’s really hard to say how many elements behind the periodic table are deposited in the bodies of human beings on the earth, especially those living in the Celestial Dynasty.

"Little girl, it's getting late, I'll take you home!" Lin Lin said to Zhu Hong.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Hong couldn't help saying, "No."

"Why?" Lin Lin asked intentionally.

"I... the rules of our clan, I can't..." Zhu Hong said hesitantly, "I can't bring outsiders into the clan. Huofeng, I'm sorry, I... I can't violate the rules. The people here know that I broke the rules, and my parents and my brothers and sisters will all suffer."

"But your leg is injured." Lin Lin said, "Can you walk back?"

Zhu Hong couldn't help but said, "I'm here now, very close to where I live. I believe that if my family finds out that I haven't come home so late, they will definitely come out to look for me. They will definitely be able to find me."

"Okay!" Lin Lin knew that he could no longer force the other party. After all, if he wanted to enter this little girl's clan, he had to use this little girl to lead the way. He couldn't make this little girl wary of him. .

Lin Lin stood up.

Seeing Lin Lin standing up, Zhu Hong couldn't help asking nervously: "Huofeng, where are you going?"

"I think your family will find you soon. It should be inconvenient for me to be here." Lin Lin turned to look at Zhu Hong and said, "You have a bonfire with you here, so you shouldn't be cold, and Those beasts didn't dare to approach... Your family will definitely come when they see the fire, and I will leave. See you next time!"

Hearing that Lin Lin was leaving, Zhu Hong immediately said, "Can you stay with me until my family comes to pick me up?"

After she finished speaking, she showed a pitiful expression.

Lin Lin couldn't see the pitiful expression on the girl's face the most. He said, "Okay, let's chat and wait for your parents to pick you up." Lin Lin sat down after speaking.

Zhu Hong asked: "Huofeng, do you have any family?"

"Of course." Lin Lin couldn't help thinking of the warm scene with his parents.I don't know what happened to them at the moment.As a son, I was indeed incompetent, and I gave them a substitute as a son, so I seldom stayed with them.

Zhu Hong saw Lin Lin's face showing a gentle expression that couldn't be more gentle, she couldn't help asking: "Then do you have children?"

"Child?" Lin Lin was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but said with a smile, "Not yet."

Whether it is He Xiaoyan or Xiao Xie, both of them are not suitable to conceive their own children at present. The result of different races conceiving offspring will cause too much harm to the mother, and I cannot be so selfish.

When Zhu Hong heard Lin Lin's answer, she felt a kind of secret joy in her heart.She asked, "So are you married?"

"Not yet." Lin Lin said, "However, I have two people I love, and someone who loves me."

"Two..." Hearing these words, Zhu Hong's heart that was secretly happy just now seemed to have been poured with cold water, and she couldn't be happy for a long time.This fire phoenix actually has two people he likes, so he will have two wives in the future.

However, she was soon relieved, because in the group, a male demon can marry seven female demons as wives.

This fire phoenix only has two women he likes, which means he can have five more women he likes.Thinking of this, she couldn't help but say: "Huofeng, then you want to have a third person who you like her and she likes you?"

Hearing this, Lin Lin turned his head to look at the little girl in astonishment. He never thought that the girl would say such a thing so boldly.But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

After all, this is the Yaozu, and the women of the Yaozu dare to love, hate, and express their love.

Facing the hot eyes of this little girl, Lin Lin's mind went blank for a moment.After a while, he calmed down. He smiled and said, "You haven't grown up yet! You didn't do the fire ceremony. When you grow up, you can tell me these things again! Little girl, your hair hasn't even grown yet. Just thinking about it."

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Zhu Hong immediately said: "I didn't think about it! My sister, when I was my age, was already engaged to her brother-in-law. I don't want to be like my sister and let my parents arrange my marriage! "

As Zhu Hong said, she untied the pendant she was wearing from her neck, stood up, and limped to Lin Lin's side.Lin Lin didn't expect this little girl to be so bold, so he was stunned.

"This is for you." Zhu Hong handed it to Lin Lin and said.

Lin Lin looked at the pendant in his palm and asked in a daze, "What is this?"

This pendant looks like two houndstooths, but it's too small.

"This is my deciduous tooth." Zhu Hong said, "It is a rule in our clan that women will wear the deciduous teeth they have replaced with them. When they meet someone they like, they will present the deciduous teeth to them as a token of love."

This token of love is really unique, with deciduous teeth as the token of love.These two deciduous teeth should be the canine teeth replaced by this little girl. They look very good in color and texture, and you can feel the faint evil spirit from these teeth when you hold them in your hand.

Lin Lin looked at this girl's piercing gaze, which was so hot that she didn't know what to do for a while.After a while, he said: "There is no such habit in our clan. I..."

Obviously, this girl looked at her like this in order to let herself give her something as a token of love.

Lin Lin's head is a little dizzy at the moment, what's wrong with him?Why are you so entangled with such a little girl? How long have you known this girl?
"That... Zhu Hong, I can't take your deciduous teeth. I..." Lin Lin was about to return the deciduous teeth in his hand to Zhu Hong, but he felt someone's footsteps and shouts in the distance.

"The storage bag you gave me should be regarded as a token of love you gave me." Zhu Hong thought that Lin Lin couldn't find something suitable for her as a token of love for a while, so she couldn't help pinching Lin Lin just now. The storage bag given to her, said to Lin Lin with a happy tone.

Lin Lin wanted to say something, but heard someone calling.

"Ah Hong, Ah Hong...where are you?"

"Hong'er, Hong'er..."

"younger sister……"

"elder sister……"

Hearing the shouts from her parents and brothers and sisters, Zhu Hong couldn't help but looked at Lin Lin and said, "Huofeng, my family is here, you should hide first, and after my parents and I have made it clear, I will tell you You introduce them."

Lin Lin couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and couldn't help but said, "That's good. I'll go first." Lin Lin turned around and was about to leave, but Zhu Hong grabbed his hand.

Zhu Hong looked at Lin Lin and said, "Huofeng, tomorrow...before sunset tomorrow, whether my parents agree or not, I will wait for you here. Don't forget."

Lin Lin nodded and said, "Okay."

After seeing Lin Lin leave, Zhu Hong couldn't help but feel lost.

And at this time, her family saw the light of the bonfire and came to find her.They vaguely saw a figure entering the forest before they came.

A burly and strong man asked: "Ah Hong, that one just now was..."

"He is my daughter's benefactor. He saved her life." Zhu Hong said with a blushing face.

The sturdy middle-aged man couldn't help but nodded, and then said, "Oh."

"Father, mother, elder brother and fourth younger brother, let's go." Zhu Hong said to her parents.

"Let's go!" The middle-aged woman with the torch picked up the bamboo basket and said.

Lin Lin, who was hiding in the forest, looked at the four people who came here to look for Zhu Hong. Their appearance was similar to that of Zhu Hong. They were all furry, with fox noses, rabbit ears, and fiery red all over their bodies. A little hairy.

(End of this chapter)

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