Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 746 Foodie Wynn

Chapter 746 Foodie Wynn

"If one day I die on the battlefield, dear comrades, please don't be sad for me..."

Accompanied by a burst of crisp ringtones, Director Zhao, who was about to fall asleep, could not help but wake up. He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and checked that it was three o'clock in the morning. He found that there were more than a dozen people on his mobile phone. The call was missed, and he also found that the signal on his mobile phone was full.He couldn't help standing up, and said happily: "There is a signal, there is a signal..."

His loud cheers woke up other people who were about to fall asleep.

"Is there a signal?" Luo Hui asked in surprise as he wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"There is a signal!" Director Zhao nodded repeatedly, "There is a signal."

"Great, call now, call now..." Elephant said, "Call for help!"

"Of course there is a signal. The forest has been set up by the wolf demon to block all signals. Once the wolf demon dies, the formation will naturally disappear. The disappearing signal will naturally exist."

Hearing this strange voice, Director Zhao looked over and wondered when there was one more person among them, and this person looked very young and very strange.

"Huofeng, when did you come back?" Elephant couldn't help shouting with joy when he saw the young man.

"Just now." Lin Lin said, "Hurry up and call an ambulance. Many people were injured. And many people died..."

"What, dead people?! How many people died?" Director Zhao asked in surprise when he heard this.

The elephant also looked at Lin Lin, as if asking Lin Lin why he didn't save him.

Lin Lin said very calmly: "I don't know, there should be as many as five or six people! When I found them, many people had already died... That wolf demon is a bit bloodthirsty. He has already been killed by me." , However, it is not the only wolf demon that escaped from the seal, there should be others."

"What escaped the seal?" Daxiang looked at Lin Lin puzzled and asked.

"The ancient tomb that disappeared is probably the formation that sealed those things. Someone broke in and destroyed the formation, making the seal loose, and the monsters inside would naturally escape." Lin Lin looked at Da. said the elephant.

When the elephant heard Lin Lin's words, his face felt hot.Lin Lin's tone seemed calm, but it was as if he had slapped the elephant hard in the face.Because those who destroyed the formation that sealed the ancient tomb were part of other elephants. Of course, even if this elephant is no longer that elephant, they use the same body after all, and there is no difference.

"Huofeng, are you really sure that the wolf demon escaped from the ancient tomb?" Daxiang asked persistently.

"Definitely and definitely." Lin Lin said.

At this moment, Wynn woke up, rubbed her eyes and crawled up. She squinted her eyes and looked around. After finally seeing Lin Lin, she couldn't help standing up, ran to Lin Lin's side, and stretched out her hand to ask Lin Lin Lin hugs.Lin Lin hugged Wynn immediately.

"Brother, I'm hungry!" After hugging Wynn, the first thing Wynn said to Lin Lin was that he was hungry, which immediately made Lin Lin feel dumbfounded.

"There are not many things that can be eaten here..." Lin Lin couldn't help looking around, and finally his eyes fell on the giant wolf that had been dead for several hours. He pointed to the giant wolf and said: " This is the only thing that can be eaten, do you want to eat it?"

Wynn looked at the black wolf's body, pouted his mouth, and asked with some displeasure, "Is it delicious?"

"If it's a barbecue, it should be pretty good." Lin Lin said, "You wait here, and I'll help you fix it."

In fact, for Wynn, there is no essential difference between eating raw and cooked.But Lin Lin still doesn't want Wynn to eat raw food at this moment. With Wynn's personality, if he eats too much raw food, he will swallow some animals whole. Not far away.Lin Lin decided not to let Wynn get into the bad habit of cannibalism.

Lin Lin put Wynn down while speaking and walked over.

Director Zhao and others had already called the police on duty at the police station when Lin Lin was talking to the elephant. Of course, he not only called the police on duty, he also called the Public Security Bureau of the county party committee, and also called The health center called.

Director Zhao saw Lin Lin walking into the corpse of the giant wolf. He wanted Lin Lin not to destroy the corpse of the giant wolf, but he saw the elephant shaking his head at him, so he didn't say anything in the end. .

He could only watch as Lin Lin found out from nowhere with a cold blade that cut off the wolf's neck easily, dismembered and skinned the giant wolf.

Seeing Lin Lin's speed and pure method of dismembering the wolf, the blade moved and cut the wolf's body, as simple and easy as cutting tofu, he was really dumbfounded.

After a while, four wolf legs and two wolf breasts were placed on the campfire.

"Go and help me pick up some dry firewood and put them in." Lin Lin said to the elephant while grilling the wolf meat.

Seeing this, the elephant went to find dry wood, and the other two followed.

When they came back, they saw Wynn gnawing on a delicious wolf's hind leg. Smelling the scent, the elephant and the others couldn't help but salivate, and the stomach came out unsatisfied. Cuckoo protests.

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing when he heard the three people's bellies, and then handed another roasted wolf hind leg to the elephant and the others, saying, "Eat it! I think the taste should still be the same. Not bad."

After the elephant took over the wolf's hind leg, he found the Swiss Army knife he was carrying with him, cut open the hind leg with the Swiss Army knife, and then put it on a wooden fork and distributed it to the other two.

"Thank you! Huofeng, let's start eating." Elephant said and started.One bite, the kiss overflowed, and the juice also overflowed. I thought that the roast wolf meat was because of the limited conditions. Although it was fragrant, it must have no taste, but waited for them to eat it in one bite. Later, they discovered that their guess was wrong.

This roasted wolf meat is not only flavorful, but very flavorful.Not just salt, but cumin, pepper, paprika and star anise.

It really tastes like barbecue.

"Huofeng, do you have barbecue sauce with you?" Daxiang couldn't help but looked at Lin Lin and asked.His question is exactly what other people want to ask.

Lin Lin said: "Although I don't need to eat, this little girl Wynn needs to eat, so I always have barbecue sauce on me. Hehe..."

In fact, these barbecue sauces are all because the puppy Di Ting also likes to eat barbecue, so he prepared some and put them in the Sumeru Ring.He didn't expect these sauces to be used at this time.

"Brother, I'm done eating. I'm still hungry. I still want to eat." At this moment, the little loli called Wynn called out.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help looking over, and saw that Wynn's stick was empty, and there were two wolf bones on the ground that had been gnawed clean. There was not a single bit of meat on the wolf bones. But there are several clear tooth marks on the articular bone.Maybe this little girl felt that it was a pity to throw away the wolf bones like this, but she started to bite the bones. The bite force of her teeth was not as strong as usual, and she ate up the two bones in two or three bites.

God, is this girl still human?She ate up such a wolf leg in a few strokes, not even letting go of the bones.After eating, you are still hungry and want to eat?What is her stomach made of?So powerful.

"Hey Let's eat it!" Lin Lin handed Wynn a whole piece of roasted breast meat and said with a smile.

Wynn is not too polite. After taking the breast meat, he doesn't care whether the meat is hot or not. He just bites it with his mouth open, and eats a large piece of breast meat cleanly after eating it. He greedily licked the corner of his mouth, and even wiped off the minced meat on the stick.

If it was said that when eating the wolf leg, the three of them didn't pay attention to how Wynn ate the whole wolf leg, but when eating the breast meat, they could see it clearly.

At that speed, it felt like swallowing directly without chewing.

For a while, everyone didn't have to sweat on their foreheads, and there was actually fear in their hearts.

"Hey! Eat these two wolf legs too! If it's not enough, brother, go roast it again, anyway, there's still wolf meat." Lin Lin handed the two roasted wolf front legs to him as he spoke. Wynn.

After Wynn took it, he said, "Thank you brother, brother, this barbecue tastes really delicious, much better than the Brazilian barbecue at the buffet. Hehe, brother's roast is delicious."

After she finished speaking, she began to gobble up again. You know, there is a roasted wolf leg in her left hand and a wolf leg in her right hand. Two wolf legs were also wiped out by her.

Seeing that Wynn still looked unsatisfied after eating the two wolf legs, Lin Lin handed her the last piece of breast meat roasted on the campfire, and asked, "After eating this piece of breast meat, do you want to eat it?" Are you full?"

Wynn took the barbecue, nodded happily, and said, "I should be [-]% full."

"Seven percent full is enough, if you eat too much, you won't be smart enough."

"Hehe Wynn, if you're not full, I'll give you the rest of the wolf leg meat. I just cut a small bite with a knife to eat..."


"Mine, you eat it too!"

"And mine!"

"very good, thank you!"

Seeing Wynn accepting the barbecue that everyone handed over, the elephant and everyone became more afraid of Wynn.

The elephant walked over, pulled Lin Lin aside, and asked in a low voice, "Huofeng, your sister is so good at eating, she...can she eat people?"

The worry of the elephant is also the worry of everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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