Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 440 The Principal's Trouble

Chapter 440 The Principal's Trouble

Lin Lin looked at the principal suspiciously. The principal's body is very clean, there is nothing unclean.Lin Lin immediately opened his eyes and found that there was still a faint sense of righteousness in the principal.

Seeing Lin Lin staring at him, the principal asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Could it be that my body..."

Lin Lin shook his head and said, "No, your body is very clean. I suspect that there is nothing at all, but someone deliberately pretending to scare the principal."

Unexpectedly, when the principal heard Lin Lin's words, instead of being happy, he became even more worried. He said, "It seems that you can't see anything either."

"What do you mean?" Lin Lin asked puzzled.

The principal said: "Actually, I have already asked someone to help me. But the other party couldn't see what was on me and said I was clean."

Lin Lin frowned, he wanted to listen to the principal's next words.

"If you come to my house, you will know." The principal said.

In addition to the single dormitory building that the principal arranged for Lin Lin today, there are three teacher buildings and some old single-family houses with gardens in the school. The layout of these old houses is like a courtyard.Lin Lin had seen it during the day.This kind of courtyard house is naturally not for ordinary teachers to live in. Generally, those who can live in this kind of old house should be the leaders of some schools or the elites of some schools.

As the principal of the school, his home is naturally one of those courtyard houses.

Lin Lin lived on the back hill in front of these courtyards, and these courtyards were not far from a lake, planted with bamboo and trees, and had a garden atmosphere.

"I'm home." The principal smiled at Lin Lin, and he rang the doorbell.After a while, a maid came out, opened the door, and said, "Principal, you're back."

The principal nodded, then stretched out his hand to grab Lin Lin and walked into the gate of the garden.

Because it is a quadrangle courtyard, there are houses on both sides of the door, and the yard is just outside the house. Not all flowers are planted in the whole yard, but there are also some grapes, melons and fruits, and even things like peppers and tomatoes.Although it was night, Lin Lin's eyes could clearly see everything in the dark.There was also a very tall tree in this yard. Lin Lin really didn't know what this tree was called.However, such an arrangement made Lin Lin feel a rural atmosphere.

As soon as he entered this courtyard, Lin Lin felt a sense of being far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and he couldn't help but relax a lot.It can be seen that the principal is a person who likes to be quiet.

The principal saw that Lin Lin had been looking at his yard for half a day in the dark, and he couldn't help but said, "This yard would be even more beautiful if it was daytime. Especially the morning glory on the east wall blooms in the morning. Very nice."

Lin Lin nodded.

"Come on, let's go in!" The headmaster took Lin Lin's hand and entered the house.

After entering the door, the principal shouted inside: "Li Rong, Li Rong... There are guests at home today."

Just as the principal finished speaking, an apron-clad aunt who was about the same age as the principal came out of the kitchen with two rubber gloves in her hands.

"Hello, Auntie." Lin Lin said.

The principal said: "He is Huofeng, my student, he has already solved the matter in our school."

Hearing this, Li Rong, the principal's wife, greeted her with a smile, and said, "You haven't eaten yet! Hurry up to the living room on the second floor! Well, I'll fix it soon."

"Auntie, you are covered in water and wearing an apron. What are you doing?" Lin Lin couldn't help asking.In fact, Lin Lin found that the headmaster's wife had a vague ghostly aura on her body, and the ghostly aura in her hands was even heavier. He knew that this lady must have just come into contact with some unclean things.

The maid who followed said, "The kitchen sewer is blocked again, Madam is draining the sewer."

"The sewer is blocked again? It has been blocked seven or eight times this month." Hearing this, the headmaster frowned, and he couldn't help but said, "Li Rong, it's really impossible. I'll call someone to clean it up tomorrow. You Wash your hands and talk to Huofeng with me."

"Hehe, I'm retired and bored at home, so it's okay to get these things. Besides, I teach physics. If I can't even pass a sewer, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the physics teacher?" Li Rong smiled. Said.

Lin Lin was stunned.

The maid said: "Every time Madam fixes the sewer, it will be connected for a few days. After two days, the sewer is blocked again."

"Li Rong, don't care about the sewer, wash your hands and come up." The principal said, "Huofeng can solve some things."

Lin Lin nodded.

Li Rong said, "Okay."

Lin Lin followed the principal to the restaurant on the second floor, and saw that there were four dishes, one soup, and rice on the table.

"Because I didn't know that you would come to my house with me today, so this meal is a bit simple." The principal said, his face was a little embarrassed.Four dishes and one soup are indeed a little less.

Lin Lin said: "Four dishes and one soup are enough. I also eat like this at home."

"Is your family eating so simply?" The principal was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lin Lin strangely.However, soon he was relieved, the home that Huofeng was referring to should be his master's home!Generally, hermits and high-ranking people are not too ostentatious, and their food must be simple.

After asking Lin Lin to sit down, the principal also sat down.

After a while, Li Rong also came up from the first floor.

"There are no good dishes today. I thought it was just me, Lao He and Wu Ma, so I made these four dishes and one soup." Li Rong said, "When you come some other day, I will definitely prepare delicious food for you. s things."

Lin Lin asked, "Usually, do the three of you eat?"

Li Rong said: "Xiaoguang only comes back during the summer vacation."

Xiaoguang must be the principal's son.Lin Lin said, "Auntie, what school does Xiaoguang go to?"

"He went to Zhongshan University of Medicine and Science. His wish since childhood was to be a good doctor." Li Rong said, "This kid has been interested in medicine since he was sensible."

"Then it doesn't matter whose son it is." The principal said complacently.

"Come on, what's so good about being a doctor. Haven't you seen the negative reports about doctors on the Internet and in the news recently?" Li Rong couldn't help but cast a blank stare at the principal, and said.

"Hmph, there are also many negative reports about teachers and principals." The principal couldn't help but said.

Lin Lin said: "Actually, those reports can only illustrate one problem, that is, there are really some bad apples in the ranks of teachers or doctors. Their appearance has seriously damaged the image of the entire team of doctors or teachers."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, eat, eat, or the food will not taste good when it is cold."

After dinner, the maid Wu Ma cleaned up the dishes.Lin Lin said, "Principal, there are indeed some problems in your family."

Hearing this, the headmaster and Li Rong immediately pricked up their ears and looked straight at Lin Lin.

Lin Lin said, "I found out when I entered the door."

"What's the problem?" The principal and Li Rong asked at the same time.

"Can you show me around? I mean, let me see all the places in your house. Including the kitchen, and the bathroom...of course, the bedroom, the study, etc."

The headmaster stood up and said, "Follow me."

Starting from the second floor, Lin Lin looked at the second and third floors, and said, "There is no problem on the second floor, and the third floor is also there. Maybe the problem is on the first floor. Let's go to the first floor to have a look."

Lin Lin reached the first floor, and finally he stopped in the kitchen.

"What? Is there a problem here?" The principal and his wife Li Rong asked in surprise.And Wu Ma hid behind the three of them with some fear.I'm afraid that something unclean will come out again.

Lin Lin nodded.

"Since when did the sewer in your house become blocked?" Lin Lin asked.

"About two months ago. Xiaoguang was still at home at that time." Li Rong said, "I unblocked it once, and then it was blocked again for about half a month."

"For the next period of time, Lao He and I had a nightmare every night." Li Rong continued, "We dreamed that we were locked in a dark room with stinky water on our bodies...and... ..." Li Rong's complexion was not very good, when she thought of that nightmare now, she felt horrified, and her whole body shuddered.

"It was just a nightmare at the beginning." At this time the headmaster spoke, he sighed helplessly and said, "But in the past month, it has become a little scary, every night in the middle of the night..."

The headmaster didn't look very good when he said this.

At this time, Mama Wu said: "Every night until one or two o'clock in the morning, I can always hear the sound of footsteps outside, as well as the cries of children and women..." Mama Wu felt her scalp go numb when she thought of this.

Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help saying, "Don't be afraid, it's just scaring you at most."

While Lin Lin was speaking, he walked over to a washbasin, removed the screen of the drain outlet of the washbasin with his hands, then turned on the faucet with his fingers, and kept drawing circles on the washbasin with his fingers. A strange thing happened , Those water flows accompanied by Lin Lin's circle-drawing fingers formed a vortex similar to that produced by a tornado.After a while, a dark pendant flew out from the center of the vortex by itself, and fell into Lin Lin's hands.

Seeing Lin Lin's methods, the principal, his wife Li Rong, and servant Wu Ma were all stunned.What a powerful method, just by stirring it with your hands, this pendant can fly out of the sewer by itself.Is this the means of the gods?
"Is this pendant yours?" Lin Lin asked the principal and Li Rong.

The three shook their heads together.

Lin Lin immediately rinsed the pendant with water, and the pendant revealed its true colors.It is a wooden statue of a mother and child.This statue looks very weird. The mother and child inside don't look happy, but pain, struggle, and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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