Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 327 Lin Lin Greedy For Money

Chapter 327 Lin Lin Greedy For Money

"The method of the immortal family!" The white rabbit couldn't help but said.

Nan Hu couldn't help but said: "This is the first time I've seen such a powerful spell, it's really awesome. Such a powerful spell is several times more advanced than the devil's!"

The elephant nodded and said, "This is the first time I've seen it. It seems that we have been mistaken all the time. Such methods are no longer human methods. You must not spread what happened today."

Liu Su smiled wryly when he heard this, naturally he would not spread the word.A spell that can turn people into blue light?If I speak out, I'm afraid I will be regarded as a lunatic and locked up in a mental hospital.Sometimes, the facts are often the most unacceptable. You must know that the world of materialism is the world.

If they knew that the talisman Lin Lin took out just now and the spelling formula were all for show to them, they would probably still be shocked.However, in order to show that he is still in the category of ordinary people, Lin Lin took out this spell as a cover-up.

Lin Lin came to another room.Look at those five children who were crucified.Of the five children, three were in a coma, and two were in a semi-coma.

They all fell into a coma with the "sedation spell". This "sedation spell" can make people forget their pain, forget their troubles, fall into a deep sleep, and have a very, very long dream.I hope they can forget this painful memory in their dreams, and don't leave any psychological shadows.

There is also a camera in this room, but Lin Lin is too lazy to use the water shadow clone again.He directly turned into a blue light, swept these children away, and fled away.

Another blue light came out of the tunnel.

After the blue light passed, there were five more unconscious children on the ground, and the blue light that brought those children out gradually merged into Lin Lin.

With the light of the flashlight, Liu Su found that the hands and feet of the children on the ground were covered with blood. He couldn't help but squat down and inspected carefully, and found that the children's hands and feet had nail marks, and the tendons in the hands and feet were always picked. After it was over, he couldn't help but looked up at Lin Lin and said, "What's going on? How did they behave like this?"

"They were nailed to the cross, and the tendons in their hands and feet were damaged. Hey..." Lin Lin said, "I used the 'Sacred Talisman' on them, and they won't be able to wake up until tomorrow night."

"Lin Lin, can these children's injuries be treated?" Liu Su asked.You know, if the tendons in the arms and legs are broken, it will be disabled for a lifetime, which is undoubtedly a disaster for this seven-year-old child.

"In this case, you should find Abi or Qingqing. With their wood-type healing abilities, these children's injuries should not be a problem! But having said that, the people in the dragon group will do things for you, only for a fee It’s not cheap either! Hehe, I feel like I’m going to lose 50.”

Hearing Lin Lin's words, Da Xiang and all the people in the ninth group next to him couldn't help thinking, when did this Lin Lin become so philistine?

"Lin Lin, you..." The elephant wanted to say something, but Lin Lin stopped him with his hand.

"The twelve children were rescued safely." Lin Lin said, "As I said, there were zero casualties and the children were rescued. Now I have fulfilled my promise. I should go."

While speaking, Lin Lin took out a charm from nowhere and was about to stick it on his foot.This talisman is probably a magic talisman!When the elephant saw that Lin Lin was about to run away, he immediately grabbed Lin Lin's hand and said, "Wait a minute, Lin Lin, you can't leave. If you leave now, what will happen to the people inside?"

Hearing this, Lin Lin looked back at the elephant in surprise and said, "What are the people inside?"

"What about the four robbers you mentioned?" Elephant couldn't help pointing at the tunnel and asked, "You got rid of them all? You said there was a time bomb inside, and there was a very powerful guy, and Two snipers... and that lunatic, there are four of them in total, if we go in, even if we can catch them, we will suffer heavy losses."

"Those four people? When I saved the last five children, I already alarmed them. However, I didn't fight them." Lin Lin said truthfully, "I'm only responsible for saving people and arresting them. It doesn't seem to belong to me. Don't worry! If I take 50 yuan, I will be considered as the person responsible for saving people, but not arresting people. If I want to help arrest people, it will have to be paid separately."

When the elephant heard this, he suddenly felt like vomiting blood.When did this Lin Lin become so philistine?Don't move, just talk about money.

Ma Xiaoming, who was next to him, raised his head to look at Lin Lin, not knowing what it was like.He knew that Lin Lin was talking about money entirely for himself.Is it just right?

The elephant asked, "How much do you want?"

"To die or to live?" Lin Lin looked at the elephant and asked.While speaking, he had already put the amulet away.

The elephant understood what Lin Lin meant, and he said, "If you can catch the living, try to catch the alive. If it's not possible, you can also catch the dead."

"The price of death is relatively cheap, about 30, and 30 for four people. Calculated, the average person is less than 60, which is not expensive." Lin Lin said, "The price of living is not cheap. [-]. One more twice the price. The main reason is that there is a guy in it who is very powerful, and it is very troublesome to catch that guy alive."

"Very powerful?" Elephant looked at Lin Lin puzzled and asked, "How powerful?"

"Dongpu ninjas smell like fire aura and are full of sorcery." Lin Lin said calmly, "I think if you guys go in, even if you beat him, you may not be able to catch him alive."

"60... is more expensive than saving these 12 children." The elephant frowned, and couldn't help but think about it. After thinking about it for about a minute, the elephant said, "Okay. I agree, especially if we want to capture that Japanese ninja alive." .”

"You guys wait." After saying this, Lin Lin took out another talisman, stuck it on his foot, and quickly finished spelling out the spell, before disappearing again.

"Brother, why did this Lin Lin suddenly become so greedy for money?" Mickey couldn't help asking.This was very different from the Lin Lin he saw for the first time.

The white rabbit next to him said: "Isn't it good to be greedy for money? As long as you have money, you can let him do things. Such a person, no matter how powerful he is, can still be used."

When the elephant heard what the white rabbit said, his eyes couldn't help but widen. In an instant, he seemed to understand something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.If Lin Lin was not greedy for money, then he would not have the so-called "weakness". Anyone without "weakness" would be afraid of anyone.

Especially the superiors, they dare not use those subordinates who are capable and have no weaknesses.Such subordinates often do not end well.

This Lin Lin is very capable.A capable person like him, if he is not greedy for money, probably has no weaknesses, and the absence of any weaknesses means that he is invulnerable.Such a terrifying person, I'm afraid it will end badly.

Only he is greedy for money, which means that he can still be used, and only money can control him.Greed for money is sometimes a means.

Lin Lin didn't know that his "greed for money" had become a means of "showing weakness" and "self-protection" in the eyes of bosses like Daxiang.In other words, Lin Lin's thoughts at this moment really haven't advanced to that complicated level.It's just that he discovered that Bai Shu can use his own mana to make deals with the people of the dragon group, so he is just following the gourd.

Who made him so poor!If you don't use some means to get a sum of money, it's really stupid.

"You really are back."

Just as Lin Lin reached the entrance of the basement, a man's voice sounded.

A man in a scarlet hunting suit stood in front of the escape door with his hands behind his back.Obviously, he knew that Lin Lin would come back again, so he waited here for Lin Lin to "fall into the trap".

He looked up at Lin Lin and said, "I didn't expect you to be so young, it's really surprising."

When Lin Lin saw the hunting clothes this man was wearing, he couldn't help but think of the images of those masters in the island country comics.He couldn't help thinking, is this guy playing cosplay?
Dressed like this, is it pretending to be aggressive, or is it really awesome?Lin Lin couldn't help looking forward to it.He smiled and said, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"Long waiting? Hehe, do you mean that I am waiting for you here? Or do you mean that I deliberately set up this situation to wait for your arrival?" The guy looked up at Lin Lin and asked meaningfully.

"You can speak Chinese well." Lin Lin said, "It seems that your Chinese teacher treats you very well."

"My mother is Chinese," said the guy. "I have a Chinese name called Ye Qing. I learned Chinese from my mother. My mother is a very gentle and nice woman. Chinese women are Very gentle, very good, you Chinese men are not worthy of such a good woman."

At the beginning of this paragraph, Lin Lin felt that this guy was not so annoying, but after hearing the latter paragraph, Lin Lin felt very upset.

"Ye Qing? Well. I remember." Lin Lin said, "Speaking of which, I also think that the women in your island country are also very kind and gentle, especially when it comes to serving men. I also think that your island country ...Those short and bruised short winter melons are not worthy of such a gentle wife."

"Having said that, you must look very much like your mother, not your father. Otherwise, how could you give birth to such a tall and mighty son with the brainless genes of the island country?" Lin Lin said here I couldn't help laughing.

"Damn Chinaman, you actually laughed at the bloodline of our Yamato nation, take your life!" Lin Lin's words completely stabbed this guy's self-esteem.

The man casually threw two blasting talismans to Lin Lin, and the yellow blasting talisman hit Lin Lin's body, causing two explosions of "boom" and "boom".

Although the explosion produced by these two blasting talismans did not harm Lin Lin, it would also damage Lin Lin's clothes. It would be troublesome if Lin Lin was left naked.Lin Lin is not used to running naked in front of a man, especially a man from an island country.

Therefore, Lin Lin activated the "Ice Shadow", and the "Ice Shadow" instantly formed a circular protective shield around Lin Lin with Lin Lin as the center.The two blasting talismans landed on the Ice Shadow Shield and exploded twice, not hurting Lin Lin at all.

Seeing Lin Lin's intact appearance, that Ye Qing's expression changed.He said, "Are you a monk of water magic?"

Among the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, water just restrains fire.And what Ye Qing practiced was the magic of the fire system.Obviously, Lin Lin was his nemesis.

Lin Lin said, "What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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