Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 67 Xiaoqian is not dead

Chapter 67 Xiaoqian is not dead
When Xing Zheng set up traps and waited for Ma Dong to be caught, Lin Lin met Xiao Xie and the others in the last bathroom on the 21st floor.

"Xiaoqian, this is my master." Xiaoxie introduced Xiaoqian to Lin Lin.

When Xiaoqian saw Lin Lin's immortal appearance, she was already eight or nine times sure that the person in front of her was definitely a master.She immediately imitated the etiquette of those people on TV, kneeling down, begging Lin Lin to take her in, and accept her as a ghost servant, but she didn't expect Lin Lin to reach out to help her. Before he could help her, her whole "person" collapsed. She was instantly bounced up by an invisible force, and she flew to the wall. The whole "person" seemed to be falling apart, and it was hard to get back together.

Seeing Xiaoqian being bounced away, Xiaoxie was so frightened that she quickly covered her mouth. She remembered that when she first met her master, she was also bounced away by the Tai Chi defensive formation on her body. After I reached a contract with my master, I was not bounced away.

She quickly floated out and helped Xiaoqian up, but Xiaoqian dared not go back to the innermost bathroom.She was afraid of that force, that force almost knocked her out of her wits, how could she not be afraid!

"Xiaoqian, you don't have to be afraid. The master is not a bad person. He forgot just now. He has a mighty Tai Chi aura on him. Don't worry. As long as you don't get too close to him and he doesn't get close to you, you will be fine. " Xiao Xie couldn't help but said.

"But I'm still afraid." Xiaoqian said.The feeling just now was really terrible.She really didn't want to do it again.

"Don't be afraid, it's really okay. It's okay." Xiao Xie comforted, and she dragged Xiaoqian into the bathroom where Lin Lin was.

"Xiaoqian, I'm sorry, I really forgot just now, I can't touch you directly. I'm really sorry." Lin Lin looked at Xiaoqian helplessly and said.

Hearing this "immortal" expert say sorry to herself, Xiaoqian was so frightened that she quickly said: "Xiaoqian is ignorant, you can't blame the expert for this matter."

"Master, Xiaoqian died so pitifully. Help Xiaoqian and take her as a ghost servant! Take her out of here." Xiaoxie couldn't help but said to Lin Lin.

At this time, Lin Lin remembered what Xiao Bai said, saying that his Tai Chi level was too low to control multiple ghost servants at the same time.At his current level, he can only accept one ghost servant from Xiao Xie, and it is difficult to accept two ghost servants at the same time.

Xiaoqian saw the embarrassment on Lin Lin's face, she immediately said: "Master, as long as you accept Xiaoqian as a ghost servant, Xiaoqian will definitely be loyal to you in the future, and will do everything for you with all my heart You will never be lazy, and you will never do anything that betrays you, master. Please, master, take pity on Xiaoqian! Please accept Xiaoqian as a ghost servant! Please accept Xiaoqian as a ghost servant!"

After saying that, Xiaoqian knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Lin.

Lin Lin's heart softened when he heard Xiaoqian's pleading.But he was still worried that he would not be able to control the two ghost servants at the same time, so he couldn't help but ask Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, what should we do?" Lin Lin asked in his heart.

"This Xiaoqian is not dead yet. She is a living soul, not a ghost. She is still popular. Didn't you find out, Master?" It was Xiaobai who said this.

After hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Lin couldn't help observing Xiaoqian carefully.

I found that Xiaoqian really had a faint popularity.It's just that this ray of popularity is too weak, if you don't observe carefully, you really can't see it.

Lin Lin couldn't help asking in his heart: "What's going on?"

"This Xiaoqian was overly frightened, and her soul left her body." Xiaobai said, "She hasn't died completely yet. I guess she should have a magic weapon like an amulet on her body, and the power of this magic weapon is still strong." Quite a few, otherwise, given her current situation, she would have long lost popularity and become a real ghost."

"You mean, she's still alive?" Lin Lin asked.

"Yes. But if she doesn't return to her body, then she will really become a ghost." Xiao Bai said.

"Then how can we get her back into her body?" Lin Lin asked.

"Find her body and use Maoshan's Taoist method to pull her soul back to her body." Xiaobai said, "Master, you'd better hurry up, because her qi is already very weak. Once this ray If the popularity disappears, then she will definitely die."

Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "I understand."

After Lin Lin regained consciousness, he looked at Xiaoqian who was kneeling on the ground and said, "Xiaoqian, get up. I have something to ask you, and you must answer me truthfully."

Seeing that Lin Lin's expression became so serious, Xiaoqian couldn't help becoming nervous, and with Xiaoxie's support, she stood up.

"Excuse me, master." Xiaoqian said.

"Where does your family live, and who else is there?" Lin Lin looked at Xiaoqian and asked.

Xiaoqian immediately told Lin Lin where she lived and who else was in the family.

"What's your father's mobile phone number?" Lin Lin asked immediately.

Xiaoqian hesitated for a moment, and then said a number.

After Lin Lin heard the number, he immediately took out his mobile phone from his Sumeru ring and dialed the number.

"Hello, are you Mr. Ye Kai?" After answering the call, Lin Lin asked in a unique Taoist voice.

"I am." The person on the other end of the phone said, and it could be heard that the other party's voice was very tired.

"Mr. Ye Kai, Pindao is always a Taoist." Lin Lin said.

"Mr. Ye, you... Listen to me, don't hang up the phone, this phone call is related to your daughter's life and death." Hearing Lin Lin said that he was a Taoist, Ye Kai thought it was a liar on the day of the call, so he wanted to hang up, but When he heard the other party say that it was related to his daughter's life and death, he immediately said: "What are you talking about? It is related to my daughter's life and death? Do you have any panacea? It can cure my brain-dead daughter?"

"It's true that I can cure your daughter, but it's not a panacea." Lin Lin said, "Where is your daughter now?"

"The No.1 civilian hospital in Binhai." Ye Kai said immediately.

"Okay, I'll go there tonight. When I arrive, I will call you. Remember, you must not miss the appointment, otherwise, your daughter may never wake up again." Lin Lin said.After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and then put the phone into the Sumeru ring.

Xiaoqian and Xiaoxie next to him stared at Lin Lin blankly.

After a long time, they turned around, and Xiaoqian said uncertainly, "Master, you called my father just now, didn't you?"

"En, Xiaoqian. You haven't died yet, and you still have vitality on your body. So, you can still be resurrected." Lin Lin said to Xiaoqian.

"Master, is what you said true? I can still be resurrected!" Xiaoqian asked Lin Lin with a surprised expression when she heard this.She really couldn't believe that she was not dead, but still alive.This surprised her so much.

"Yes." Lin Lin said to Xiaoqian, "As long as the ray of anger in your body does not disappear, I can resurrect you."

Hearing this, Xiaoqian couldn't help crying with joy and said, "It's great, I'm not dead yet, it's great, I'm not dead yet, thank you, master, thank you..."

When Xiao Xie heard this, she felt happy for Xiaoqian, but she couldn't help sighing inwardly, why didn't she have the right to live again!

Lin Lin looked at Xiaoxie and Xiaoqian and said, "Xiaoxie, Xiaoqian, please go to my Sumeru ring for now. I'll wait a minute, and I'm going to Binhai City by water escape."

Xiao Xie has long been used to living in the Sumeru ring, she nodded.And Xiaoqian doesn't know much about Xumijie.But before she could react, she realized that she seemed to be sucked in by something. After she could react, she found that she was in a very empty room.

After Lin Lin returned home, he left a note for his mother on the table.

The message in the note is that he will spend the night at Li Bufan's house tonight, and he will not go home, so let his mother not worry.

In the past, Lin Lin also spent the night at Li Bufan's house, so Lin Lin felt that it should be no problem to use this reason to fool his mother.

In order to let Li Bufan lie for him, he deliberately used his mobile phone to talk to Li Bufan in the identity and voice of the priest.

Lin Lin deliberately lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, "Benefactor, are you Li Bufan?"

Li Bufan was on his way home when his cell phone rang suddenly, and when he opened it, it turned out to be Lin Lin's number. He thought to himself, didn't Lin Lin say that his cell phone was taken by his master?How could he still call himself, but when he heard the other party's voice, he was so shocked that he almost fell off the bicycle.After some difficulty, he stopped his bicycle and answered the call on the side of the road. He said in a trembling voice, "You are...you are Lin Lin's master?"

"It's the poor man." Lin Lin could hear Li Bufan's panicked voice on the other end of the phone, and he was already happy, but he still kept his voice low and said with a serious face on purpose.

Li Bufan immediately asked: "Master Taoist, where are you?"

What a wonderful thing it would be if I could meet this peerless master and ask him to accept me as a disciple.

Why didn't Lin Lin know what Li Bufan was up to, so he deliberately ignored Li Bufan's questioning, but said directly: "Pindao called you today because he wanted to tell you that that scoundrel, Pindao He is not good at learning, but he is forced to stand up for you as a friend. His spiritual energy has gone astray. Although his life is not safe, he still needs to be recuperated by the poor. Therefore, tonight, the poor will take him to the cave in the mountains to recuperate overnight. Send him back. His parents and family didn't know about it, so Pindao asked him to leave a message saying that he was staying overnight at your benefactor's house. If his parents call to ask, you must not reveal your flaws.

(End of this chapter)

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