Chapter 469
Maybe it was because Xiao Xie was a woman, or maybe it was because Lin Lin's protective formation was really too powerful, Nan Kemeng really didn't dare to approach him again, but he was still so excited.

"Master, I suddenly feel that he is so pitiful." Xiao Xie looked at Lin Lin and said, "Master, why don't you help him, okay?"

"Shall I help him?" Lin Lin looked at Xiao Xie and asked.

Xiao Xie nodded and said, "Yes, he is so pitiful! You can help him realize his dream of taking the college entrance examination!"

"It's not impossible for me to help him. But why should I help him?" Lin Lin looked at Nan Kemeng while speaking.

When Nan Ke Meng heard that Lin Lin could help him, he immediately knelt down and knelt down and said, "Nan Ke dreamed about Master, please help Nan Ke Meng, please Master." In his opinion, that female ghost cultivator Calling the young man in front of him the master, then this young man must have something extraordinary.He has been a ghost for so many years, and he has heard more or less that many practitioners like to contract ghosts as servants. If he worships him as his master, then this person should be able to help him.

It's not shameful to be a dog's leg, it depends on who you are.Besides, this guy in front of him seems to be very powerful.

"Master?" Lin Lin raised his eyebrows when he heard Nan Kemeng call himself the master, and then said, "Nan Kemeng, I will not be your master."

"I beg the master to accept the little ghost as a servant! The little ghost swears, swears with his soul, that he will be loyal to his master forever and never dare to betray his master. If he violates it, the little ghost will be bombarded by five thunders, his soul will be scattered, and he will never be reborn." Nan Kemeng immediately stood up. He raised two fingers and began to swear to God.

Seeing Nan Kemeng swearing in public, Xiao Xie felt that this guy was even more pitiful. She shook Lin Lin's hand and said, "Master, you can see that he swore by his flexibility. He swore allegiance to the death. Master, you will make a contract." Let him, let him be your ghost servant, Master!"

"Xiao Xie, don't you know that ghost servants can't be resurrected?" Lin Lin immediately gave Xiao Xie a white look, and then said, "And as a ghost, how can you enter the examination room? Especially the examination room of the college entrance examination, that's There is a saint sitting in the town. Ghosts, puppets, etc., can’t get in. If he becomes my ghost servant, it’s impossible for ghosts to be resurrected. If they can’t be resurrected, how can they enter the examination room of the college entrance examination?”

Hearing this, Xiao Xie finally understood. She yelled "ah" and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Master, please help me." Nan Kemeng still didn't give up. He still called Lin Lin his master. After all, he swore with his soul.

"I can't help you much. Can you leave here?" Lin Lin looked at Nan Kemeng and asked.

Nan Kemeng shook his head. Although he was a ghost, he still couldn't leave the place where he died too far. He could only move around the place where he died.He said: "I can only confuse passers-by here, scare them, or make them in a trance, so as to get on them. But I don't know why, every time I get on them, they will be hit by a car. .”

"..." Lin Lin was speechless when he heard this, and he said, "They are all crossing the road, or when they are about to cross the road, you go on their bodies, hmph, when you go on other people's bodies, don't You may be able to control the other person's body right away, but it takes a while to get used to it. Think about what you did during this time of getting used to it? Crossing the road? That requires all the senses of the body to be turned on. You can Do you want to activate all the senses in your body? Of course not, it would be strange if you didn’t get hit to death.”

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Nan Kemeng's complexion was a bit ugly. What Lin Lin said was not without reason. He really couldn't control all his senses, so that everyone who was caught by him was buried under the car.

In fact, there is another one, not everyone can be possessed by a ghost, even if the other party is a fierce ghost, it is impossible to be possessed by everyone, those who are possessed by a ghost must have very good luck, commonly known as "bad" ", so "failed", naturally there will be no good things, let alone being caught?Fortune must have reached a trough, it would be strange not to be hit!

"Nan Keyeng, I have a way to help you and make you a human again. However, you have to listen to me, and it may take a while." Lin Lin said to Nan Kemeng.

Nan Kemeng immediately said: "If I can be reincarnated as a human being, I will listen to whatever you say."

Lin Lin nodded and said: "You've been here for too long, I can't rush to save you from here, you have to rely on yourself to leave here. You should pay attention these days and see if there is an ambulance passing by , Is there an unconscious person in the ambulance, preferably a vegetable or something like that. The way you want to get out of here is to follow the ambulance of the hospital. Remember that after you go to the ambulance of the hospital, don’t go to the doctor’s Don’t get on your family’s body, you get on that patient’s body.”

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Nan Kemeng understood something, he couldn't help but patted himself on the head, and cursed: "I'm really an idiot, I didn't expect such a way."

"After you get on the patient's body, the car will definitely take you to the hospital. After you arrive at the hospital, you will find a man named Ma Xiaoming, and you will stay by his side. I believe his lifespan will be exhausted soon. At that time, you will go up to his body and occupy his body." Lin Lin said to Nan Kemeng.

Nan Kemeng nodded when he heard this, indicating that he understood.

But Xiao Xie couldn't help but said: "Master, even if Nan Kemeng occupies that person's body, he is only the upper body. If he can't fuse with that person's body, he is just a walking dead. The only difference is that he It's more conscious."

"Silly girl, after he gets into that Ma Xiaoming's body, if he comes to me again, I will definitely help him fuse." Lin Lin said to Xiao Xie.

Lin Lin originally planned to give Nan Kemeng a talisman, but after thinking about it, he still didn't give it.

"Thank you master, the kid knows what to do."

Lin Lin nodded, and then said: "Don't hurt anyone anymore. After all, if you kill someone, you can't be resurrected. It will only add to your sins. Well, it's almost dawn, and I'm leaving."

"Thank you, master, the kid understands." Nan Ke dreamed that he could be resurrected, and he felt very comfortable, so he was naturally obedient.

After parting with Nan Kemeng, Lin Lin brought Xiao Xie home.

Zizhu was still sleeping at the moment, he got up from the bed as soon as he felt Lin Lin's arrival.He stood up, looked at Lin Lin and said, "Master, you are back."

Lin Lin nodded. He tapped Zizhu's forehead with his hand, and after accepting Zizhu's memory during the time he was not at home, he put Zizhu into the Sumeru Ring.

"Master, don't you have important things to do in the emperor? Why did you come back?" Xiao Xie looked at Lin Lin very puzzled and asked.

Lin Lin said: "Some karma must be settled. Alright, Xiao Xie, don't ask any more questions."

"Master, I've been wondering about one thing. Master, you seem to know everything in advance. It feels like... uh, well, master, you are a god." Xiao Xie wanted to say that Lin Lin was like a god. I knew it in advance, but after thinking about it, it seems that my master is a fairy.

"Xiao Xie, I will give you a task." Lin Lin said to Xiao Xie, "I will give you freedom these days. You can do what is right, but you must not cause trouble."

"Ah, master, are you serious? Give me freedom?" When Xiao Xie heard that Lin Lin promised to give her freedom, she was so happy that she almost jumped up, but she was so light that even if she jumped up and hit the ceiling, she didn't What a force.

"Don't be too happy, since there are ghosts in this world, there are ghost exorcists." Thinking that Xiao Xie is still in the form of a ghost, Lin Lin said again: "When you see those ghost catchers, the last It's easy to avoid, don't provoke them, if you don't provoke them, it is impossible for them to find you."

Xiao Xie stuck out her tongue when she heard this, and said, "Ann! I know what to do."

She looked outside happily, and then said: "Then I'm leaving, master, I'm going out to play!"

"Well. Go out! Remember, don't make trouble."

After Xiao Xie was freed, she wandered happily on the street for a long time. Suddenly, she saw a young couple selling buns with their daughter on their backs. For a moment, she thought of herself when she was a child. Tears.She couldn't help but want to go home to visit her parents.Although the owner said that his parents no longer live here, it may not be possible to find them when he returns home.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xie drifted towards the place where she already lived.

Soon, she came to the compound where she used to live. The first thing she saw when she arrived in the compound was the sycamore tree. The sycamore tree was not as big as it is now 13 years ago. Now this sycamore tree has basically covered the whole The courtyard is enveloped in it.

She came to the room where her parents said they lived in back then, went in through the window, and found that the people inside were not her parents, but strangers.It seems that my parents are really not here anymore.

For a moment, Xiao Xie's mood couldn't help but dim.

After she left this strange home, she floated into the yard, sat on the swing under the iron frame not far from the sycamore tree, and looked at the yard very lonely.

The children in the yard got up early to go to school, and the adults also went to work one after another. For a while, the whole yard became quiet.

Only she is still so lonely. Looking at all this, she recalled the scene of being happy with her family in her mind, and felt very sad. Unfortunately, ghosts cannot shed tears even if they are sad, because if a ghost sheds tears, it will consume ghosts. force, will make the ghost perish.Even if she is a ghost cultivator, she cannot cry.

"Big sister, are you swinging here alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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