Chapter 499 The Case
When he arrived at the entrance of the bar, Lin Lin smiled slightly at the waitress standing at the door. When the waitress saw her arrival, she immediately said, "Huofeng, you are finally back. Jiu Niang said that she couldn't find you anymore, so she gave the bar to you." It's closed!"

Lin Lin had already learned from Bai Shu that this waiter was a puppet named Yuejiao, a female ghost who was only 300 years old. She was a palace maid in the imperial city before she was alive. , which aroused the queen's inner jealousy, so she was strangled to death with white silk.After she died, she was very unwilling, so she wandered around the imperial city and met Bai Shu. Seeing that he was pitiful, Bai Shu begged someone to make a puppet body for her, let her be attached to this body, and come back to life.

"En. I see." Lin Lin nodded towards Yuejiao and said.Whether or not the bar is closed doesn't seem to have any effect on Lin Lin.However, Lin Lin felt that the nine-tailed fox must be reluctant to close the bar.You must know that in the bar, many men and women of all kinds come to the bar every night, especially many young people.With the heart of a nine-tailed fox, she is willing to let go of those beautiful men who put it on her lips, which is no wonder!

Maybe it was only ten o'clock, so although the number of people in the bar began to increase, they hadn't gotten excited yet. Everyone was still drinking in a regular manner, and they hadn't started dancing to the intense music.

Lin Lin looked around and found nothing unusual. He went straight up the stairs to the fifth floor, to his room.

Just when Lin Lin was about to open the door of his room, a graceful figure appeared, just as Lin Lin's door was opened, that figure was hanging around Lin Lin's neck, and said in a breathless voice: "You are finally back .”

Needless to say, it must be the Nine-Tailed Fox who came upside down so shamelessly.

Lin Lin stretched out his hand and separated the claws of the Nine-Tailed Fox from his neck, and said, "Jiu Niang, don't make trouble, I have business to do when I come back."

"It's really annoying, you are much more boring than Bai Shu." Jiu Niang said angrily.At least that guy Bai Shu would secretly pinch his own ass and touch him, but the guy in front of him was touching him by himself, and he would despise him and break his hands away.

After Lin Lin turned on the light in the room, he went directly to the table. Looking at the piles of materials in file bags on the table, he couldn't help but said, "Why are there so many cases? You don't Can you take a little less?"

"You have no conscience. Ever since that fellow Baishu handed over the bar to you, you said, have you taken over the case?" Jiuweihu couldn't help but said, "These cases have been accumulated since then. .”

Speaking of which, Nine-Tailed Fox felt that the young man in front of him was very unreliable, he was often not seen every day, not only that, even if he wanted to contact him, there was often no one to find him.As a result, there are many cases that should have been discussed with him, but there is no way to discuss them.

"I remember Bai Shu said that he won't take some cases." Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "Sometimes, he even won't take a case for half a year. Look at you, how many days... how to say here There are also twenty cases, right?" Looking at such a tall stack, there must be more than twenty cases.

"23" Jiuweihu said, "every case should be accepted."

After the nine-tailed fox finished speaking, the corners of the mouth showed a perfect arc.Hmph, 23 cases were indeed handled according to Baishu's rules.But if it was Bai Shu, he would not accept many cases, because the money was scarce and things were troublesome.But she still went on, in order to cause trouble for the guy in front of her.

"Aren't you going to help out with some? How to say, you are also members of Xianyuan Bar, and I am only temporarily replacing Baishu." Lin Lin couldn't help asking.He felt that there were so many cases, most likely because Nine-Tailed Fox hated himself for not telling her the whereabouts of Bai Shu, so she took so many cases on purpose.

"We have already helped to do the ordinary things like lost objects, ghost removal, and spirit summoning. But these, I'm sorry, we can't do them! Because these are usually done by Brother Wu." Nine-tailed Fox said, "Now he If you don’t drink anymore, it can only trouble you. If you think it’s troublesome, you can tell him and let him come back and deal with it himself.”

"From tomorrow onwards, until these cases are all dealt with, our bar will not accept any new cases." Lin Lin said to Nine-Tailed Fox, "If you accept it, then you will handle it." Lin Lin knew that this only The stinky fox will definitely cause trouble for himself, so he immediately put the ugly words at the forefront.If you dare to answer again, I will let you check.

Nine-tailed fox heard this, and immediately said: "Understood. Don't worry."

"Okay, please go out now. You are here, I can't concentrate on reading these files." Lin Lin said to Nine-Tailed Fox.

"Prudish." Nine-Tailed Fox pinched Lin Lin's thigh as he spoke, and then wanted to sneak up on Lin Lin's second child, but Lin Lin easily blocked her sneak attack with his hands. He said happily: "I'm going down. If you have any arrangements, ring the bell and I will come up." Nine-Tailed Fox said and pointed to the red button on the wall next to the computer.

Lin Lin said, "Understood."

After the nine-tailed fox left Lin Lin's room, Lin Lin took out the case files and looked at the cover.

On each cover, there will be roughly written events such as missing people, finding objects, or recruiting spirits, followed by the price and the client.

Lin Lin looked at it and thought that he should start with the simple ones first. He picked out the ones he thought were simple, and looked more carefully. There were fifteen cases in total.Lin Lin picked up the first portfolio, and saw that it read: "Looking for the whereabouts of my enemy, 20 US dollars (already paid in full), client LIS."

One look at the name and you know it's fake.However, the 20 US dollars was paid in full. It can be seen that the other party's shot was very bold.

However, Lin Lin didn't bother to decide whether the client was real or not.He opened the portfolio. Inside was a tie and a typed letter.The tie is well packaged in a clear plastic bag.

Open the letter, which reads: "Dear Mr. Baishu, I know you are the messenger of God. Here, allow me to kneel in front of you and pray to you. May your God and you protect me, a kind Arab Merchant. My name is LIS, excuse me if that doesn't look like my real name, it's actually a capitalized initial of my name.

I am in big trouble now, my enemy, a fat man is missing, many people say that I killed him, but I can swear to your God and you, I really did not kill him.Although I really wanted to kill him, I really didn't kill him.I was wronged and said that I killed the fat man, and those people wanted to kill me and my family to avenge the fat man.My only way out is to find the big fat man... please help me, God and you! Although 20 US dollars is not much, but the price I can offer now is only so much.That blue tie is the tie of the big fat man.I know your rules.Therefore, you only need to tell me whether that fat man is dead or alive, and where he is now.

Thank you very much and hope to be able to receive your God and your instructions soon. Lis. "

After Lin Lin read the letter, he couldn't help but sneer.I already guessed in my heart that this guy named LIS should have sent someone to assassinate his enemy, but he didn't know why, so he couldn't be sure whether his enemy was dead, so he came to ask Bai Shu for help. I hope Bai Shu can Help him determine whether his nemesis lives or dies.

I don't know how Bai Shu usually handles such things.However, Lin Lin felt that since the other party was not Chinese, Lin Lin didn't want to meddle in the other party's affairs.He opened the transparent plastic bag, took out the tie from inside, and then used his "divine sense" to feel the presence of the original owner on the tie.

In an instant, the figure of the owner on the tie appeared vividly in front of Lin Lin.

Sure enough, he was a big fat man, so fat.And it's an Arab.

After Lin Lin obtained the other party's voice, appearance, and aura, the next thing he had to do was to use divination techniques to predict the life and death of the other party and the approximate location.

Lin Lin's divination technique is naturally not an ordinary divination technique.It is the divination technique in his Tai Chi Dao.Therefore, as long as it is not related to luck, his Yi Dao can be calculated.And the divination attack is also very simple, no tools are needed at all, let alone crystal balls.

Just remember the breath of the other party, and then use the Tai Chi ball in the body to calculate, the Tai Chi ball in the body will be like a flowing mirror, and everything about the other party will emerge.

Of course, doing this will consume aura.If the result of the calculation is precise, or even calculated up and down, the consumption of spiritual energy must be huge.However, if you only need a simple calculation, then it doesn't take much aura.

Of course, there are also calculations that do not consume aura.That is to use the "Spiritual Tortoise Jue" in the "Ancestral Wu Baijue" of the Wuzu for divination. This divination tool must use a pair of tortoise shells that are hundreds of years old. The result is more accurate.In addition, copper coins are used, and they are definitely not ordinary copper coins. The five emperors' coins are so weak that they have to use the copper coins issued by the five most influential emperors of the five dynasties.

Lin Lin really couldn't find these two tools for a while, so Lin Lin could only use the Tai Chi ball to test.

However, using the Tai Chi Ball to predict is much more accurate than the Spirit Turtle Art, unfortunately it will consume spiritual energy.

(End of this chapter)

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