Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 420 Revisiting the Year

Chapter 420 Revisiting the Year
Hearing Lin Lin said that he was not feeling well, the invigilator and the other invigilator took a look.The monitoring teacher made Lin Lin wait for a while, and he went outside to find a mobile invigilator, but the mobile invigilator took Lin Lin away, and of course Lin Lin's test paper was left on the podium.

It happened that the two principals and vice principals were inspecting the examination room. When they came here, they saw the mobile invigilator taking Lin Lin out. As the principal, he naturally noticed that there were all ten students in the whole grade.

The principal asked the mobile invigilator, "What's going on?"

"Damn, didn't you just tell a lie, I didn't expect to bump into the principal." Lin Lin couldn't help but slander.

The mobile invigilator said: "This candidate is not feeling well."

The principal looked at Lin Lin and asked, "Is it important?"

Lin Lin shook his head and said, "It's just a stomachache, maybe I'm too nervous." Of course, in order to be more realistic, he deliberately used mana to turn his face pale.

The principal saw that Lin Lin's face didn't seem to be fake, so he couldn't help saying: "Take him to the school doctor's office, get some medicine, and if it doesn't matter, let him come back for the exam, and if it matters, call the parents. Ask the parents to take him to the hospital for a checkup."

"Principal, it's okay. I'm probably just too nervous. I'll just take a break. There's no need to call my parents." Lin Lin didn't want his parents to worry about him. Not so good.

The principal said with a grimace: "The college entrance examination is only two or three months away. You should take care of your illness so that it won't affect the college entrance examination. Take him to the infirmary to have a look!"

The mobile invigilator took Lin Lin to the infirmary, and talked to the school doctor, and then the school doctor prescribed some medicine for Lin Lin. After taking the medicine, Lin Lin said that he was a little sleepy and wanted to go home to rest. The school doctor said : "Your high school students are under a lot of pressure to study, um. Your stomach problem is actually not a problem, just go back and have a rest. Do you want me to call your home? If so, I will..."

"Ah, no need, I can take care of myself." Lin Lin said hastily.

The school doctor thought for a while, nodded, and then said: "Then I won't call your family, but you have to remember to eat on time. Don't review too late, and have a good rest..."

"I see." Lin Lin said.

"Have you finished your test paper?" the school doctor asked.After all, this person is the third in the whole grade. If the test paper is not finished, it will definitely affect the results of the college entrance examination mock test and joint test. At that time, the school may lose face.But after he asked this question, he felt that what he asked was nonsense. It only took a little more than three or ten minutes. How could the test paper be finished?

"It's done." Lin Lin said, "School doctor, I want to go home and rest."

The school doctor hesitated, but nodded.

Not long after Lin Lin left the school doctor's office, the principal who had finished patrolling the examination room came to see him because he was worried about Lin Lin's health.

"He's home?" said the Headmaster in surprise.

The school doctor said, "He asked to go home and rest."

It seems that out of all ten students in the city this time, our school will have one less student.The headmaster thought secretly with a sigh.After he left the school doctor's room, he took only two steps, and couldn't help but wonder how many test papers this Lin Lin had done.

He called a teacher to get Lin Lin's test paper and went to the classroom lounge to read it.

After getting Lin Lin's answer sheet, the headmaster took a look at the answer sheet, which was full of writing, and even the composition was very complete. If he didn't read anything else, just looking at the composition, the headmaster felt that Lin Lin's composition was written very well. Very well done, very deep.He immediately said: "This composition is well written."

Hearing the principal's praise, the teacher next to him couldn't help but look at it.

Especially the Chinese teacher wanted to join in the fun.Soon, they also found that the composition was good.In terms of breaking the topic and conception, this composition is really a very good composition, especially the writing style is very sophisticated.

"Principal, I think this should be a perfect composition." One of the Chinese teachers said.

Another Chinese teacher also echoed: "I also think I can get full marks."

"It's not easy to write such an in-depth composition in only three and 10 minutes of the exam." The principal said with a smile, but the smile quickly faded and turned into a frown. He said, "It's a pity, I don’t know if he did the right thing in other places.”

Hearing the principal's words, the Chinese teacher next to him couldn't help but look at the answers on Lin Lin's answer sheet, and compared them with the answers he made himself when he got the test paper.

"All the multiple-choice questions are correct." The Chinese teacher said.

"All the multiple-choice questions are correct?" The headmaster was surprised now, he looked at the Chinese teacher and said, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. This is the answer I made myself. There should be no mistakes." The Chinese teacher said.

The principal was surprised. The Chinese teacher in front of him is an excellent teacher in the country. He has been teaching high school for decades. It is impossible for him to make mistakes in the Chinese test papers.In this way, this kid named Lin Lin is really good, not only the composition is so well written, but even the multiple choice questions are all correct.

"Principal, look, this child not only did all the multiple-choice questions correctly, but also did a very good job in reading comprehension, especially the understanding of ancient prose, which was explained very correctly." Another Chinese teacher couldn't help but said, " Lin Lin's reading comprehension is very good."

"There are also dictation of ancient poems..."

No matter how much reaction this three-to-ten-minute Chinese test paper aroused in the hands of many teachers, Lin Lin is currently in the boys' toilet on the first floor.

Except for physical education classes, not many people come in this toilet.

Especially during the exam now, no one came in.Lin Lin came here to find Mi Xiaoxie.

Sure enough, Lin Lin went in and saw a girl sitting on the stone slab on the washbasin crying. Her crying sound really made people feel heartbroken.Hearing this cry, Lin Lin could tell that it was Xiao Xie's voice.

"Xiao Xie!" Lin Lin called out.

Hearing Lin Lin's thank you, the crying girl stopped crying and turned to look at Lin Lin.There were still tears between her brows, and her face was full of doubts.

Lin Lin smiled at Xiao Xie, and said, "Xiao Xie, I'm here."

This time, Xiao Xie was startled, she floated up, her eyes showed a complex expression, fear, fear or surprise, her complexion was very complicated.

In the past 13 years, it was the first time someone called her name, and it was the first time someone saw him.

"Who are you?" Xiao Xie asked.She was afraid, did this person come to catch ghosts?But I have been here for 13 years, but I have never harmed a single person.

"My name is Lin Lin." Lin Lin said, "I'm here to help you. You really want to leave here!"

Xiao Xie nodded.She really wanted to leave here, but she couldn't leave here at all, she could only stay in this dark place, bearing the influence of the stench of defecation and defecation.

"Be my ghost servant!" Lin Lin said to Xiao Xie.

"Ghost servant?" Xiao Xie said in surprise, "You mean, do you want me to be your slave?"

Lin Lin nodded.In fact, it can't be called a slave, it seems that he never regarded Xiao Xie as a lowly slave, but regarded her as a friend.

"Only in this way can I take you away." Lin Lin said.

Xiao Xie hesitated.Being a slave means losing freedom, but staying here means losing freedom as well.I also have to suffer from the stench of defecation all day long.

Lin Lin said: "Of course, if you want, I can send you into reincarnation and let you reincarnate as a human being."

Hearing this, Xiao Xie said in surprise, "Really?"

Lin Lin nodded.He didn't expect Xiao Xie at this moment to be so looking forward to being reborn as a human being.He regretted telling Xiao Xie that he had such ability.

It's very strange that I can't bear Xiao Xie to leave me.

Xiao Xie was a little confused at the moment, and looked at Lin Lin suspiciously. She said, "Is there any purpose for you to help me?" She didn't believe that there would be no one in the world who would help her for no reason, because staying in this dark place After 13 years, she became untrustworthy.Especially this person in front of him, he suddenly appeared, and suddenly he was able to call his own name, he was not afraid of himself, and offered to help himself.

He must have some purpose, and it should be an ulterior purpose.

Seeing Xiao Xie's suspicious gaze, Lin Lin smiled.He laughed that he was really ridiculously stupid, and he said such things to Xiao Xie rashly. Didn't this make Xiao Xie doubt himself?

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Xie asked puzzled.

Lin Lin said: "It's nothing, just laughing at myself. Xiao Xie, I have a purpose to help you, and you are right. My purpose is to bring you out of this dark place. Are you willing to follow me out? "

Xiao Xie was silent for a while, and asked, "Will you use me to refine your soul?"

There are many bad guys who like to catch ghosts. After catching ghosts, they use ghosts to refine their souls.As for what soul refining is, Xiao Xie doesn't know, but Xiao Xie knows that it is definitely not a good thing.

Lin Lin said: "No. I'm a monk. I'm not a ghost cultivator or something. Catching ghosts and refining souls is of no benefit to me."

"Can I really trust him?" Xiao Xie asked herself. The young man in front of him looked a year or two younger than before he died, and he also had a pair of clear eyes and a gentle smile. Seems deceiving.But the person who is less likely to deceive others may be the one who can deceive others the most!

Still, stay here...

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Xie nodded, and she asked, "I promise you to be your ghost servant. Will you just take me out of here?"

Lin Lin said, "Yes."

Lin Lin was very selfish, he couldn't bear Xiao Xie to leave him.He said: "If you become my ghost servant, you will become a ghost cultivator. As long as you practice hard, you will be able to have a body, be able to touch anything like a human being."

(End of this chapter)

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