Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 737 Brother, I'm Hungry...

Chapter 737 Brother, I'm Hungry...

Although it was not the first time that this little girl called her father, Lin Lin still had black lines all over her forehead.He touched Xiao Jinlong's forehead, and said softly, "I'm not your father, and of course I'm not your mother, um...you can call me brother!"

"Brother?" Xiao Jinlong looked up at Lin Lin and said, "Are you my brother?"

Lin Lin nodded.The little golden dragon hovered over Lin Lin's arm. It showed curious eyes, looked at Lin Lin carefully, and then asked, "Brother...where are your father and mother?"

"Your name is Wynn, and your father is the Zijin Dragon above the nine heavens. Before you were born, he had already ascended to the fairyland. Your mother, she has some things to do, so she entrusted you to me It's gone." Lin Lin didn't want to deceive Wynn, so he said it directly.

When Wynn heard this, she couldn't help but burst into tears. She cried and said, "Wow...they don't want me anymore, why don't they want me...Is it because I'm not good enough, so they don't want me anymore ..."

"Wynn, don't cry, don't cry, it's not that they don't want you, your parents like you the most, Wynn, they left because they had to." Seeing this, Lin Lin couldn't help reaching out and touching you Touching Wynn's forehead, he said, "be good, be good, you will be with your brother in the future, and brother will take care of you. Don't cry. Be good! "

When Wynn heard this, she really stopped crying. She raised her head to look at Lin Lin, and sobbed with an aggrieved look: "Brother, will you be like your parents and abandon Wynn one day? , leave by yourself?"

Lin Lin said: "Of course not. As I said, I will take care of you, Wynn, and I will definitely do it. "

"Brother, you're so kind!" Wynn immediately burrowed into Lin Lin's arms. Fortunately, it is now in the body of a dragon. Otherwise, after it turned into a human body, Lin Lin would be really at a loss.

Lin Lin touched Huai'er's head and said softly, "Wynn, can you become a human now?"

"Of course." Wynn said, and turned into a five or six-year-old little loli in a flash. She lay in Lin Lin's arms and said affectionately, "Brother, am I cute?"

Lin Lin looked at Wynn lying in his arms. He had long black hair, big bright eyes, a small and tall nose, cherry red dust, a puffy little face, and white and delicate skin. He was so cute no matter how he looked. , Beautiful, but Lin Lin blushed seeing the following.

Damn it, I actually forgot that when this little golden dragon became a human being, he didn't wear clothes.

Lin Lin immediately stripped Wynn from his arms, and then turned his head to look at the broken eggshell beside him. With a finger, the eggshell instantly turned into a modern little girl's skirt.He said to Wynn, "Wynn, you put on your clothes before we talk."

Wynn pouted, looked up at Lin Lin, and said with some displeasure: "Brother lied, he said he would take care of me forever, but he pushed me away again, and he refused to hug me!"

Lin Lin said helplessly, "I'll hug you when you get dressed."

"But I don't know how to wear clothes!" Wynn said, "You help me wear them."

Lin Lin raised her forehead, how could she forget this, this little girl hasn't learned how to wear clothes yet.Lin Lin immediately picked up the clothes and put them on Wynn one by one. After dressing Wynn, Lin Lin tied the ponytail for Wynn.After doing this, Lin Lin looked at Wynn again. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like an ordinary little loli in the human world.

"Hug, brother!" Huai En watched Lin Lin staring at herself in a daze, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand and said to Lin Lin.

Lin Lin had no choice but to hug Wynn immediately, and then said, "Wynn, this is our home. Well, wait a minute, let me introduce someone to you. Her name is Aunt Bai. From now on, she will be responsible for taking care of How are you?"

Lin Lin planned to hand over Wynn to White Snake. It would be better for White Snake to take Wynn with him.

"No, I want to be with my brother, brother, don't leave me behind!" Wynn shook her head like a rattle, she reached out and hugged Lin Lin's neck tightly, refusing to let go.

"But brother, you can't stay at home every day. My brother has something to do. My brother is going to the world."

"Where my brother goes, Wynn will go with him. My brother can't leave Wynn alone. "

"What my brother is going to do may be a little dangerous."

"Wynn is not afraid of danger. Wynn will protect his brother."

"Wynn, you are obedient, stay here obediently, it is safer..."

"do not want!"

"If Wynn is not good, my brother will not want Wynn."

"Wow wow wow..."

In the end, under the attack of powerful tears, Lin Lin had no choice but to take Wynn with him. He couldn't see such a little loli crying, and she cried until her eyes were swollen, and she looked pitiful with pear blossoms on her face , how could he bear it!
"Wynn, it's okay for my brother to take you to the world, but you can't be naughty or mischievous. Well, more importantly, you are not allowed to eat people!" Lin Lin didn't forget the girl Wynn's favorite food Food is human.Although many of the people he eats are damned, but cannibalism is not a good habit after all.Lin Lin doesn't want to do it all over again, Wynn still has this habit.

When Huai En heard Lin Lin's words, he couldn't help but blinked his big eyes and looked at Lin Lin and asked, "Brother, are people delicious?"

Hearing Wynn's question, Lin Lin suddenly felt that he had made a mistake. Why did he arouse her curiosity?Lin Lin quickly shook his head and said, "How can humans be delicious? Humans are the worst. You must not eat them."

When Wynn heard this, he couldn't help but ask, "brother, how bad are people?"

"People... People today are different from people before. People today grew up eating poisonous milk powder like melamine. When they grow up, they eat gutter oil. Red, it's all kinds of toxins." Lin Lin said immediately, "In short, people are very bad, if you eat too much, Wynn, you may be poisoned and have diarrhea."

Hearing this, Wynn couldn't help pouting and frowning, and then said, "brother, what's the best food?"

"What's the best food?! This..." Lin Lin couldn't help but sighed when he heard Wynn's words, "Nowadays, the human world is full of pollution, and all edible things are polluted. I guess In the deep sea or in the deep mountains and wild forests, otherwise basically all food is polluted, good things... Hey, I don't know. But Wynn, except you can't eat people, you can eat whatever you want Bar!"

When Wynn heard this, he couldn't help saying: "I know, I don't eat people."

When it comes to food, there is a gurgling sound in Wynn's stomach.Wynn touched his stomach, looked at Lin Lin pitifully and said, "Brother, I'm hungry."

"Are you hungry?" Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "Brother, I'll take you to find something to eat right away."

Lin Lin took Wynn away from Longyin Ridge as he spoke. Of course, before leaving Longyin Ridge, he used sound transmission to say to Mrs. Bai in Longyin Ridge: "Mrs. Bai, you were born here to cultivate. Take Wynn to find something to eat. Don't worry, I will take good care of her. "

Three hours later.Boss Cai of the cafeteria near the health school was frowning. He had to frown because many of the ingredients for the buffet he had prepared had been swept away.

And there were only a dozen or so guests in the restaurant.

The food eaten by these ten or so guests was not as good as one-tenth of that pair of young brothers and sisters.Speaking of this pair of young brothers and sisters, it is indeed unforgettable.The eldest brother seems to be a freshman who has just been in college for a short time, with the childishness and simplicity of a high school student on his face, and the younger sister is a five-year-old who is so cute that people can't take their eyes away just by looking at them. A six-year-old loli.After the siblings came in, they paid two buffet fees and started eating.

Since he was the first customer and his sister was so cute, Boss Cai couldn't help but pay attention to them.I saw that after they entered the door, the elder brother put the younger sister on the chair and sat down, and then began to pick up vegetables.I can't stop eating this dish at all.Because every time my brother puts a dish full of vegetables in front of my sister, and then goes to pick another dish, after returning, the original dish is already clean.This girl who looks to be only five or six years old can eat so much, it's like a starved ghost reincarnated.

After the elder brother cleaned up all the ingredients in the cafeteria, the younger sister burped, rubbed her belly and said to her elder brother with a happy face, "Brother, I'm full."

The older brother nodded with a smile, and said, "Just eat enough."

"Boss, what are you looking at?" The waiter couldn't help asking when he saw the boss staring at the two brothers and sisters at the table in a daze.

Boss Cai said: "Ah Hong, next time you see these two brothers and sisters come to eat with us, don't let them in."

"Why?" the waiter asked inexplicably.She didn't see the scary look of this little loli while eating, all she saw was the cute and sweet smile of this little loli at this moment, she felt that such a cute little girl and such a girl who looked only seventeen The eight-year-old Svenwen is a boy, how much food can he eat, why doesn't the boss let them in?

"If they come to eat every day, our restaurant will close down." Boss Cai said, "Look at the ingredients that were prepared for more than 30 people to eat, how many are left?"

At this time, the waiter noticed that the ingredients for the buffet next to him were already clean, and there were only a dozen customers in the store.

The waiter asked in disbelief: "Boss, are these brothers and sisters eating all of these? Isn't this too edible? Are these brothers and sisters still human? Oh my god!"

(End of this chapter)

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