Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 730 Military training is about to begin

Chapter 730 Military training is about to begin
"Wait a minute..." Seeing that Lin Lin was about to leave, He Xiaoyan immediately stood up and called out.

Lin Lin turned around to look at He Xiaoyan and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That Mu Suying...you should go and see her!" He Xiaoyan bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind, she said.

Lin Lin didn't expect He Xiaoyan to say this, so he couldn't help but nodded and said, "Oh... I see."

He left after speaking.

Seeing Lin Lin go downstairs and leave, He Xiaoyan looked at the untouched meal on the table, and said, "It's a waste again... Forget it, pack it up and take it home! I saw some uneaten food on the way." Beggars, you can give them to eat."

He Xiaoyan did meet a beggar on the road, and she gave the packaged food to the beggar. The beggar took the food without saying thank you, and just sat in front of the garbage dump and started eating with his hands.

He Xiaoyan naturally didn't say much, but left.

After returning to the dormitory, she found that almost everyone in the dormitory had returned.Although she has a family in the Imperial Capital, it is indeed a little far away from the school, so she lives in the school.They lived in an eight-person room, that kind of big dormitory.When she entered the dormitory, she heard several sisters in the dormitory discussing something.

The loudest voice in the dormitory, Ma Yanyan from Sichuan, said: "Have you heard, I will go for a physical examination tomorrow."

"Physical examination??" Yang Meimei from Zhejiang, who was playing with her mobile phone on the bed, said without raising her head, "What is the physical examination for? Didn't we pass the physical examination before the college entrance examination?"

Hou Ping from Guangzhou said: "You don't know, after the physical examination, if it proves that there is nothing wrong with the body, we will enter the brutal military training."

"Hey... the scorching sun at the end of August is scorching hot, like a fire, and we are probably going to be roasted to death." Hearing this, Xiong Aiai, a girl from Guilin, couldn't help shouting.

"That's right, if you do military training, it will be sunny!" Youmei from Jingzhou said without covering her head.

Bai Xiaoan touched her delicate skin, and said in great pain: "It's over, I finally hid myself for a summer vacation before turning myself into Bai Fumei... Now I'm going to become African black..."


At this time, everyone couldn't help looking at Zhou Jing, and said collectively: "You are so healthy, how could you have a heart attack!"


At this time, when the people in the dormitory saw He Xiaoyan who had come back, they immediately turned their attention to He Xiaoyan.Zhou Jing said: "Xiao Yan, do you know that we are going to have military training?"

He Xiaoyan nodded and said, "Well, it's written in the admission letter. The first month of school is for military training."

"You know, you're still so calm?!" Youmei couldn't help but said, "With your smooth and tender skin, aren't you afraid of getting tanned?"

"That's right, that's right, when the time comes, you will transform from a little fairy into an African black..." Bai Xiaoan said, "Don't you think this is a very scary thing?"

He Xiaoyan shook his head helplessly.The sun or something, as long as she doesn't leave her body, it basically doesn't do any harm to her.Even if she leaves her body, as long as she is not exposed to the sun for seven days and seven nights, it is not a big deal.

Her current cultivation has made her not afraid of the sun.

As for tanning or something, that was simply impossible for her.

"What do you know? She already has a boyfriend. Besides, her boyfriend is said to be a top student at Huada University, so she is not afraid of getting tanned! How can poor women like us who don't have a boyfriend... hey..." Ma Yanyan Can't help but say.She had seen He Xiaoyan and Lin Lin appear in pairs on campus and near the school, and knew Lin Lin's identity, so she wentssip like this.


No matter how noisy the other girls in the dormitory were, He Xiaoyan didn't pay much attention to it.After returning to her bed, she found her clothes and went to take a shower.

After He Xiaoyan went to take a bath, Ma Yanyan couldn't help but said, "Do you know who this He Xiaoyan is?"

"Who is it?" Ma Yanyan's mysteriousness caused many people to look at her, and everyone asked.

Ma Yanyan said, "They are relatives of our principal."

"Really?" Immediately, some people didn't believe it. You must know that He Xiaoyan's clothes are very simple, not like those official children. Besides, how can others like this What about your school?
Ma Yanyan said: "Of course it's true. What did I lie to you for? I personally saw the headmaster take the class teacher she found and asked the class teacher to go through the admission procedures. Her identity is not ordinary!"

"The emperor's family also has three poor relatives!" At this time, Bai Xiaoan said, "Even if she is a relative of the principal's family, she is probably a poor relative. The principal brought her to find the class teacher. It is mutual help between relatives. What. I don’t think you should make a fuss about Ma Yanyan.”

Bai Xiaoan's words immediately made many people agree, Youmei said: "That's right, I don't think He Xiaoyan is the kind of kid from a rich family..."

"Have you met her boyfriend?" Ma Yanyan asked.

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that they hadn't seen it.Ma Yanyan said, "I've seen it before."

"What does it look like?" Everyone immediately asked with potential for gossip.

"Looks so-so, about 1.7 meters tall, white and clean, a little thin, appearance... I don't remember much, but it shouldn't be considered a handsome guy. If it is a handsome guy, I can definitely remember it. However, He is a student of Huada University."

Yang Meimei immediately asked, "How do you know?"

"My cousin is the director of the external relations department of the student union of Huada University. He is responsible for receiving new students. When I went to visit my cousin to play, I saw He Xiaoyan with her boyfriend, so I asked my cousin , my cousin happens to be in charge of receiving freshmen, and has received him before... Hey, you don't know, this He Xiaoyan's boyfriend is amazing! He is the number one student in science in Guangxi Province... It is said that the college entrance examination is not good except for Chinese and English. Full marks, full marks in both science and mathematics, and a free student from Huada..."

"Damn, full marks in the math college entrance examination?!"

"A comprehensive score in science?"

"Is this human?"

"Too awesome!"


So the whole dormitory was talking about it.

When everyone condemned Lin Lin, who existed as a monster, Xiong Aiai, who was sitting on the upper bunk, couldn't help but said: "Everyone, stop gossiping about other people's boyfriends! I think He Xiaoyan's appearance, looking for such a student Being a bully boyfriend is a matter of course. Hey... let's think about how to pretend to be sick tomorrow!"

Xiong Ai'ai's words immediately brought everyone back to the topic.

Youmei sighed and said: "Yes, as long as you get sick during the inspection, you can skip the military training."

"One month of military training!" Ma Yanyan also said, she really didn't like military training.

Yang Meimei said, "That's not something humans do!"

"Hey... how should I pretend to be sick?" Zhou Jing said sadly.

Suddenly Ma Yanyan asked: "You said high blood pressure or low blood pressure, blood pressure is not normal, can you avoid military training?"

Xiong Ai'ai said: "If your blood pressure is ridiculously high or low, you probably don't need military training."

"I heard..." Ma Yanyan said her bad idea immediately, and after she finished speaking, she looked at the crowd and said, "What do you think of this idea?"

"Not good? Although jealousy can relieve blood pressure, it is impossible to lower blood pressure even lower." Yang Meimei immediately said, "At most it can temporarily lower high blood pressure. It doesn't seem to be a problem for normal blood pressure." effect!"

"Hey..." Ma Yanyan said helplessly.

Suddenly Zhou Jing thought of something, and immediately asked: "Do you think there is a medicine that can make the heart beat chaotically in a short period of time? Create the illusion of a heart attack?"

Yang Meimei immediately said: "You want to die, even if there is such a medicine, you can't take it, otherwise you will die."

"Exactly!" Everyone immediately nodded to express that this medicine should not be taken indiscriminately.

At this time, Xiong Ai'ai said: "It seems that we can only pretend to faint from heatstroke during military training."

"It's okay for one person to pretend to faint, but if so many people pretend to faint, will they be found out?" Zhou Jing said worriedly.

Ma Yanyan immediately scolded: "You are stupid, if so many of us pretended to faint, then the instructor probably wouldn't dare to do anything to us! Don't you know? The Internet is not always saying that those of us born in the 90s have poor physique Doesn’t the school have physical education classes? The instructors will definitely worry about our physical health when they see so many people fainting. By then, our one-month military training is estimated to be spent under the shade of trees, no Will spend it under the hot sun!"

Ma Yanyan's words immediately got the approval of many people.

Xiong Ai'ai immediately said to everyone: "That's the deal. On the day of our military training, if the instructor dragged us into the sun for more than half an hour, everyone in our dormitory would faint from heatstroke! "

"Yes! We must unite so that we can escape the fate of being tanned!" Ma Yanyan also said.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


Just as everyone was raising their hands to vote, He Xiaoyan came back from the shower, and she poked it in with her hand. Seeing everyone voting, she couldn't help asking: "What do you agree to?"

Ma Yanyan immediately closed the door, and then told He Xiaoyan about everyone's decision, and finally stared at He Xiaoyan and said: "Everyone agrees to do this, will you join us?"

"Yes, if you don't join us, you can't tell others about our decision!"

"I have no opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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