Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 396 Love and Hate

Chapter 396 Love and Hate
"Ah!" The man and woman were frightened by the sudden intrusion, and hurriedly covered their bodies with quilts.

"What do you want?" the man asked angrily.

She looked at the man coldly, looked at the woman lying on the bed and asked, "Why did you leave your newly married wife and go outside to find flowers and ask willows?"

"What does this have to do with you? Who are you?" The man asked disdainfully, "You can't be the wild man raised by that stinky woman outside, right?"

And the woman next to the man, when she heard the man's questioning, immediately showed a sneer, she took the man's hand and said, "Third Master, isn't it common for men to look for flowers and ask willows outside? The guy in your family, It's really lenient. Hehe, in the future, third master, you may become a strict wife."

"Shameless stinky woman." She stared at the woman coldly and said, after she finished speaking, a sword shadow flashed, and the woman's neck was bright red, and after a while, blood gushed out from her neck.

"Ah, I killed someone, I killed someone..." The man screamed in horror when he saw this scene.

A sword shadow flashed across, leaving a smear of bright red on the man's neck, and instantly fell on the bed, together with the woman.She turned and left with indifference in her eyes.

Lin Lin shook his head watching all this.

As the screen changed again and again, she killed more and more people.All of them are newly married men who abandon their brides. Every man has a reason to kill, because they are all heartless people.

Lin Lin knew that the bride's hatred was also Xiao Zhu's hatred.For some reason, Lin Lin felt an indescribable heartache.Although this little bamboo has no direct relationship with him, he can still really feel this inexplicable heartache.

During a killing, she met the brother she was talking about.

At that time, he was already an old man full of children and grandchildren, and the woman sitting next to him was also an old woman of his age.

Taking a closer look at the old lady, Lin Lin could easily find that she looked a little bit like Xiao Zhu.

At his birthday banquet, the house was full of guests and there were many guests, so she suddenly appeared, holding a sword, wearing a bright red wedding dress, phoenix crown and Xia Pei, suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Zhu..." He stood up in astonishment, looked at the ferocious woman in front of him, and said in surprise.Her appearance has not changed at all. After decades, her appearance has not changed. She is still wearing a red wedding dress. Did she come here for revenge?
She looked at him and couldn't help laughing.

Her sudden appearance and sudden laughter scared all the guests present, and they scattered and fled.In an instant, the very lively birthday banquet became deserted, except for his family, no one was left behind.

"You woman, who are you? Why did you disturb my father's birthday party!" A middle-aged man rushed out, took the lead and came between her and him, staring at her angrily.

"Get out!" She uttered such a word, but the power of this word was extraordinary. In an instant, the middle-aged man was beaten to the ground to vomit blood.

Her terrifying presence scared everyone present.

He looked at the resentment in her eyes and trembled in his heart.He glanced at the woman beside him, and then said, "Don't stay here, you all go down!"

"But, Dad..." said his other son reluctantly.

"Take your brother, your mother, and the children down, and get out of here..."

His other son wanted to say something, but facing his father's gaze and the woman's resentful gaze, he finally followed his father's words, took his mother to support his elder brother, and left the lobby with other family members. I retreated to the back of the lobby.

In the entire lobby, only she and him were left.

"Why?" she asked, looking at him weeping.The answer to this question, he has owed her for many years, she must ask clearly today, otherwise she will not be reconciled, not reconciled.

He looked up at her and said, "Xiaozhu, I have always regarded you as my sister."

"Sister?" She looked at him with a wry smile and said.

He nodded.

"Then why did you ask your mother to say goodbye to me?" She didn't believe the man's words, but asked angrily.

"Because my parents don't like her...that is, my current wife, they don't like her, they like you...you are the one who wants me to marry." He hesitated and said.

When she heard such an answer, she laughed loudly, and after the wild laughter, she burst into tears, and she said: "Since you don't love me, why did you marry me? Why did you marry me when you married me?" Running away on the wedding night, what did I become to you? You heartless..."

Soaring resentment emanated from her body.

This resentment instantly forced him to take several steps back, and finally almost fell to the ground.

"I was wrong, Xiaozhu, I owe you an explanation. If you hate me, you can kill me! But all this has nothing to do with my family, and has nothing to do with her." He looked at her and said.After he knew that his parents drove Xiao Zhu away that night, he felt guilty and restless, and he has been guilty for so many years.

She laughed out loud, and in a flash, she arrived in front of him, grabbed him, and stared into his eyes.

She gritted her teeth and looked at him and said, "I hate you, I hate you...I hate you, a heartless man."

"You kill me!" He said with a dead face.He already felt that the woman in front of him was no longer the woman she was back then. She must have been dead for many years and turned into a ghost. The woman standing in front of him now should be a ghost and came for revenge.

She shook her head and asked with a sneer: "Kill you? Do you think I won't hate you if I kill you?"

He became terrified, and he said: "Xiaozhu, my affairs with you have nothing to do with my wife or my children."

"No, I want to curse, I want to curse your family, your children and grandchildren, there are no good marriages for generations, women will be driven home by their in-laws on the day they get married, and men will die on the spot on the day they get married... ...I will curse, I will curse your children and grandchildren..."

After saying this, she disappeared, her whole body disappeared, turned into a red light and disappeared.

Lin Lin knew that this was not disappearing, but that she had turned into resentment and stayed in this person's house, and this person's family was beginning to suffer.

The screen changes continuously.The offspring of this man, on the day of the woman's wedding, at the critical moment in the bridal chamber, the groom either died or went crazy, and the bride was driven back to her natal family.On the day the man married his wife, just as he was about to raise his gun to go into battle, he immediately suffered a stroke and died on the spot...

A powerful curse runs rampant in this family.

Faced with all this, the old man could only turn his eyes to the Buddha, and went to the temple to seek help from the eminent monk who had attained the Tao.

Maybe the old man's family should die, they met a high monk from Tianzhu, the high monk sealed this resentful woman into the Jade Buddha, and gave the Jade Buddha to the old man.Tell the old man to enshrine this Jade Buddha all the time, as long as this Jade Buddha is enshrined for 1000 years, then the resentful spirits inside will be rested in peace, and the descendants of the old man will be safe.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lin finally understood why Xiaozhu was sealed here.

And the scene began to change again, returning to the original scene.

As the sun sets, in the Buddha Hall, a young girl is about to hold a shaving ceremony. From then on, she will always be with the ancient Buddha Qingdeng.

The old nun held a razor and was about to shave off the girl's long hair. At this moment, Lin Lin couldn't help but strike again.This time, he was actually able to hold the old nun's hand.At the most critical moment, Lao Ni's razor had no way to fall.

"Little Bamboo!" Lin Lin said, looking at the girl kneeling in front of the Buddha.

The girl looked up, her eyes filled with tears.

"Brother, you are finally here."

That gaze, that face, who is it if it's not Xiao Zhu?

In an instant, the nun next to him disappeared, the Buddhist temple disappeared, and the scene changed into a boundless sea of ​​flowers.An indescribable fragrance of flowers came to my face.

Xiao Zhu fell into Lin Lin's arms, and Lin Lin protected Xiao Zhu tightly.

"Brother, it's great that you're finally here. I knew that you would definitely come to me, brother, you would definitely come to me, you would definitely come to me..."

Lin Lin stroked Xiao Zhu's long hair, stroked her back, and said, "Xiao Zhu, I'm sorry, it's my fault for making you suffer all these years..."

"No, as long as I can meet you, brother, Xiaozhu is willing to suffer as much." Xiaozhu shook his head and said.

The two of them hugged each other for a long, long time before they separated slowly, and then sat down in the sea of ​​flowers and talked to each other.Lin Lin told Xiao Zhu about the memories of the remnant soul of the phoenix over the years. Of course, he didn't say that he merged the remnant soul of the phoenix, but that he failed in nirvana. As a human being, practice again.

Xiao Zhu told Lin Lin that she had searched for her brother for many, many years, and finally came to a temple called Jialan Hall and begged the Lord Buddha for help.Lord Buddha agreed to her request and let her be reincarnated as a human being, experiencing hardships one after another, in order to erase her love.

Just when her heart was ashamed, she was completely desperate for love, and when she was about to shave or become a monk and convert to Buddhism, the person she was waiting for finally appeared.She thinks she is lucky and happy...

After hearing Xiao Zhu's story, Lin Lin was filled with emotion, and he said to Xiao Zhu, "Xiao Zhu, let's get out of here!"

"Brother, where are we going?" Xiao Zhu asked Lin Lin nervously.

Lin Lin sighed and said, "This is the Jade Buddha's world, let's go back to our own world."

"Brother, will you leave Xiaozhu again?" She asked nervously.

Lin Lin shook his head, and said, "No, Xiaozhu, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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