Chapter 42
"Didn't that Maoshan Taoist priest be absorbed by you? Maoshan Taoism's attack is very powerful. I think Master, your Tai Chi has already integrated Maoshan Taoism. Master can use Maoshan Taoism to attack." Xiaobai said, "The way of Tai Chi is to continuously integrate and create in the process of integration."

Upon hearing this, Lin Lin nodded and said, "I understand a little bit."

"Okay, master, let's leave Tai Chi!" Xiaobai took Lin Lin's hand, and in an instant, the scenery around Lin Lin quickly changed back to a leisurely scene of blue sky, white clouds, and grassland.

"Master, you can try to practice using Maoshan's Taoism here now. This is the sea of ​​your consciousness, which can bear all the attacks of your Taoism without destroying everything here." Xiao Xiao Bai smiled and looked at Lin Lin and said, "If you use it in the human world, it will probably be damaged, and if people see it, it's not good."

Xiao Hei next to him said, "Xiao Bai, the master is practicing here, will it be effective?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Xiaobai looked at Xiaohe in confusion and asked.

"Since the master has already fallen into a dream, why don't we just send him to the dreamland and let him practice in the dreamland, wouldn't the effect be better?" Xiao Hei said to Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai immediately said negatively: "No, master is using Taoism for the first time, if he enters the dreamland, he may be injured by the dream demon. If the injury is too serious, we may not be able to treat it."

"It's all right. If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger cub?" Xiao Hei said immediately.As he said, he grabbed Lin Lin's hand who was still puzzled by the two people's words, and pulled Lin Lin to the back of Lin Lin's big tree, beside the stream and water Taiji, and grabbed Lin Lin Put into the water Tai Chi.

"Ah!" When Lin Lin was pushed by Xiao Hei, he felt his body fall down involuntarily.

With a "snap", Lin Lin landed on a haystack, and his whole body fell into the haystack.When he climbed out of the haystack, he was stunned.

What kind of world is this?

The sky was gray, and the sun seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of dark clouds, and the sun could not reach the earth directly.In the village, something like snow floated. The reason why it was said to be like snow was because the snow was white, but the thing floating down from the sky was blood red, and the ground was covered with a layer of blood red.

The whole village was quiet.It is so quiet that people dare not speak loudly. This kind of quiet brings uneasiness and fear to people.Thatched huts, wooden houses, the houses are not high, very short.At first glance, I feel that such a village does not exist in this world at all, and there should be a certain border town in ancient times.

How could I come here?

"What is this place?" Lin Lin couldn't help asking in his heart.But there was no echo in his mind.Neither Xiaobai nor Xiaohei answered him.

He tidied up his clothes, and found that there was a sword where he dropped it. He picked it up and looked at it, and it turned out to be the Seven Star Longyuan Sword.

Just after Lin Lin took the sword, in front of Lin Lin, a dialog box suddenly popped up, just like the projection of a projector, but it was much clearer and three-dimensional than the writing on the projector.

"Dream mission: 1. Kill 2 zombie bees in the village. 3. Kill [-] zombies. [-]. Collect [-] catties of glutinous rice, and go to the mountain temple to rescue the trapped people. Task reward: add [-] spiritual power , get a mysterious skill."

After seeing these words, Lin Lin couldn't help cursing, "Damn, is this an online game?"

"Wrong, this is not an online game. Online games are online. There will be other players near you, but there are no other players here. It can only be regarded as a stand-alone game." At this time, a voice suddenly appeared, from Think of it in all directions.

"Who are you?" Lin Lin asked.

"My name is Nightmare." The voice said, "I am the god who is in charge of nightmares. You have come here and participated in this game, so you have to follow my rules of the game."

"Then what if I don't participate in this game?" Lin Lin asked.Xiao Hei threw him into this dream without his consent, so he was naturally unwilling to participate in this game.

"It's nothing, you will stay in this world forever, and you won't be able to get out." The Dream Demon said, "If you want to go out, you have to do what I said and complete the task."

"What if I fail the mission?" Lin Lin asked again.

Hearing Lin Lin's words, the Dream Demon laughed loudly, and then said: "Be punished by death, then return to this place and start over. You can't leave this place until your mission is over."

"Death punishment? What is it?" Lin Lin asked again.

"Well, after you die, you will naturally understand." The succubus said, "Hurry up and do the task! Although, a year in the dream is a day outside, but there are also people who leave for ten years Not going out."

"What?! I can't get out for ten years! Hey... I... I don't want to do it, I didn't come here voluntarily, you send me out! Senior succubus, send me out!" Poor Lin Lin He yelled several times, but the succubus didn't answer. At this time, he confirmed that he had really fallen into the wolf's den. It seemed that if he didn't follow what the succubus said, he couldn't get out.

After taking a deep breath, Lin Lin patted his chest and said, "This is a dream, there is nothing scary, not scary, not scary... Go kill the zombie bees first."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he realized that there was a complete image in front of him. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a map.It also shows where there is something strange.

"Damn, this is a map for fighting monsters! This succubi is probably also an online game fan, and he designed a dream that is similar to playing an online game." Lin Lin couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Holding the sword, Lin Lin quickly went to the back mountain, the place marked with zombie bees.He had just arrived at the back mountain, and before he could react, he felt severe pain in his cheek. He slapped his hand and found something on his palm. Looking carefully, it was a bee that had long since dried up.

"Pain, pain..." There was burning pain on his face. At this time, a word appeared in front of him: "Being broken by a zombie bee, you will lose five points of mental strength and five points of poison resistance. If you don't detoxify in time , will lose 1 point of spirit per second."

"Where is the antidote!" Lin Lin covered his red and swollen face and shouted angrily.

At this time, someone showed the location of various herbs on the map.

Lin Lin remembered that when he was living at his grandfather's house, he had learned how to treat bee venom today, and immediately looked at the herbs displayed on the map, and found the words "detoxifying moss", and immediately followed the map to find it. moss.

After collecting the moss, he rubbed it into a paste with his hands and applied it on the stung place on his face. After applying it, his face, which was originally hot, suddenly felt a burst of coldness, and his body felt comfortable.

After finishing this, Lin Lin heaved a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "It seems that we need to collect more mosses. If we get stung again after we hit a bee later, it will come in handy."

Thinking of this, Lin Lin quickly collected moss, but when he collected a pile of moss, he found a problem, that is, he had nothing to store the moss.

"Well, what is the best thing to use for these things?" Lin Lin looked around, but he didn't find any suitable things to put these things in. Finally, he saw a ring on his finger, and he didn't know when he was wearing it.And there is a green jade on this ring.It looks very agile.

"Xumijie!" Lin Lin called out the name, and he actually had the Xumijie on his finger, which is great.

Lin Lin used his body's aura to inject the Sumeru ring, but found that the Sumeru ring was like a bottomless ocean, no matter how much aura he injected, it didn't respond at all.

I don't know how long it has been, Lin Lin is about to give up, and the whole person becomes extremely tired because of the infusion of too much spiritual energy.He couldn't help squatting down, at this time, he unexpectedly found that his stomach was going to be hungry, and he was still growling with hunger.He looked around and found that there were fruits not far away.

I looked at the sign on the map, and it said "Zhuyanguo" on it.

"What will happen if you eat this kind of fruit?" Lin Lin held a fruit and looked at it for a long time, and asked to himself.It was the first time he had seen such a fruit.In the real world, there was no such fruit, and he didn't know what use such a fruit would have.

He tried to take a bite of this fruit, it was very sour, very sour, so sour Lin Lin felt that his teeth were going to be sour.After he swallowed it reluctantly, he found that his stomach was even hungrier, but...however, the aura of his dantian seemed to recover very quickly.This fruit has a rejuvenating effect.

Thinking of this, Lin Lin couldn't care less about it. Even if his teeth were sour, he would still eat the whole vermilion fruit.After eating three vermilion fruits in a row, he felt that his teeth were so soft that he couldn't even bite the tofu. plan.

Seeing Lin Lin once again injecting aura into the Sumeru Ring, the designer of this game, the Dream Demon, couldn't stand it any longer. How could there be such stupid practitioners in this world!

He couldn't help but said: "You look like this, and it's useless to inject spiritual energy into this Sumeru ring. Your spiritual energy can only increase the space of this Sumeru ring. To open the Sumeru ring, you must let it Sumeru precepts to recognize the Lord."

Hearing what the Dream Demon said, Lin Lin couldn't help asking: "Then how can we make Xumi Ring recognize the master?"

He really doesn't understand this, because no one has taught him.

(End of this chapter)

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