Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 494 Sherlock Holmes on the Train

Chapter 494 Sherlock Holmes on the Train
"Gift? What gift?" Liu Su asked puzzled.This boy is full of weirdness. He said he is a friend of the elephant. Doesn't Liu Su understand who the elephant is?Could this boy be like an elephant?Thinking of people like elephants, those who want to give gifts to others are not gifts that some normal people have.

He immediately said: "No need. I shouldn't need this gift. Now the country is very strict about the integrity of public officials?"

"Don't worry, this gift is not gold or silver, it's a gift that is good for you and others." Lin Lin said, "Do you want it? And it is definitely visible."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, she looked at Liu Su with a smile.

"There is such a gift, what is it?" Liu Su asked suspiciously when he heard this.He also wanted to know what gift this boy would give him, it wasn't gold or silver, and he could see the light, what kind of gift was it.

Lin Lin looked at the woman holding the child next to her with a smile and said, "This child is so cute, is it the child of you and your husband?" Lin Lin said as he moved his head closer to the child, Then she wanted to touch the child with her hand, but was blocked by the woman, she said: "My child is asleep, you will disturb his sleep by doing this."

Lin Lin said, "Are you sure this child belongs to you and your husband?"

"What do you mean by that?" The woman raised her eyebrows and asked impolitely.

And the man next to the woman said: "This child, of course, belongs to our husband and wife. Besides ours, there is no one else? What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing." Lin Lin said with an inscrutable smile.After he finished speaking, he looked at Liu Su who was beside him and said, "You can capture these two guys now, the children in their hands were abducted and sold by them."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The woman's complexion suddenly changed, and she said loudly.

"We are not human traffickers, don't talk nonsense." The man's expression also changed.

Seeing this, Liu Su couldn't help but put down the suitcase in his hand, then took out his police ID, and said, "Hello, I'm from the Serious Crime Team of the Imperial Capital..." Just as he took out his police ID to talk to the couple , The man jumped up immediately, and was about to leave the woman and the child and run away.

It's a pity that unfortunately, when he was running away, he was hit by a certain acupuncture point on his neck from behind, and instantly lost the ability to run. With a "snap", he fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the woman's expression changed drastically, and she said, "We are only responsible for picking up the children in the car and sending them to the imperial capital. We are not human traffickers, we are just responsible for helping...We are not human traffickers..."

The men and women next to them were all surprised. They didn't expect that this young couple was really a human trafficker.

"This classmate, please call the marshal!" Lin Lin smiled and turned to look at the young man behind him and said, his mouth was so wide that he could stuff an egg into it.

"Okay." The young man said immediately.After he finished speaking, he ran to call the police.

After a while, three marshals came over.

After Liu Su handed over his police officer ID to the three police officers, the three immediately saluted Liu Su, as enthusiastic as if they were seeing their relatives.

"Officer Liu, you are really good! As soon as you got in the car, you caught these two human traffickers."

"Yes, you really deserve to be a member of the serious crime team."

"You really are our idol. We want to learn from you!"


Faced with such flattery, Liu Su smiled helplessly, and then said: "I really saw it through, this couple is not the one who trafficked people, but this young man."

"Who is this……"

This boy looks very young, he should not be a policeman, so who is he?The three marshals couldn't help thinking, could it be that he is the son-in-law of a certain leader?

Lin Lin knew that Liu Su might not be able to pronounce his own name, so he stood up with a slight smile, and introduced himself: "My name is Huofeng. I study medicine. This child obviously has nothing to do with this couple. , but they said that this child was theirs, so I think this child must have been trafficked."

A marshal next to him asked incomprehensibly, "How do you know that this child has nothing to do with this couple?"

Lin Lin said, "Genetics."

"Genetics?" Everyone didn't understand for a while, don't all babies look the same?How could you tell he didn't look like their parents?

Lin Lin took the child from the woman's hand, then took off the child's hat in front of these people, and said, "Well, did you see it? This child's hair is black and thick..." Speaking In the meantime, Lin Lin brushed the child's hair up with his hands.

"What's the matter?" Everyone shook their heads incomprehensibly.

"Beautiful." Lin Lin said these three words.

"Beautiful girl?" The people next to him still shook their heads incomprehensibly, even the three marshals next to him didn't quite understand.

"This child has a beautiful point in his fortune, and the beautiful point is a single-gene dominant inheritance. In other words, since this child has a beautiful point, then one of his parents must have a beautiful point, but you see These two criminal suspects have no beauty in their fortunes, which is why I conclude that this child must not be theirs." Lin Lin said, "Of course, this is just one of the suspicious points."

When Xiao Xie next to him heard Lin Lin's words, he couldn't help but said, "Master, you are too good at talking. It's obviously not the reason why you started to judge that they are not the parents of children."

Lin Lin scolded through telepathy: "Should I still tell them about those gods and ghosts? This is an era of advanced science, and we must hold high the banner of materialism."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Xiao Xie said helplessly, "The master is the master..."

"You said just now that this is just one of your doubts that they are not the parents of this child. What about the second?" The marshal next to him couldn't help asking.

The people present also asked the same question.

"Doubt [-]: This child smells like breastfeeding." Lin Lin said, "This woman doesn't smell like breastfeeding."

"I believe that many breastfeeding mothers know that during breastfeeding, due to too much milk, the breasts will definitely be swollen and painful, and even milk will flow out...the body will definitely smell of breast milk. But she... ..." Lin Lin pointed to the woman beside her with her head down, not daring to look up, "She doesn't have such a smell on her body, and neither does her clothes... What's more, her breasts are shriveled, she doesn't look like a lactating mother ?”

"Doubt [-]: This child is not full-term. It is a very suspicious thing for a child who is not yet full-term to be taken to a distant place by an adult. Besides, this trafficker couple probably never fed the child. You don’t even have a diaper and a feeding bottle, tell me, can you not make people suspicious?”

"How many sleeping pills has this child taken?" Lin Lin asked the woman with her head bowed.

The woman looked up with tears on her face and said: "I don't know, we are only responsible for taking the child to the imperial capital, and handing it over to the designated person at the designated place. When we took over, the child was already asleep. Our people said that the child will sleep for a day and a night, let us do things with confidence, this child will not cause trouble for us. We..."

The woman lowered her head as she spoke.

"The train will soon arrive at the next stop, and it will stop at the next stop, so please hand them over to the local police!" Liu Su said to the police.

The police captain nodded, and he ordered that the two people around him immediately handcuffed the woman and dragged him up, and the other handcuffed the man lying on the ground, trying to drag him up. Found him stiff as if dead.

If he hadn't found that he was breathing, blinking, and begging for mercy, he would really be a dead person!

"Captain, this guy can't move, what's wrong?" The marshal turned to look at the captain and asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Lin handed the child to the captain of the police and said, "The child is handed over to you. The parents of this child must be very anxious."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he walked over, lightly pressed the man's neck with his fingers, and said, "This guy wants to escape, so I let him rest. It's all right now."

After being gently pressed by Lin Lin, the man who fell on the ground finally had the strength to stand up.

The police captain glanced at Lin Lin, his eyes were full of admiration, who exactly is this young man?It's really awesome to be able to "point acupuncture points" in the novel.

After the marshals left with the couple, the traffickers and their children, the seat next to Lin Lin was vacant.

Liu Su was not polite anymore, and sat down beside Lin Lin.

"Thank you." Liu Su said.

"Do you like this gift?" Lin Lin asked with a smile.

"I like it very much." Liu Su said, "You said just now that you are studying medicine. What subject do you study? Forensic medicine?"

"Of course not." Lin Lin said, "I don't like dealing with dead people. The medicine I studied doesn't deal with dead people. There is no death."

"If you don't deal with the dead, there is no death?" For a while, Liu Su was silent for a while, and then said, "Could it be a dentist?"

"Hehe, congratulations, you got the answer right. Add [-] points." Lin Lin said with a smile, "If you have problems with your teeth that day and I graduated again, you can patronize me. I will definitely give you a discount."

Hearing this, Liu Su couldn't help but nodded with a smile, and said, "Definitely. Definitely. Where did you study medicine?"

"Health School." Lin Lin said, "It's a bit far from the city."

 The beginning of the new year, today 3 more! !In the coming year, Qilin will be very happy to be with you!

(End of this chapter)

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