Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 437 Yun Qingnan's inner resentment

Chapter 437 Yun Qingnan's inner resentment
Lin Lin continued: "At least I will be a good doctor in the future, not a bad doctor."

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Yun Qingnan snorted, and then said, "You can take it easy."

He put the scalpel on the plate, then looked at Lin Lin and said, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Lin said, "Let's call the police!"

"Call the police?" Yun Qingnan frowned upon hearing this, "If you think calling the police is useful, then you can call the police! However, I don't want to deal with the police, so I'm leaving."

Seeing that Yun Qingnan was about to leave, Lin Lin held Yun Qingnan's hand and said, "How can I call the police when you are gone? There is no victim, how can I call the police?"

"You can be a victim." Yun Qingnan said, "You just say that you were taken away by them, and then you come here and find that they want to do something wrong to you, so you do it, isn't that all right?"

"But the confessions of the three of them don't match, that's not okay." Lin Lin pointed to the three guys next to him, looked at Yun Qingnan pitifully and said, "Do you want to let the three of them go?" ?"

When Yun Qingnan heard this, he snorted, and then said: "Aren't the police very powerful? Aren't they for eradicating evil and promoting good? Will they let a villain go?"

"The police are responsible for arresting the wicked, but... the punishment of the wicked must be handed over to the court for judgment. If there is insufficient evidence, these three people are likely to be let go. I think you don't want this to happen! "Lin Lin looked at Yun Qingnan and said.

Yun Qingnan looked at the three people, and then at Lin Lin.

Yun Qingnan was still not willing to contact the police, he said angrily: "If it is as I said, the three of them can be dissected, so is it so troublesome?"

Lin Lin said, "But murder is against the law."

Yun Qingnan said with a sneer: "They killed so many people, didn't they break the law?"

Lin Lin immediately said: "They have already broken the law. It is only because they have not been discovered that they have escaped until now. Haven't we discovered them now? They will not be able to escape."

Yun Qingnan looked at Lin Lin and said, "We'll finish dissecting these three guys, and then dispose of their corpses, that's fine."

Lin Lin looked at Yun Qingnan with little understanding and asked, "Get rid of their corpses? How?"

"However they deal with it, we will deal with it, shouldn't it be fine?" Yun Qingnan said coldly.After saying this, he took cold water from the faucet next to him, and then poured cold water on the face of the pancake among them.

After the pancake was woken up by the water, he looked at Yun Qingnan and Lin Lin, held his head in horror and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me...don't kill me."

Yun Qingnan took the scalpel from the operating table, and said with extremely cold eyes: "You don't want to die, do those people who were kidnapped by you want to die?"

While speaking, the scalpel in Yun Qingnan's hand had already been inserted into the calf of Chubing.

"Ah!" After a scream, Cook Bing's face turned pale, and he wanted to cover the wound in pain, but when his eyes met Yun Qingnan's cold gaze, he suddenly trembled so much that he didn't dare to move. Li kept saying: "Please forgive me, please forgive me... I will never dare again, I will never dare again... Please forgive me..."

Yun Qingnan said, "Excuse me?"

"Please forgive me, please forgive me..." Poor Cook Bread kowtowed as he spoke, Lin Lin who was beside him couldn't help shaking his head with that pitiful look, Lin Lin thought of a sentence and said it involuntarily Come out: "You can't live without doing your own crimes..."

"I can't live?" Hearing Lin Lin's words, Cooking Bread turned even paler. He looked up at Lin Lin. At this moment, he remembered that it was Lin Lin who knocked him out. He quickly crawled up to Lin Lin, Holding Lin Lin's leg, with a pitiful look, he looked at Lin Lin and said, "Please forgive me, please forgive me, I swear, I will never dare again, and I will never do it again Something bad happened, please, please forgive me, please forgive me... please..."

Lin Lin whispered, "Let go."

Although it was just a deep voice, the words contained a strong command tone, and for a moment, Cook Bing let go of his hand tremblingly, and looked at Lin Lin in fear.

I don't know why, at this moment, not only the pancake felt that Lin Lin's "let go" had a very strong order, an irresistible order, and an irresistible majesty, even Yun Qingnan who was beside him was also stunned. up.

"What's going on? Why at that moment just now, I felt a kind of power from heaven and earth." Yun Qingnan couldn't help but look at Lin Lin. He really felt an indescribable power from heaven and earth just now.

"Tell me, where did you hide the bodies of those you killed?" Lin Lin asked, staring at the pancake.

At this moment, Lin Lin looked directly at the pancake. He couldn't help but feel fear in his heart. He lowered his head and said tremblingly, "It's sold... it's completely sold."

"Sold it?" Lin Lin asked, "Where did it go?"

"Those corpses were disposed of by the school." Cook Bing said, "Let the students use them for dissection experiments."

Hearing this, Lin Lin's face became very serious.

Yun Qingnan stood up next to him. He looked at Lin Lin and said, "These people really deserve to die. They not only harvested their organs, but also sold their bodies to the school. Do you think these people deserve to die now?" ?”

Lin Lin said: "After all, we are not the law, and we have no right to deprive a person of his right to life."

Yun Qingnan said: "What are you going to do? Call 110? Do you think it's possible? These people can openly sell living organs, and even kill for organs. Do you think it's possible for just the three of them? There must be online, there must be Otherwise, how could the corpses of those people become the corpses used for experiments in the school?"

"Don't tell me that the police are fair and just, I don't believe it." Yun Qingnan finally said this.

Lin Lin glanced at Yun Qingnan, and then said, "You seem to have a lot of opinions on the police."

"Hmph, so what?" Yun Qingnan said, not just ordinary, but very opinionated.

Lin Lin said: "If 110 can't handle it, then we won't look for them."

Lin Lin thought for a while, and then said: "It seems that there is only one person to find."

Yun Qingnan stared at Lin Lin, and after a while Lin Lin took out his phone.He still remembered the number of the elephant.But at this moment, the elephant and I don't seem to know each other yet, right?
Dial Elephant's cell phone number.

"Hello, elephant. My name is Huofeng." Lin Lin said.

The elephant on the other end of the phone frowned. This mobile phone is his work mobile phone. Not many people know this mobile phone number. Only the few people in his group and those above him know everyone. There are records.But it was an unfamiliar number. After he connected, the other party introduced himself.

Fire Phoenix?Is it a person's name, or a code name?

"I know you don't know me now." Lin Lin continued, "But I know you. Please come..." Lin Lin immediately told the elephant the address, and then continued, "This case not only involves supernatural events , and involved a very cruel murder, it would be great if you could call Liu Su over when you come over."

The elephant on the other side frowned.He said: "Huofeng, the case you mentioned involves supernatural events? There are also very cruel murders? What kind of case?"

"You'll know when you come." Lin Lin said, "I can't tell you clearly on the phone for a while. Also, if you come, I will tell you why I know your phone number."

After Lin Lin said this, he hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, the elephant looked at Lin Lin's cell phone number and thought.After a while, he picked up the clothes next to him, walked out while putting on his clothes, and said to the four subordinates outside: "Brothers, there is work to be done. Let's go!"

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"You'll know when you go."

And on the other side.Lin Lin gently slashed Chu Bing's neck with his hand, and Chu Bing fainted instantly.

"Liu Su!" Yun Qingnan murmured the name, he suddenly looked at Lin Lin and asked, "Do you know Liu Su?"

Lin Lin froze for a moment, then nodded.As expected, Yun Qingnan had always held a grudge against Liu Su.Lin Lin pretended not to know, and said with a smile: "Yes, the leader of the serious crime team, I have seen him in the newspaper, and my friend mentioned him. I have a little impression of this person. It is said that this person hates evil and is a Very good police."

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Yun Qingnan snorted and said with a smile, "A good policeman? Hmph, none of the policemen are good."

"You hate the police?" Lin Lin asked intentionally.

Yun Qingnan gritted his teeth and said: "I don't trust the police. What protects people's property and protects people from illegal infringement is all fake."

Lin Lin couldn't help asking: "Ah, can you tell me why you hate the police so much?"

"Am I familiar with you?" Yun Qingnan glanced at Lin Lin, and immediately said, "Why did I tell you about me?"

Lin Lin was stunned.

After a while, Lin Lin said in order to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere: "Come on, I think there must be some clues left behind for these people to do bad things. Let's go and see if we can find anything."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he ignored Yun Qingnan and went to investigate by himself.

Yun Qingnan watched Lin Lin leave, he glanced at the mouse lying on the operating table, his gaze was very cold, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When there was no one in the room, he walked up to the mouse, pinched his finger, chanted a spell, then bit his own finger, pinched the mouse's mouth open, and dripped his blood into the mouse's mouth.

After doing all this, he said with a sneer: "Hmph, Liu Su, Liu Su, you'd better come..."

(End of this chapter)

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