Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 505 Disappearing

Chapter 505 Disappearing
The five elephants received the task assigned by their superiors. After arriving at the border of the desert, they checked the ancient tomb, the coffin, and even twenty mummified corpses, but found nothing unusual.

Just when everyone was at a loss, another person died quietly.The next morning, he was placed in the coffin and became a mummy.The elephant worked hard at that time and decided to wait for the rabbit. That night, the five of them sat around the coffin to see what the coffin could do.

Of course, they didn't just sit around the coffin, they also set up formations around them. If evil spirits, goblins and other things came in, they were confident that they could still trap those things, even if they couldn't. The trap can trap those horrible guys to death, and it can also make them leave clues.

Everyone confidently waited for the arrival of the monster hiding in the darkness.

The night that night seemed very long.

The weather in the desert is different from the weather in other places.During the day, the desert is as hot as a pan of oil, but at night it can be as cold as an ice cave.Wrapped in thick military overcoats, the five of them sat around the coffin, almost waiting for dawn with their eyes open.

Four or five o'clock in the morning is the time when people are most likely to get sleepy.

Unfortunately, these five guys fell asleep at the same time, and when they woke up, it was already past six o'clock.After they woke up, they were all shocked, secretly wondering why they were all asleep, rushed to the coffin, opened the coffin, and found that there was another mummy in the coffin.This mummy is the worker in the construction site.

"21." Elephant said with a livid face.

"Why are we all asleep?" Kui Niu frowned and asked in confusion.

White Rabbit shook his head, and Mickey and Nan Hu glanced at each other, but they could only shake their heads to express their ignorance.

Yes, the five of them had no idea why they fell asleep.

"Before you fell asleep, did you smell a particularly strange smell?" Lin Lin asked.If it's rosemary or something, then it should have a strange scent.

The four of them shook their heads collectively, and the elephant said: "The few of us have experienced a lot. What special fragrance you mentioned, we really didn't smell it at all that night."

"Is there nothing strange about that?" Lin Lin couldn't help asking.

The elephant shook his head and said, "No. The five of us sat around the coffin with our eyes wide open."

"Wait, you didn't install cameras around the coffin?" Lin Lin asked immediately.

"The camera was installed as early as the second worker's accident." Elephant said, "But the things captured by the camera are basically blank. There is nothing."

"We can't see anything at all," said the White Rabbit. "It's very clean."

"Not only that, but in the formations we set up, there is no breath of anything, which is too clean to be clean." The elephant said, "So far, I still can't figure out what it is. "

Lin Lin stopped talking.

"Just when we were at a loss, a piece of news came back from the corpses sent for autopsy." Elephant said, "The reason why those living people turned into mummies within a day was found."

Lin Lin looked at the elephant when he heard this.

"The reason why those people become mummies is because there is an extra gene in the gene chain in their body." Elephant said, "If it is an ordinary person, the gene in the body should be 23 pairs of chromosomes, that is, 46 Chromosomes. However, in the bodies of those who were air-dried, there was an extra pair of chromosomes."

"Wait. There is an extra pair of chromosomes? How is this possible?" Lin Lin couldn't help but said immediately, "Isn't the number of human chromosomes already determined innately? Can it be increased after tomorrow? This is unscientific. !"

The elephant looked at Lin Lin as if saying, "It's unscientific. Many things exist, and there is no way to explain them from a scientific point of view."

"Later, Professor Zhao Guo, a genetics expert, came. Not only did he come, he also brought his research team." Elephant said, "They arrived on the fourth night of our arrival."

"But that night, they disappeared. Without warning, they disappeared collectively," Elephant said.

Hearing this, Lin Lin was extremely surprised and said, "Disappeared?"

"Yes, it's not just Professor Zhao Guo who disappeared, the team he brought disappeared collectively. We investigated and monitored, and found no one of them at all. The gates of the base, but they disappeared collectively. The ones who disappeared were their people, but nothing was lost, such as the instruments and notebooks they carried with them."

Lin Lin secretly thought, does the other party have a space-time ring?Or is it possible to form an enchantment of different time and space?Not a ghost, not a demon?Could it be a person from the Protoss?
It's just strange that the people of the Protoss, why did they do such a thing?
"Huofeng, to be honest, we have experienced so many things, but this time, we can't explain clearly." The elephant said helplessly.

"Three days ago, we were driven back." Elephant said, "Our task was handed over to the dragon team. But I still can't figure out this matter."

Lin Lin said, "I don't understand either."

For a while, all the people present were silent, and for a while it was the elephant who broke the silence.He looked at Lin Lin and said, "Huofeng, look, I already know everything about you. Can you tell us what you know?"

Lin Lin didn't hide anything at the moment, so he told the elephant in detail about the case he had received.

"A total of ten genetics students are missing?" Elephant said in surprise.

Lin Lin said: "It should be thirteen, because there are thirteen people in that QQ group. What I wanted to ask you to help me today is to help me confirm that the thirteen people in this QQ group , Are they all missing? Wait a minute, I'll get the laptop." Lin Lin stood up and walked out after speaking.

After Lin Lin left, White Rabbit couldn't help but said, "If what Huofeng said is true, would the disappearance of those genetics students be related to the disappearance of that Professor Zhao Guo?"

Nan Hu next to him said: "I think their disappearance should be related."

Mickey touched his little chin and said, "But why did you kidnap those people? Who kidnapped them? What's the purpose?"

The elephant shook his head and said, "I'm also a mess now."

"It would be great if Kui Niu was here. That guy knows that dating a female ghost will kill him sooner or later." Mickey couldn't help but said
"When we came here just now, we should have woken him up and told him to come soon." The elephant said, "Forget it, he can't do anything now that he's here."

After a while, Lin Lin came in with his notebook in his arms.

After he turned on the computer, he logged in to QQ in front of everyone, and then called out the QQ group "Time Journey - Four-dimensional Time and Space", and said, "This is the QQ group. Look, the members in the group, a total of Thirteen."

"Thirteen. This number is really not a good number." The white rabbit couldn't help but said.

"I want you to help me investigate whether all thirteen people in this QQ group have disappeared." Lin Lin said, "I'm in trouble."

"If they are all missing, what does that mean?" Elephant asked.

"Explanation, this QQ group was deliberately organized by someone. This organizer may be the mastermind behind this disappearance case." Lin Lin said.After he finished speaking, he looked at the elephant.

The elephant said: "Okay. Mickey, please investigate this matter."

"No problem," Mitch said.

Lin Lin checked the time, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

"If you have anything, remember to call my cell phone. The bar is about to open, so I won't keep you here anymore." Lin Lin said to the four of them.While talking, Lin Lin sent them out.

"Huofeng, you really don't want to join our ninth group?" Daxiang asked.The elephant has a feeling that if this fire phoenix can join the ninth group, then their ninth group must become a powerful place.

"I just watched the bar for a few days for Bai Shu. I personally don't like restraint. Therefore, I won't join the ninth group." Lin Lin said with a smile.Joke, join you?

"What about your friends? Do you have friends who are as capable as you?" Elephant asked.

"They, like me, are used to a life of idleness."

"It's really a pity."

After sending these people away, Lin Lin closed the side door.Just when he turned around, he happened to bump into something soft, and a scent came over him.

A pair of beautiful jade arms hung around Lin Lin's neck, and a beautiful face appeared in front of Lin Lin, with a high nose, big eyes, long eyelashes, and skin that could be broken by blows.

Just when this beauty was about to kiss Lin Lin, Lin Lin pushed her away.

"Jiu Niang!" Lin Lin couldn't help but said immediately, "No matter how you change, you still smell like a fox." After saying that, Lin Lin turned and left.

But the beauty still held his hand, and said with a pitiful look: "Don't go, don't go..."

"What do you want to do?" Lin Lin looked helplessly at the beautiful woman in front of her. Even though she knew that this beautiful woman was transformed by a nine-tailed fox, her appearance and figure were really seductive.

The beauty wrapped her arms around Lin Lin's neck, looked at Lin Lin affectionately and said, "I want you...well...do you want me?"

"..." For a moment, Lin Lin blushed.

"I want someone..."

This nine-tailed fox is really good enough, and there are really too many changes.However, her current pitiful appearance, her seductive eyes, the warmth on her body, and the two lumps on her chest really made people's blood swell.


(End of this chapter)

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