Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 487 The Insidious Old Man

Chapter 487 The Insidious Old Man

Ai Yu said: "I took your things? Do you regard me as a thief?"

At this moment, Ai Yu really looks like a cat whose tail has been stepped on by someone, and its whole body is covered with messes.It's such a pitiful tragedy that her majestic saint of the witch clan has been reduced to being regarded as a thief.

I will bear it, I will bear it... When I get rid of the entanglement of those four guys, I will definitely settle accounts with you, stinking man.

The young man said: "I just came out of the restaurant. When I paid, I had both my wallet and my mobile phone. You see, the restaurant where I ate was only [-] meters away. During this time, no one has touched me. Except When I was helping you, you touched me. Even the gentleman in front of me was about one meter away from me. Who else took my wallet and mobile phone if it wasn't you?"

"I... I didn't take anything from you." Ai Yu said through gritted teeth.If it weren't for the fact that there are many mortals gathered around to watch the excitement, she really wanted to take action to teach the young man in front of her, especially the man in his 30s, who wronged her for being a thief.

At this time, some onlookers began to discuss.

"Search her body."

"It's against the law for you to search her body."

"That's right, how can a man search a woman's body? Others don't know, they think it's a hooligan!"

Everyone discussed it like this, at this time the man in his 30s said: "Call the police!" As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to call the police.

At this moment, two policemen broke through the crowd and walked in from the outside.

"what happened?"

"What's going on? How did you gather here? What happened?"

Faced with the police's questioning, Ai Yu gritted her teeth and said, "These two men accused me of being a thief and stole their wallets."

"Wait, beauty, please speak clearly, we have not wronged you." The man in his 30s said, "My wallet and mobile phone are here, what you took is not my wallet and mobile phone, but this The little brother who kindly helped you up. I was not fooled by you, he was the one who was fooled by you."

Hearing what the man said, the policeman immediately turned his head to look at the young man and asked, "What's going on?"

The young man said helplessly: "It's like this. When this beautiful woman was walking just now, she seemed to have twisted her foot, and then she fell straight towards this elder brother, and she was about to fall into this elder brother's arms before her eyes." Who knew that the big brother didn't appreciate it at all, and immediately pushed the beauty away with his hands. When I saw the beauty being pushed to the ground, I felt compassionate, and then walked over to help the beauty up."

The two policemen nodded when they heard this, and one of them said, "This is a good thing."

"But this big brother said that this beautiful woman is a pickpocket who keeps falling down and using beauty tricks to get close to people intentionally in order to steal people's wallets. He also reminded me to see if my wallet is lost. My this At that time, I checked my wallet and mobile phone, and found that these two things were missing." The young man said very helplessly.

The 30-year-old man said: "Comrade police, you don't know, I've only been here for two days, and I met two, oh, including her, just three beauties who came to me for no reason. Suddenly your feet were tilted in front of you, and then you fell into your arms accidentally. And every time I finished my good deeds, helped them stand firmly, and took them home by taxi, I touched them with my hand My wallet and mobile phone, I will find that they will disappear for no reason. You said, there are two such experiences, and the third such experience, can I not be prepared?"

The man smiled helplessly at the crowd with a bitter face.

In fact, among the onlookers present, there were several single male friends who had received such treatment.

"Yes, we have encountered such a thing before."

"Yeah, it's terrible. What kind of society is this!"

"Even such a delicate beauty can't be trusted. Alas, this society seriously lacks integrity, seriously lacking."

"It's shameless to steal things or use beauty tricks."


Facing everyone's scolding, Ai Yu gritted her teeth, clenched her fists tightly, and clenched her teeth tightly. She kept saying to herself, "Hold it, hold it back, now I'm in the human world..."

Undoubtedly, Ai Yu was taken away, as was the young man and the man in his thirties.

After arriving at the police station, the policewoman found the young man's mobile phone and wallet in Ai Yu's handbag. Facing these two things, Ai Yu really couldn't explain clearly.

"Also said that you are not a thief!" The 30-year-old man curled his lips and said, "How could this thing be on your body?"

When Ai Yu saw these two things, she was dumbfounded.How is this possible?Why do you have these two things in your bag?Isn't that right?I have never stolen anything from anyone.Who is it, who is framing yourself?
Ai Yu couldn't help but said immediately: "I didn't, I didn't steal his wallet and mobile phone."

The feeling of being wronged is very uncomfortable. Even if she used to be the saint of the Wu clan, she hates this feeling very much.At this moment, she turned her head viciously and looked at the uncle in his 30s behind her. She had this feeling that this uncle must be the instigator.

The policeman next to him said, "You didn't steal it. How did you keep the things in your bag? Did they get into your bag by themselves?"

"I... I didn't steal it!" Ai Yu turned her head and said loudly to the police comrade. After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at the man in his 30s. She pointed at the man and said, "He must have framed me. .”

"Beauty, do I know you?" The man in his thirties looked at Ai Yu with a look of dumbfounding and asked, "I don't know you at all? Why should I frame you? Also, I'm alone Playing on the West Lake and admiring the beautiful scenery, you approached me on your own initiative, but I didn't approach you on your own initiative?"

"More importantly, I have always kept a distance from you, in order to prevent you from stealing my wallet and mobile phone. Is there any chance for me to steal this little brother's things to frame you? Besides, I frame you What's the benefit?" After the man in his thirties said this, he couldn't help but sneer and said, "I know, I exposed your method of stealing things, and you became angry and made false accusations! The thief bites into the bone three times. point!"

The young man looked at Ai Yu with disappointment, and said, "It really is the most poisonous woman."

"Okay, your things are also found. Go outside and make a record!" The policeman has long been used to this kind of inmates who are chasing and biting indiscriminately, so it is not surprising, he said to the young man.

The young man nodded and walked out.

"You also go out and make a record, and then you can go back." The policeman said to the man who stayed in the office and stared at Ai Yu.

And the man in his 30s said: "Comrade police, I lost my previous two mobile phones and my wallet. I think this woman's method of committing the crime is the same as that of the two women in the previous two times. Maybe the three of them The two belong to the same organization, which is an organized crime. Although there is not much money in my wallet, I have my ID card and bank card. Without these things, I am in trouble. I hope that you, comrades in the police, can help me get those something found."

Hearing what the man said, the policeman said, "Don't worry, we will never let a bad guy go. Go out and make a record!"

Ai Yu stared at this man with fiery eyes, watching him go out.This bastard must be the one who framed him.What is the origin of this guy?Obviously in this guy's body, I can only feel the breath of a mortal, he is a mortal, but how did he do it, steal other people's things and put them in his bag to set the blame on himself?
etc?own bag!
Ai Yu thought of something at the moment, and felt rushed to the table, looking at the things she dug out from her bag, she counted them carefully, and found that the things were indeed missing.

damn it.As expected, the Wood Spirit Orb had disappeared.

"Stop!" After Ai Yu couldn't find the Wood Lingzhu, she lost her temper and rushed towards the door regardless of the police's obstruction, intending to settle accounts with that man.

Just when she knocked over several policewomen who came to arrest her, she was pointed at by the police just as she went out the door.

Maybe these guns can't kill her, or even hit her, but the problem is that she is in the police station now, and in this kind of place, it is really inconvenient for her to use spells in full view.Facing the guns pointed at her, she gritted her teeth, then looked at the man in his 30s and said fiercely, "You are cruel?"

"??" The man in his 30s looked at Ai Yu with a puzzled expression and said, "What do you mean?"

"Hmph, do you think you can take things and leave? Let me tell you, there are marks left by them on it, and they can rely on the marks to chase you to the ends of the earth." Ai Yu was 30% sure of the [-]-odd man in front of him. The [-]-year-old man is the person I am waiting for today.

It seems that I really underestimated the other party.The opponent's cultivation base is indeed higher than his own, even a little bit stronger than those of those four guys, maybe... However, if those four guys are desperate, then this guy named Huofeng should not their opponents.Otherwise, he wouldn't appear here in a hidden way.

The man in his 30s said incomprehensibly, "What are you talking about? It's a mess."

"Hmph, just pretend!" Ai Yu scolded, "When the time comes, they will find you. I think you can only die so badly."

(End of this chapter)

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