Chapter 56
Zhang Xiaolong immediately said: "I knew it. Lin Lin, all of you martial arts masters are like this. However, your performance on the court today may spread throughout the school the next day."

Zhao Dahu also said: "Then your master, will you be angry?"

Lin Lin froze for a moment, would Master be angry?Well... I don't have a master, so naturally it doesn't matter whether he is angry or not.However, in order to be more realistic, Lin Lin nodded and said: "Master will definitely be angry if he knows that I have demonstrated my martial arts skills in public."

"Ah, what to do then?"

Seeing how worried the two of them were for him, Lin Lin suddenly smiled easily, and then said, "However, he won't know."

"Why?" the two asked in unison.

Lin Lin immediately said: "Because my master is in seclusion. Hehe, besides, he is practicing in the mountains now and rarely walks around in the world of mortals. How would he know!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaolong was very excited immediately, grabbed Lin Lin's hand and said, "Lin Lin, are we brothers?"

Lin Lin froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "It's brother."

Zhao Dahu glanced at Zhang Xiaolong, found the meaning in Zhang Xiaolong's gaze, and walked over, grabbed Lin Lin's other hand and asked, "Lin Lin, since we are brothers, then you have such an awesome master , shouldn’t you also introduce us and let us be his apprentices?”

Hearing this, Lin Lin finally understood the intentions of these two people, he immediately pulled his hand away from the two people's hands, and then said: "Hey, I told you two, don't think too much. "

"Lin Lin, you have such an awesome master, why can't you forget our buddies." Zhang Xiaolong said, "As brothers, we should have the same blessings and difficulties. Such a good and awesome master , I can’t let you occupy it by yourself, you should give some of it to our buddies.”

"Yes, we should also let the two of us, as well as our eldest brother, learn from a master like you." Zhao Dahu said immediately, "Learn a good martial art, and in this way, we will be fearless."

"Hey, what are you two thinking?" Lin Lin looked at the two helplessly and said, "My master... how could my master accept so many disciples?"

"Lin Lin, please help me! Do you know why my name is Zhang Xiaolong?" Zhang Xiaolong looked at Lin Lin and said, his tone full of pleading.At this moment, he was really excited by Lin Lin's superb performance on the court just now, and he wished to see the bully master that Lin Lin called immediately, so that he could learn all the skills from him.This way, it's easy to show off and show off.

It's a boy, and who didn't have a martial arts dream when he was a teenager?
Zhang Xiaolong and Zhao Dahu are in adolescence, and their martial arts dreams are still in their minds, and they can't get rid of them!Now that you have such an opportunity, how can you let it go?

"How do I know!" Lin Lin said angrily.This is given to you by your father, and I am not your father, how do I know why you are called this name?

"My father is a fan of Bruce Lee, a fan of Bruce Lee's movie, and his martial arts is very powerful, so he named me Xiaolong, hoping that I can reach out like Bruce Lee in the future." Zhang Xiaolong said immediately, " Therefore, I beg you, Lin Lin, you must help me."

"That's right, my father named me Dahu, because he hoped that I would be as powerful as a tiger. I also beg you to help me, I also want to worship your master as my teacher."

Seeing the expressions of these two people, Lin Lin knew that if they were not at the gate of the compound, on the side of the road, these two people would probably kneel down for him.

Lin Lin really wanted to slap himself at the moment, saying what was bad, what was the master?It's all right now, I've caused trouble for myself, where do I go to find such a master for these two people?

A voice in Lin Lin's mind said: "Master, now you understand that showing off your temper for a while will bring you endless troubles. What you are facing now is still a small trouble. From now on, Master, whatever you do, you will have to worry about it." Consider the consequences and implications!"

This is Xiao Hei's voice, and it can be heard that there is a taste of gloating in his voice.

Lin Lin groaned inwardly, and he cried out in his heart: "Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Hei ignored Lin Lin.Lin Lin couldn't help shouting in his heart: "Xiaobai, help me, Xiaobai, you must know what to do. Help me."

"Didn't you say that your master is practicing in retreat in the mountains? Just tell the two people in front of you that your master is in retreat in the mountains, and you don't know where he is practicing, so you can't find him. Even if you want to help, I'm afraid you won't be able to find your master, so you really want to help them, but there's nothing you can do." Xiao Bai said.

After hearing Xiaobai's words, Lin Lin seemed to understand.He thought for a while and then asked: "Then they will ask later, what should I say?"

"Aren't you going to take the college entrance examination in less than two months?" Xiaobai asked again.

Lin Lin knew what to do.He immediately came back to his senses, looked at Zhang Xiaolong and Zhao Dahu and said, "It's useless for you two to beg me. My master is currently in retreat, let alone you can't see him, even I don't know where he is now." where."

"Therefore, there is nothing I can do to help you with the matter of apprenticeship." Lin Lin deliberately showed a look of embarrassment and helplessness.

Seeing Lin Lin's expression, Zhang Xiaolong and Zhao Dahu couldn't help showing a disappointed expression.

After a while, Zhang Xiaolong thought of something, and then said: "Lin Lin, doesn't matter if we don't see your master now, you can accept us as disciples instead of your master. From now on, Dahu and I will be your junior brothers. I will definitely follow your senior brother and obey your orders."

"That's right, Lin Lin, you can replace Master and accept us as disciples! Pass on the martial arts that your Master taught you to us, and we will be your Junior Brothers. We will definitely listen to you." Zhao Dahu also understood. , said immediately with a look of joy.

Hearing this, Lin Lin groaned inwardly, suddenly he thought of something, and immediately said: "You don't know, although the martial arts I have learned are very powerful, but if the master hadn't opened up Ren Tong Er before teaching martial arts It is impossible to learn the meridian. Moreover, my martial arts skills are low and my internal strength is insufficient, so I can't open up the second meridian of Rentong for you two, so I can't replace the master and accept you as disciples at all."

At this time, Xiaobai's laughter came from Lin Lin's mind, and Xiaobai said, "Master, your ability to make up nonsense is getting better and better. Hehe..."

Lin Lin couldn't help cursing in his heart: "Isn't it all forced by these two guys? What I have learned is not martial arts, but the skills of cultivating immortals. How can I teach them?"

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Zhang Xiaolong and Zhao Dahu couldn't help showing disappointed expressions again.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Lin couldn't help telling the two of them to go home for dinner.

He also hurried home to have dinner.

When Lin Lin returned home, he found that his father and mother were already at home. They had prepared a table of meals and were waiting for him.

When I got home, it was already 06:30.

"Lin Lin, come back so late?" It was my mother who spoke, and when she saw herself coming in, she said, "Hurry up and wash your hands, and then eat!"

"Yes, mom!" Lin Lin said.

After the family of three finished dinner, Lin Lin saw that his parents seemed to have something to ask him, so he couldn't help but said, "Dad, Mom, if you have anything to ask, just ask!"

Now that the son has spoken, there is nothing embarrassing about being a parent.

Lin Lin's father said, "Son, who is Mr. Zhao who invited us to eat at Mingzhu Restaurant at noon today?"

"He is the boss of Zhao's enterprise." Lin Lin said, "I heard he is very rich."

Zhao's enterprise?Hearing this name, Lin Lin's father was so surprised that his mouth grew wide. Seeing that his mouth was so wide open that it seemed that an egg could be stuffed in, Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "Dad, do you need to be so exaggerated?" ? Isn’t he just a rich man?”

Lin Lin's mother couldn't help but said, "Son, how did you save him?"

Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help but said in his heart: "I knew that you would definitely ask this. Fortunately, I have already thought about the reason before going home today."

"Father, mother, it's like this. Last Sunday, didn't I go out to play? I went to Wenchang Park with some friends to pay homage to Confucius. When I came back, I passed by the Beipu River and happened to see that man. Mr. Zhao was struggling in the water, so I went into the water to save him." Lin Lin said.He went out last Sunday, but instead of going out to play, he went to take pictures. Of course, after taking pictures, he didn't go home directly. Instead, he went to the book market to find books of the Taoist school, and even found a few books. Buddhist books.

These are books that are good for his cultivation, and he has found them all.

"Son, you are too bold. You jumped into the Beipu River alone to save people. How old are you? You are still a child. What if..." Lin Lin's mother's face immediately changed when she heard her son say this. , she said very worriedly, "In the future, you can't do this again."

"Mom, don't worry, grandpa taught me how to save people." Lin Lin looked at her mother and said, "So I'm fine. Dad, don't you think so?"

"Your mother is right. You are still a child. You should not do anything to save people in the future. If you see someone falling into the water, just call [-]. Don't jump down to save people yourself." If something happens to you, what will you tell your father and mother to do?" Lin Lin's father also said immediately.

Seeing his parents' eyes were red, Lin Lin couldn't help being moved. He knew that his parents loved him the most and would always worry about something happening to him, so he couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay, next time Once, when I encounter such a situation again, I must not go into the water to save people, but call [-], so that’s all right!”

"This is our good boy." Hearing Lin Lin's assurance, Lin Lin's mother couldn't help but smile through tears.

Lin Lin's father looked at the wall clock and said, "It's already 6:50, you should go to repair in the evening."

"Father, Mom, then I'll go to repair at night."

"Go, be careful on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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