Chapter 369
"No, brother, I won't go back. I will go back alone and practice alone. I feel so lonely and uncomfortable. I really want someone to accompany me and talk to me. Brother, I only have you. My dear, don't ignore me, I will be very lonely..." Wynn said, tears flowed out.

Seeing Wynn's pitiful appearance, Lin Lin couldn't help sighing, and said to himself, "Forget it, just stay with me obediently and don't be willful, you know?"

Wynn nodded.

When he arrived at the Taoist temple, Lin Lin took a look and found that the Taoist temple was neatly cleaned up, probably by the people in the village.His statue of the mountain god was wiped clean, the fruits and fake flowers on the altar table were neatly arranged, and the incense sticks on the incense burner were also neatly arranged.The ground was clean.

Such a clean and tidy appearance gave Lin Lin the illusion that it was back when the mad Taoist was still there, and the Taoist temples at that time were also so tidy.

"Brother, this is the statue of the mountain god." Huai En couldn't help holding Lin Lin's hand and pointing at the statue.

Lin Lin nodded.

"But it doesn't look like you at all, brother." Wynn said, "Brother, you are not a dragon with a human head. You are a phoenix, not a dragon."

Lin Lin said: "Its appearance is built according to the appearance of the previous mountain god."

Wynn said, "The last mountain god?"

"It's Wynn's father." Lin Lin looked at Wynn and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wynn couldn't help but look up at the statue of the mountain god, without saying a word for a long time.Obviously, because she couldn't see her real father, she could only miss the statue of the mountain god.

Seeing Wynn like this, Lin Lin didn't say anything, but went to other places by himself to have a look and let this little girl talk to her father's statue.

This view is not too big.

He unknowingly walked to the place where he used to play chess with the mad Taoist, under the big-leaf banyan tree, and saw that the chess board made of stone was still there, but the chess player didn't know where he was now. For a moment, there was a burst of sadness in his heart.

He also thought of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai who are still trapped in the Go game and have not come out.

What I want to do, I have never done it.Thinking about it, although my cultivation has increased a lot, I still failed. I have never been able to break through the mess left by Xiao Hei.

Lin Lin walked to the edge of the Go board, brushed it gently with his hand, and the board full of fallen leaves was immediately cleaned.

Looking at the clean chessboard, Lin Lin felt sad.

"Brother, are you sad? Are you missing someone?" Huai En watched Lin Lin staring at the Go board in a daze, and she couldn't help asking.

"Wynn, can you play Go?" Lin Lin looked at Wynn and asked.

Wynn shook his head.

"Can my brother teach you how to play Go?"

Wynn nodded.

Just as Lin Lin was teaching Wynn how to play chess, suddenly there was a noisy sound of footsteps outside the peaceful Taoist temple.Lin Lin couldn't help but looked up, only to see seven or eight people coming outside the gate of the Taoist temple.

"Is this the Mountain Temple?"

"But it is clearly written here as a Taoist temple."

"It doesn't matter, whether it is a temple or a Taoist temple, it is actually the same. The mountain god is enshrined in it, so it is called the mountain temple."

While talking, seven people came in.They are all young students.And it looks like they are all college students.

"Hey, there's someone inside!"

They also found Lin Lin and Wynn, and walked over curiously.

Wynn looked at the chessboard with a sad face, and when she heard someone's voice, she couldn't help but look up. She looked at the seven people, and then she pointed to one of the beautiful girls and said, "Wow, brother, look, this sister's There was a wave of resentment in my body, and my whole body was wrapped in black resentment, as if I was cursed by someone, so terrible, so terrible..."

Lin Lin couldn't see it now?But at this time in front of so many people, others must say that he is a charlatan.He immediately took Wynn's hand and said, "Wynn, don't talk nonsense."

The others originally thought this little girl in her teens was very cute, but when they heard her words, all of them changed their expressions.Especially the beautiful sister who was pointed at by Wynn, her face was even more ugly.

"Little sister, what nonsense are you talking about?" A girl next to this beautiful girl couldn't help but said, "What kind of resentment?"

Lin Lin looked at the seven of them and said involuntarily, "What are you doing here?"

"Of course it is to worship the mountain god. I heard people say on the Internet that the mountain god here is very effective."

"That's right, I heard that it can not only keep you safe, but also help people avoid failing exams."

"It also said that it can bless the marriage!"

"You can still ask for a child."

"You can also ask for money."


All of a sudden these seven people spoke.Hearing that Lin Lin's forehead is full of black lines, when did he have such a function.Ask for money?Then you have to worship the God of Wealth.If you want a marriage, you have to go to worship the old moon.Ask for a child to worship the Guanyin who sent the child.As for not failing the exam, it seems that I have to go to worship Wenchang Jun!That is, the sage Kong.He doesn't have the ability to help people avoid failing exams.

He is just a mountain god, that is, to bless the water and soil in this side, the weather is smooth, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

"What are you talking about with this guy? Let's go to incense! Let's go to incense."

Ever since, these seven people went to offer incense.

Watching them go to burn incense, Lin Lin frowned.

Wynn said, "brother, they all come to worship you."

Lin Lin said: "That girl must have encountered something unclean, or was cursed. Terrible resentment."

"Brother, are you going to save her?" Wynn asked.

Lin Lin said: "She came here to beg me, I should save her."

"Brother, do you hear what they are asking for?" Wynn asked.

"Don't listen." Lin Lin said, "The two girls on the far left are looking for marriage, and the beautiful girl who is full of resentment is asking for the safety of her parents. Lightning. That short, ugly boy begged that pretty girl to look him in the eye. The remaining two normal-looking boys begged not to fail the exam and not to make up the exam.”

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Wynn couldn't help but said, "Wow, brother, you are so amazing. You know what they are asking for?"

Lin Lin was speechless for a while, could he not know?He is the mountain god here, what these guys are asking for, they are all told to him, it's no wonder he doesn't know.

After the seven people knelt down and worshiped, they stood up, and then they found that there was a stick on the altar of the mountain god, and they couldn't help but shouted for joy.

After laughing at each other, everyone began to draw lots.

"I got lottery No. 52."

"I got lottery No. 3."

"My signature is No. 7."

"My signature is No. 12."


After everyone drew lots, they looked at each other, and then began to look for where there was a corresponding lottery solution.Finally, they saw brother and sister Lin Lin standing outside the mountain temple.

"These two people won't be unsigned?"

"I don't know, but what the little girl said just now is really scary."

"Nowadays there are so many swindlers, they just say that you have a disaster, and then wait for you to spend money to resolve it. Do you believe what a little girl says?"

"What do you know? I've heard people say that no child over the age of 12 has the eyes to see what us grown-ups can't see."

"Why don't I know? We are children too."

"You see, you probably don't know. You are so slow."

"You are slow to react!"

The beautiful girl hesitated for a moment, she ignored the bickering among her friends, walked out with the signature and came to Lin Lin's side.

"Are you the lottery solvers in this mountain temple?" the pretty girl asked.

Lin Lin said, "Did you get the lottery No. 52?"

"Ah... how do you know?" the beautiful girl asked in surprise.

"The tiger sits in the middle hall, and the rooster fights with each other; the sky is not as good as people ask, but it increases a lot of laughter. Safety is not dangerous, and the chrysanthemum is here." Lin Lin immediately said the content of the signed document.

Hearing the beautiful girl froze for a while.

Seeing her stunned look, Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "Your mother is sick, is it gastritis?"

"Ah, how do you know?" The beautiful girl looked at Lin Lin again in surprise.

Lin Lin said: "She will recover soon. Although there are some disputes among your siblings, your mother will recover. Don't worry too much. I think you will hear about it in a few days. Good news."

The pretty girl said, "Thank you. How did you know about my mother's illness?"

Lin Lin smiled and said, "You told me yourself."

"But I... When did I tell you?" the pretty girl asked in confusion.

At this time, several people came over.

"Xiaoxi, are you going to ask him to release the lottery?" said one of the girls in a red winter dress.

Another girl in tracksuit said, "How could he release the contract at such a young age?"

"No." The pretty girl said, "He's pretty accurate."

"Really?" The girl in the red skirt said incredulously.

"What you're looking for is the No. 7 signature, right? What you're looking for is marriage." Lin Lin looked at a girl in a red skirt and said, "It's easy to get along with things, and the heaven, earth and people are in harmony; when the spring breeze comes, all auspiciousness will come together. You Your love hasn't arrived yet, you have to wait until spring, when the spring breeze comes, what you think in your heart will come true."

Hearing this, the girl in the red skirt quickly asked, "How did you know that I asked for marriage? Also, how did you know that I asked for the seventh signature?"

"You're also looking for marriage, right?" Lin Lin asked, looking at the girl in the tracksuit.

The girl nodded, and she said, "Yes."

"Signed on the [-]rd. The bright moon is three or five, and the world is selfless; the sun has come back, and the pride is in autumn." Lin Lin said, "You have already met your true love, but that true love seems too much. It’s too illusory, it’s too beautiful, it makes you feel overwhelmed and worried about gains and losses.”

"Ah, you... how do you know so clearly?" The girl in the tracksuit looked at Lin Lin in amazement and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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