Chapter 428
On the quiet street, two sounds of "bang, bang" broke the tranquility of dawn. At first glance, these two sounds sounded like firecrackers, but if they were just firecrackers, they should not be just two sounds, but a series of sounds. .

Then in the darkness, two figures flashed into the demolished abandoned building very fast.

"Bang" a person was kicked by another person and hit the wall, rolling down.

Another person, holding a gun, walked towards the man who fell to the ground step by step.As he approached that person, he loaded the gun with his hand, with a fierce look in his eyes.

The man who fell to the ground, with fear in his eyes, said loudly, "What are you trying to do? You can't kill me."

"Huh, I can't kill you, let the tiger go back to the mountain to save future troubles? Do you want you to send someone to kill me?" The man with the gun said with a sneer.

These two people didn't know that there was a pair of eyes looking at them in the dark.Lin Lin had just finished surfing the Internet, and on his way home, he heard a gunshot, so he followed here stealthily.

Lin Lin really knew the two people in the darkness.One of them was the subordinate of the female killer Rose that Lin Lin met when he was in Vietnam, and Lin Lin didn't know the other person.

But judging from the way that person looks, he shouldn't be a good person.

Now this Rose's subordinate is pointing a gun at another person Lin Lin doesn't know.Lin Lin didn't bother to take care of such things. After all, as long as he wasn't involved in the grievances in this world, he wouldn't take action.

"No, if you kill me, you won't be able to get those photos." The man said, "As long as I know where to put those photos."

Rose's subordinates sneered and said: "Hey, I forgot to tell you, I have searched your home, and we got those photos from your daughter's bear."

"You... what did you do to my daughter?" said the man, terrified. "She's a child. She's only six years old. Didn't you spare even a child?"

"Hey, when did our Blood Rose kill a child?" Rose's subordinate said, "Your daughter is fine, but her mother is not optimistic. I can't blame me. Who told her to run away! When I was in a hurry, I Gave her a shot. Hehe..."

"Since you have already got the photo you want, why don't you let me go?" the man asked weeping.

"It's you who didn't let us go!" Rose's men squatted down with a gun, looked at the man and said, "If you hadn't tipped off the news, we would have been found? Hmph, I took the money and wanted to cheat Hei, do you think we are fools? Our boss said that she hates those people who play tricks in front of their faces and behind their backs."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, can't I be wrong? Please let me go! I swear, I will never dare again, never dare again, please let me go! Please... ..."

"Let's let you go? Hmph, do you think you have a second chance to cheat?" The gun was pointed at the guy's forehead, and a shot came.

With a "bang", the brain burst.

He picked up the gun in his hand, blew on the gunpowder smoke, and then took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket, and poured out an unknown liquid from the porcelain bottle, and the liquid landed on the person, and instantly The person melted slowly, and after a while, the person melted until there was only a stream of stinky water left.

Seeing the stinky water, Rose's men spat, then turned around and left.

After seeing Rose's men leave, Lin Lin followed suit.He didn't know why he followed that person invisibly.

In a hotel room.

Rose was holding a knife, and was whittling a piece of wood without saying a word. The piece of wood had a rough shape in her hand. It was a Buddha statue, but judging from its appearance, the Buddha statue was similar to the The Buddha statue here is a bit different, but it looks like a Buddha full of sins.

The door opened.The moment that person entered the door, the knife in ROSE's hand raised slightly, and flew towards the person who had just entered. The speed was so fast that the face of the person who entered the door was so frightened that the knife just happened to be It floated past his hairline and stuck on the door panel.

"Eldest sister, you want to scare my younger brother to death!" The man finally regained his composure and said.

"Trouble solved?" Rose asked.

The man said: "Solved."

"Have you got all those things?" Rose asked, "Is there nothing left behind? If we leave some things behind, the criminal police team in the county here will be busy. We can't drag others into our company when we do things." we are busy,"

"Eldest sister, don't worry, you got the things. Nothing is left. If you think the mother and daughter are in the way, I can go and solve them now."

"No need. The black dog will not tell his mother and daughter his identity." Rose shook his hand and said, "He is not a fool. The less he knows, the safer he is for their mother and daughter."

The man handed a USB flash drive to Rose, and said, "Sister, here are the things."

Rose took the USB flash drive, then stood up, pulled out the knife from the door, and said, "Let's go. We have completed our mission and are leaving here."

Lin Lin saw that Rose saw them leave, and saw Rose take away the USB flash drive. He didn't know why he secretly used magic to steal the USB flash drive.

This USB flash drive is so important to them, there must be hidden secrets in it.

You have to see for yourself, what is the secret here.

Back home, Lin Lin saw that Zizhu was brushing her teeth, washing her face, and arranging her clothes.This bamboo has been the self for more than ten days, and it has become more and more into the role.

"Master, you are back." Zizhu said respectfully after seeing Lin Lin.

"Nothing happened recently, right?" Lin Lin asked.During this period of time, Lin Lin was busy outside and rarely went home. He didn't know much about family and school affairs.

Zi Zhu shook his head.

Lin Lin reached out and touched Zizhu's head, and all the memories in Zizhu's mind were transmitted to Lin Lin's in an instant.From the memory transmitted from Zizhu's mind, Lin Lin knew one thing, that is, the matter of Ma Xiaoming aroused the suspicion of the criminal police team, and even investigated Lin Lin.

"You have a day off today. I'm going to school." After Lin Lin finished speaking, he raised his hand and turned the purple bamboo back into a bamboo and put it back in the Sumeru Ring.

After Lin Lin released Xiao Xie from the Sumeru Ring, he lit a stick of incense for Xiao Xie and let Xiao Xie eat.

"Master, I have achieved certain results in cultivation." Xiao Xie said happily to Lin Lin, "Look, although I can't touch objects yet, I can control objects. Master, look..." While speaking , Xiao Xie deliberately raised her hand, and lifted up the incense burner that Lin Lin had inserted into her. Unfortunately, her cultivation was insufficient and her magic power was not high. The poor incense burner fell from the air just halfway through the flight. When it came down, if it wasn't for Lin Lin's quick reaction, the censer would have shattered. With Lin Lin's fixed gaze, the censer would have been fixed in mid-air.

With a flick of Lin Lin's hand, the incense burner flew back to the table.

"Okay, Xiao Xie, don't show off. Your cultivation level is still very low." Lin Lin looked at Xiao Xie and said.

After hearing Lin Lin's words, Xiao Xie stuck out her tongue, and obediently walked to the edge of the incense burner to inhale the incense.After Lin Lin sat on the sofa and finished watching the morning news, Xiao Xie's incense was also finished.

"Master, you let me out just to give me incense?" Xiao Xie asked a little nervously.As a ghost servant, shouldn't you be like a servant and do some things that a servant should do?
"I have some things for you to do. However, your current ability is indeed too low. I'm afraid you may not be the opponent of some guys, so forget it." Lin Lin shook his hand and said.He had forgotten that Xiao Xie's cultivation was really too low at this moment, and it was indeed inappropriate for Xiao Xie to do something.

Sure enough, because of his low cultivation, he was rejected by the master.

"Master, then you can find something suitable for my cultivation and let me do it." After Xiao Xie finished speaking, she looked at Lin Lin in embarrassment.She doesn't want to eat free food, this will make her feel uneasy.

"Can you go to Binhai City?" Lin Lin asked.

Xiao Xie nodded, and she said, "I know the way. I can take a ride." She suddenly thought of something, and asked suspiciously, "Master, can I leave your side?"

"Yes. With my current cultivation, even if you go abroad, I can still feel you." Lin Lin said, "Therefore, there is no problem for you to stay far away from my side."

Xiao Xie immediately said: "Ah, that's great. This way I can run around freely! Master, you don't know, it's really tiring to be bored in the ring all day long. And master, in your ring, It's empty except for a bunch of broken things, and I'm getting sick of stuff in there."

"You go to the No.1 People's Hospital in Binhai City to look for a ghost." Lin Lin said to Xiao Xie, "That ghost is called Abao. After you find it, tell me."

"YES, guarantee the mission, master!" Xiao Xie actually imitated the police in the Hong Kong movie and saluted Lin Lin. After she saluted, she turned her head and smiled at Lin Lin, and said flatteringly, "Master, Can I go on a little personal business? I mean, if time permits."

"Yes." Lin Lin said.

"Great, master, you are such a good person. Then Xiao Xie is gone."

When he arrived at school, Lin Lin saw He Xiaoyan as soon as he put away his bicycle.He immediately trotted over and greeted He Xiaoyan.

"Xiao Yan, long time no see." Lin Lin said.

"It's been a long time. You've been very busy recently. Go home after school. It's hard for me to go home with you." He Xiaoyan glanced at Lin Lin, and then said sullenly.

Seeing He Xiaoyan's sullen look, Lin Lin said, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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