Chapter 445
Seeing that there were only a few pieces on the chessboard, Fujisawa Hidekawa heaved a sigh of relief, and said to himself: "Fortunately, the game has just started... Well, is the 'carrying a thousand years' holding the black first? Well, this is the beginning It’s still Chinese style! It’s really rare to have a tepid beginning.”

Fujisawa Hidekawa did not forget that the last time he met "Millennium Carrying Child", "Millennium Carrying Child" showed a very terrifying murderous intent at the beginning, which made his Go game so terrible that he had no room to parry , In the end, even in the middle game, he had to abandon his son and admit defeat.This time, "carrying children for a thousand years" did not start with an attack, but a tepid start.

"Is this guy planning another conspiracy?" Fujisawa Hidekawa secretly sweated for his old opponent Li Tai'an.

The people who were also woken up by the phone were not only Fujisawa Hidekawa, but also some other people.For example, at this moment, the old man who was getting up from the bed with his clothes on—Mugu Shinichi was woken up by a phone call from his student.He also couldn't wait to turn on the computer and entered the to watch the game.

When Mu Guxin saw the name "Xiangzi Qiannian", his eyes became bright.At the same time, he was very depressed, because he had waited for a long time on the Internet and did not see the arrival of this "carrying son for a thousand years". When he went offline to rest, the other party unexpectedly came, and Li Tai'an, a brat, took a big advantage.

At this moment, Lin Lin, who was playing chess with Li Taian in front of the computer, found that more and more people came to watch the game, and even the names of several familiar people appeared in the team watching the game. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. up.These guys don't seem to be able to sleep!
I didn't expect these guys to show their face so much and come to watch the battle.

Having said that, this chess game of mine shocked them with terrifying killings as always?Or was it a strange conspiracy and an unpredictable chess move that made them turn pale with fright?

Which one is better?
Lin Lin looked at the white pieces on the chessboard that began to show their minions to him, and smiled, this Li Taian is really restless!He even started to show his sword so early.Now that the opponent started to show his sword against him, wouldn't he let the opponent down if he didn't accept the move?

Thinking of this, Lin Lin made a slight move, and then the sunspots landed on the chessboard.

At this moment, Gu Feng was also woken up by a phone call. He turned on the computer and joined the army watching the battle.And at Gu Feng's home, there were a few of his disciples, and they also sat around in front of the computer.

One of the young people said: "Is this 'Carrying Son for Thousand Years' really powerful? Why did the master and you all stay awake when you heard his name, and got up and turned on the computer to watch the battle?"

"Xiao Ping, after watching his chess game, you will know whether he is very good or not." Another young man said, "In short, this person is not ordinary good, but very good."

Another person retrieved the personal information of "carrying a child for thousands of years" from the computer.

"Look, the account registered on March 29 this year has a date of birth of 100, and it's not yet full. He's such a young person. He has won more than 100 games in less than a month since he registered. Yes, the victory is [-]%, and several games were played against Japanese players or Korean players, and even some Chinese players... You think such a character is not good enough?"

After the man said this, his face was full of admiration.

The man who questioned couldn't help but said: "How is this possible? How can a child who is not full have such a good chess skill? I think that guy must have made it on purpose. Impossible, impossible..."

"Whether the opponent is good or not, just because the opponent has played chess for so long and has no record of failure, this person is not simple." Another person said, "Our teacher invited him to play chess, but he refused..."

"Okay, let's not discuss who this 'Xiangzi Millennium' is, let's watch the game!"

"Look, Bai Zi seems to have stopped."


At this moment, in Seoul, South Korea.Li Cang had just put down the chess pieces in his hands. He would often play chess records alone at home, reflect on the chess games he played that day, and summarize his gains from the day.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

At this time, it was already after three o'clock at night, and my friend had nothing important to do, so I definitely wouldn't call him at such a time.After he took the phone right away, he only listened to a few words, and immediately hung up the phone.

He quickly stood up, walked out of the chess room in a hurry, went to his room, turned on the computer, and entered the Go website to watch the game.

It's a pity that when he entered the Weiqi net, he entered too slowly, and the chess game between Li Tai'an and "Xiangzi Qiannian" was already halfway through.He clicked on the order of placement in the lower right corner, and after reading it from beginning to end, he frowned.

"This chess game is really weird." Li Cang said to himself.

At this time, when Kigu Shinobu in Japan saw the black and white staggered chessboard on the chessboard, he fell into deep thought.At first glance, this chess game between black and white seems to be fighting each other, regardless of the outcome, but Mu Guxinyi always feels that something is wrong, yes, very wrong, the layout of the whole chessboard is very strange.Both black and white are murderous.

"Where is the weirdness?" Mu Guxin asked to himself.

The two guys were lost in thought.At this moment, Gu Feng, who was also watching this game, frowned, and after a while, he said: "This black chess is too cunning, his move is hidden enough, this game has not been played anymore It's necessary."

At this moment, he found that Li Cang had also come to watch the battle, so he couldn't help sending a message: "Mr. Li Cang, can you see this black chess's ultimate move?"

Li Cang replied: "Well, it's hidden deep enough. It's a very cunning move."

Mu Gu also discovered black's killer move, he said: "This game, white will lose."

Sure enough, after White's first move, Black's next move with a big flying knife brought a big dragon slaughter, and White's chess was in danger of being cut off in an instant.

Seeing the son of "carrying the son for thousands of years", Li Tai'an instantly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

"Damn it, I didn't see the other party doing this... It's over..."

In this move, the big dragon he had worked so hard to manage was completely exposed to Heizi's butcher's knife, and there was no way to avoid the danger of being slaughtered. This time he really lost.It is irreparable that the big dragon was slaughtered, so there is really no need to continue this round.

"I lost." Li Taian said with a wry smile.He eventually surrendered.He was really unwilling to lose this game. The opponent was really too cunning, and he dealt with him face to face, but he also set him up behind the scenes. The face-to-face contest seemed to be on par with him, but the ability to stab a knife in the back was really true. Not bad at all.

"Your Go is good. Come on!" Finally, Lin Lin hesitated and left such a sentence on the message board.

Lin Lin withdrew from the game, returned to the main page, and found that there were many invitations to the game.Some invitations to games were sent by some bosses. Lin Lin resisted the urge to take over these games and rejected all of their invitations.

If you are not satisfied, you will make people feel extremely worried.Only then will there be suspense, and if all the suspense is solved at once, then there will be no way to arouse people's expectations for the game.Without expectations, there is no burning desire to know.

For Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, he couldn't immediately satisfy those people's wishes.

After Lin Lin rejected everyone, he left the homepage and went to the forum.

For the sake of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, sometimes, he can't act too low-key, he has to be high-key, even if he is facing other people's saliva, he has to resist.

He posted the chess game between him and Fujisawa Hidekawa, Li Taian and others in one breath, and analyzed every move and step of the game in detail. During the analysis process, he did not forget to add some provocative sentences, In short, he wants to create a feeling of "I am the god of chess", a feeling of superciliousness, and a feeling of being arrogant.

After doing all this, he still didn't forget to add a sentence at the end: "If anyone can beat me, I will definitely make my identity public. If no one can beat me, then you can only use hackers Or other despicable means to find out my identity."

After this post was sent out, Lin Lin knew that there would be a lot of waves, but it didn't matter.He just wanted to raise the topic. Only in this way, Go can be related to people, and Go, an unpopular sport, can be familiar to people.

Mu Guxinyi saw the "challenge letter to chess players all over the world" written by "carrying a child for a thousand years" on the forum. After clicking to read it, he found that this "carrying a child for a thousand years" had a unique analysis of the chess game. He couldn't help but secretly exclaim in his heart, but he couldn't understand why the other party would leave those uncomfortable and provocative words during the analysis process?
Is this "carrying a child for thousands of years" really a proud and arrogant person?

No, absolutely not.He must have had a purpose in doing this.Just what is his purpose?After hesitating for a while, Mu Gu Xinyi actually picked up the phone and called Gu Feng.

He knew that Gu Feng must have not slept, because seeing such a letter, it's no wonder that Gu Feng can sleep!

"Gu Feng, do you know the person 'Xiang Zi Qian Qian'?" Mu Gu Xinyi asked in the first sentence, "Judging from the registration information, this child named 'Xi Zi Qian Qian' is talented, and Or a Chinese chess player, you should know him, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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