Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 46 I've Became a Rich Man

Chapter 46 I've Became a Rich Man
After yelling happily, Lin Lin couldn't help but take a closer look at this set of Mr. Young Master's Hanfu. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was just this suit. If he sold it outside now, it would cost at least 80 Ten thousand.

"What a rich man!" Lin Lin couldn't help shouting in his heart.

Lin Lin couldn't help thinking with emotion, it seems that the previous owner of this ring must have had a penchant for transvestites.I don't know what the third box will be.Lin Lin had indescribable expectations in his heart.

He opened the third box and found that it contained a set of simple clothes that looked like they were made of linen, a bell, a pair of straw sandals, and a banner with the word "Miraculous Doctor" beside it. There was a small box, and when I opened the box, I found that there were some bottles and cans, some silver needles, and cupping bamboo tubes.It seems that what is in this box is the equipment of the ancient Ling doctor.

Lin Lin unfolded the needle bag containing the silver needles. After opening it, he found that the needle bag was about one meter long and twenty centimeters wide, full of silver needles of different sizes and lengths. There are so many silver needles, there should be more than one hundred!This set of equipment, if sold, must be very valuable.

After Lin Lin put the silver needle away, he put it back into the box.After closing the third box, Lin Lin looked at the fourth box, which was the last box.

What's in this box?The first box is the equipment of the Taoist priest, the second box is the equipment of the son, and the third box is the equipment of the doctor Ling.What kind of professional equipment will the fourth box be?
As soon as the box was opened, Lin Lin was stunned for a moment.

Because it doesn't look like the previous three boxes.As soon as the box was opened, Lin Lin felt the brilliance, because it was covered with a large pile of golden things, including gold, silver and various jewels and jade.There are so many varieties, some can't even be named.

He took a look at one of the strings of pearl necklaces. These pearls were about the size of a lychee. He couldn't help saying: "What a big pearl."

After counting, I found that there are fourteen such pearls in the necklace. How much does it cost to buy such a string of pearl necklaces?
Lin Lin was completely stunned.Looking at such a full box of things, he really didn't know what to do.

"I really got rich this time!" Lin Lin couldn't help but said in his heart.

"I really made a fortune this time. If you sell these things, how much will you get in exchange for it!" Lin Lin couldn't help but said again in his heart.

Lin Lin now understood that the previous owner of this ring was probably a money fanatic, a typical money fan. Otherwise, how could there be so many yellow and white things in this ring!If you take out any item in this box, it will be priceless.

People who practice the Tao, don’t they want the six senses to be clean?How could this cultivator have such a yellow and white thing.It seems that the former owner of this ring should not be someone with pure six senses.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin couldn't help but shook his head. Now he understood a little bit, maybe it was because of this appearance that the owner of this ring didn't achieve the right result.

"However, now, these things are cheaper for me! With these things, I should be able to live a life of luxury in this life."

"Even if I don't practice and can't become a fairy, these things alone are enough to make me rich and honorable."

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing out loud.But after laughing, Lin Lin suddenly thought of something.

Lin Lin's heart couldn't help but calm down.

I can't move these things now, after all, I don't lack food or drink now.Moreover, I am afraid that it is not so easy to exchange any item in this box for money.Beipu County is small, and in such a small county, the things here might not be exchanged for a few dollars, but they would cause trouble for themselves.

Besides, although these things are good, I'm afraid they will encourage my extravagant and greedy character, which is not good for my cultivation.

These things, I still don't move for the time being.It's not too late to move until you need it later.

Lin Lin's thoughts could not escape the eyes of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"It seems that although our master is a greedy person." Xiao Bai said, "But he is not a fool. He still understands the truth that extravagance will destroy a person's mind."

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "Yes. Many practitioners, because they are greedy for money and power, have failed to achieve hundreds of years of cultivation. Master can not be moved by money, which is very good for Master's own cultivation."

This time Xiao Hei also admired Lin Lin.

"However, with these things, he will not be troubled by worldly things like money on the road of cultivation. Cultivation also requires a lot of money." Xiaobai said, "At least, the process of refining pills It will cost a lot of money. There are also things like forging weapons and talismans, and there are too many places where money is used.”

"Yes." Xiao Hei agreed with Xiao Bai's point of view.

"Xiao Hei, it seems that our master is very different from the other masters we have seen before. I have a feeling that he may have a chance to attain the Dao. At least, at least he can achieve the body of an Earth Immortal." Xiaobai said.

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "I have the same feeling."

Lin Lin withdrew from the Sumeru ring without taking anything from the four boxes.

After Lin Lin came out, he found that Xiao Xie was meditating not far from him. Seeing Xiao Xie practicing so seriously, Lin Lin couldn't help but feel emotional. His ghost servants are racing against time to practice like this. It would be too embarrassing to be compared to the ghost servant.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin secretly made up his mind that from today onwards, he must redouble his cultivation without any slack.It is absolutely impossible to fish for three days and dry the net for two days.

Xiao Xie found that Lin Lin had regained consciousness, she couldn't help standing up, and said respectfully: "Master, you have recovered."

"En. Xiao Xie, you need a quiet place to practice, but my cultivation level is too low, you can't stay too far away from me, so you can practice in my Sumeru ring!" Lin Lin couldn't help but said .

Upon hearing this, Xiao Xie immediately said, "Thank you, Master."

"Come in!" Lin Lin said.As soon as his consciousness moved, Xiao Xie went into his Sumeru ring.

There are twelve rooms, one of which should be given to Xiao Xie to practice, which should be excellent.Leave the rest of the rooms empty!Wait until I have other servants in the future, and then put them in.

Lin Lin took a look at the Longyuan sword in his hand, and couldn't help stuffing the Longyuan sword into the Xumi ring.

After climbing out of the spider hole, Lin Lin found that the sun was already high, he took out his mobile phone and looked, oh my god, it was already noon.

I don't know how anxious his father and mother are.Thinking of this, Lin Lin didn't have time to think about it, and immediately followed the way he came up to the top of the mountain, found the way down the mountain, and hurried down the mountain.

On the way Lin Lin went down the mountain, he met several tourists in Wenchang Park. As soon as they saw Lin Lin, they seemed to see a lunatic or a ghost, and they avoided it from a distance. Lin Lin couldn't help but feel strange. But there is no time to care about these at all.When he got down the mountain, he passed by a small car. From the reflection in the glass mirror of the car window, he couldn't help laughing when he saw his own appearance.

It really looks like a complete lunatic, with spider webs all over his hair, blue and black dirt on his face and body, and dirty and torn clothes...

After he took out the key and turned on the bicycle, he rode the bicycle to the city.

But halfway through the journey, he saw the clear water of the Beipu River. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to take a bath before going back, otherwise he might scare his parents when he returned home like this.

Thinking of this, he put his bicycle on the bank of the river and found a place with shallow water. Just when he took off only a pair of underpants, he heard someone calling for help.

"Help, help..."

A woman's call sounded anxious.

How can there be a woman's call in such a place?Although it is already mid-April and the weather is considered hot in places like Beipu, it is still a while before I go swimming.At least after May Day, no one will go swimming.

Since Lin Lin practiced cultivation, he found that his ears and eyes are much better than ordinary people.

He looked over from a distance, and found a woman in casual clothes on the opposite side of the river, calling for help, and not far from that woman, there was a black Porsche.It is definitely a Porsche. Lin Lin will remember this type of car once he has seen it. It is so unique.

It's a pity that it's noon, and some of them are in the suburbs, and there's no village in front of this place, and there's no shop in the back. Calling someone at this time, how could anyone come?
Something came to Lin Lin's mind, there is merit in saving people.

He jumped into the water and swam towards the man.

Lin Lin stayed in the countryside, and his grandfather trained him in swimming for his safety, but he was very strict.He can cross a river with a width of 10 meters in 200 minutes.

Now he is in the body of cultivating immortals, so after entering the water, he found that there is no difference between himself and on land.Others cannot breathe in water, but he can breathe in water, every pore of him can breathe in water.Is it because he has already established the foundation, washed the tendons and cut the marrow?

However, Lin Lin didn't have time to think of the reason.He quickly came to the side of the black thing.He found that this human-like thing sank and floated without any struggle.

Is it already dead?

(End of this chapter)

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