Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 754 Closed Ethnic Group

Chapter 754 Closed Ethnic Group

food?Also the legendary food?Could it be that in the eyes of the Yaozu, are human beings really such existences as food?For a moment, Lin Lin couldn't help but feel sad.He really wanted to correct this little girl's thinking, but after thinking about it, forget it. After all, this habit of cannibalism has been deeply rooted in the Yaozu culture for tens of thousands of years, millions of years.

"It's not food, it's friends." Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "Forget it, let me show you what it means to transform into a human form!"

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he turned around and instantly changed back to his human form.

After seeing how Lin Lin turned into a human, Zhu Hong couldn't help looking at Lin Lin in amazement. After a while, she couldn't help turning around Lin Lin's body twice, and finally said in amazement: " It turns out that this is a human being, but the clothes are wrong. The people on the murals are not like this. They should be dressed similar to me... However, the human skin is so smooth, there is no hair at all, the eyes are so small, and the ears are so dark So small, with such a small nose, such a small mouth, and hands... without any sharp nails, how can this person live?"

When Lin Lin heard what Zhu Hong said, she remembered that it was impossible for Zhu Hong, who had lived in Six Realms Mountain since she was a child, to understand what the human world is like.

In her mind, only when her ears are big can she hear sounds several kilometers away, and she can quickly escape from danger; only when her eyes are big can she see the dangers around her clearly, and she can see all dangers clearly at 360 degrees without dead ends. Yes, the sense of smell is very strong, so that you can perceive all the smells, and even if the mouth is not big, it should not be too big, otherwise it will be a disadvantage when grabbing food.

As for hands and feet, how could he protect himself without sharp minions? How could he fight?
Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "The human world is different from the demon world."

Zhu Hong didn't quite understand and asked, "Why is it different?"

"En?" Lin Lin knew that it was impossible for him to speak clearly to her, so he couldn't help but raised his hand to create a dynamic image like a water screen movie with water shadow technique.

"This is the endless highway in the human world. These fast-moving things are called cars... They are a means of transportation."

"This is a restaurant, a place where humans eat... rice, chopsticks, and something called a bowl... you should have it here."

"This is where human beings work. Those are laptops... used for office work. As long as the computer is connected to the Internet, many people can communicate even when they are thousands of miles apart."


After Lin Lin introduced the human world, Zhu Hong's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but said, "Hey... the human world looks very interesting, don't people in the human world fight? Isn't there war? They don't hunt each other eat?"

Lin Lin said: "People in the human world will naturally fight and have wars. As for hunting each other? This should be gone now."

However, hunting in the human world is done in another way, that is mutual competition.

"Huofeng, you told me so many things about the human world, are you from the human world?" Zhu Hong couldn't help asking.In her opinion, if the other party knows so many things about the human world, it should be from the human world.

Lin Lin said, "Guess what!"

"I guess it must be." Zhu Hong said immediately.

Lin Lin smiled and did not answer.

"Huofeng, it's getting late, I'm going back to my clan. Will you go back with me?" Zhu Hong looked up at the sky, only to find that the sky seemed to be getting dark, she couldn't help but said.She was so busy talking with Lin Lin about the human world just now that she even forgot the time.

Lin Lin thought for a while and asked, "Can I go back with you?"

"Ah?!" Zhu Hong yelled in surprise when she heard this, then looked at Lin Lin, finally shook her head and said, "I don't know, the Great Elder said that you can't bring outsiders back to the clan. And now you The appearance of this human being, no matter how you look at it, does not look like a member of our family, and it can be seen at a glance."

Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help but nodded, and then said, "Then what about me now?"

While speaking, Lin Lin's appearance changed.His appearance became similar to that of Vermilion, his whole body was furry, a pair of big ears, and a nose like a fox. Except for those eyes, he looked a little bit human, and he didn't have any human appearance at all.Unlike vermilion, the fur of Lin Lin's avatar was not fiery red, but purple red, and he was wearing clothes made of grass.

Seeing Lin Lin like this, Zhu Hong couldn't help but said, "Wow, you can transform, you're so amazing, you look a lot like us now."

"Then I am like this, can I go back to the clan with you?" Lin Lin asked.

Zhu Hong shook her head again and said, "No."

"Why?" Lin Lin asked puzzled.I have transformed into this kind of appearance, why is this girl still unwilling to take me back?
"People in our clan know each other. No matter how much you look like a member of our clan, they can tell at a glance that you are not a member of our clan. If you go back with me, you will definitely be seen by them They thought they were spies from foreign races, and they caught and killed them." Zhu Hong couldn't help but said.

Hearing Zhu Hong's words, Lin Lin couldn't help asking: "Then there are no people from other races in your clan?"

Zhu Hong nodded and said: "Basically not. There are rules in our clan. People from other clans are not allowed to enter our clan unless they have the consent of the Great Elder."

It really is a closed group!Lin Lin couldn't help thinking, no wonder this little girl looks so innocent now, because she has lived in such a closed environment since she was a child.

"Then, is your clan self-sufficient on weekdays? There are some things that people in your clan don't have, and don't you do business with others? No trade, no communication?" Lin Lin couldn't help asking.

Zhu Hong said: "Of course we have. We will participate in the Maple Forest Festival every year."

"Maple Forest Festival, what kind of festival is that?" Lin Lin looked at Zhu Hong and asked.

"Oh, I can't, it's getting dark, I'm leaving. Huofeng, let's talk next time, I'm leaving." Zhu Hong saw that it was getting late, she immediately picked up the basket, Said to Lin Lin on his back.

Seeing the little girl leave in a hurry, Lin Lin didn't chase after her right away.

Waiting for the girl to go a little farther, Lin Lin used the technique of earth escape to follow secretly. He wanted to find the girl's group, and he felt that there must be a map of the Six Realms Mountain in this group.He now needs a map of Six Realms Mountain and a guide, otherwise he will be blind and deaf here.Lin Lin felt that there must be people and things he was looking for in Zhu Hong's group.

There are continuous mountains and towering trees, covering the sky and the sun.

After walking out of this large continuous mountain, there is a wide grassland. Although the area of ​​this grassland looks small, but in modern times, it is as wide as three football fields. The grassland is past, and there is a swamp overgrown with weeds , Beyond the swamp, there is a lake with no edge in sight.

Zhu Hong ran all the way quickly with the bamboo basket on her back. She was a little tired after coming here, so she couldn't help but walked to the edge of a bluestone that was as tall as a person at the junction of the grassland and the forest to rest.

While resting, she suddenly felt a strange voice from the other side of the forest.

Her big ears were like pot lids receiving strange signals, and she soon discovered the noise coming from the woods, as well as the sound of birds and animals scattered around.Before she had time to think about it, she immediately hid.

Lin Lin who was in the soil couldn't help but secretly smiled when he saw all this.

No wonder that Zhu Hong would rest beside this bluestone that is as tall as a person. It turns out that this big bluestone has a mechanism.Behind the big bluestone is a clump of weeds, which is so dense that it completely covers the entrance of the cave.It turned out that this big bluestone was not an ordinary big bluestone, but something special inside.

Now Zhu Hong is hiding inside the big bluestone.

Soon, a group of people flew out of the noisy forest.

Count carefully, there are five in total.These people were all wearing the same style of clothes, and they looked like disciples of a cultivating sect who had come to the Six Realms Mountain to practice.What they stepped on was not a flying sword, but an unfolded scroll.Lin Lin knew that this was called a scroll.The flying ability of the scroll is much faster than that of the flying sword, and more importantly, the scroll also has the ability of short-distance instantaneous movement.Similar to teleportation.

In the advanced battlefield of Dream Demon, Lin Lin met a formidable opponent who used scrolls.What does his sect seem to be called?By the way, it is called Jiutian Gate.When Lin Lin and him fought for the first time, they lost to each other.However, in the next two matches, Lin Lin learned from experience and won two games in a row.

Lin Lin may not have much memory of those enemies that he can defeat in one go, but he has a deep memory of those enemies that he lost to the opponent in the first battle.

Could it be that these five people are disciples of Jiutianmen?Looking carefully, among the five people, there are three men and two women, all of them are very beautiful, the men are elegant and handsome.Not to mention a woman, she looks like a fairy in the world, pure, sweet, and quite charming.

In fact, these five people are said to be human beings, but they are not the same as human beings.Because the color of their eyes is completely different from the color of human eyes, the color of their eyes, the color of the pupils of men's eyes is emerald green, and the color of the pupils of women's eyes is cherry blossom color, and more importantly, their The ears are much more pointed and elongated than human ears.At first glance, they look like elves.

In fact, they should be from the world of elves.

(End of this chapter)

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